Monday, April 7, 2014

THEM -- And 'Everytown', Iowa:

There I am again -- 'on the road again'! -- and what do I happen to come across in my Happy Trails To Me?

Answer: All kinds of really UGLY things thrown onto Iowa by the Wicked Witch of the East!

I call them -- The ButtUgly Windmills of the BUWIs -- (Butt Ugly Windmill Industry).


We start with a long shot of Goldfield. This town has not been molested by BUWIs yet. Goldfield is not a BUWI Certified 'Everytown' yet.

Another long shot of Goldfield. Notice the clean horizon. Only the town and the trees of the Boone River greenbelt can be seen.

Speaking of which, here is a photograph of the Boone River. No ButtUgly Windmills in sight. If the vicious BUWIs could change that, they would.

A long shot of Eagle Grove, from the trail-head of the Three Rivers Trail.

A closer view of Eagle Grove. Keep these pictures for reference. If the BUWIs have their way, they will turn Eagle Grove into a BUWI Certified 'Everytown'; and one more evil step in their goal to debase and befoul Everytown In America, with their God-awful Butt Ugly Windmills, will have been achieved.

Farther afield, these are the ButtUgly Windmills north of Iowa Falls that make that town look so ugly at night. Of course, they also make any area that they are in look like a trash can with ButtUgly Windmills sticking up out of it.

In all of the queer advertisements for ButtUgly Windmills from the BUWIs -- those things are shown as pretty little toys harmlessly sitting in green fields with cloudless blue skies overhead. The Poster Pinups of modern technology, with no mention of the environment. This photograph shows what they really look like -- huge -- ugly -- alien -- intrusions upon the land.

There are two retards inside this one, making blood money from the BUWIs by ruining Iowa to feed the Electricity Greed of the ugly big cities elsewhere -- you know, where the Wicked Witches come from.

Here, the intrusive shock of the overbearing ugliness of those things is shown for the first time. We will see more examples of this.

Travel magazines always highlight exotic and magnificent settings and scenery, as does all travel advertising; so much so that the common societal concepts of what is a beautiful landscape now has to include whatever is necessary to entice customers to locations where money traps are waiting for them. That is the idea behind travel advertising to begin with. Consequently, the real and uncluttered beauty of the land is ignored, forgotten, or not known to begin with. This sad state of affairs, is seen by the BUWIs as a carte blanche permiso to uglify and clutter up the non-resort lands of the country with their windmill crap.

This was once a pleasant looking sight. Do you see that green tree in the background? That is a Norway Spruce, which is the highest living species of life on the Iowa plains. Now, a new and dead and machine species has taken over many lands in Iowa that were formerly serene and natural.

A bleak landscape. When you look at ButtUgly Windmills, do you see any birds? I have never seen birds flying around or amongst them. Does that tell you anything? In fact, I do not remember seeing any deer in the vicinity of those alien machines.

Another typical example of ButtUgly Windmill machines looking like invaders in a War of the Worlds.

When those things turn, they sound like a jet airliner is flying over your head. You can hear the noise of just one of them a mile away. Perhaps all of the people in this house are already deaf.

Why do ButtUgly Windmills exist?

Answer: So people in big cities (outside of Iowa) can make money. There is no other reason. Every reason that the power companies say, is Queershit. Money, is the root of all existence in those ugly cities. The people in those ugly cities need to have ugly windmills here in Iowa, so that they can have the electricity that is needed for them to make money. Everything else is secondary. Without money in those ugly cities, nothing else is possible -- and the infrastructures of those places have been so intensely electrified that without ever-increasing amounts of electricity the places simply will not function as promised. Unemployment will soar, discontent will multiply, crime will prosper, the dreams of every working slave will be ruined.

The idea that the ButtUgly Windmills already installed will satisfy the increased demand, is nonsense. The demands will continue to grow beyond already staggering proportions. The land will have to be floor tiled with ButtUgly Windmills, to keep up with the needs of the money makers in the ugly cities outside of Iowa.

This one pastoral setting will never be the same again. Never pastoral again, even with corn crops six feet tall. What was once pleasing scenery for the soul, is now garish nightmares stuck into the ground.

Iowa is a somewhat flat land, divided into geographical areas by the many rivers that cross it. It is easy for ButtUgly Windmills to tower over all structures here. Look at this scene. What does the ButtUgly Windmill add to the view?

Close to the last view, is this one of Hampton. There are no ButtUgly Windmills in this view. This is how Iowa is supposed to look like. Hampton is not a BUWI Certified 'Everytown' -- yet.

This is a nearby farm. No ButtUgly Windmills. Stare at this until you get the idea. This is how it is supposed to be.

I could hear those ButtUgly Windmills from where I was standing when I took this shot. By the way, the photographs do not show it, but all of the things are turning. There is a wind out of the east on this day. All of the machines are pointed east.

On the opposite side of this road is this view. See how far away the horizon is? No ButtUgly Windmills to ruin the land. This is the way it is supposed to be.

What are the BUWIs afraid of? I have noticed an increased paranoia on the part of any thing connected to the BUWIs, since I first began to tell the world about those awful bastards and bitches.

Can you believe this? There really is a farm down there amongst the feet of those machines, buried alive.

'Everytown', Iowa. Surrounded by ButtUgly Windmills, and BUWI Certified as a 'Good Little Dead Town'. This town is lost to the rest of the world.

This is the ultimate result of the combination of BUWI lies and brainless County Leaders who think only of money. Of course, it is all about money. The electricity is for people in ugly cities who must make money. So, they are willing to pay Power Companies for that electricity (as if they had a choice) -- and in turn the Power Companies are willing to pass along some of that money to the 'Losers in Everytown' -- to put in money-making machines all around their town.

But, the amount of money that the 'Losers in Everytown' get for the sacrifice of their county to outright horribleness -- is trivial compared to what the working slaves in the ugly cities are willing to pay.

And then, to add insult to dire injury -- the Power Companies have raised their utility rates. Now, the 'Losers in Everytown' have to pay more money for the electricity that they get (none of which comes from the ButtUgly Windmills that ruined their county).

Inside 'Everytown', Iowa. The ButtUgly Windmills stand outside the entrance to the town like prison guards.

This was once a classic farmland (Heartland) panorama. Now, nothing that those people do will ever make it beautiful again -- unless they knock down those ButtUgly Windmills. Remember that No Trespassing sign? It was a Power Company sign. They have taken that land. Did they pay what it was worth? Did they pay for the centuries of disgrace and shame that will follow?

Barbed wire. There are no cattle on that land. Why do the BUWIs need barbed wire? Don't concentration camps use barbed wire?

This greenbelt used to be quite picturesque. I used to take photographs of it. Now, it is only worth taking a picture of to show what has happened to it -- and why no more pictures will ever be taken of its scenic values. It no longer has scenic values.

Likewise, this was once a nice little hidden valley of excellent spirits. Now, it is nothing more than a front yard for the machines that rule over it. Can you sense the massive BUWI greed behind this sinister view?

This used to be a road that promised vistas and adventure just over the next rise. Now, the ButtUgly Windmills mean -- 'turn around, find somewhere else to live'.

It is the unfettered and unspoiled distance between the inhabited islands of the Plains, that allows this land to shine and be worth living on. Such distances and cleanliness of view allow for many variations of tone and texture and content and action -- all natural to the land. Until, this distance and cleanliness is butchered by the invasion of ButtUgly Windmills.

So typical of what I am talking about. This shows the glaring contrast of the natural land, and buildings that belong here naturally -- and the forever alien absurdity of ButtUgly Windmills.

What do you see here? Do you really see the barn? Or, is it just there, because your attention is on the horror of the ButtUgly Windmills? This barn need not have been painted red. Why paint anything within a mile of a ButtUgly Windmill?

Further eastwards, out of the dead zone of the BUWIs. This is how the land is meant to look. No BUWI stains upon the land to be seen.

A vista of genuine Iowa farmlands, as intended by Natural Man.

One last chance to see how the land is supposed to look, before the light is all gone for the day.


Markel Peters