Friday, September 30, 2022

Spotlight On: Saint Junipero Serra and the Modern Devils.

Warning: Appropriate Language Usage Of The English Language Ahead. 'Oh Ickers' May Only Read Wearing Scuba Gear.


You think maybe there really is a God?


Well, there I was -- watching for the twentieth time a favorite film of mine about a favorite character of our American History. I was saying to myself -- “I might as well watch this because I cannot possibly get the next message done for this month. Not the way I want it to turn out.”

The film is called 'Seven Cities of Gold' and it is a story about an early Hispanic Priest of Mexico (then called 'New Spain') who actually existed. His name was Junipero Serra, and he was responsible for the creation of nine of the early Spanish Missions in what was then called 'Alta California'.,videoDefinition:high

I have been to some of those Spanish missions and my memories of them are filled with good impressions of very nice people -- all of whom are forbidden in the modern 'Caliturdia'. Serra is hated by some real turds that have no clue as to who he was. But that is nothing new these days. However, it is news to me because no sane person would imagine such insanity.

To get back to what I was saying ... as I was watching the performance of Michael Rennie (who played Serra) I was struck by the question “I wonder what he taught to the Indians that he encountered? What was the religious message and regime that was being taught in those days?” It is an academic question, but such things are usually smothered by Queer Censorship because they have some high Human values and truths; so I decided to write a short message about Father Serra for this month's message.

Okay, do you follow me so far?

I started to look on the Internet for websites about Junipero Serra who I have known about for more than fifty years. I found the following websites, but they do not tell me what Serra and the missionaries were teaching to the Indians ...

however ...

before we get there I must ask if you know anything about Franciscan Monks and/or the Franciscan Order?

They are named after Saint Francis of Assisi (1182-1226) who is notorious in the Religious World for defying the Central Catholic Church to the point of almost getting himself excommunicated. If you do not know about Saint Francis you will never understand Saint Serra, who was a devout Franciscan.

Listen to me -- this is all for you -- not for me! I have known these things for decades! I do not need this, you need this.

And, by now you should know that I never take you for granted and I never take you on journeys that are not good for you.

So, who was Francis?

This film will give you the essentials about Saint Francis. It is one of Zeffirelli's most famous film achievements. It is called 'Brother Sun Sister Moon' and it is a close-up study of the hypocrisies of Organized Religion, which inadvertently brought about the creation of the Franciscan Order of Monks in rejection of those weaknesses of the church.


One of the most important things that I requested of the Visitor General Jose de Galvez, (who had organized the 1769 expedition from Baja California to San Diego and Monterey) at the beginning of these conquests was that, if the Indians were to kill me, whether they be gentiles or Christians, they should be forgiven. And now I request the same of you. I was negligent in not requesting this sooner ... If they (the Indians) have already killed the missionary, what are we to gain with military campaigns? ... Let the murderer live so he can be saved, which is the purpose of our coming here and the reason for forgiving him. Help him to understand, with some moderate punishment, that he is being pardoned in accordance with our law, which orders us to forgive offenses and to prepare him, not for his death, but for eternal life.

Quotation from Father Serra in Church Life Journal

With a founder of his order like Francis -- Serra was tied and bound to the disciplines and rules of virtue and poverty and worldly love that exemplified Francis. Remember that when we look at the many lies that are currently being said about Father Serra in 'Caliturdia'.


So ... there was Junipero Serra in what we now call 'Old Mexico' which they called 'New Spain', and he was bound and determined to create some missions for the native populations of what was then called 'Alta California'. It is the same 'California' in which the legendary Zorro was later to live and fight for the rights of oppressed natives; which by then also numbered many Hispanics as well as the Indians. In his own way, Serra was a bible-totting peace-loving anti-government rebel; just like Zorro was a sword-fighting women-dazzling gallant rebel against an oppressive government. Remember that when you hear the many lies said about Serra by the liberal worms of 'Caliturdia'. [[aka the 'Fungusamongus'.]]

In fact, it is not at all a stretch of imagination to think that the rebellious actions of Father Serra could have led to such legends as that of Zorro. Remember that please.

After many years of suffering, Father Serra managed to create nine Spanish Missions in the 'Alta California'.

San Diego de Alcala

San Carlos Borromeo

San Antonio de Padua

San Gabriel Arcangel

San Luis Obispo de Tolosa

San Francisco de Asis

San Juan Capistrano

Santa Clara de Asis

San Buenaventura


Here are some websites about Father (Saint) Serra.

Ohhhh! By the way. He is considered to be the Catholic Saint of California. That is too much for the turds there.


Well, as usual this gets me nowhere about my question because I already know all of this. I have an 'Advanced Question' ...

“I wonder what he taught to the Indians that he encountered? What was the religious message and regime that was being taught in those days?”

I want to know what was being taught. I want to know what concepts of the world were given to the natives of 'Alta California'.,videoDefinition:high

When you watch this film you probably think it is pure fiction, but it is closer to the truth than the turds want you to know. You know what 'turds' I am referring to, especially the Turds of Academia, that are seen and followed (as Gods) by their brainless minions.


I want the answer to this question ...

“I wonder what he taught to the Indians that he encountered? What was the religious message and regime that was being taught in those days?”

As I have said so often, today's Humans are being castrated and neutered by the deliberate wall of misinformation and lies that the Queer Medias and Academia are putting between ourselves and the real lessons of the past. Our enemies are trying to destroy our Present and our Future by blocking all access to our Past.


So ... I kept looking at websites for my answer. Then, I started to encounter some really weird stuff about statues of Father Serra being defaced and torn down by worms in 'Caliturdia'.

Note about this video ...

This video shows the Modern Devils that I refer to. There are some very obvious conclusions to be drawn from this video ...

1. Disappointed cockroaches want all kitchen owners to be dead -- and to eat them too.

2. The uniformity of the hatred against the Catholics by the worms is very evident and can be attributed to Queer Media control.

3. Always look for maggots in the footsteps of turds. It is a dead giveaway.


Apparently, the scum over there in 'Caliturdia' are trying to denounce the Catholic Religion ...


by ripping down statues of Father Serra and claiming that he was a murderer and racist and whatever shit they have been fed this week by the Turds of Academia. All of whom are Catholic-Hating Atheists. All of whom are super pissed off that they are Catholic-Hating Atheists and God still will not be nice to them.

[[Do not do this at home. Do not become a Shithead Atheist just to know what Fatal Rejection by God really feels like.]]

[[Never hesitate to step on any Atheist's neck. Those things are more stupid than my living room rugs.]]

[[Obviously the 'Lie Enough Rule' is being used in Caliturdia in an attempt to denounce and defame the Catholics there. The Lie Enough Rule says that if you continuously lie about a Human, the Human will start to believe the lies about himself or herself. More lies will crush the brain and mind of the Human Victim.]]

So, for crying out loud!!!! Where is the answer to my question ???? “I wonder what he taught to the Indians that he encountered? What was the religious message and regime that was being taught in those days?”

Does it matter any more?

Answer: Yes. Especially when you realize that all of that monkey circus in 'Caliturdia' is deliberately designed to bury the truth about Father Serra and what he really taught to the natives of 'Alta California'. The turds want the entire Catholic Encyclopedia to be burned and the ashes mixed with their marijuana. Literally.

You think maybe ... knocking down statues of Father Serra is some kind of 'Marijuana High'?

If so, I bet you anything that burning down the fetid Halls of Academia is a much better Marijuana High!!!!



What did Father Serra tell the natives about the 'Outer World'?

What did Father Serra tell the natives about God?

What was the perception of God at those times? By Spanish Missionaries?

What did Father Serra do to save the Indians from the Government?

If we knew these things we could understand that piece of the Puzzles of History much better.

The baddest news for the worms and turds is the fact that it is not our place in this future to be judgmental and emotional about people like Father Serra. It is information and perspective that we want -- and -- any lessons to be learned from the past -- and that -- is exactly what all Queer Propagandists never want anyone to learn. The goal of all Queer Propagandists is to smother and kill all truth and all history and all Humanity -- and -- replace it with Queershit.


For those who would like to answer these questions, you might find the answers in the following books about Father Serra.ípero-Serra-California-Transformation-Missionary/dp/0806148683/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=junipero+serra&qid=1561999497&s=books&sr=1-6


Markel Peters