Saturday, June 7, 2014

Frozen's--'Let It Go'--Backfires: -- Reprinted from Voices-Of-Iowa-Concise

If that song and video called 'Let It Go' (from the Queer Disney movie called 'Frozen') was meant to promotes Queerism, like some evangelists are saying it does, it fails to do so miserably.

Naturally, after Disney has announced (on so many occasions) that it is infested up to its eyeballs with perverts -- all evangelists will assume that everything that Queer Disney does has a queer motive.

However, if you look at the video of that song called 'Let It Go' -- it fails to show anything Queer, or to suggest anything Queer.

Instead, it shows a 'Queen' of magical powers (powers that Queers can only lick the boots of, and wish that they could possess) who has been suppressed from being as magical (and frozen) as she can really be -- and has decided to throw off the shackles of confinement that society has placed upon her -- because that society considers such powers as dangerous.

I fail to see how magical powers (which do not exist anyway) can be paralleled to the Cult of The Asshole, and all of their belly-crawling shiteaters.

What is Far More Parallel to that imaginary scenario (in the song 'Let It Go') is the everyday imprisonment of Human Children who are stupidly sent to Queer Public Schools (by careless parents) -- where they are crushed by the pressures of NEA Queerism Indoctrination.

The parallel between 'Let It Go', and that of any Human Child who survives the awful mistreatment and brainwashings of the NEA in the Public Queer Schools, is Immensely More Relevant than anything else.

After all, the video shows a Living Queen -- and nothing Queer is Alive.

At the same time -- in real life, the Human Children that somehow survive the hideous attacks that the NEA heap upon them (in the DemoCrap Public Schools) -- are still Alive. Though barely. And, each one of those Human Children is screaming and tearing to get out of the constraints and the confinements and the propaganda of the Queers At School.

The parallel between that Snow Queen, in the film 'Frozen', and any Human Child who has escaped the NEA Gulag of Tortures (in any way) is very strong and appropriate.

In the video, there are no visible or audible parallels between the Snow Queen and psychopathic perverts, or Queer Propaganda. Remember, in any objective analysis, Queer Propaganda has to be discounted automatically in any case. Queer Propagandists will twist and warp and lie about any thing in existence, in order to pretend that it promotes Queerism. So, Queer Propaganda is the first thing to be trashed, and the last thing to be considered under normal circumstances.

This, is where the rub is. Queer Disney is 'Queer-In-Your-Face', and dedicated to spewing out Queer Propaganda whenever possible. Also, Queer Disney is a brainwashing mechanism for the Queer Propagandists. It is highly possible that (using the movie 'Frozen') Queer Disney has created a neutered presentation of 'freedom from confinement', to be used as a setup by the NEA.

Whereupon, the vermin of the NEA will deliberately misconstrue the meanings of the movie, and present it to Human Children in anti-Human ways; and in favor of their sick-sick-sick lie that Queerism is Normal -- and not the mental disease that it is.

That means, Queer Disney is making fodder movies of neutral content, that they expect the NEA to turn into mechanisms for Queer Propaganda and Queer Brainwashing.

Brainwashing, is always intended (by the brainwashers) to have future consequences in their favor. Which means, as insane as it sounds, the SQLD will make use of such brainwashing to incite grown up dummies (from NEA schools) to kill Humans in any war that occurs. Because, Humans are the enemies of the Snow Queen of 'Frozen'. Because, Humans are the enemies of whatever other brainwashing constructs have been placed inside of the minds of those former Human Children.

Murdered Human Children from NEA schools -- killing Real Human Beings -- for the NEA.

So, the question really is -- Did Queer Disney try to imply Queerism Insanity is a good thing, in the movie 'Frozen; or just make a neutral setup for the NEA Queers to use in the Public Schools from Hell?

If the things at Queer Disney did try to addle children's minds with Queerism, using that movie -- then without the added poison of NEA lying faces, they have failed.

Second question -- was it a failure, or just the beginning of a ramp down to total perversions in all Queer Disney storylines?

By the way, the animation in that movie sucks.

And, I can write better storylines in my sleep.


Markel Peters