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Showing posts with label Eminent Domain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eminent Domain. Show all posts

Friday, November 30, 2018

The Grove Men And Women -- Part 1:

In polite response to the loony-toonie liars of the doomed Politics Game, and their latest lies for imbeciles as stated on billboards demanding obedience to the Assumptions of Voting Necessity ... I would like to simply state ...

Whatever Vermin Win Chickenshit Elections Is Of No Consequence To Humans!!!!!!!!!!

All Such Scum Are Our Worst Enemies Anyway!!!!!!!!!!

Why Would We Care About Their Pissant Play Times?

The Swine Will Always Do Their Worst And Lie The Most.

What We Need Is An Ocean Of 'Goo-Be-Gone', To Wipe Them Out With.

which brings me to our next topic ...


Whether you own a grove or not, a field or not, a stream or not, a forest or not -- this matters to you. If you have to, read this slowly and think about what it all means. This is another slice of the Real Pie. Another piece of Reality.


When I write 'Grove Men' or Grove Women' I am talking about Real Private Citizens that own and care for stands or groves or forests of trees and/or fields with trees and/or streams and ponds and lakes with trees.

Because of the slaughter that has already been wrought upon this continent by the Greedy White Man, the landscape is now strewn with the remnants of once great forests and grasslands and prairies and marshlands; the like of which will never be seen again until the Rapist White Man is dead and gone for millenniums.

What remains, are small and usually isolated patches and pieces of flora and fauna -- the result of the Lunatic White Man's absurd egotism. An egomania so virulent and all-poisoning in its insistence that Nature can be replaced forever, that only a few parcels of original landscape have escaped being decimated.

Once achieved, the Bug-eyed White Man (drooling in his applesauce while counting his money) decided that he might have been a bit excessive with his slaughter of the planet, and began to lament the loss of such a huge amount of Nature. Thus was born the so-called 'Conservation' societies; all of whom proved to be nothing more than Government-Sucking Wieners.

Meanwhile, the Raving White Man renewed its attacks against Nature and began to slaughter the landscape again with ButtUgly Windmills and unnecessary factories of Plastic Agriculture such as the huge Agri-chemical Facilities that are being built out in the open countrysides, where they can stand as ugly monuments to the Ugly White Man.

Against this demented onslaught of greed and rape stand the few remaining Groves of trees and fields and streams and ponds that somehow have not been paved over with parking lots -- yet.

The owners of such surviving lands are the People whom I identify as 'The Grove Men and Women'. If you look for them in the countryside areas, you will find the Groves that I am talking about. Last isolated islands of Nature and its wildlife. Groves that face enormous pressure from the Big Business White Assholes and the Terror Camps of Business Education (formerly Business Schools). The hellish spawn of such Terrorist Camps are blind to all forms of Nature. The things are only capable of seeing blueprints and plot maps and survey charts and floor plans and construction costs -- and of course -- expected profits and larger swimming pools in their back yards with no turds in them. Which means, they can never swim in their own swimming pools.

If the Groves and the fields and the streams and the ponds that still remain are to survive in the face of such Business Terrorism and Queer Government carelessness, a very strong Private Defense must be established that has one objective above all others -- the destruction of the Politics Game. From the destruction of the Politics Game (and only from its destruction) can come the salvation of the remaining Nature on this continent. Without the Politics Game as a sham and a blind and an excuse and a decoy for the blame of what is happening, the Business Terrorists are exposed as the horrific murderers that they really are. With the protection of the Politics Game removed from their Holocaust Against Nature, the Business Terrorists are naked in the sunlight. Their oozing evilness and spurting anal blood becomes obvious. Their chiseled teeth are exposed. Their insect eyes are visible. Then, Grove Men and Grove Women (who are the Private Protectors of what remains of Nature) can actively defend themselves against the killer armies of those Business Terrorists -- without -- the shield of false propaganda disguising the Business Armies as righteous officials of the government.

No Government Means No Government Lies.

Remove Government Paychecks and Killer Squadrons of Death Machines no longer fly in the skies.

In that event, the Business Terrorists (without the Politics Game as a cover up) would have to create their own Government; their Business Government. Through which they will authorize any and all of their plans to utterly annihilate the remaining vestiges of Nature on the Planet Earth.

If you were able to cut those governments in half, the Queer Government and the Business Government, and look at their cross-section compositions -- you would see a much higher percentage of Business Terrorists in the Business Government and a much higher percentage of Deviates and Perverts in the Queer Government.
The jargons and the claims and the propagandas of the two governments would sound differently and look differently and smell equally awful.
The effects against Nature, would not decrease.
Why is that?
Answer: Replacing Queer Government with Business Government is nothing more than replacing a Whore House with its Customers-In-Their-Own-House. In fact, there would be more damage done to the planet by the Business Government because less money would have to be spent on Politician Whores and the Politics Game.
The Business Terrorists call themselves 'The Engines of Progress'.
I call them 'The Worms of Death'. Whatever they touch becomes rot and decay and waste and sewage only fit for their own rotten brains.
Worms are blind.

Occasionally, you will find a so-called 'Conservation Area' that has been donated to a county or a state by the previous Private Owners. The parcel of land will bear their names in its title -- such as 'Mr. and Mrs. Kindheart Conservation Area'. These are examples of the Groves and fields and streams and ponds that I am talking about. Only, these have been institutionalized into the Government Schmeer; in the false belief that they will be safe from persecution while under the protection of the Government Deviates. Calling upon any government for the protection of their Groves will just doom those Groves to government destruction later -- and all Grove Men and Grove Women should know that. As soon as the current generations of Private Protectors are dead and gone, few of the next generations will have a care for the Groves of their Fathers and their Mothers. That is what the scum of the governments are counting on. When the living Private Protectors are all dead, the Worms of Business will pay the Vermins of Government to seize those lands for Eminent Domain reasons (the universal government excuse to justify rape) and those Groves will be obliterated; paved over, dug up, trashed and removed so acres of steel rodent holes (called storage facilities) can take their places -- and -- pay taxes for bigger government paychecks.

Only eternal security pacts in the form of Cooperatives of Grove Owners can fight such evilness and greed and insane violence, and win. AND! THEY MUST BEAR ARMS! THEY MUST ESTABLISH THEIR RIGHT TO PROTECT THEIR LANDS WITH FORCE AGAINST EMINENT DOMAIN!

Would you ask a hoard of unauthorized Government Assholes for the right to shoot their asses off if they attack your lands in any way? Government scum who claim to be authorized because their own Politics Game says so?

Or just do it?


What exactly is a Grove?

Well, these days any remnant of a previous forest of any description (even Joshua Trees) is a 'Grove'. Ironically, the Greed of Man in the 1920's and 1930's brought about the planting of many Groves here in the Midwest -- in the form of wind breaks to prevent soil erosion from wind. Which brings up the point that a Grove of trees does not have to be a number of trees bunched together into a clump or square. A Grove of trees can be a mile long and only one tree wide, as is sometimes the case.

Surviving the Surviving of the Surviving1

Surviving the Surviving of the Surviving2

For more information about what Groves are and why they are so important, please listen to these audio files. Download at will.


Meanwhile -- Back At The Stench:

It is easy to write and to say, but because of all of the deliberate deceptions which the Queer Propaganda Machine creates on a daily and deranged basis, these things take time to delineate and discern amongst the chaff and clutter of Mass Propaganda ...

Fact: Everyday Politics scum are Queers. While you are Humans those vermin are Queers. No Monkey Judge has the right to judge any Human Being. That is why the Monkey Judges sponsor and finance queer groups that call themselves 'humans' and associate with the Monkeys. In that way the Monkeys can try to claim that they too are Humans and their Queers are humans and therefore they can judge all Humans.

Translation -- "We believe we have enough fake humans to fool everybody into believing that we can be the judges of Humans"

This means they can presume to be the judges of who is and who is not Human. They can presume to be the judges of what is and what is not decent Human behavior. And, what is and what is not lawful Human behavior; giving them total and false control over all Human populations.
Meanwhile, that young white male at the truck stop is still sick of their hatred against everyone who is not in the Queer Coalition Bladders. I saw him recently, and he was complaining to a female companion that he was sick of all of the hate that the Deviates and the Politics Gamers generate against anyone who knows that they must cease to exist before we will be free. The Politics Gamers and the Deviates really overdid their latest hate campaign against us. Now, young white males that are exposed to the Queer Coalition Bladders are voicing the fact that they are sick of the Lesie-turd noises and fakeries that drip out of the ceiling speakers onto their heads. Part of which says that because the 'number' of messages which I am putting out has decreased I must be "Through Wit Tryin To Saves Dem". Translation -- "We are shitheads. We know nothing of 'Quality'. We just suck propaganda. The Masters say this is that, so we suck it up."
That young white man is learning how to despise hatred and all of its con games by con artists who pretend that everyone else hates them and therefore they are not guilty of all of the hatred that they manufacture and crap out upon a dumb world.
This prompts me to say to all young white males ... Get their real names and addresses and take their pictures and get them on videos; the swine that try to keep you out of the Real Human Species and drowning in their Coalitions of Hate Bladders.
Get their faces, ignore their feces.
Get their real names, ignore their blames.
Get their license plate numbers, do not be one of their numbers.
Video those rats, that video you constantly.
Remember the POS that tried to deprive you of your own Species. Whenever they try to lie to you again, just watch the videos of their past lies.
Any time that a POS from the Queer Coalition Bladders tries to lie to you and make you think that all Real Humans are filled with hate, record their hate and lies. Then watch it later without their evil around.


It is in the schools of planet-raping death where the worst damage is done to the Earth. In those schools of horror, all that is taught is the hows and whats of killing a living planet. The why of it all is always assumed to be -- "We are 'Politically Correct'!"

Translation -- "We leave such decisions to the Politician Whores that we buy and tell what to do."

In that way the schools of planet-raping terror are a politically-sanctioned racket of death, that teach only killing. They never teach saving anything.


When cleaning and maintaining your lands, take special measures to make it impossible for Politician Faggots to molest throw-away little boys wearing the stained uniforms of the Boy Sex Toys of America (formerly the Political Fodder Scouts of America) -- on your lands!!!!

Force the faggots of the Politics Game (anything male) to confine their rape sessions with throw-away little boys to the putrid offices of any and all Queer Government buildings, paid for by Shithead Voters and Uncaring Political Parents.


NO! Selling tickets for rental spaces is NOT acceptable.

Be very very alert for sneaky Unmarked Government Buses!!!!

Yes! The Killer Vermin at Fort McCoy will seize your lands for Rape Orgies by any and all Politics Males with throw-away little boys! IF! YOU DO NOT SHOOT BACK!!!!!!!!!!


Of course, if you defy the Queer Government they will send armies of demented killers from nearby Homo QueerPoo stores (orange boxes of rot) to assault and subdue you -- and then -- to join in the Rape Orgies themselves.

Use highest possible caliber weapons for your defense. Stock a lot of ammunition. Establish mutual defense pacts with all neighbors that have any private lands. You never know which private lands the local Politicians will choose to rape throw-away little boys on, week-by-week.

IDEALLY! Since such Queerism by the swine of the Politics Game is perpetuated by Shithead Voters -- do whatever you can to force the Deviates to confine all Rape Sessions of throw-away little boys to the offices of the 51 Golden Pimples of the Queer Coalition Bladders.


I am seeing and hearing disgruntled Middle-Managers-For-Hire complaining about low returns for their efforts at lying and herding the populations of Voter Cattle for the Deviates. Now, the things are starting to reject the demands from the Deviates that all Idiot Voters must be prepared for a War Against The Humans.

That is a very significant piece of Real News. The M-M-F-H are starting to reject orders from the Deviates to pimp and pump their herds of Voter Cattle into a war frenzy against the Humans; for purely selfish reasons, of course. They all try to avoid the fact that their herds of Voter Cattle are diminishing.

The Genocide part of the Shit Agenda is falling apart. This will not stop the Fascist Killers of the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid from being fanatical murderers of any and all Humans. Nor will it eliminate the Berserker Army at Fort McCoy. The Politics Gamers must have their Enforcement Armies. What would a video society be without armies to control them?

Heck! Just the threat of taking away their video games will control the Voter Cattle!


Part 2 of The Grove Men and Women coming next month.


Markel Peters

Sunday, July 31, 2016


Really -- What Do You Expect From A Society With Speakers In The Ceilings?


Are you suffering from 'Mis-Directions'? Or from 'Un-Intended Directions'?

Does your thinking NOT obey your own intentions? Do you think you are at fault, and do you think your brain is falling apart, and do you think your mind is corroding and senility is taking you over?

Do you keep having problems with 'Non-Existent' thoughts? Thoughts about things that really do not exist, or are unwanted -- but they keep intruding on your sanity and your normal thinking?

Sounds to me like the following problems could be killing your brain:

1. There is a pack of lesie-turds near you, trying to kill your Humanity with their Monkey-Approved Dirty Telepathy. All Mind-Fornicating lesie-turds know that they own and operate the Five-Naked-Monkeys-In-A-Cage in Wash This Death City. To them that means that according to 'Queer Law' their War of Genocide against the Human Species is 'Queer Legal'. It already means that, according to the Queer Rules in the Queer Coalitions. Their mental attacks against Real Humans, which have never stopped, are continuing with more venom and hatred. All because of Shitheads that Vote; which perpetuates the Politics Game of a Rotten Democracy.

2. You are so stupid, you watch TV; or listen to the Anthrax Monkeys on FM; or you buy and read queer newsrags; or you buy and read queer magrags like 'Fired' (formerly 'Wired'). In which case, you found this website of Truth by accident -- and you -- MUST LEAVE IMMEDIATELY!

3. You are mentally wounded and damaged by the tortures which you suffered in a DemoCrap Public School, at the hands of horribly twisted NEA killers.

4. There is a Dead Person in your 'family' that was once Human, but has been killed by the War of Genocide against the Human Species. That Dead Person is now a Deviate, and it is constantly talking 'Reversal Shit' (a variety of Queershit Propaganda) whenever you are around.

5. You work at an extremely Evil and Perverted Workplace, where Reversal Queers are constantly talking 'Reversal Shit', as they have been ordered to do so by the Queer Propagandists. Which is why they were sent to work there to begin with.

6. You are becoming victimized by all of the 'Phony Crap' that exists in this Society of Liars (otherwise known as 'Planet Sinister'). Your functional usefulness to the Deviates of Madison Avenue is coming to an end. You are starting to decline into the final stage of semi-functional consumerism fodder; to continue to exist only to circulate money and to Vote as ordered.

This message is about the Phony Crap. There are no diagrams in this message, however you can well imagine the things that I am writing about. Also, you NEED to imagine the Phony Crap that I am writing about -- AND AVOID THAT CRAP!!!! Such things aid the Deviates with their Agenda to annihilate the Human Species.

Putrid thoughts and things, and thoughts of things -- such as >>>>>>>>

*Non-Existent Vagina -- a favorite mental suggestion from the lesie-turds. Every Politician already has one.

*Non-Existent Penis -- every lesie-turd wants one. Politicians are not allowed to have them anyway.

*Non-Existent Brain -- after so many deliberate shocks from the Killer Queers you are not supposed to have one of these. What did you think all of that Queer Bullying was about? It was about Killing Your Brain.

*Non-Existent Sensitivities -- false sympathies and false reactions in favor of any thing that Queer Propaganda promotes.

*Non-Existent Preferences -- mental infestations from the Deviates coupled with demands that what Nature created (You) is worthless and limited. You must be fooled into thinking that you should be engaging in all sorts of Perverted Behaviors instead. Each of which you will excuse as Your Preference; even though it all came from Queer Brainwashing to begin with.

*Non-Existent Choices -- the Perverted, Twisted, Psychotic acts of depraved insanity that you are brainwashed to perform, and then told to excuse as Your Preference.

*Non-Existent Authorities -- example -- State Police in states where the Deviate Demands (and payments) for fakery marriages were sanctioned by Politicians and cowards.

*Non-Existent Righteousness -- example -- the pretenses of any blustering and pompous State Police Asshole, in a state where the Deviate Demands (and payments) for fakery marriages were sanctioned by Politicians and cowards.

*Non-Existent Eminent Domain -- a favorite Non-Existent Authority ploy and brainwashing tactic, used by Criminal Politicians to commit crimes against the Will of the People, and against the Property Rights of the People; for the sake of the Corruption Business which all Politicians require for their financial support and egomania needs.

*Non-Existent Entertainment -- any activity that takes you away from your True Nature and places you in a physical or mental situation that supports the enemies of the Human Species; by Propaganda endorsement, Propaganda acceptance, Propaganda activity and cooperation with pseudo-entertainments that are intended to promote Queer Propaganda, rather than Truth and Decency. In short, if the vermin at the queer newsrags want you to like it -- DESPISE IT!!!!

*Non-Existent Sexuality -- in Reality, it is all about Boys and Girls -- Males and Females -- everything else is contrived Queershit. Period. In an attempt to overthrow and subvert the Laws of Nature, the Deviates have invented Sexuality Excuses for the depraved and satanic habits and criminal behaviors that they force upon anyone who comes under their control (in any way). They insist that all of their victims are to say to all non-victims (so far) that such awful actions were performed because of their 'Real Sexuality'. Instead of because they were forced to commit such crimes (or fooled into committing such crimes) by the Deviates and their Middle-Managers-For-Hire and their Thugs/Enforcers/Berserkers. Hence, all that Idiots know about it are the lies repeated by the victims, which say that such horrid acts are just 'Expressions of their Sexuality'. Which they never had until they were attacked and queered -- with Monkey Judge approval, of course.

*Non-Existent Honesty -- example -- a Politician making sounds.

*Non-Existent Altruism -- example -- a State Police cop saying it is just his 'duty'.

*Non-Existent Tiredness -- example -- lesie turdshit pretense Number 623 -- "Oh, we're so tired of fighting for our rights!"

*Non-Existent Self-Identity -- example -- whatever a Deviate said you are. Whatever any propaganda says is better to be. Whatever any Middle-Manager-For-hire suggest you should be. Whatever any Political Campaign says you are.

*Non-Existent Obedience To False Authority -- the so-called Societal Expectations that everyone will bend and break under the pressures of endless Lies and Queer Propaganda; which dictate that whatever fetid mixture of Political Criminals and Rabies Monkeys and Killer Deviates is chosen to dominate the Politics Game during any Political Time Period (by The Cult Of The Asshole) will be accepted by all minions, and urchins, and slaves and Human Enemies as the Constituted Authority of the country for that period. Therefore, any and all fodder that serve the latest Constituted Authority are themselves 'Authorized' to carry out the attacks and punishments that are demanded (by The Cult Of The Asshole) against all Humans. Doubly and triply upon any and all forms of HUMAN RESISTANCE.

*Non-Existent Shopping Needs -- what I call the Consumerism Intention or System, which is designed as an endless web-like maze of consumer items; to be bought by people who really have no need for such things, or for any consumer item like those things. It is a racket, an addiction, a scam, an institutionalized fakery supported by the Queer Medias; a demand that the slaves buy trinkets which they do not need. Trinkets and baubles and beads that serve three purposes:
1. The slaves have been trained to believe that the possession of such worthless items are required for Life. Not just for comforts, but for living itself; without which there is no life. Hence the huge and false need for electricity.
2. The Masters of the Society of Liars (itself nothing more than a fabrication made of lies) own the industries that make the worthless trinkets and toys. They also have insatiable demands for constant and increasing luxuries and material spoils for themselves.
3. The control over the slaves that is gained by this Consumerism System is a measure of their success as tyrants and dominant Big Business Assholes. This measurement is disguised as a Consumer Index, and is reported by the Queer Medias (that advertise the worthless toys and trinkets) as an "Important Measurement" of the Health of the Economy. Their economy, not the slave's economy. This subservience to the Masters of the Medias, and the state of servitude that it decreases TV Watchers into, is typified by the 'Blah-blah-blah Utterance' followed by the 'Hah-hah-hah Response'. Follow this >>>>>>>> wherein, some retarded TV Watcher wants to utter a funniness (for whatever reason or occasion) and instead of thinking of something humorous to say (which requires too much intelligence) it mimics something it heard and saw on TV >>>>>>>> with the expectation that some other Idiot nearby will have seen or heard the same stupid shit on its TV God >> and >> will ALSO have seen and heard the Mandatory Response that the TV Turds dictated about that mindless drivel at the same time. Using laugh machines and bought professional audiences. Hence, if the first TV Watcher repeats some dipshit line from a TV show or a TV commercial, the second TV Watcher (that heard the same dipshit 'Blah-blah-blah Utterance') will also have seen and heard the mandatory dipshit laughter that was demanded by the Queer Propagandists that created the TV Filth >> the mandatory 'Hah-hah-hah Response'. Therefore, if the first TV Watcher says the 'Blah-blah-blah Utterance' it will expect another TV Watcher in the immediate vicinity to utter the mandated 'Hah-hah-hah Response'. Such is the existence of hopeless TV Watchers.

*Non-Existent Physical Ailments -- caused by mental and physical and spiritual attacks against victims that the Deviates want reduced or reversed or dead -- and/or -- by living conditions (death states) within the Queer Coalitions. These ailments have no Real Causes, and are often anxieties caused by lesie attacks and defamations from the Queer Machine of Propaganda; with outlets such as their Ministry of Misinformation the Huffingbutt's Post.

*Non-Existent Goals -- the inculcated and false set of society conditions that the Queer Medias broadcast as the accepted facts of life inside their Society of Liars -- and -- what is allowed as possibilities for achievements inside of such limited programming -- and -- how everyone is supposed to think and feel while being prisoners inside of a society with propaganda speakers in the ceilings. The Ceiling Speakers Society -- which is the Society of Liars -- which is created by the Queer Coalitions as an ideal environment for Queer Coalitions. All of which (combined) I have identified as Planet Sinister. Anyone inside of Planet Sinister, who is still alive and active enough to move and think and eat independently, will have some desire to get out of that sewage or at least to minimize the effects of the Deviates while inside that Hell. Thus, such a person will have goals that do not suit the hideous intentions of the so-called Homosexual Agenda. That will automatically make such a person an 'Outlaw' to the so-called Homosexual Agenda.

[[Which no one can really be, because there is no such thing as 'Homo Sex'.]]

To prevent such outlaw acts of independent goals (non-agenda), the Queer Propagandists try to smother all independent thinking with their media programming of what is, and is not, acceptable activities and actions inside of THEIR SOCIETY. Therefore, they constantly bombard the General Slave Public with Queershit ideas and demands about their own chosen and acceptable goals for everyone under their domination. Non-Existent Goals.

*Non-Existent Budgets -- the mutual debts that I explained in one of my recent messages. These are mutually agreed to, and activated, national debts incurred by corrupt politicians (using nations as covers and shams) -- to insure their mutual existence as debt-mongers that owe each other far too much play money to be forced (by the peoples that they have driven into debt) to do anything to decrease those debts worldwide. Such as, to get rid of the Politicians. Even though they fully demand that the People cooperate with their game of Mutual Indebtedness Coexistence by paying off the debts for them; which for some reason never get paid off despite the huge sums of money that they take from the People and put into their own bank accounts. Besides, the solution to that deliberate Political Crime would require the elimination of the Politics Gamers that deliberately set up the system of Mutual Indebtedness Coexistence to begin with. Thus, the typical General Public Dupe is forced to accept Non-Existent Economic Conditions, created solely to keep the Politics Game in existence -- and must therefore create whatever twisted budget He or She can make out of such a foul political contrivance as the National Debt and 'What each person owes the Government'.

*Non-Existent Freedoms -- the choices offered by the Queer Propaganda Machine, for fulfillment of accepted behaviors deemed favorable to the goals of the so-called Homosexual Agenda. The freedoms that you think you have, you can only have if you got them from the Deviates.

*Non-Existent Security -- which is only allowed to exist in your thinking if you are totally dominated by and possessed by (mental possession and physical whenever possible) your own worst enemies -- the Deviates. The very thought of 'Security' is only allowed through the filter and the tunnel of the so-called Homosexual Agenda. If you are not told by the Queer Propagandists and their Middle-Managers-For-Hire that something (or some thing) represents security for you, then you are not allowed to think that it can provide you with security. Only Non-Existent Security that makes you completely accessible and completely vulnerable to Deviate control and Deviate punishments is allowed to be thought of as 'Security'.

*Non-Existent Love -- all ideas of Love must squirm and writhe and cower beneath the horrid force of the chosen replacement for love, in the netherworld of the Queer Propagandists. Namely the intense hatred of all Humans exhibited by Queer Hate Teams of Rats and Idiots; that are paid to perform in the perverted play times of Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatreds. All thinking of love must bow and scrape before the mandatory hatred in Deviate Non-Existent Love -- and is therefore Non-Existent as well.

*Non-Existent Success -- example -- any fulfillment of Queer Propaganda Goals or Orders. Whatever you are told is acceptable behavior by your handlers from the SQLD.

*Non-Existent Riches -- example -- purely monetary and gluttonous and queered. 'Richness' is a Universal Term, and applies to much more than money. True Richness is a measurement of Nature.

*Non-Existent Affiliations -- examples -- pretend and fake and phony Non-Existent Groupings inside of Queer Coalitions; fabricated to give the illusion of complexity where there is only morbid sameness and mindless insanity.

*Non-Existent Information -- TV Watching, FM listening, queer newsrag drooling, queer magrag idolatry, unfortunate relatives that you could not choose yourself, programmed indoctrinations inside the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid, political slogans and rallies, advertisement claims of most products, promises from Politicians, anything said by TV Turds, pompous and arrogant demands by State Police Dogs wearing funny hats, any words from Insurance Medicine Quacks in West Des Aliens, anyone who says that you must pay off the National Debt that insecure and corrupt Politicians never want reduced anyway -- (etc).

*Non-Existent Live TV -- scripted fakeries by play acting perverts wherever assigned to repeat and promote the endless lies of Queer Propaganda. Deeply scripted behaviors before cameras (such as TV News) and any situation where the false curtains and masks of Deviates must be shown to the outside world. A world that should have succumbed to all of that pretense by now. The fact that the world has not become a Queer Slave yet, causes angst and hatred amongst Killer Queers from Satan's Fresca to Brussels.

*Non-Existent Sincerity -- example >>>> degenerate TV Shows with prizes for losers, because everyone who goes on one of those toxic waste events is a loser. The brainwashing of the so-called Homosexual Agenda mandates that all thinking is to follow the lies of the Deviates, and the Intended World is to be comprised of only creatures that have succumbed to perversion and have no other choice than to accept all lies and programming issued to them -- so there is not supposed to be any need for such things as 'Sincerity'.

*Non-Existent Savings -- lies at stores and lies from speakers in the ceilings. You never save money at one box store compared to another box store, because you never get the chance to pay for anything at the cost of what was required to make it. Instead, you always have to pay for the Middle-Man in all transactions; even on Black Friday after Thanksgiving the sensational low prices of the 'leader items' (meant to entice you to that store instead of others) is priced above the minimum retail markup for the item -- no matter what they say to you. The only way to get ahead of the Consumerism Racket of Non-Existent Savings is to get something that you want for FREE -- and -- it does not break for one year.

*Non-Existent Hopes -- within the netherworld of Queer Propaganda you may be offered acceptable and pre-approved so-called improvements to your living conditions -- IF -- and only IF -- you are a good little slave and you swallow all of the Queershit that is fed to you. In which case you may be able to have increased thoughts of acceptable security (to the Agenda). You may be allowed to have four more square feet of office cubicle space (even though the word 'square' is forbidden). You may be allowed to move into a slightly larger living space with an additional ten square feet of floor space devoted to an alter -- your place of worship -- of the Queer Gods of TV and Politics. Gee, after such an exhilarating experience -- the asses of the Queer Gods are the limit!

*Non-Existent Liberals -- It Is All Queers Now.

*Non-Existent Conservatives -- never existed to begin with. As I have explained before, the labels of 'Liberals' and 'Conservatives' were just convenient handles and labels to put on things and people so that the medias could manipulate them to their own requirements.

*Non-Existent Lawyers And Judges -- what was possibly a decent and altruistic profession thousands of years ago -- for a few fleeting moments -- quickly decayed and imploded into a cesspool of dirty and deliberate usury and deceit and conniving and self-aggrandizement and power brokering. Sort of the Queer Legal equivalent of the Big Bang Theory -- in Reverse. First, there were a lot of people who wanted to be lawyers with good intentions -- and then, there was the Reverse Bang that shrank all 'Legal Thought' down to the size of a speck of fly shit.

*Non-Existent Status Quo --- never mind that it is absolutely insane and obviously a mental disease -- if The Cult Of The Asshole wants it, they will give orders to the Deviates and the Medias and the Politicians to make it happen. Whatever sewage it is, it will be called the Status Quo of 'Your Society', and therefore the expected normalcy of 'Your Society'. Your opinions and ideas and thoughts about it will get Reverse Banged if they become known to your handlers or Middle-Manager bosses.

*Non-Existent Heroes -- even in a Society of Liars false heroes are needed, if only for their value as replacements of Real Human Heroes. Of course, Queer Propaganda and the Consumerism Intention are victims of their own greed; in that they have reduced the brains of their consumer victims (and voter victims) to such a horrible extent that no lie or set of orders has a life-expectancy of more than a few weeks. That means new or refurbished media personalities and heroes have to be contrived and invented every three weeks.

*Non-Existent Education -- if it is not aligned to the so-called Homosexual Agenda, or comes from the inventors of the Agenda, or comes from a direct catastrophe caused by the Agenda, or it does not serve to make the promoters of the Agenda appear to be 'All Knowing and Omnipotent' -- then it is not allowed to be known and it is a forbidden subject. Hence, everything that is allowed to be known must aid the intentions of the Agenda, and is the only education allowed to slaves.

*Non-Existent Wealth -- just try to keep it. If it became known, generally, that you have suddenly become a Millionaire or beyond -- how do you think the actions and attitudes of the people that you know would change towards you? Was your sudden wealth Queer Generated and Approved? If not, it will certainly have to conform to the Agenda rules for the Required Bleeding Of All Non-Queer Wealth. The Consumerism System is designed to bleed everyone who is not a recipient of the fruits of the system. As soon as you achieve any wealth, the system will try to take it away from you. As the Deviates see it, any non-conformist wealth is an impediment to their intended Agenda and must be kept in isolation and bled and drained and scammed and removed. Just like all Natural Life must be removed from the Universe. Before the Deviate Disease, the basic foundations of a Consumerism System of endless rip-offs and devious monetary cheating existed to begin with. The Deviate Disease always attacks and takes over any system, or organization, or group, or party that is the most corrupted -- making it their own, and a living-death to be in. The Consumerism System, filled with evil intentions and corrupted players, fell to the Deviates quite easily. It was one of the easiest systems to be killed and body-snatched by the Deviates, using a minimum of lies while manipulating pre-existing hog wallows of greedy pigs.

*Non-Existent Choices -- Voting.

*Non-Existent Doctors -- example -- West Des Aliens Insurance Medicine Frauds.

*Non-Existent Newspapers -- example -- Des Aliens Rearsniffers.

*Non-Existent Truth -- in a Society of Liars and 'Wanna This' and 'Wanna That', and considering the conveniences that lies offer which help Liars to pretend and to create their own false worlds inside any Society of Liars; it is obvious that all Truth is not only Inconvenient -- it is downright deadly and dangerous and fatal. To lies. Therefore, it must be prevented whenever possible. The Deviate method for this is the fabrication of Non-Existent Truths -- which are simply Lies that are designed to mimic and block the expected effects of Real Truths -- while supporting the Lies that those Truths would otherwise destroy. Either by direct support, or by the pretense that there is nothing wrong with those Lies.

*Non-Existent Environmentalists -- example -- fakes that work at the DNR and for the BUWIs.

*Non-Existent Good Intentions -- the real motivations of pretenders that brainwash populations for customers.

*Non-Existent Leaders -- All Politicians.

*Non-Existent History -- anything that comes from, or is endorsed by, the Deviate's Ministry of Misinformation the Huffingbutt's Post.

*Non-Existent Pride -- originally all Queer Excuses and Camouflage. With the expansion of the relevancy of the word 'Queer' to now include all former so-called 'Liberals', this applies to a larger cross-section of the 'breathing two-legged beasts' that inhabit this planet.

*Non-Existent Standards -- of a Society of Liars that exist to be evil and greedy; and always change societal expectations (standards) according to the desires of whichever Queer Group is paying the most money at the time. In Queer Coalitions, there is no such thing as a Bureau of Standards and Measures. There is just the edicts and the lies inscribed in the so-called Homosexual Agenda, that now rule all former 'Liberals' as the Queers which they really are.

*Non-Existent Customs -- dictated by whatever mandatory behaviors are demanded by the highest paying customers of Politicians and the Queer Media 'Customs Brokers'. Which then tell their slaves, outright on TV, what the latest expectations of Deviation Acceptance and Mandatory Practices are from their slaves.

*Non-Existent Careers -- so-called occupations that only exist to support Political Hegemony Regimes and/or Deviate Demands for manufactured domination. Such as M1A1 tank drivers, and any NSA or FBI job.

*Non-Existent Governors -- example -- Six-Time Incest Pest at Des Aliens.

*Non-Existent Presidents -- example -- Resident in White Outhouse.

*Non-Existent Planet -- Planet Sinister. Filled with dreamers, peons, fantasizers, wretched poor, delirious rich, schemers, blood-suckers, perverts, zombies, and the fleas from the Huffingbutt's Post.

*Non-Existent Future -- Over Population, Burning Planet, Exhausted Resources -- do you need more? However, if you listen to the Queer Propaganda (which is run by Deviates that need dying environments to thrive in) you will think that you have a possible future -- IF -- you obey and bend over on demand.

*Non-Existent Women -- Femi-Nazis.

*Non-Existent Men -- examples -- Sports Assholes on TV, and Black Homo Fascists singing songs for Faggots on the speakers in the ceilings -- wherever Demented White Females (DWC) own or operate a store.

*Non-Existent Civil Rights Movement -- one of the Masks of the SQLD, and of the so-called Homosexual Agenda -- which the Deviates now freely admit exists to destroy Humanity. The crap behind the mask of the latest 'Civil Rights Movement' is nothing more than the organized crime perverts that killed the Real Civil Rights Movement and re-animated its corpse -- using the same labels on its lapels as their own false identity.

*Non-Existent Saviors -- example -- the false Idol toys of the Belief Merchants. Toys For Idiots -- which have always been offered as soothing placebos for the ailments of life that Organized Belief Merchants cause and perpetuate for their own financial needs -- while claiming to be sympathetic to the pains that their false idolatry and alliances with Deviates cause. Literally, Roses and Promises from your own Executioners -- before the axe drops.

*Non-Existent Truth -- example -- the false Idol Laws of the Science Priests. The so-called Laws of Science, which any far-thinking Science Priest will tell you are merely the discoveries (by their Holy Selves) of the 'Way Things Work'. However, you must believe or be banished. Accept that there is no Truth higher than Science, or be cast out and vilified and ruined socially. Unless, you have already shit on their society to begin with.

*Non-Existent Colors -- used to advertise and promote perversions and evils. Too bad for the colors. No color has ever harmed anyone that I know of. However, their false usage can be destructive to Sanity and Humanity. Colors for Propaganda should not be allowed. All propaganda should be in Black and White, and forced to stand on its own flimsy legs of lies.

*Non-Existent Vision -- the false interpretation of optical signals due to the demands of the brainwashing worms that have been forced into anyone's brain by the NEA and Queer Propaganda. What you think you see, is only what the worms allow you to think you see.

*Non-Existent Customer Service -- platitudes and pretenses of customer satisfaction made by Politicians and TV Turds. Imitation answers from imitation sincerity.

*Non-Existent Answers -- false guidance and deliberate lies, designed to reinforce propaganda and to make previous lies appear to be Laws; that must be believed and worshiped and accepted and obeyed.

*Non-Existent Promises -- from transient opportunists and Middle-Managers-For-Hire. People in slavery and without real hope are very susceptible to endless sequences of lies and promises. When there is no hope, and no Truth, and every sound from the speakers in the ceilings is either a song that has had its meanings and contexts twisted and distorted until it seems to support Queer Propaganda, or is an actual Queer Propagandist talking shit into a microphone that five minutes before was shoved up its ass -- then any promises from anywhere (or from any thing) sound like a blessed relief. That is how Fools are made. Most such Fools die in ghastly poverty or are ground up for glue.

*Non-Existent Advice -- from manipulators and schemers and those of false-allegiance. The aforementioned Fools usually take such advice -- often once too often -- and never know the Door To The Glue Factory when they see it.

*Non-Existent Transportation -- any movement from one Queer Coalition to another Queer Coalition.

*Non-Existent Vacation -- any movement from one Queer Coalition to another Queer Coalition.

*Non-Existent Bowel Movement -- from one Queer Coalition to another Queer Coalition.

*Non-Existent Dining Experience -- from one Queer Shithole to another Queer Shithole.

*Non-Existent Improved Satellite Channels Deal -- from one Queer Pack of POS to another Queer Pack of POS.

*Non-Existent City -- controlled by Deviates and therefore a 'Shithole'.

*Non-Existent Music -- example -- FM induced Queer Propaganda noises palmed off as songs. I just mentioned such dismal screeches in another example. The idea is to make Idiots and Hopeless Wrecks believe that the Agenda and its Happy Assholes represent the best future for all dead things everywhere. So don't worry -- be happy!

*Non-Existent Wildlife -- slave animals tortured to death in zoos by gawkers and peepers and careless keepers, on the pretext that showing half-dead specimens will engender sympathy for wildlife -- and -- generate sympathy funds to be rationed. 5% for wildlife preservation -- 50% to Science Priests -- 45% for bigger TVs for wildlife preservation con-artists that own BUWI stock.

*Non-Existent Failure and Hopelessness -- a Killer Queer Favorite -- a false impression and depression due to suggestion and conclusion due to illusion that Human Existence is wrong and worthless and not good enough for 'Modern Society' (Planet Sinister). A false and contrived feeling of hopelessness due to strangeness amongst others, and incompatibility with others. When in Reality -- the 'others' are chisel-toothed shit-eaters that have always wanted you and your Species dead from the first day of their lessons on 'How To Kill Humans' -- when they were still in their baby cribs. Fourth generation murdering Pieces Of Shit.


Those are just a few examples of what I am referring to.

It cannot be a wonder that the Deviates expect to control the world with their own special brand of fakery and lies and imitations. Not when the world otherwise is fraught with Non-Existence anyway.

For example >>>>>>>>

Most Wasabi
Cuban Cigars Outside Of Cuba
Stradivarius Violins
Maraschino Cherries
Crab Meat
Faux (FAKE) Anything -- Especially Faux Marriages
Cheese Food
Food Flavoring
Republican Conservative Spawn Hannity
Republican Conservative Glenn Speck
Purple Loosestrife
Imitation Blueberries
Imitation Ice Cream
The Sincerity Of Media Personalities
Media Personalities
Sports On Synthetic Turf


My point here, is to NOT be victimized and intimidated and overwhelmed and minimized and side-lined and depressed by -- ANY OF THAT (BLEEP)!!!!!!!!!!



which is something to be depressed about


Markel Peters










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.