Monday, September 30, 2024

Here -- 09-30-2024:

Warning: Real Pictures of the Real Iowa Ahead.

Also, there may be references to the Real Truth about the Real Awfuls, using Appropriate Language. Any thing awful is advised to return its eyeballs to its anus rather than read the following message.


Butt First -- A Fine Feathered Shopping Experience in Fort Dodge very recently.

So there I was.

Talking to some avian friends of mine on a remote trail in the Real Iowa. While we were talking it occurred to me how pleasant such conversations always are, and why should I not have some birds in my own house? Well, I thunk and I thunk and I decided to get some birds for the House That Justice Wrought. I had been pondering getting cats or dogs, but there are too many complications with either, so now I decided upon Parakeets. Actual Parrots are too big and demanding. I wanted smaller birds that are not an intrusion upon my daily routine, but can still go for rides and walks with me. I had already seen that you can get bird backpacks online. Just put a bird in the backpack and put the backpack on your back and the bird(s) goes where you go.

So I searched about online for big bird cages.


I cast about on the Internet for deals on big bird cages and I found a good one, a fifty percent off sale on big cages with high ceilings. I bought two of these, and when they arrived I created a very big cage out of them. I cut the bars on the sides such that when pressed together horizontally they form a bigger cage. It is held together very well by many plastic ties. Each cage has a tray and a stand. The stands are also held together by large plastic ties.

There is a lot of room in this new cage made out of two, and the parakeets can travel from side to side through a large opening that I created. It has about six places for food and water dishes and the whole thing is a fascination to my new parakeets. Plus, it looks quite stylish. Sort of like a Parakeet's Mansion.

But, it sat empty for a month while I tried to find a way to get parakeets. Remember, I am in North Central Outdoors.

I looked online and all I could find were pet stores in Atheist Ames and Waterloo that sold parakeets. I was despondent about this, and I was hesitant to go to Atheist Ames for anything. Well, yesterday I was in Humboldt and I was talking to citizens there and I was informed that there is now a pet store in Fort Dodge that sells parakeets! This was a big surprise, as it does not show on the Internet. I got the phone number and called the place, and they said they had about thirteen parakeets for sale. That is the same number which is kept on hand at the stores (of another brand name) in Atheist Ames and Waterloo. I knew that it must be birds from the same sources in all cases, and that meant bird mills, but I went down to Fort Dodge to investigate.


Day One:

The former Office Max store on Fifth Avenue is now subdivided into a Harbor Freight and a busy pet store, quite large for Fort Dodge. It was a pleasant trip to Fort Dodge. I have been there on several occasions in the past few months, and everyone seems to be much happier than they were when the {ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars} ruled. There are still some die-hard {ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars} there, paying out their noses for freaks and rabble-rousers to drive around town in very loud vehicles (small and large) trying to intimidate the citizenry. The intention is to frighten the citizens and keep them depressed and oppressed and afraid -- which creates an ideal population for the {ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars} to rule.

However, such attempts are pathetic and ridiculous and laughable, especially when perpetrated by the white nigger scum that own and/or operate Forrid Abominations. Surely and certainly the population of Fort Dodge is getting happier and more Human every month, despite the enraged regurgitations of the {ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars}.

Consequently, it is quite amenable to ones happiness to go for a shopping trip at Fort Dodge these days. The remaining berserkers of the {ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars} are either in Forrid Abominations or on loud and obscene motorcycles, and can be easily ignored. Any attempt by the {ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars} to regain rule-by-fear over the People of Fort Dodge is forever futile -- forever.

There is still an awful stench coming from the 2700 block of Fifth Avenue South, but when the wind is right it just blows over the {ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars} office, and no one is offended by that.


I had viewed some videos online about buying parakeets, so I was sort of prepared for the experience. I knew I wanted only females because I do not intend to breed any birds. What I found was thirteen parakeets making a racket. They were in two cages and carrying on like they were in Central Africa with no predators. It took about half an hour to choose three parakeets, and it was so hard to capture them that I almost did not get the ones I wanted. I looked for signs of intelligence and high spirits. Each was put in its own box (with holes) and sold that way. Fortunately I bought a carrying case for medium dogs at the same time; intending to use it as a walking cage later with parakeets inside.

I noticed immediately that all of the parakeets were half-adults, still quite young; but they were fully vaccinated according to the store workers. I wanted different colors, and I only wanted three, so I chose a Dark Green, a Bright Yellow, and a Medium Blue. Each is about five inches long from beak to tip of tail. These went into separate boxes, and with a bag of parakeet feed we left Fort Dodge with me singing.

In fact, I sang and whistled all the way back to Eagle Grove. I was driving the Polaris Ranger and when they heard the engine (from inside their boxes) they set up a ruckus of chirps and whistles and complaints, but that soon ended because I was singing and whistling to keep them happy. Halfway home I stopped and made up the pet carrier and transferred them to that. It is much bigger and has screened windows and was much cooler inside. This pleased them and they shut up and listened to my singing. Of course, I only sing sea shanties and pirate songs and maritime tunes; but it worked, with the whistling.

We got home and I got them into the cage and they were obviously in shock from the experience. I turned the air conditioners on; and in this part of the world you need 20,000 BTUs of cooling for each floor or you will roast in the summertime; even though I have a brand new roof with ventilators. The cooler temperatures and the singing from me kept them from freaking out.

They began to chill out and stopped panting, but they were definitely in shock, so they sat on perches like frozen birds. I was prepared for that. I let them chill for a few hours while I talked to them and whistled at them. During this time I downloaded some videos of parakeets sounds. I hoped this would help them adjust to their new environment. I played a two hour video of parakeet sounds for them and they changed completely.

They had been silent and gloomy, but now they became vocal and boisterous and they began to climb all over the inside of their new mansion. It turns out that they love to climb on the vertical bars like monkeys in a tree. They love to scale the inner walls of the mansion but they are not very good at it and they keep falling to the bottom of the cage with a bang. This does not deter them however, and they continue to climb and swing from perch to perch as a sporting event. This too drops them to the floor, but they love it.

This merriment lasted as long as the parakeet sounds were playing. I noticed a definite tendency on their part to get tired and sleepy when the star goes down. When it became dark outside I turned the sounds off and they went to sleep with a night light on for them.


Day Two:

I let them sleep all night, and in the morning they were in much better shape mentally. The Dark Green bird is much more active than the others and more curious and more hungry. It was this way in the morning too, with the Medium Blue and Bright Yellow being reserved and unhappy. I did everything the instructions say to do, many toys and a bigger cage and plenty of water and seed; but the Medium Blue and the Bright Yellow remained oppressed.

This morning, I opened the window for them (right next to the cage) to let the starlight in, and I played classical music for them while I went for my morning walk. I wanted to see if they would like classical music. I also kept a fan blowing light air towards their mansion.

I looked, but I could not find any fat and bloated white niggers in Forrid Abominations to take pictures of while I was on my walk -- so I decided to return to Fort Dodge and get a fourth parakeet.

When I left the house, the three parakeets were lolling around looking depressed, but they were listening to the classical music. At Fort Dodge I knew I needed some things for the cage, like mineral blocks and cuttle bones, and I had the idea that a fourth bird might change the situation at the mansion. Again, I had a pleasant experience at Fort Dodge. The {ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars} have run out of drug money to pay berserkers with, so there were no disturbances while I was there.

At the store I easily found what I was looking for, and I got a really heavy dog bowl to be used in the cage for fresh fruit later. I studied the remaining parakeets and I chose the most energetic one because I wanted to liven things up back at the mansion. The most active bird was Light Green with a Yellow Head. She was put in a box and off we went for home. All along the way I sang and whistled to this new parakeet. I knew it had to be hot in that box so I made the holes bigger and I put the box out the window so the air would jet into the box and keep the bird cool.

At home I put the fourth parakeet into the cage and turned on the air conditioners to keep the place cool. This bird was vocal and overheated. It perched on a rod and panted heavily. I put the fan on it and that helped. The other three birds just sat and looked at the new arrival, with no particular interest.

Then, I performed a miracle.

I placed the fan closer to the cage. I turned the fan on full. I stood between the fan and the cage. I blasted the cage with a cold water mist from a spray bottle.


Four parakeets went wild! I mean they could not have reacted more if trained to do so. They all began to jump towards the spray of water with their wings and their beaks open. I kept spraying them and the fan kept putting the spray all over the mansion and they all got as close as they could to the sprayer. Then they began to fall to the floor and roll around and chirp like mad. Then they climbed back up the vertical bars and tried to get more cold water. After about five minutes I stopped because they were totally soaked and getting cold.

This changed everything. After the cold water shower I played more sounds of parakeets and these four birds became completely at home in the mansion. The shower and the addition of another bird made them start to do everything right, including eating, drinking, playing, fighting, bar climbing, dropping to the floor, singing in chorus, more fighting, more eating etc. It is a total changeover from their previous lethargy.

One quirk I have noticed about these parakeets is that they fall to the floor while asleep. They lose their grip on the perches and drop to the floor of the cage, asleep. I have put a pillow on the floor of the cage to keep them from breaking their necks. Now they bounce while asleep.

These things happened today. Now, as I write, they are all going to sleep in the mansion as the star outside goes down. They will sleep and bounce all night, and tomorrow we will do it all over again.


Day Three:

Four is obviously the right number. With three one gets left aside and isolated, but with four they all have friends to play with. In the morning I open the curtains next to their mansion and they like that. I have a daylight lamp set up near the cage to shine up at the ceiling, that helps. As the morning becomes afternoon they get more and more light from nearby windows. I start them out with light classical music while I leave to do errands around town. When I get back they are always active and chirping etc. Then I play sounds of parakeets and they become really active and noisy for hours. At this rate I will have to expand their mansion again, sideways. They like the swings, the ladders, the hanging toys, and especially mountain climbing. They climb the vertical bars like mountain climbers. The advice on the Internet says you do not need tall bird cages, but these parakeets would climb to the ceiling if the mansion was tall enough. They love vertical climbing, the more the merrier. This is their third day here and they are acting like they were born here. They are all eating and arguing and wing flapping and mountain climbing and arguing and bouncing on the floor pillow; and then they huddle for a nap and then they do it all over again. Looks successful so far, and the light classical music and the supplemental bird sounds really work.



Since I am bringing out the written archives recently I have decided to revisit some of the pictures from the past as well. This Here episode will be a combination of the years 2016-2017-2018-2024 arranged by the months taken.

These pictures are mostly about the environments that have already been ruined (or will be destroyed in the future) by the {ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars} and the {ForeverLyingDeviateLiars}, and the {ForeverLyingButtUglyWindmillImperialLiars} that are their lackeys. (BUWIs)

You will notice that none of these pictures are taken anywhere near a ButtUgly Windmill. That is because there are no such things still alive near ButtUgly Windmills. I know this, because I am the one out here.

No amount of Queer Propaganda can bring a land back to life with ButtUgly Windmills on it. Never let the BUWI cronies or any County Coyotes (supervisors) tell you that these wildlife and these scenes only exist in Wright County. That is another of their lies. The BUWIs use Queer Propaganda tactics to spread their lies with, having been taught to do so by the Deviates -- of course.

There are 99 counties in Iowa and the only ones that no longer have wildlife and scenes like these are the counties already killed by the County Coyotes and the BUWIs.


There are 191 pictures here and I have no intention of showing anything that is interesting to social medias. This is NOT for social medias or that kind of venue. This is for desktop backgrounds and for showing what the Real Iowa looks like. I have deliberately included some pictures of wildflowers for the women.


February 2018:

All in Wright County, mild winter.


April 2018:

No idea what this is.

East of Wright County -- Butler County


May 2018:

Interstate 35.

Mostly Cerro Gordo County.


May 2024:

Boone River Overflow.

Some flooding in Wright County, but not the big one later.


June 2024:

Eagle Grove.

Vulture. Usually fly away.

Before the big deluge in Wright County.


June 2024:


No idea what this was. It was swept away by the flood waters.

I have never seen these canals so high.

Eagle Creek Overflow.

After the big deluge in Wright County.


July 2024:

Eastern Borderlands NOT Frankly Dead Yet.

Boone River Again.

A new pond where there was none. Used to be White Fox Creek.

Post deluge environments.


August 2024:

Bird bath, very typical.

Extenda-Neck Bird.

Central Wright County.

Took these photos for anyone who has never seen corn fields before.

This bird was following me for hours.

More Eastern Borderlands, Frankly NOT Dead Yet.

Central Wright County Again.


If we had Human Communications these pictures could be shown worldwide. Which reminds me, I think I failed to communicate something about Human Communications in my past messages. I mentioned the need for a 'Human Communications Channel' for our Species -- however -- that does not translate properly. The proper translation (in the terms of this sick society) would be 'Human Communications System'.

In the terms of this sick society, 'Channel' means a small piece of a much larger 'System'. All current 'Systems' are perverted and hideous. Therefore, what we need is an entirely Human and humane and decent 'Human Communications System', that never includes any of the vile and deviate 'Channels' that exist on the present and awful 'Systems'. And, naturally it would be devoid of such monstrosities as the TV Turd Terrorists (TTT) and their Internet Interruption and Intimidation Network (IIIN) and their Queer and Sick Internet Censors (QSIC).


Markel Peters