Monday, April 18, 2011

No one has forgotten you.

No, that has nothing to do with it. No one is forsaking you.

Steve is doing his own thing, with his own objectives.

Jan is still punching out lying politicians over the radio.

And, I am very deep inside several projects; all designed for your benefit of course. At this time it will do no good to describe what I am doing -- but I am very busy -- very intensely.

What is happening here in Iowa, politically, is the expected Traitorism and Two-Faced Debauchery of the so-called Moderates. They lied to all of the Real Humans of the Real Iowa -- and now their lies are quickly surfacing, for all to see.

It is very apparent, even to those who think I am some kind of conspiracy nut, that the Moderate/Homosexuals are 'Exactamundo' what I said they are -- just another 'Sucking Arm' of the SQLD -- with orders from the Masters to keep the "Idiots of Iowa" confused and bewildered. They have no intention of helping anyone defeat the Democrat/Homosexuals of DemoIowa.

I won't go into it, because I really am busy on other projects.

The pressing issue here and now, is very plainly described in the April 15th broadcast by Jan Mickelson on WHO, entitled 'Jennifer Bowen from Iowa Right To Life'.

All you need, to get up to date with what is happening here in Iowa, is to listen to that podcast -- completely. Notice the duplicity and the lies of the Democrap, that tries to BS Jan Mickelson into thinking that there is not enough time for the Democraps to do anything to protect Iowa Human Infants from being murdered by late term abortionists.

After hearing this podcast, even a complete idiot will realize that Iowa will only be safe for Human Life when all Homosexual/Democrats and ModeRats are expunged, and removed from any political offices.

The 'Balance' is not between Good and Evil.

The 'Balance' is not between Humans and the SQLD.

The 'Balance' only exists within Humanity. All else is lying propaganda. Evil and the SQLD are not needed for anything -- have never been needed -- and never will be needed!!!!


As for 'Conspiracy Theories'. People who think that there are any conspiracies left to theorize about, are ludicrously out-of-date and retarded right out of Reality. The conspiracies all happened in the 80's and 90's. What we are fighting now are the Organized Criminal Bodies that resulted from those conspiracies -- which everyone was too (chickens**t) to fight at the time that they were happening.


I like what I am hearing and seeing, regarding Real Humans getting organized and determined. I intend to help with that.

All it takes is Humanity, and Humans. No one has to be a Movie Star or a Plastoid Political Type (with manicured appearances and white SUVs), to be a Human Organizer of Human Resistance!!!!


Right now, I have work to do.

Thank You.


Markel Peters