Sunday, July 31, 2022

Here: 07-31-2022

Despite the heat waves that we are experiencing here in Iowa, I got out a few times and took some photographs; enough to make an episode out of.


This is all about what you can see in North Central Iowa; including some surprises.

I will put in a minimum of comments, because this is mainly a visual experience. And! Many of these photographs were taken with the thought to providing desktop background images for the People.

I am removing large pieces of my jungle with the Ranger 900.

I am still taking pictures of older structures here that will soon cease to exist.

I have resurrected the Sony cameras that I used years ago. This one has an excellent macro lens to photograph closer subjects with.

I always test these background images on my own desktop to see if they are appropriate.

These 'Ladies of the Plains' were just watching traffic go by on a seldom used hardtop.

A new silo complex at Clarion, perhaps to replace the ones damaged by the December 15, 2021 tornado.


Perfect example of our Common Iowa Fluffball.


A view from a typical Eagle Grove street.

ONE OF MANY PONDS IN THE COUNTIES. This was the only photograph possible at the time.

Back at Eagle Grove, an unmarked helicopter buzzes the city. Does anyone know why? Or from where? No? Must be an Elite Helicopter. Sinister no matter what.

East of Fort Dodge. I was going home in the morning hours and I saw this guy spraying croplands. This is a very typical scene here.


I decided to draw on some visualizations, because the heat outside was too much for mortal man.


Pond Life

Splash of Forces

Inside the Warp Drive

I call this one -- 'Identify Yourself!'

Background image from Serge Brunier of the ESO.

This is the weblink to the full BMP image.

This is the weblink to the ESO site. ESO is the 'European Southern Observatory' which operates on top of the mountains of Northern Chile in South America.

Photographer Serge Brunier of the ESO ...


From now on 'weblink' is one word.


Markel Peters