Monday, December 16, 2013


This is really heady stuff!

We should sing songs about this round of -- Four Victories For Humanity!


Awesome News From Australia:

After a really bad time (politically), when it looked like Australia was doomed to descend into the gruesome hell of unchecked Queerism -- and become one huge rendition of the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone ...


This Great Event, is bringing happiness to Humans everywhere on this Earth.

And the SQLD, are not telling you that their Queershit is losing around the World.

But, this Great News is out anyway ...

There are a lot of Media websites covering this Great News, but of course they are spewing out lies and false videos about it. Being perverts themselves -- that is typical.


The tide of Horrible and Queerific Death, has come to a screeching halt on the Continent of Australia.

This, is why all fights against the SQLD everywhere are so important to all Humans everywhere, as you will see in this message.

Save one Continent, and then save another, and then save another, and then another -- until there is no more DemoCrap Attorney General Rabies left anywhere on the planet.

And, who the hell cares about a Fat Corpse Christie anyway? Nothing that the Liberals want or do, is a 'right' of any kind!

In celebration of these great events, I am going to dedicate the next two messages to the mental health of all Humans everywhere.


As for myself, aside from working against our enemies, since my last message, I have been busy installing some new technologies into my systems and testing them -- and in my travels, I have come across some very intense and difficult issues about our Mental Health and Freedom.

Both issues, have been mentioned in a cursory way by the Medias; with the intention of passing over them as being unimportant and trivial. In that way, they can always say that they mentioned them, but did not realize their importance. The real intention being, to trivialize and downgrade those issues into obscurity and forgetfulness. As, not worth remembering. As, just more obscure and irrelevant information. As, "Ho-humm and Hum-drum, forget we ever mentioned this."

It is a propaganda technique, intended to defuse any possible interest in such matters; by reducing them to sidelines and 'also-rans' and 'oddities' -- in the hopes that if anyone actually does hear about such things from outside the Queer Medias -- when they see that the medias have disregarded such things (as being of very minor and transient notice) -- they too will slough off those issues as not worth remembering.

Being as busy as I am, I too might have missed any mention of these two issues -- except the Earth always seems to find a way to make me notice them -- this time in very unusual ways, which is sometimes the case.

So ... for a while I will be studying those issues, and then I will report about them.


Awesome News From India:

Another victory for Humanity has taken place in the nation of India -- where the Queerism Disease itself has been rejected just recently. Now, in India the vile acts of Sodomy and Unnatural Sex have been outlawed, as they certainly should be.

In a rare alliance, the groups — including the All India Muslim Law Board, Christian groups and Hindu spiritual leaders — argued that gay sex is unnatural and that India should maintain the law.
Amod Kanth, head of the Prayas organization for children’s welfare, one of India’s largest civic groups, cheered Wednesday’s ruling and said banning homosexuality is key to ensuring children’s normal development and protecting their rights to family.
Only a man and a woman constitute a family and contribute for the holistic development of a child, which is not possible without a father and a mother,” Kanth told the Press Trust of India news agency.
Notice how the medias downgrade the victory, by claiming that it was achieved by a 'rare alliance'. They must say such lies, because there must not be any publicly-recognized opposition to their own Queer Coalitions.

This is the only news website I can find, that does not show grossly absurd videos about this. If you watch this video, you will see that the complainers are typical -- Deviates and Homophiles and Heterophobes -- all spewing out the same prattle and rhetoric. In fact, the very first thing that they spit out is their brain-dead Queershit Rhetoric.


Awesome News From Croatia:

In Croatia -- the Human Population of Croatia has overwhelmingly voted to ban Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred!

This, is what should have happened in Washington State in 2012 -- and it would have happened, except there are more DemoCraps and RepuCraps in Washington State than there are Human Beings.

This was accomplished entirely by the church and the citizens of Croatia. Earlier this year the government drafted a bill that would allow same-sex couples to register as "life partners." People correctly saw this as the first step toward legalizing same-sex "marriage" -- as happened recently in Hawaii and earlier in California and many other places.
Approximately 90% of the Croatians are Catholic. The Catholic Church stepped up and organized for a referendum to amend the Constitution to ban "gay marriage" entirely. Other religious groups also got involved. Over 15 days they gathered nearly three-quarters of a million signatures to put it on the ballot. It was an outstanding effort!
Notice here, how the Hobama Gang sent a faggot to Croatia; to threaten the Humans of that nation with possible reprisals from the Democrat/Homosexual Government of America.

There it is again! A Queer Coalition pretending that it is a state, or a government, or a nation. This is what always happens, when you allow such trash as DemoCraps and RepuCraps to hold electoral offices!


Meanwhile, now that we know that the Continent of Australia has remained Human and Decent -- the putrid and devolved sewage called the 'Judicial System' on this Continent, comes into more and more sharp contrast against the goodness of Truth and Human Justice, that it is supposed to be.

More and more, the terms 'Monkey Lawyers' and 'Monkey Judges' take on the really horrible and awful meanings that they were intended to convey. In Australia, Human Judges defend Humanity. In Wash This Death City, five Naked Monkeys have taken a shit in their cage; and have expected all of us Humans to eat it. They are obviously, the worst kind of demented monkeys that could ever pose as Judges -- anywhere under any circumstances.

And, all of their filthy ways are part of the Homosexual/ACLU plan to defile America to death. They whore for the SQLD. They never 'work for Humans'.

Now, in direct relationship to the vile deeds of those Five Naked Monkeys, and as the next step in the SQLD attack against all of Humanity on this Continent -- the Queer Coalition that has infested the Human State of Utah (and wants to pretend that it is Utah) -- is attacking that state through the planned route of a Monkey Judge, which they intend to pump and dump and soil forever -- thus getting it to issue a 'decision' that the so-called Homosexuals can pretend to be married -- inside the Bubble of Lies of the Queer Coalition that has invaded Utah.

Therefore, since that Queer Coalition demands that it is Utah (instead of the People of Utah being the State of Utah) -- whatever atrocities and fakeries occur inside their Bubble of Lies, will be declared as 'The Law of Utah'!

The Monkey Lawyers of that Queer Coalition (pretending to be Utah) are saying that they must be allowed to force their perversions and hideous intentions against the People of Utah -- because over in Wash This Death City their own Five Naked Monkeys in a cage have taken a shit in their favor!

Therefore, wherever Monkeys Rule The World, the putrid and ridiculous Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred of the perverts must be considered to be the Law of the State. If they can buy a Monkey-Judge-For-Hire in Utah (which they may have planted there ahead of time for this purpose) -- then they can buy a false decision, and then declare that their filth is now the Law of the State of Utah.

In the same moment, they can demand that all former Human Laws of the People of Utah are now secondary, and reduced; and are no longer germane to the continued social-order of the State of Utah. Which, has now received New Masters and New Orders and New Laws -- that piss on the very idea that the People of the State of Utah have any Human Rights to their own state. Oh, and don't forget the 'Will of the People' -- which can never be allowed to exist wherever Queers Rule.

This is from one of the most perverted newsrags in England, and you can tell by its choice of pictures and lies.

This article reveals that the Monkey Judge involved is a punk for HObama and the DemoCraps, recently installed to perform nasty operations against Utah. Also, this site is a TV Turd affiliate, and most totally a diseased newsrag.


As if this was not bad enough, down in Mississippi, we are seeing the revealing of another phase of the Queer Attacks against Humanity. This time, it is an 'Ass-Backwards' attempt to force the Judicial System of the State of Mississippi to accept Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred -- by twisting and ruining the laws of that state. Mississippi, does not accept Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred.

Now, the so-called Homosexuals want to use legal tricks and legal deceptions to force the State of Mississippi to accept 'Divorces' of perverts. Perverts, that were ordered to pretend that they were married for this purpose -- to pretend that they are married by doing the Q&PMH Trick inside of Queer Coalitions elsewhere (which pretend that they are states) -- and then to go to real states, that do not accept Q&PMH, and demand that they be allowed to be 'Divorced' in those real states.

THAT -- is supposed to mean -- if a State Judicial System allows such a Pretended Divorce in their state -- they have therefore decided that they will allow Pretended Marriages of perverts in that state.

THEN -- the Monkey Lawyers can launch an all-out attack against the legal system of that state -- to demand that Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred be accepted there -- because Queer and Phony Marriage-Divorce has already been accepted in that state.

It is a perfect illustration of how the SQLD intend to take over every last part and parcel and piece of Human Society -- turning everything and everywhere in Queer Hell.

Listen to Hour One

'What', did this NewsMax article call the Queers? This is why NewsMax is no longer an acceptable news source for the Human Species. Also, it has been days since the outcome of this attack was revealed -- and NewsMax has not reported on it -- even though everyone else has.

This is the Queer Propaganda -- everything on 'My Way' comes from the Anus Press (AP) -- it is literally a re-flushing of all AP dung upon the world.


Mississippi has REJECTED this attack against the Human State of Mississippi!!!!


Read these websites for the details ...

which means -- try to get the Truth out of these media websites (I am not showing the Outright Queer Ones) -- which is like trying to squeeze the Truth out of a Politician.

As you can see, it is all a rehash of one Anus Press article about the defeat in Mississippi of Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred.

Enough said. This attack is over, but more like it will be thrown against any and all Human States that the so-called Homosexuals think they can kill off -- through the usage and abusage of corrupt Monkey Judges in those states.


This is not a drill. This is not an exercise. The terrible so-called Homosexuals are really doing this, wherever they possibly can get away with it -- using media support, pre-arranged Monkey Lawyers and Monkey Judges bought off in advance in those states (or implanted there for this reason), Political Whores in those states that are ready to destroy anything for profit, and abject cowards chosen to be in Judicial Positions because someday the Queers will come farting to their doors.

This is the Clear and Obvious Danger -- of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead (SQLD). Happening now.

Intention -- Death of America -- Death of Humanity.


There simply cannot be anyone left on this planet that does not realize that all of those punks, degenerates, and perverts (that were pretending to be married) -- were just Fakers, Actors, and Pretenders to begin with!!!! Ordered, to pretend at being married -- to kill states with divorce later.

Of course, we are not going to accept this Queershit -- and we will not allow Human States to be divided as a result.

Remember, as we saw here in Iowa, all it takes for these vicious schemes of the so-called Homosexuals to work in a corrupted Judicial System -- is for one pre-arranged pervert and prostitute (acting as a Monkey Judge) to put out a 'legal opinion' that agrees with the perverts. And, then the Queer Monkeys will jump all over that fakery -- and insist that it is legal grounds for their demands that anything and everything that is vomitous and demented and hideous, and from their Dark Side, be 'legalized' in that state.

This is planned, with no less than the intention to make the Queers into the Masters of all Monkeys everywhere. From that, they will establish themselves as the Ring Masters for all forms of Death and Dementia; that want to be considered as Queer Legal in that state. Hence, this is a takeover of the already loathsome and horribly corrupted legal profession, for Queer Business Purposes -- with the Queers becoming the Dealers, of all Queer Laws and Queer Privileges.

And, it is being done on the Corpse of America.

That -- is 'Maggotry'.

The Organized Maggotry of the American Corpse.

With this evidence -- is anyone going to believe that Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred is Real? Or, that perverts love each other, or even like each other?



Now, everyone knows what the SQLD Masters have always known -- it is all a loveless and nasty fakery, and a Hoax being played upon the World -- for Money and Power and Politics.

It is nothing more than that.

Horrible -- isn't it?

Yes, Horrible -- and DemoCrap.

Yes, Awful -- and RepuCrap.

Yes, Monstrous -- and Media.


The only way to prevent those crimes, by the so-called Homosexuals, from succeeding is to ...


Get in their faces, and demand the respect for Humanity and Real Marriage that we deserve. Demand upon them-- instead of being demanded upon yourselves -- by thieves and criminals and deceivers and usurpers.

Defend the Real Marriage that can only occur between a Man and a Woman of the Human Species -- and no thing and no one will tear your state apart into a Real State, and a DemoHell State!


As Brian Brown says -- "So much for the inevitability of (Q&PMH)."


Now who says, that donating money to the Cause of Real Human Marriage is a losing proposition?


Markel Peters