Tuesday, April 26, 2011


A million of nothing -- is nothing.

Any amount of lies, is nothing in the Universe.


So there I am, lamenting my lost vacation, and minding my own business. I had just shut down at a Saint Louis truckstop, where the fried-chicken is so gooood! I was just following my plan (because a truck driver always goes into a truckstop with a plan), which includes: go to bathroom, curse nose in mirror, shop for non-outrageous prices of food (good luck), buy two chicken breasts and ignore hot chick at checkout counter (no time for her) -- and I went into the truckstop.

As I am passing the 'morgue' on the way to the bathroom, I quickly see that the Mortuary Satan Tube is on, and four corpses are sitting upright (more or less) in chairs facing the Satan Tube, with dead eyes. On the tube is a phony scene of city-type punks, sitting at a dinner table, pretending to eat Human food. They are non-Human scum, mouthing lines from a queer script, and pretending to be People by eating people food at a dinner table.

The script was written by a TV Hack, and is meant to glorify and justify the putrid existence of the Satan Tube channels. One punk says to another punk that it just saw something on TV (that we are supposed to think, with morgue brains, is important). The second punk says -- "yeah, I need to watch TV, just to figure out what the world is doing!"

THAT is a scripted, pre-meditated, and vile -- GOD-DAMNED LIE!!!!

Having been exposed as the Mind-Fornicating pack of (bleeps) that all TV creatures are -- with people rejecting their brainwashing sessions and anti-Human rhetoric (which are the only reasons why TV exists these days anyway) -- they are now reduced to pretending that without TV no one will know what is going on in 'The World'.

The TRUTH is -- those villains have no intention whatsoever of telling any Voter/Followers what is really going on in 'The World'.

What they are doing is 'Spinning' and 'Twisting' all news to:
1. Show all World Events as Pro-Queer and Pro-SQLD.
2. Deliberately suppress and eliminate any news from the World which is Human, and does not obey the orders of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead.

I stopped long enough to see which satanic channel it was. It was 'Assholes and Elbows' (formerly A&E) airing another dirty and filthy propaganda piece for dead brains.


What do you expect from Planet Sinister? Where such hideous fakeries as 'Sexual Orientation' are forced upon anyone who is S**T-STUPID' enough to vote for the Democrat/Homosexuals?

The so-called 'Sexual Orientation' is just one of the many vile and hideous lies, and pretenses, from the worm-mouthed propagandists, that work for the anti-Human forces of the SQLD.

The only places where such dirty lies as 'Sexual Orientation' exist are in the dirty brains and the dirty anuses of Queers -- such as the so-called Homosexuals/Demented White Females/DemoCraps/Sheep Fornicators/Black Radical Females/Liberals/Serial Killers/Social-Church Infestors/Child Molesters/ModeRats (et all).


Meanwhile, having been properly chastised and revealed to the World as the lying filth that they are -- the Filthy Monkeys keep playing the "nothing's going to change my world" beetle track -- which in their twisted brains is supposed to declare that they will continue to insist that Chicken Anus is the preferred part of the Chicken Anatomy.

As you can imagine, they have no clue (whatsoever ) that they have no World to be changed to begin with -- and that they exist inside a Bubble Of Lies -- filled with crap.

Hence, all that can change -- is their S**T!!!!

And, their S**T will change!

Crap always changes.

For instance, lying puppets on Queer Radio today -- who have been told that they will get to become Queer Masters someday (if they lie enough on the radio), will be changed for more perverted and more vicious liars later. And, be trashed instead of being turned into Masters.


One of the reasons why I am adamant about these lies (and their punishments) is because the same liars are also lying about something else; something that is extremely important to every Real Human here in the United States of America, and throughout the World as well -- and that is the US Constitution.

The US Constitution was designed to protect YOU from liars, totalitarian Perverts, tyrannical DemoCraps, and the entire over-filled gutter of Liberal Insanities that is being thrown at us today.

The US Constitution is a Human Protection against all enemies -- domestic and foreign -- such as HObama, and Osama Bin Laden.

An outright attack against the Constitution, by the SQLD, might trigger a Revolution against them -- so their tactic is to warp and distort and alienate the brains of the Voter/Followers to any realization that ...


without the protections of the original and unperverted Constitution.

To kill so many brains at the same time, so they can later demand that the Constitution be perverted, they must use Addictions. Addictions such as the Satan Tube -- the Filthy Monkey Band -- the Newsrags -- the Middle Managers for Profit -- the Street Organizers and the Union Bosses (et all).

Their expectation is, given enough Queered Brains voting for their ideas, that they can castrate and neuter the US Constitution -- and suddenly the Human Species will be stripped of its protection -- "By Popular Vote".

In one attack, they expect to put a pretense of legitimacy upon all of their hideous perversions -- AND to degrade and denounce all Humanity as inferior and unnecessary to 'Life On Planet Sinister'!


That leads us to the next vile topic -- one of the 'Bubbles Of Lies' -- on AM Radio.

I have already mentioned that you can automatically know when you are listening to puppet mouths of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead. Because, any Media Pervert will refer to that Devil Cult Favorite and 'Resident in the White House' (HObama the Magnificent Pervert) as 'The President'.

If you hear one of the media swine refer to HObama as 'The President', it is a dead giveaway that you are listening to some of the two and three-faced lying puppets, who work for the worst scum and hypocrites on Planet Sinister.

Well, it just got worse. Now, there is a new backed-up-toilet in operation, putting as much raw evil into your ears as it possibly can; and it calls itself 'America's Morning News'. It is designed to keep the Voter/Followers, of all perversions, queered up to the hair follicles on top of their stupefied heads -- and to convince all Idiots that being sick-sick-sick (enough to make a herd of maggots puke in unison), is the Normal and Acceptable way that all societies should be.

It is literally a second-by-second total hoax and fraud, put into your ears as a jive-ass "let's get with the queer program!" and "what's the matter with you? ain't you queer yet?" Propaganda Expectation. A 'Propaganda Expectation' is one that by voice, by inflection, by fake laughter, by false tones, and by assumed superiority -- predisposes the listening audience to the level of subservient worshipers -- listening to the diatribes and orders (by insinuation) of their deities -- in this case a Flaming White Faggot and a Black Radical Dyke.

I really want you to listen to it, UNTIL YOU GET WHAT I AM SAYING, so you will always know how bogus, and twisted and deliberately evil the media perverts ARE!!!!

I want you to listen to all of the times those Queer Radio Moderates 'Talk the Talk of the Conservatives' but 'Walk the Squawk of the Queers'.
I just told you about the phony english DJ that was put on 'Afternoon WHO' in Des Moines, by the Homosexual/Moderates. That thing is exactly like the vermin I am telling you about now.


So ... what are you really trying to say Markel?



Ahh -- always wear Armored Underwear, when listening to Queer Radio?


What I mean is -- the Homosexuals/Moderates/Dog Fornicators/Black Radical Females/DemoCraps/Baby Killers/ Liberals (et all) have started an utterly fake and worthless morning news sewer, on AM Radio, which they call 'America's Morning News'.

It is totally queer, and it constantly lies about Humans and Queers. Humans are always depicted as violent monsters, while anything Queer is always depicted as poor and misunderstood victims of the Big Bad Humans.

It is literally an intentional and horrible outpouring of Queer Vomit, from the speakers of any radio that is unfortunate enough to be tuned into any station, that is repeating that channel of deliberate twisted lies and perversions.

It is literally Queer-Radio at its worst.

Everything Queer is depicted as 'Standard and Normal' -- while everything Human is crapped upon as 'Unacceptable and Anti-Social'.

It Is, A Log-Cabin RINO's Queer Dream Come True !!!!

The primary queer puppets, on that pretendedly-righteous queer radio program are a Sickening White Faggot and a Lying Black Radical Female (the worst possible combination of propagandists). As you would expect, the entire farce is designed to claim that perversions of all kinds are 'Normalcy', and the 'Preferred Ways' to exist on Planet Sinister -- while all Humans are just the crap under their radio microphones, and are the left over wastage from the Former Planet Earth.

Their sham is financed by the 'Washington Times Regurgitation Radio' and a douche bag called 'Talk Radio Network' -- both of which are operatives for the SQLD, of course.



They Are Not Change, And They Are Not Hope.

But, They Sure Know How To Be Death.


Perhaps, now you understand what I meant when I said ...

"They Only Fear -- Final Death."


Markel Peters

Friday, April 22, 2011


As I wrote recently, the WHO radio station in Des Moines has taken a bad and sickening Dumpster Dive into mediocrity and banal absurdity. I understand that it is not easy to replace Steve Deace, but by the time he had left the station, he had given us many Real Humans to rely upon -- for continuing the Quest For Truth here in Iowa.

But, did WHO choose to utilize any of those Real Humans and keep the Truth 'On-the-Air' during its afternoon time spot -- which was once famous as the time and place to turn to, for the Real News and Real Views?


Instead, there has been a RINO takeover of WHO and now anyone, who is unfortunate enough to be listening to that blighted radio station in the afternoons, will be subjected to the DJ prattle and pretend sincerities of a Radio Con-Artist. Listening to its diatribe of superficial concerns, without answers, one can easily see that all of its complaints are merely Inter-SQLD bickering, aimed at the Democrat/Homosexual sucking-arm of the SQLD -- and coming from the twisted viewpoint of the Homosexual/Moderate sucking-arm of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead.

The same RINOs that constantly threatened Steve Deace, while he was the commentator in the afternoons, have now taken over WHO and brought in a pasty-brained Pet Parrot, as Steve's replacement. A do-nothing and know-nothing-true shill, for the RINOs that infest the GOP. A creature that is at WHO to do nothing. And, by doing nothing it prevents any and all discussion of both the Truth and the Social Conservative Issues which all ModeRats hate.

'Genocide by Replacement' anyone?

The Moderate Propagandists that now control WHO are currently pushing a more-than-subliminal message at anyone stupid enough to be listening, and it is to "Switch" from Humanity to Moderate/Homosexuality, and the farce of the 'Pretend Conservatives' that goes with that. Content Quality at WHO has gone from Great, to Cheeseburger Mush with RINO Sauce.

It is immediately apparent that all references and sources cited and highlighted on WHO's 'Afternoon Homo Show' are Homosexual/Moderates like the Iowa Repulsiveness (formerly Republican) -- which is the Internet Propaganda Rag of the RINOs of DemoIowa.

What has happened at WHO is:
Of the three groups here in Iowa -- [[the Real Humans, the Moderate/Homosexuals (pretending to be GOP Republicans), and the Homosexual/Democrat/Pillow-Biters]] -- WHO was on the side of the Human Species, but only because Steve Deace was in that afternoon time spot, and Steve is Human.

Now that Steve has left, the Homosexual/Moderates (who pretend to be 'Conservatives' without any intentions of being such) have taken over WHO, and brought in a DJ-brained and very phony lapdog (with an English accent) to push the Moderate/Homosexual line, and push nothing else -- whatsoever. Its orders are to play to the 'General Public Crowd', and push financial stupidity upon everyone who listens -- starting by eliminating any and all Social Issues from the Talking Board -- thus leaving only Moderate Pseudo-Topics to be discussed -- while playing to the crowd about anything that is not a Social Issue.

Except for the Jan Mickelson Show, Humanity is OUT at WHO. Now, everything that WHO does everyday, after Jan Mickelson signs off, is totally warped and demented by RINO fakery and the constant playtime conversations of their new Pet Puppet. Everything which that punk says is like hearing a RINO Master recite the twisted Moderate Manifesto to apprentice wannabes. Which is how the punk heard it all to begin with.

Right now, in the beginning stage, the 'Homo's Pet Show' at WHO is dredging up all of the standard complaints of 'Conservative Thought' (which we have already discussed ad nauseum) for two purposes -- 1. To aim as much derision as possible at the other sucking-arm of the SQLD. 2. To utterly ignore the existence of the Real Humans of the Real Iowa. And thus, to claim all (allowable) 'Conservative Issues' as the sole intellectual property of the RINOs.

But, you are not supposed to know that.

In direct effect, WHO has gone from representing Humans and the Real Iowa -- to wallowing in the sewer called DemoIowa, in which the battle for Mastery is being fought between the Democrat/Homosexuals and the Moderate/Homosexuals -- one overtly Queer, and the other 'Queer-In-The-Closet' while denouncing overt perversions.

Listen for yourself, if you can stand the low-life worthless rhetoric -- or perhaps you would like to record genuine 'worthless rhetoric', because you have never heard it on WHO before.

The Moderate's Pet Boy (and Talking DJ) never talks about, or accepts the existence of, Real Humans -- otherwise called 'Social Conservatives'. Human Issues are never discussed and the few callers that do call the Pet Boy are all trained Voter/Followers of the Homosexual/Moderates.

Pet HOboy is always yapping about the phone being tied up with masses of callers and text messages. That is a well-worn DJ routine, which radio hacks always use to hide the fact that only pre-arranged callers are waiting to talk on the phone lines (for prizes and gifts of course). This is meant to get the 'Stupid General Audience' to believe that the DJ involved is a great success, and a 'Radio Hit'.

It is a radio con-job that is as old as commercial radio has existed. It is pathetic. It is dishonest. It is ugly. It is what Liars do, on the radio. Now, because of the Moderate/Homosexuals, we are treated this badly by WHO radio -- if you listen to their Pet HOboy, that is.

Such sickness. From a World Class 'A' Grade Steve Deace, we are now subjected to listening to a 'D-' and 'F' grade media phony, with no answers, that reads scripts and follows Homosexual/Moderate orders.

What a piss-poor sham and downfall for WHO.


Markel Peters

Thursday, April 21, 2011


WHO radio is being taken over by the Moderate/Homosexuals, and it is both sickening to hear, and smacks of vile treachery outlandish.

The indications are undeniable -- a Puppet Show for 'Il Duce Branstad' -- pretend games at the Cathouse of the Four Monkeys ((pretending there is something (anything) 'supreme' there)) -- a new show in the evenings about Cheeseburger Finances (with Moderate Sauce of course) -- and worst of all ...

as soon as Steve Deace departed, and took with him the only reason to listen to WHO, after the Jan Mickelson Show finishes for the day, the ModeRats moved in with money and promises. Now, the time spot that used to be occupied by Steve Deace is wasted upon some foreign Hack/Moderate -- which the 'Il Duce Branstad' crowd drummed up to pretend within a pretense.

Now, at WHO, you have the ModeRats pretending to be 'Conservatives' (oblivious to the fact that we all know they are our worst enemies and fork-tongued liars); and putting on all sorts of stupid pony shows in the name of 'Conservatism" (which they totally loath and despise). And, in the middle of their dipstick playacting games, they have brought in some Jive Ass Talking Head from England to 'talk the talk' and follow the ModeRat line. A twisted line, which says "Talk Like A Conservative -- And Walk Queer, Like Us."

I mean, after all, what do you expect -- there is a Satan Tube Channel in the same building with those creeps.

This entire bogus effort to disembowel Human Resistance, by expecting the Real Humans to continue to listen to that WHO time spot just because a Real Human named Steve Deace used to tell the Truth there -- is blatantly doomed to failure -- despite their orchestrated attempts to have ModeRats call in to the 'Jive Ass Show' and parrot the talking points that their local ModeRats have told them to say on the radio.

In short -- it is putrid fakery -- dismal playacting -- and doomed to failure before it even gets started. We can clearly tell that any mention of stopping the so-called Homosexuals, and their Homosexual Agenda, and their vile Q&P MH (Queer and Phony Marriage Hatred) -- is being sidetracked, cut off, derailed, and disregarded as a Non-Issue by the new Jive Ass Talking-Head on afternoon WHO.

And, who wants all of our defenses against Genocide By Replacement to be buried and destroyed? Eliminated by being dumped into oblivion (along with us) as a Non-Issue and a Non-Existent Topic? Our worst enemies perhaps?!

We Humans could not care less about time spots, or radio stations. We care about the Truth. That Jive Ass substitute for Steve Deace obviously has ModeRat orders to defuse and disallow any conversations about our worst enemies -- the Democrat/Homosexuals and the Homosexual/Moderates. Its phony pony show, every afternoon, reeks of deliberate evasive rhetoric and the intentional disregard for any of the topics which we Humans of the Real Iowa know are important to us.

The goal of their retarded trickery is to disallow Reality, disavow the Real History of Iowa, assume that Real Humans do not exist in Iowa, and to accept only ModeRat talking points and pseudo-topics as 'acceptable speech and dignified conversation'.

Thus, they expect to eliminate all of our Human Gains here in Iowa over the past three years, with their theater performances of trained Puppets and Clowns, such as that Too-Stupid-And-Obvious-For-Words 'Pretender To The Throne Of Steve Deace'. A miserable and transparent excuse for a Twist Doctor, which they have conjured up from the backwaters of greedy and malicious mediocrity, to be the talking dope for their afternoon time spot.

It is as pathetic as trying to replace John The Baptist with Goofy Grape. Or, Ronald Reagan with HObama The Magnificent Pervert.

WHO's morning spot with Jan Mickelson is still worth listening to, most definitely. But, after he signs off for the day -- that radio station takes a nose dive into the Dumpster For Transparent Liars And Backstabber's.

Steve Deace is still around, of course, at --

So -- all Real Humans here in Iowa can still hear the Truth by going to his website.

But sadly, WHO is sinking fast into a sewer of greedy mediocrity -- a cesspool of buffoons who are too s**t stupid to realize that -- Idiots With Glass Brains Should Not Think Stones.


Does it help, that they are carrying out a Classic example of two-faced treachery and evil intentions?

Answer: Classically -- No.


Markel Peters

Monday, April 18, 2011

No one has forgotten you.

No, that has nothing to do with it. No one is forsaking you.

Steve is doing his own thing, with his own objectives.

Jan is still punching out lying politicians over the radio.

And, I am very deep inside several projects; all designed for your benefit of course. At this time it will do no good to describe what I am doing -- but I am very busy -- very intensely.

What is happening here in Iowa, politically, is the expected Traitorism and Two-Faced Debauchery of the so-called Moderates. They lied to all of the Real Humans of the Real Iowa -- and now their lies are quickly surfacing, for all to see.

It is very apparent, even to those who think I am some kind of conspiracy nut, that the Moderate/Homosexuals are 'Exactamundo' what I said they are -- just another 'Sucking Arm' of the SQLD -- with orders from the Masters to keep the "Idiots of Iowa" confused and bewildered. They have no intention of helping anyone defeat the Democrat/Homosexuals of DemoIowa.

I won't go into it, because I really am busy on other projects.

The pressing issue here and now, is very plainly described in the April 15th broadcast by Jan Mickelson on WHO, entitled 'Jennifer Bowen from Iowa Right To Life'.

All you need, to get up to date with what is happening here in Iowa, is to listen to that podcast -- completely. Notice the duplicity and the lies of the Democrap, that tries to BS Jan Mickelson into thinking that there is not enough time for the Democraps to do anything to protect Iowa Human Infants from being murdered by late term abortionists.

After hearing this podcast, even a complete idiot will realize that Iowa will only be safe for Human Life when all Homosexual/Democrats and ModeRats are expunged, and removed from any political offices.

The 'Balance' is not between Good and Evil.

The 'Balance' is not between Humans and the SQLD.

The 'Balance' only exists within Humanity. All else is lying propaganda. Evil and the SQLD are not needed for anything -- have never been needed -- and never will be needed!!!!


As for 'Conspiracy Theories'. People who think that there are any conspiracies left to theorize about, are ludicrously out-of-date and retarded right out of Reality. The conspiracies all happened in the 80's and 90's. What we are fighting now are the Organized Criminal Bodies that resulted from those conspiracies -- which everyone was too (chickens**t) to fight at the time that they were happening.


I like what I am hearing and seeing, regarding Real Humans getting organized and determined. I intend to help with that.

All it takes is Humanity, and Humans. No one has to be a Movie Star or a Plastoid Political Type (with manicured appearances and white SUVs), to be a Human Organizer of Human Resistance!!!!


Right now, I have work to do.

Thank You.


Markel Peters