Thursday, April 3, 2014

'Five Year Feces Fest' Comes To Queer Coalition:

You know? The Queer Coalition of nastiest scum-bags to infest Iowa, and to pretend that they are Iowa -- instead of Iowa itself being Iowa!

That Queer Coalition. Where lies and liars and fakery and fakers go to die. Where everything is artificial and pretended and imitation, because every thing inside that Bubble of Lies was made to be what horror it is.

That Queer Coalition. Where every prostitution of laws and regulations (for paying customers) is called a 'victory' for the 'Queers against Humans'. Where Monkey Lawyers and Monkey Judges (now the lowest class of trash, in the trash world of the Five Evils) will commit any debauchery and crime against the Law and Common Decency; for Hate's Sake, for loads of money (which they do not deny), and for fame and glory under the Bubble of Lies. In which they sell their positions and their undeserved powers. Where Criminal Process For Prostitution has replaced Judicial Process For Law.

That Queer Coalition. Where the lowest of the vile gravitate to, for riches and goodies. Where the smartest ones think that they can take those riches and goodies with them when they break out of the Bubble of Lies, and go to another country to live like rich people should.

That Queer Coalition. Where the doomed and demented go to die, and if they were not organized by Queer Masters that want to kill the world with their God-Awful and vicious Satanism -- and it was not popularized by satanic medias in the service of those same Queer Masters -- you and I would not even know that such shit exists on this planet. And, we would not care.

That Queer Coalition. Where Imitation, and Insinuation, and Insanity are the norms. Where the queerest newsrag in the Midwest -- the Des Moines Rearsniffers -- is now celebrating five years of continuous feces follies and freaky fakery. Five years of deliberate psychosis, promoted by their own sick-sick-sick selves, and made to order by themselves (for themselves); and now advertised by themselves as a victory over the flesh and blood lifeforms that their dead converts and their living-dead queer products came from to begin with. (Humans)

Except ...

they were having so much cackling fun, playing with their own shit for the last five years, that they missed out on a few things.

Such as: In the last five years, every living soul outside of the Bubbles of Lies (of the Queer Coalitions) has learned many true things about every thing that is inside the Queer Coalitions.

[[But, the Des Moines Rearsniffers want to pretend that everyone outside their dung heap is Sergeant Schultz -- and "Knows Nothing!"]]

For instance, on the front sheet of their April 2, 2014 toilet roll, the following lies were used to promote Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred -- "(Q&PMH) Decision. Triggers Impact Beyond Iowa's Borders. Victory Out Of The Heartland Added Momentum. Public Opinion Has Shifted Greatly Since Ruling."

'Opinion', is what someone has when they know nothing about something. That is the description of Satan Tubers -- the Queers and the Shitheads. Immediately, we realize that the 'Public Opinion' (which those scum are writing about) is nothing more than the adherence to, and the following of, orders given down to them. The unfortunate wretches, that are stuck inside the Bubble of Lies of the Queer Coalition that pretends to be Iowa. In other words, it is a measure of obedience to orders on the part of the minions that are the fodder of the Queer Coalitions, and nothing more.

It is also a deliberate misrepresentation of last year's revealing of the RepuCraps (formerly Republican Establishment) as universal ass-kissers, that will suck up to anything (no matter how vile) in order to win votes -- as a change in societal attitudes. Nothing has changed about the ModoRats. Those things are forever greedy and slimy low-crawling scum. There is no shifting of opinions because of those rejects.

In the Real World, the Humans with knowledge have shifted greatly against the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead -- and this is obvious from the contempt and the disgust with which the People of Iowa regard each new toilet roll printed by the Des Moines Rearsniffers -- per the orders from the Queer Masters that control its bitch organization, Gannett.

As for 'Victory Out Of The Heartland ...', there was none. What happened, and all Humans know this, was a vomitous display of corruption and whoring by seven naked monkeys in a cage in Des Moines (across the street from the Statehouse/Pantyhose Emporium). It was criminal larceny, one of the singular most terrible instances of graft and corruption ever committed by elected 'officials' in the History of the United States of America.

As for the lie -- 'Triggers Impact Beyond Iowa's Borders' -- that refers to the proving of the queer methodology of buying political votes and judicial decisions from the worst possible legislators and Monkey Judges of Planet Sinister. It worked with the heinous legislators and Monkey Judges of Des Moines -- therefore the technique was proven as possible, for the Queers to use to kill off other Human States. Which was attempted forthwith.

But, as usual -- the Queers were not listening.

Now (today), any Human State that possesses any Human Organization that supports the Real Marriage of Humans cannot be defeated nor divided by the techniques and lies of the Queer Coalitions that infest them.

The swine writers at the Des Moines Rearsniffers do not tell you that.

In a word -- it is all 'Queershit'. The Des Moines Rearsniffers is a Queershit Factory.

By the way -- there is something that is very revealing about the nasty intentions of the Queers, as per the lie -- 'Public Opinion Has Shifted Greatly Since Ruling'.

1. Opinion. 2. Shifting.

Opinions are as worthless as assholes. Everyone has one, and no one wants one. Shifting, more than implies usury and abuse and propaganda and misdirection and threats. Shifting, implies force and violence. Shifting, in this case, means massive media brainwashings, threats of reprisals for non-compliance, lies about the results, presumptions that lies will be accepted as facts, and assumptions that the intelligence level of the citizenry is about as low as a hack writer that rearsniffs everything it sees.

What is changing amongst the People, of its own volition, is the idea that this society is being run by competent and righteous persons who really want to represent the People, and do so. That idea has died a gruesome death, with each ugly crime that has been committed against the People by the Queer Coalitions that pretend to be states. Now, their vision is becoming clear and focused. And what they see, is a Queershit Factory in Des Moines called the 'Rearsniffers'.

The Des Moines Rearsniffers, is a laboratory dummy of such queer newsrags everywhere. Something found in the 'Biology of the Damned' classroom. That cesspool of lies and liars, is something that even the most casual citizen of average intelligence can dissect like a lab frog, to expose its twisted contents of maggots and pretenders and lackeys and perverts.

Yes, the People are getting wise to the entire plan of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead -- of which the latest fraud from the Des Moines Rearsniffers is no more than a mite, on the ass of a lice, on the ass of an ant, on the ass of a shit-eating dog.

I have a copy of the front section of that day's toilet roll from the Des Moines Rearsniffers. It is going into the Memory Museum, as a specimen of Total Queershit.


In the last five years, has your anus been probed and inspected for 'Political Correctness' by the Queer Coalition that pretends to be Iowa? If you are not in a Queer Coalition (and their Bubble of Lies) then the answer is probably 'No'. The reason for that, the lack of anal assault against you, is because of Human Resistance in all of its forms.

These days, the Queer Coalition that pretends to be Iowa is pretending to celebrate five years of dung masticators being able to pretend that they are married -- as long as they are inside the Queer Coalition and its Bubble of Lies. Brought to you by, cowards such as El Duce Branstad (the refried RepuCarrion), and of course all of the horribly sinister DemoCraps -- who will whore for anything, will suck anything, will pretend that they control anything, and pretend any fakery in order to get the money that they need for their elite social club.

But, what about all of us out here?

Who are not part of elite social clubs, and belong to that hated group -- the People. We are not part of the elite social clubs such as the DemoCraps, and the RepuCarrions, and the Queers. All of which were fabricated to begin with. All of which are artificial. All of which are unnatural.





Now, those psychotic freakshows are pretending to celebrate five years of dung masticators pretending that they are married inside of the Queer Coalition that pretends to be Iowa.

Do we Human Beings out here give a God Damn about their festival of fakery?

Answer: Except as Military Intelligence, no.

What we care about, is the fact that our anuses have not been force-probed for 'Political Correctness' and 'Queer Calibration' during the last five years of their dung mastications. That is what matters to us!

We have not been molested, we have not been raped, we have not been ordered by Queer Monkey Judges to give over our bodies to physical inspection for 'Political Correctness' and 'Queer Calibration'. As the Queers have certainly already demanded that the Monkey Judges do to us!

Except ... we got rid of three of those chimps! We wiped out three of them, and showed them all that we would not take any more of their QueerJudgeShit.

So, that demand from the Queers to the Monkey Judges -- that all People in Iowa submit physically to anal probing for 'Queer Calibration' and 'Political Correctness' -- never came about. It never happened. The Monkey Judges did not dare to try to make that Queer Law and that Queer Regulation happen. Getting rid of three of those hideous Queer Monkey Judges (less-supreme-than-anyone-else) had a lot more effect upon the entire dung heap of Monkey Lawyers and Monkey Judges than they will let you know about.

It had a much bigger effect upon those hideous jackals from Hell, than those lying and scheming hyenas are willing to let you know! And, let you realize!

Many many hideous and horrible queer plans against you, here in Iowa, did not come about because the Human Beings of Iowa gave the pink slip to three of the nasty Queer Monkey Judges; after they all took the bananas from the Queers and made that phony decision -- that pretends that Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred actually exists and is Queer Legal. Many very horrible and very twisted and very sickening attacks against Human Beings (mentally and physically) that were on the boards in the Queer Headquarters -- that were in the plans at the Queer Headquarters -- never happened to the Human Beings of Iowa. Because, the Human Beings got rid of three of the prostitute Monkey Judges (less-supreme-than-anyone-else) that had done the dirty work for the Queers.

The Human Beings that worked to get rid of those three twisted and perverted Monkey Judges, in the Cathouse at Des Moines (across the street from the Statehouse/Pantyhose Emporium), are to be thanked by all Human Beings in Iowa!

Every Human Being in Iowa owes a debt of gratitude to the Human Beings that worked so hard to get rid of those three corrupt and perverted sacks of crap that were pretending to be judges (less-supreme-than-anyone-else).

And, the five year long effects of getting rid of those three scumbags are still happening. It is still protecting the Human Species here in Iowa. It is still having great benefits for all Human Beings here in Iowa!

However, it is time to do it again, and again, and again. We cannot do it just once, because those things are like a backed-up toilet that never flushes right again. You always have to be working on that toilet. That toilet will never work right again. It is twisted, it is warped, it is distorted; it is plugged up with Queers, it is plugged up with bribes, it is plugged up with greed, it is plugged up with avarice and hatred, it is plugged up with political corruption, it is plugged up with talking faces. It is horrifically sickening, and it has to be cleaned out on a regular basis!

Hear me Humans of Iowa! You need to get rid of more Monkey Judges! (less-supreme-than-anyone-else) To keep the good benefits rolling for the Human Beings; because (take my word for it) there are plans in the unbelievably monstrous brains of the Queer Masters for all of you, that you frankly would not believe could ever happen -- or even be thought about. Plans so horrible that they would make any woman faint dead out, and give weak men heart attacks.

They are plans that are the results of decades of the most awful and unspeakably vile lesie-turds known to exist, trying to out do each other in a contest to plan what are the worst things possible that they could ever do to their enemies -- the Human Species.

Iowa was supposed to be a slaughterhouse example of what happens to any Human Population that resists the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead and the Queer Masters.

Except, the Humans turned around and wiped out three of the piece-of-shit judges (less-supreme-than-anyone-else), and the whole thing was knocked back! Plus, I came out with Human Resistance; which helped the matter a lot more than even I realize. But, all of this is not enough. It has to be maintained. You have to maintain your defenses!

Maintain your Goodness! Maintain your Potency against such a virulent and vile disease as the Queers, and the RepuCarrions, and the DemoCraps. You have got to get rid of more Monkey Judges! You have got to stop using Monkey Lawyers! Stop reading the queer newsrags, like the Des Moines Rearsniffers. Shut off the Filthy Monkey Band. Shut off the hideous and queer TV Faces. Reject reject reject them.

Do you not see? Without your stupid and foolish acceptance and your following of every suggestion and implication and assumption that they feloniously come up with, and assault you with -- they are crippled!!!!

They are hamstrung! All kinds of monstrous things were supposed to been done to the Human Species in Iowa by now; five years after those seven naked monkeys in that Cathouse in Des Moines (across the street from the Statehouse/Pantyhose Emporium) took the queer bananas, prostituted the Law, and made those seven phony and lying decisions against the Human Species -- in favor of the really despicable fakery known as Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred.

By now this place (Iowa) was supposed to be a Human Slaughterhouse.

And, what is it instead?

All Queershit, all queer lies, all Queer Propaganda is confined to Queers and Shitheads that watch TV, and 'Idiots that have been Lied To' -- all of which (whether they like it or not) are enveloped by and consumed by the Queer Coalition that pretends to be Iowa. Roiling and boiling, fussing and fuming, hating and scheming inside of its Bubble of Lies.

[[Can you imagine what kind of 'How To Guides' the Des Moines Rearsniffers would be printing on their toilet paper today, if the Humans here in Iowa had not thrown out three of those Judge Assholes?]]


Nowadays, the perverts at the Des Moines Rearsniffers are carrying out another one of their long-term plans, which is a pretended festival of five years of another level of dementia and fakery being achieved inside of their own Queer Coalition. Which we are supposed to assume includes ourselves, because the Queer Propagandists say it does. Inside their Queer Bubble of Lies. Inside their social psycho ward. Inside their peanut gallery, which they pretend to be all of the State of Iowa -- and which is nothingness compared to the State of Iowa. I know the State of Iowa. Their Queer Coalition is just berserk lunacy in a porta-potty bag, compared to the State of Iowa.

But, those psycho-lesies at the queer newsrags carry on with their pretenses and their puppetry, knowing that only 'Idiots that have been Lied To' will ever know about this latest lie.

[[Queers and Shitheads that watch TV are already mesmerized and have to be taken for granted -- continuously knowing only what is fed to them in extremely limited ways, with extremely reduced brains.]]

Well, I have some bad news for the lying dipshits, eternally damned to lying, at the Des Moines Rearsniffers. I saw their fake cover for their article about Q&PMH. I saw their Ginger Bread symbols pretending to be faggots. I saw their implication that faggots are good to eat (just like Ginger Bread Boys are). I saw the fakery of the Red Ginger Bread Faggot and the Brown Ginger Bread Faggot, the false symbolism of it, the false suggestions of it, the Queer Propaganda of it -- and do you know what else I saw?

Whenever things like this happen, I make a point of hitting about six or seven convenience stores in Iowa on the same day; and hanging around in each one long enough to watch customers come in and out of the stores. During the duration of the day, I noticed two things about this:

1. The majority of the customers completely and totally ignore the Des Moines Rearsniffers, even though those rancid swine put their queer toilet paper on the counters of the convenience stores, so when a Human is trying to buy Human merchandise they have to see the used toilet paper of the Des Moines Rearsniffers at the same time. They have to see used toilet paper from the Des Moines Rearsniffers on the counter, when they take their Human products to the counter to pay for them. That is how bad it is here in Iowa.
It is not that way in Illinois. It is not that way in Indiana. It is not that way in Minnesota. It is not that way in Wisconsin. It is not that way in Nebraska. It is not that way in Kansas. It is not that way in Missouri. It is that way here in Iowa, where the Queer Coalition is desperate (desperate!) to impose its queer psychosis upon everyone in the state. And, the People themselves are sick of it. The People themselves are disgusted with it! They do not want any of that Queershit Trash in their faces; and as I was trying to say the majority of them that go in and out of the convenience stores do not even look at the God Damned newsrags -- even though they are on the counter. They just put their merchandise on top of the queer newsrags and cover them over, or take them off the counter. I take them off the counter. I turn them upside-down and I take them off the counter. To Hell with those God Damned Queers!!!!!!!!!!
To Hell with Queer Propaganda. I take it right off the counter. I either throw it on the floor, or throw it on a case of beer (etc). I do not want that filth on the counter, when I am trying to buy Human products! I do not want the Des Moines Rearsniffers feces on the counter, when I am trying to buy Human products. So, I take it right off the counter. I throw it off!
The majority of customers going in and out of those convenience stores, completely ignore the Des Moines Rearsniffers.

2. The ones that do see what it is, that smells so bad in the store, recoil from it and do not even want to touch it. They do not want to see it. It says 'Des Moines Rearsniffers', and they avoid it like the plague. It is like a Rat seething with Bubonic Plague sitting on the counter waiting for you, when you bring up your Human products to pay for them. The rest of the customers that see what it is, loath it and are sickened at the sight of it, and do not want it on the counters -- do not want it in the stores -- do not want it to exist! Period!

That is what the Des Moines Rearsniffers has achieved over the last five years of their continual Queershit Lies.


Personally speaking, I know what those things are, and I know all about their lies and their existence of lies. I know that they are insane. I know that they are Criminally Insane. I know that they are demented. I know that they are Criminally Demented. I know that everything that they are is contrived and fabricated. I know they used to be Human children, but now they have been made into what they are -- totally beyond repair. I have no pity for them. I have no sympathy for them. I expect only lying trash of the most vile kinds from them. And, I am not impressed.

Make sure that you get that right. I am not impressed.

In fact, if you knew how little I am impressed -- as in less than impressed -- frankly I do not think you could believe it.


Markel Peters