Saturday, March 1, 2014

Really Bad News -- Queer Dunce Faggerlick Is Happy: Really Good News -- Iowa Gets Rid Of Queer Dunce Faggerlick:

What makes the Queer Dunce Faggerlick Happy?

Answer: Death to Humans.


Why would anyone who is Sane -- Vote?

Read this, and you will learn that the ModoRats/RepuCraps are just as queer and debased and putrid as the DemoCraps are. They are just self-serving vermin.


We all know that Queer Dunce Faggerlick, on the Anuses and Butt(Bleeps) Club (ABC Radio), was the Queer Bully of 2013 on the AM Radio Stations.

November, is 'Fight The Queer Bullies Month' (or 'Queer Bully Prevention Month'); meant to expose and get rid of Queer Bullies. Lying is bullying. Dunce Faggerlick, on the Anuses and Butt(Bleeps) Club, won that infamous award for being the Queer Bully of the AM Radio Band for 2013, last November. We all know about that.

But, there is something else about Queer Dunce Faggerlick that I don't think is obvious to a lot of the People. Queer Dunce Faggerlick, sits in a studio for the ABC turds and lies constantly; giving false news reports (many of which are totally inaccurate) and false commentaries and skewing and twisting any possible news story against the Human Species. It promotes everything perverted constantly (being a pervert of course), but Dunce Faggerlick is not the first such creature to do this. There are many other liars for the Queer Coalitions, but Dunce Faggerlick in particular is emulating a thing that was called Lord Haw-Haw.

[[I may have mentioned this before, but it is worth repeating in regards to the Queer Dunce Faggerlick, especially since we are getting rid of it.]]

Back in World War II -- Little Lord Haw-Haw was a propagandist for the Nazis; an AM Radio propagandist working for the Third Reich. There are a lot of similarities here between the Queer Dunce Faggerlick and its lies, and the Little Lord Haw-Haw and its lies. The Nazis could broadcast signals all over Europe from Germany; they could broadcast signals into the British Islands for the purpose of demoralizing the Allies with 'Queer Dunce Faggerlick Lies'. So, even though the surrounding areas were not Nazi occupied, the surrounding countries that were Allied for Humanity were being inundated by those radio transmissions from the Nazis.

That is very similar to our situation today. Our situation is, we are not occupied by the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead -- we are Human Beings -- we are not their slaves -- but we are exposed to their brainwashing and their programming via their transmissions. And, that is similar to what happened to the Allies in Europe during World War II.

The other part, which of course is obvious, the Nazis were a dictatorial regime and the DemoCrap/Queer combination (Queer Coalitions), are a dictatorial regime that comes in pieces. That comes in separate Queer Coalitions, pretending to be separate states. All of which are orchestrated and financed and controlled, and operated of course, by the Queer Masters. That, is very similar to the way the Nazis were, except the Nazis were Angels compared to the perverts of today.

The Nazis would not even think of the hideous filth that the deviates of today do.

The third part of it, is very obvious if you know anything about World History. Queer Dunce Faggerlick is exactly like Little Lord Haw-Haw was. Haw-Haw would sit behind the AM microphone (in the Nazi Radio Studio in Hamburg, Germany) and constantly lie about what was going on in the war. Constantly lying, for the Nazis and against the British and against the Americans and against the French -- and always constantly twisting everything that happened, so that no matter what happened in Reality you would never learn the Truth about it from Little Lord Haw-Haw. If you listened to Little Lord Haw-Haw, you would think that the Allies were losing World War II every day of the year, every year that the war went on. If you listened to Little Lord Haw-Haw, the Nazis would have ruled the World by 1944!

By the end of 1944, the Nazis were getting their butts kicked up around their ears everywhere!

But, if you listened to Little Lord Haw-Haw, the Nazis were taking over the world; and everything that the Allies did in every battle and every incident was a loss and they failed miserably -- their losses were terrible -- they were constantly making mistakes -- they were pathetic -- worthless -- inept -- impotent -- and could not possibly damage or defeat even the most minor forces of the Third Reich of the Nazis.

Even while Patton was going across Nazi-Occupied France, with the American Third Army, destroying unheard of amounts of Nazi military units; Little Lord Haw-Haw was saying 'Nope. It's not happening!' Patton is this! Patton is that! All negative of course. It's a waste of time, the Allies can never win. Nothing is being won by Patton. The Nazis are winning here! The Nazis are winning there! And, on and on and on. That thing lied to the very last moment, the very last second that it could still transmit lies.

It was a complete and total propagandist, and in the hideous world of Queer Propaganda I am sure that Little Lord Haw-Haw is a God.

Little Lord Haw-Haw is a Queer Deity; deified by Queer Propagandists. An Icon. A Role Model for Queer Dunce Faggerlick.

Queer Dunce Faggerlick is doing everything that it can to emulate and duplicate all of the lying tactics and the lying schemes and the lying speech patterns and the propaganda outputs of Little Lord Haw-Haw from World War II.

The fourth part of it is, as always the most stupid people will wonder if there is something truthful about what Little Lord Haw-Haw said.

Was Little Lord Haw-Haw right?

After all, the Nazis won World War II -- did they not?

We all speak Nazi German here in America -- right?

I mean this. Any Imbecile that is stupid enough to listen to ABC Radio, and the Queer Dunce Faggerlick, is also stupid enough to think that the Nazis won World War II! They are also stupid enough to think that what comes out of their facial anuses is Nazi German.

And -- Maybe It Is!

Such Idiots wonder if there is some Truth in what Queer Dunce Faggerlick says. Was there some Truth in what Little Lord Haw-Haw said? Is there some Truth to the Queer Propagandists, and what they say? Was there some Truth in what the Nazi Propagandists said?

It is that way, wherever there is the combination of dedicated professional liars like Queer Dunce Faggerlick and Little Lord Haw-Haw -- Queer or Nazi Regimes like all of the Queer Coalitions of the SQLD -- the DemoCraps, the RepuCraps, the Queer Medias, the TV Turds, the Queer Propaganda Machine and so forth. It is that way wherever that filth exists, and has access to a way to transmit their lies -- plus in the audience of those lies there are Idiots and really stupid people. Wherever the combination exists, you will find this happening.

Wherever there is a dunced-down population such as Japan was during World War II, you will find this situation. The Japanese People had an additional problem. The German People were under the heel of the Gestapo Killers of the Third Reich, and they were very horrible; but the Japanese People were under the heels of the Imperial Thought Police, and for a long time the Thought Police (Tokko) had been beating (literally beating) Japanese People for thinking. Literally mutilating them and pounding on them, and imprisoning them, and/or killing them for thinking.

So in Japan, before World War II, there was a ready-made population for TV!

There was a ready-made population beaten into submission for TV Turds and AM Radio Turds to lie to. For professional propagandists like Queer Dunce Faggerlick to lie to. To prosper over. To wallow over. Like a pig in a pile of shit, to wallow -- and then to glory -- about having a captive audience that is too stupid or too beaten down to object to its lies. To which it can lie with every word!

How happy Little Lord Haw-Haw must have been while it was lying!

How happy Queer Dunce Faggerlick is while it is lying!


What happened to Little Lord Haw-Haw?


Butt -- why is the Queer Dunce Faggerlick happy?

Queer Dunce Faggerlick is very happy about what just happened in Arizona. In Arizona, the RepuCraps (that are part of the Queer Coalition there) just vetoed a bill that would have protected Human Beings from the attacks of the deviates. The bill was passed by Human Beings, but it was vetoed by the Queer-Licking Puppet Governor there -- a RepuCrap.

As usual, whenever the Humans are trying to do something Good in this country, the deviates have their Internet Interruption and Intimidation Network (IIIN) out in full stench -- trying to give the impression that the freaks inside of the Queer Coalitions represent the entire country. To intimidate anyone who might object to their Genocide by Replacement of the Human Species. So, these are the only four sites that I could find, in the time that I had, that tell the Truth or at least do not lie about this.

[[The Center for Arizona Policy is why no Queer Coalition, despite the RepuCraps, will ever divide Arizona into a Queer DemoArizona and a Real Arizona. Arizona will always be one Human state because of the Center for Arizona Policy.]]

I told you before, that RepuCraps wish they could be perverts -- and do not have any elements of the People in their so-called Political Base. Without People, in their so-called Political Base, they can be as queer as they want to be. Which, of course, is a reason for them to want to get rid of all People from their so-called Political Base.

You cannot trust RepuCraps for anything. RepuCraps are wishy-washy and Godless and spineless.

[[At this point -- it is very tempting to compare the RepuCraps to Lizards or Snakes -- however, I would like to advocate for the Lizards and the Snakes in all such instances where comparisons like that are inevitable. I used to live in the Mojave Desert (as a child), where I used to catch rattlesnakes with a snake stick. Something that I found possible to do with rattlers, but not with sidewinders. Anyway, right now in the Mojave Desert there are many tens of thousands of rattlesnakes and sidewinders and gila monsters and horned toads and various lizards that are minding their own business and just trying to stay alive day by day. This is February, so a lot of them stay underground most of the day, and only forage for food briefly -- especially if the star above is shining down upon them. Their concerns are -- shelter, not being eaten, catching food to eat, not being run over by wandering herds of donkeys, and what is the Great Warmth high in the sky doing today? Are the Dark Matters in the sky today, blocking them off from the Great Warmth high in the sky? Or, is the sky open and the warmth (what there is of it) is splashing down upon the desert -- so they can go up to the surface and get warmer and run about doing their snake and lizard activities? I know, it sounds like a pack of Political Assholes waiting for the TV crews to arrive; before they trot out onto a stage and make all kinds of false promises to everybody. However, my point is -- and I stress this -- there is not one Reptile in all of the deserts of the world (or in the Universe for that matter) that knows what-the-fuck an Arizona RepuCrap is!!!!
So, let us be nicer to our reptilian neighbors in the future.
Thank You.]]

What is making Queer Dunce Faggerlick happy about the Arizona RepuCraps is -- in Arizona the Human Beings are trying to shut down the Queers from attacking businesses in Arizona with their Queerness; and forcing their Queerness upon innocent business owners in that state. They are trying to prevent those attacks in Arizona with a bill which allows business owners there to not serve Queer Attackers if they do not want to. Which, of course, would deactivate and defuse the Queers Attack Methodology. The Queers want to attack! So, they did not want such a bill to pass. Because, the Queers want to attack! The Queers do not want a defense against their attacks! So, the Queers paid off the National RepuCraps to pressure the Arizona RepuCraps to veto the bill, even though the bill passed. The National RepuCraps pressured the Arizona RepuCraps to veto the defense bill that would have protected the Human business owners in Arizona from the Queer Attacks. So now, the Queer Attacks can continue in Arizona with no legal defense against them for the Humans. Which is just exactly what the Queers want.

This is proof positive, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the RepuCraps are the wormiest and most spineless scum that you ever saw in your life.

[[At this point -- I would like to say a word on behalf of worms everywhere.
"It ain't them!"]]

The RepuCraps are the most opportunistic, baseless, without morals, without courage (without anything except self-aggrandizement and greed) scumbags that you ever saw in your whole life.

[[Once again -- please leave the entire Animal Kingdom out of this.]]

The Republican Party is dead.

What just happened in Arizona, was a bullet into the corpse of the already dead Republican Party. But, at least we are getting rid of Queer Dunce Faggerlick here in Iowa. Thank God for that. The best AM radio stations here in Iowa are getting rid of the awful Anuses and Butt(Bleeps) Club that fouls the airwaves at the top of each broadcast hour with their packs of lies. They are changing over to Fox Radio.


This proves something else though. It proves that the RepuCraps do not want Human Beings to be able to defend themselves. This proves, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the RepuCraps do not want Human Beings to be able to defend themselves; and therefore are constantly and intensely involved in the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid. It is not just the DemoCraps behind the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces. It is the RepuCraps too.

The RepuCraps have ripped off their masks in Arizona, and have shown that they are as horrific and as devilish as are the DemoCraps.

They Do Not Want Human Beings To Be Able To Protect Themselves Against Queer Attacks!

The RepuCraps are eternally anti-Human.

What was the date when the Queer Dunce Faggerlick announced that the RepuCraps in Arizona had denied the Humans there the right to defend themselves against Queer Attacks? February 26, 2014.

Remember that date.


Something similar happened in Iowa recently. An organization called PETA put agents into hog plants in Iowa to investigate how the hogs in those buildings are being mistreated. They succeeded in putting agents into those hog plants, to find out how the hogs are being treated, which apparently is not very good, and then they reported on it to the rest of the country.

[[Pssst -- don't feel sorry for the peta gang -- they are in league with the queer monkeys at the ACLU.]]

Well, PETA does not pay like the perverts pay. However, the people who have the hog plants have a lot of money. So, the people who own the hog plants got the Iowa legislature to make it illegal for PETA to send more agents into the hog plants again, to find out what is going on in there.

****Big Point Here****

Money bought that bill from the Iowa Legislature, to allow the hog plant owners to defend themselves from PETA attacks. Because, PETA cannot pay as much as the hog plant owners can.

So, what it means is -- in Iowa, the defenders (the owners of the hog plants) had more money than the attackers did (PETA). So, a bill was created and passed for the side that had the most money; in this case the defenders, the hog plant owners.

In Arizona however, the Human business owners who live and work in Arizona do not have as much money as the attackers (the Queers). The perverts have more money. The Human Business owners are the defenders in Arizona, the Queers are the attackers in Arizona. The perverts have more money than the business owners. The deviates get money from Queer Businesses, that pretend to be everyday businesses that are sympathetic to the Queers. So, the bill to protect and defend the Human business owners in Arizona has been passed, but was vetoed by the RepuCraps -- because the Queer Attackers had more money.

Flat out, that is exactly what happened. The perverts paid off the scum-eating bleep-sucking RepuCraps -- and the bill was vetoed.

Whatever side has the most money, the wormy-brained belly-crawling politicians will side with that group. The side with the most money will win. That is what Political Prostitution is all about!


Not only does this swinish act by the RepuCraps in Arizona signal to all of the Queers that all RepuCraps in Arizona are now in the market for Queer Money on a big basis; it also means that they are willing to destroy the business base of Arizona for pay offs, for money. The business owners, the private business owners in Arizona, have no value to the RepuCraps in Arizona -- none whatsoever.

[[Even though we will now hear all kinds of lies and farts to the contrary from the RepuCraps; who will insist that they care for the business owners (and will try to bribe them somehow). Thus, putting the Human business owners into their pockets. Attacked by Queers constantly, but in the pockets of the RepuCraps financially -- you might as well be dead.]]

The Human business owners in Arizona are now open to any and all attacks from the Queers, with the endorsement of the queer-sucking RepuCraps in Arizona. That is exactly what this means. It is now Open Hunting Season on private business owners in Arizona for the Queers. The RepuCraps in Arizona have just given all of the perverts in the entire country a Hunting License to attack any and all business owners in Arizona; with their Queer Propaganda and their campaign of Queerism. With their demands for acceptance of all Queerness. Their demands for acceptance of the so-called Homosexual Agenda!

But, it does something more. It defines something.

This incident is the Definition of 'Political Debauchery'. In Arizona, and in Wash This Death City, and at the National Party level, the RepuCraps have proven that they have no willpower; they have no morality, they have no decency, they have no ethics whatsoever, (they are completely devoid of ethics) and they are completely debauched.

They cannot help themselves. They cannot keep from being greedy beyond belief. Debased. Depraved. With greed and selfishness and political motivations beyond all sensibility. They are debauched. They are politically debased and depraved. Like I said -- they just put a bullet into the corpse of the Republican Party, and they could not care less. What they care about is their social club, their monies, their revenues and their incomes. Nothing else! Absolutely nothing else! No issue, is important to them more than profits. That is it, flat out. They exist for profit-taking, for profiteering. And, no matter how many times they lie, no matter how many times any of them promises that they will fight for the Human Species (saying that they are Conservatives) -- when it comes to any kind of conflict they squirm and they whine and they backstab the Humans; and they act in favor of the deviates because the perverts have more money. And then, they say all kinds of Queershit excuses; instead of just saying that they cannot help themselves and they are debauched; instead they come out with all kinds of dipshit political excuses that even a six year old child would not believe.

That veto action by the RepuCraps on February 26, 2014 -- in regards to refusing to protect Human business owners in Arizona from any and all Queer Attacks -- is literally the definition of 'Political Debauchery' from now on. You are here. You have heard it. You have seen it for yourself.

Not that your audience makes it a good thing to be alive at this time, but at least you yourself know this from now on.

You can tell future Human generations exactly what the definition of 'Political Debauchery' is. You can even say when it happened, and what happened.

I am marking it as happening on February 26, 2014 -- because that is when Queer Dunce Faggerlick happily announced that all Humans in Arizona lost to all Queers everywhere, and reported it as a Queer Victory.

Please remember, it happened on February 26, 2014. It is the definition of 'Political Debauchery'. Tell the Humans of the future all about this. Stay free -- so you can tell all about this.


At this time, I would like to make the call to all Human Beings -- who are called by the Queer Medias 'Conservatives' ...

we know better than that, we know that we are the Human Beings that are supposed to be on this Earth to begin with ...

what a sick and twisted enemy calls us is their own sickness ...

I would like to make a call to all Human Beings now, to completely and utterly abandon the former Republican Party.

To leave it, to trash it, to throw it away, to divest yourself of it, to shuck it off like dirty clothes; to kick it into the gutter like something on the sidewalk that is very unpleasant to step in. Divest yourself of the Republican Party. Get out of it. Damn it to Hell. Expunge it. Expel it. Purge yourself and purge your entire life of the former Republican Party.

Do not have any psychotic episodes, that make you think that there will be a New Republican Party. There will not be a New Republican Party. That has just been proven by this definition of 'Political Debauchery', that has happened on February 26, 2014. There is not going to be a New Republican Party, that is Queershit!

Cast it out of your lives.

Stop giving it any money whatsoever.

Never send them one penny again.

Throw away their junk mail.

Trash them every time you see one.

If they give you any Queershit conversation, get them away from you!

Tell them to leave your presence!

They are unwanted in your presence!

They are unwanted in conversation!

They are unwanted in your society!

They are unwanted in your life!

They are unwanted in your house and your home!

They are unwanted in your schools!

They are unwanted anywhere in your life!

Tell them to leave your life, and "Get Out!"

Tell them to "Go to Hell!"

Cast the corpse of the Republican Party into the gutters.

They are already doing exactly the same thing to you.

Do not be stupid like they want you to be. They are trashing you. Ripping you to pieces. Fooling you. Conning you. Pulling you through life by your nose. Brainwashing you. Treating you like stupid trash, like Idiots that know nothing better.

And, what do they want from you? Two things, and only two things. Money and votes. They want nothing else from you. They want none of your problems. They want none of your issues. They want none of your demands for representation. They do not want to hear about it!

They want money, and they want votes, and nothing else! Absolutely nothing else! Absolutely nothing else matters to those Republican Vermin. Money and votes, and nothing else at all!

There is nothing else in the Known Universe, especially not Jesus, especially not God, especially not you -- that matters to them besides money and votes.

But, they need your votes and they need your money. So, they will do anything that they can to con you -- but when the chips are down and you need them for defense against our worst enemies the Queers ...

They Cut Your Throat!

They fill your ears and your eyes with lies!

They blame you for being wrong! They say all kinds of twisted statements to confuse you, and they cut your throat at the same time.

And, you can bet -- you can bet every cent that you have -- that between Now and November they will be back at your doorstep (and in your mailbox) whining and promising and licking your asses like dogs for your money again, and your votes again!

I say to all Human Beings around the World -- cast out that hideous Republican Party. Dash it on the rocks! Expel it from your lives! Reject it permanently and forever! And live! Live without them!

Live wonderful lives without the DemoCraps and the RepuCraps. Keep your money to yourself. Keep your votes to yourself. Keep your sanity to yourself! Keep your lives to yourself! There is no sense telling DemoCraps or RepuCraps about it, they don't give a damn.

Deny them of everything that they want, which is money and votes. And, deny them the Association Rights to try to get that money and those votes from you again. Deny them the Rights of Association with you! Cast them out. Refuse their association. Refuse to be associated with them. Throw them away. Force them to leave your presence.

You do not have to be in the presence of somebody, if you do not wish to be. Any Republican is a terrible and lethal threat to any Human Being now. The existence of a Republican is a lethal threat to the life of any Human Being, and you do not have to tolerate that!

You can call the Police, and have them removed from your Association; because they are unwanted and they no longer have any Rights of Association with you. You can call the Police, and have them removed from your life.

I am calling upon all Humans to do this. This is very important for you. Not for me, I have already done all of that. It does nothing for me, but it is all about you.

Get them out of your life. Get their yoke off of your shoulders. Get those chains from around your brain. Listen to no more lies whatsoever.

Do not care what the DemoCraps say about that. The DemoCraps, on the surface, will try to make you think that they like the idea. But underneath that, underneath those lies, they really do not like that idea at all. Oh -- No No No!

They do not like the fact that more of them (called Republicans) are being rejected forever.


There is a lesson in all of this, and I may have mentioned it before. It sounds simple, but its effects are huge.

'You are, what you will not fight.'

Which means: You are what you will not fight, if you can fight it. If you are in a situation to fight it. If Evil is present, and you can fight Evil, and you fail to do so -- you are that Evil.

Simple. Total. Permanent. Human.

RepuCraps, are the perfect example of this lesson. RepuCraps are so defunct and dysfunctional, that I regret their having Humanoid bodies and Humanoid skin. I do not want to horribly insult the Insect and Reptile worlds -- so I will not suggest that RepuCraps should have Insectoid or Reptilian bodies and skins. And yet, certainly they should not have anything that we Humans have. Most definitely, they should not look anything like us.


Well, it's goodbye to the Hag of Arizona! Jan Brewer.

That thing has taken the DemoCrap muff dive into lesie-turd oblivion.

It is now -- a --

RINO = Republican In Name Only?

STIMO = Stinking Traitor Interested in Money Only?

SLIMO = Slimy Liar Interested in Money Only?

CRIMO = Cringing Republican Interested in Money Only?

RHILO = Republican Hag Interested in Lesies Only?

FLAMO = Filthy Liar Asshole Mouthing Orifices? (any)

How many of the above do you think now apply to the Brewer bitch in Arizona?

Hint -- the word 'all' is involved.


By the way -- in Arizona there now exists an acute status of 'Taxation and Regulation without Representation' on the part of all Humans there. All Humans in Arizona, are now the serfs and slaves of the Queer Republican Elite that infest Arizona.


This is another milestone in the destruction of the one party political tyranny that has a death grip upon the USA ...

July 26, 2013 -- five naked monkeys in a cage, in Wash This Death City, took a shit and expected the Human Species to eat it.

August 16, 2013 -- last cowardly act, RepuCraps cave in to DemoCraps -- Republican Party dies.

February 26, 2014 -- Arizona hag fires bullet into corpse of Republican Party -- definition of Political Debauchery is any actions of Republican Political Zombies -- existence of class of political zombies is established as all shitheads involved with corpse of Republican Party


Meanwhile, taking advantage of the demise of the phony Republican Party arm of the SQLD, the most vile and queer newsrags in Illinois are trying to rub everyone's faces into Queer Shit.

By announcing the countdown to the horrible time when the Queer Coalition (that pretends to be Illinois, including the same queer newsrags) says that Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred will become Queer Legal in 'Illinois'.

Which, as we all know, means inside of their own nasty Bubble of Lies (Queer Coalition) and not out here. The intention of course, is to insist that Queer Coalitions are ALL; and whatever the Queer Coalitions say is LAW; wherever they have control of the political structure of a state that has descended into sewage.

It is timed to happen just after the perverts claimed victory in Arizona. It is more enslaving Queer Propaganda -- and denial of Truth -- but who is going to oppose such lies and scumbags politically? Certainly not the Republican Party Zombies!

Those turds just made Arizona a slave-state of the Queers!

My point exactly. Have you ever wondered why you can never talk to a politician on the phone, and why the things will not return your calls, and why they send out worthless emails full of Queershit instead of talking to the People? Then, when they need either money or votes they send out letters claiming that they have talked to YOU, and claiming to have taken care of YOUR problems -- so won't you please send THEM some of YOUR money? And, be sure to stupidly give YOUR vote to THEM in the next election!

Did you ever wonder why they ALL do that?

Well, the answer is simple. YOU, are not in THEIR Queer Coalition.










It Is Called The Dictatorship Of The Few Over The Many.

In this case -- the Queer Few over the Many People.

And, it is always horrible.


Markel Peters