Friday, October 1, 2010




I do not blame real Conservative and Tea Party Candidates -- who say what they mean and keep their words -- for that Worthless Pledge. Good Luck To Them In The Upcoming Elections.


Recently, I heard Steve Deace do a ‘Word Search Analysis’ of the rancid decision document that was put out by that awful perverted Monkey Judge in California. The one that wants California to be a Concentration Camp with its name on it -- along with the name of SchwartzenNastyFingers.

Steve is right.

I have been doing word searches on computers since the days of the first word processor programs. Always looking for words that have to be there (somewhere), so I can get to the part of a text that I am looking for -- faster. Or, if I am writing, to replace words with other words.

But, Steve has hit upon an ’Essence’ of word processing, and the reading of digital text. He wanted to know how many times a word (as an indicator of something) was repeated in the Vaughn Walker Concentration Camp Manifesto. As an indication of how rotten the entire document is.

Let us take this technique to its logical conclusion.

If we want to know if a Political Document has any real worth and meaning -- we can do a Word Search Analysis for the ‘Indicator Words’ that MUST BE THERE. Otherwise, the document cannot have any meaning, whatsoever.

You can do this at several levels.

1. Search for mandatory words, without which there is no value to the document at all.

2. Search for emphasis words that tell you how strong (presence of), or weak (lack of), the document is -- verbs.

3. Search for quality words that tell you the caliber and tone of the work -- adverbs and adjectives.

If we apply the first and mandatory word search to this False Pledge from the Moderate/Homosexuals; what do we get?


Let's search for words that have to do with our enemies -- the genocidal SQLD. Words that have to be there, or the ‘document’ cannot be of any value.

lose------------Word Count -- 0
marriage ------Word Count --3
homo----------Word Count --0
disease--------Word Count --0
democrat------Word Count --16
satan-----------Word Count --0
queer-----------Word Count --0
pervert---------Word Count --0
death-----------Word Count --0
nasty-----------Word Count --0
teacher---------Word Count --0
killer------------Word Count --0
murder---------Word Count --0
genocide-------Word Count --0
concentration--Word Count --0

1 mention of ‘traditional marriage’.
2 mentions of marriage and taxes,
16 mentions of democrats, politically.
Nothing else about the SQLD.

No mention of stopping our enemies!!!!


Well. How about any mention of US????

win-------------Word Count --1
human----------Word Count --0
species---------Word Count --0
good------------Word Count --4
god-------------Word Count --0
heaven---------Word Count --0
freedom--------Word Count --3
right------------Word Count --3
resist-----------Word Count --0

1 mention of win -- about the SQLD winning something.
4 mentions of good -- used as general conditioners.
3 mentions of freedom -- 1 economic, 2 general.
3 mentions of right -- general usage, nothing about ‘we are right‘.

No mention of US (Humans) either!!!!

With such dismal results, why the hell would any Human being want to read it? Hear it? Know about it? Or, vote for it?

It has to be worthless drivel, designed to placate the stupefied 'general masses'.

It has to be written crap -- crap in written form -- which is all that Moderate/Homosexuals know how to write!!!!

Gross-tesque -- ain't it?

Why is my newsrag-eating toilet bowl whistling at this False Pledge? The False Pledge from the anus-suckers of the 'Repo-Establishment'?


So, what can we do with such worthless and wasted words?

Answer: Flush it! As the Political Lies and Tripe that it is.


Why, what is wrong with us? Why don't we let the Moderate/Perverts pretend? Why not let them have their illusions and fun?

Answer: It is those delusions and illusions and pretenses that will get us all killed -- or worse! It is our lives they are trying to fool with and fornicate!

If we allow deceptions and worthless garbage like this to pass for Human thought and Human reasoning -- then the genuine Human thought and Human reasoning will henceforth be seen and decried and outlawed as radical, freakish, scary, violent and revolutionary.

Forget about 'political correctness'. Only political trash fake-think in those bogus terms, anymore. Everyone else dumps on ‘political correctness‘, for recreation and sport!


That False Pledge is a typical slight-of-hand and lack-of-meaning doggerel from gutless establishment politicians, who only care about being re-elected. Unfortunately, it allows our enemies to barrage the medias with false reports and deliberate lies against Humanity.

Lies that depend upon the readers being already poisoned and diminished and worn down and programmed and mindless and identity-less; and brainwashed into zombies that watch the Satan Tube.

These are the kinds of lies that Monkey Judges use as vindication of their prostitutions, and refer to as ‘authority’ for their vile deeds and worthless opinion-farts -- that become laws -- that become restrictions -- that become punishments -- that become death -- that succeed in genociding the Human Species.

Such as the following AWFUL LIES:

Notice the SQLD propaganda approach in this lie. Never admit failure, even as it overtakes you. Always say you are Winning and Growing. Always pretend that the enemy is about to lose. Quote bogus sources and obscure information as facts.

Notice the Assumption of Stupidity here. Having lied in the first propaganda piece, it now assumes that all readers are so stupid, that they now believe. Believe that the Lies from the first piece are Facts and Accepted Truth.

[[Christian Science Monitor is based inside the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone. Apparently a flaming propagandist got through the screening process.]]

SQLD Media Hack

SQLD Media Propaganda Party

Monkey Judges Are SQLD Weapons of Mass Destruction

Such filth is just DS!

D for Dog.


I have to laugh at the Scum/Moderates who are bleating that in a few years this marriage issue will be decided 'legally', and in a few more years this will all be non-controversial.

What BS!

Marriage is for Humans. It is NOT something that can be changed or 'decided' by pretenses such as 'legalities'. It is not something that can be changed. You either have it -- or you do not have it -- but IT (Marriage) does not change. Marriage is the joining and mutual commitment of one Man and one Woman.



The Mental disease called ‘Homosex’ will never stop until it is either destroyed, or it kills off the Human Species.

That pack of demented scum intends to kill our Species by first killing off everything about us -- including Marriage.

The Human Species has no intention of being killed off, or controlled, or told what to think, or accepting any false claim that anus-licking and Human-murdering freaks are 'married'!!!!

This is a War against mental disease.


You will notice that I do not say that such Liars as these should be hung and left for the buzzards.

As we seem to still be in School about all of this, we still need them.

TO LIE!!!!

So I can tell the TRUTH about them.

For a while. Until you get it right.


On the home front here in Iowa, the flaming propagandists are putting out a wave of fear and terror propaganda that says -- if the three Monkey Judges are fired there will be a state of violent chaos, and many innocent people will be killed -- especially by Markel Peters and the Resistance Killers.


Remember all of the things I told you about the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone? Add another. In the Horrid Zone, in the months preceding any important election (after spending many months lying about the Humans and depicting us as trash and perverts like themselves) -- the SQLD always started a terror campaign which said -- that if Humans win the election there will be outbreaks of Humans committing murders, rioting, looting and burning cities!

You would think that such a quick reversal of lies would cause confusion, and defeat its own evil purpose. But, the SQLD always expect the targets of such lies to be Satan Tubers. Imbeciles, that watch the Satan Tube programming daily and therefore are as moldable and as subservient as silly putty.

Here in Iowa, the SQLD (Democraps, Moderates, Perverts et al) are running the same twisted propaganda game; trying to get their Voter/Followers to vote for their (less-supreme-than-anyone-else) Monkey Judges. They could not care less about which Puppet becomes Governor, as they own both establishment candidates.

To create a Hellish Second Horrid Zone in Demo-Iowa they must have Seven Monkey Judges!!!!


That is what they care about more than anything else!!!!

And, that is why they are spreading lies around, about Human Resisters being killers.

I wonder, should we be flattered that such ‘Killer Queers’ as those scum are calling us killers?

Answer: Not worth thinking about. Especially in light of the countless death threats which have been shouted and screamed at Human Resisters by the Killers Faggots of the SQLD. (which is never reported in the medias)

We will replace Monkeys with Humans, and free the People of Iowa.



Those maggots do not fear the Human Resistance Network -- but rather they fear Humanity -- the Humanity they hate and want to kill. Because, the 'Human-Hating’ mental disease in their brain hates what they were before they were diseased -- namely Humans.



The disease does not want its victims to know or imagine what Humans they would have been, if they had not become victims of the disease -- so it forces them to hate all Humanity -- thus blocking such questions and any thoughts of such possibilities.

A question which the 'Homosexual' mental disease never wants any of the Voter/Followers to ever ask is --

"What If?"

“What if ... I had not been diseased?”


Report on False Pledge-01
This one says we get the nod. A nod doesn’t amount to ‘butt-kiss’ in this War.

Report on False Pledge-02

Report on False Pledge-03

Report on False Pledge-04

Report on False Pledge-05

The Worthless Pledge Itself
This should have been entitled -- ‘Our Limited Ideas About Getting Rid Of That God-Damned DemoCare Trash - And It Is Not About Anything Else - Because We Fear Everything Else’


Markel Peters