Saturday, July 31, 2021

A Delightful Day At Waterloo/Cedar Falls -- Sort Of ...

Ah Yes! Mint Juleps in the evening ... The chortle of millions of bullfrogs in the swamps ... The carefree hours of whittling and fishing along the banks of your favorite river ... All of this easy living is possible at Waterloo and Cedar Falls along the Cedar River ...

Except ... no one seems to realize that such possibilities exist there.

I decided to mosey on over to Waterloo and Cedar Falls on a Monday, July 26th of this year ... to see what I could see and perhaps discover some new resources for my easy Iowa living style; which is now so famous around the world.

And -- Whammo!

I found it!


But first, boys and girls, we must start at the beginning. I meandered over to Cedar Falls with no great expectations, moving nice and slow the better to soak up and appreciate the delightful ambiance and savvy faire of the decor and landscapes -- only to find that I was the only driver to be doing so.

Although the traffic was lighter than I expected, most of the drivers in Cedar Falls seemed convinced that they must drive as though they were in a race against Final Death. Their roadly manners were non-existent and they sped about literally as though the 'Grim Reaper' was on their tails.

Getting nowhere faster.

Enjoying nothing of life at greater speed.

Existing inside of internalized false existence.

Oblivious to the real world around them.

And this was after lunchtime.

Good God! What does lunchtime look like?

So ... There I was on 'University Avenue' puttering along singing a song and looking everywhere while crazed motorists buzzed past me as though their houses were on fire -- they know not where -- but they must get there as soon as possible.

And, I did see many interesting places and stores and structures; some of which were closed down but I attribute that to the normal redistribution of retail resources. I passed a large blue water tower and continued easterly until I encountered a road block at Ansborough Avenue'; where I turned around and headed back for a place I had just seen.

It was a store that sells natural foods and many herbal medicines -- the like of which we can only dream of having at Fort Dodge. The place is a cornucopia of nature's goodies and the best possible natural healing potions and lotions and emotions! I have not seen any place like it for decades.

I spent at least an hour in there grabbing everything that looked (even remotely) like it could help me in any way; saying to myself that a place like this would greatly improve life at Fort Dodge and the surrounding areas. No Walmart or Dollar General carries such items, and only Perverts go inside Barfit stores. I said to myself, even a half-sized version of this place would work wonders for the health and attitudes of the people of Fort Dodge. If that is not possible, then if the Walmart devoted two isles of floor space to these products (just two isles) life in the Fort Dodge area would become much better for all of us ...


They sell Grecian Olive Oil!!!!


Unheard of! Never seen in this century! Unimaginable! All of the olive oil sold in stores in Iowa is for mass market consumption from Spain or Tunisia. However, the best olive oil is from Greece and it is nowhere to be found here. Until now.

I had a marvelous time in that store, reading many descriptions on products and taking many of them home for testing. Just a fine shopping experience in a very nicely appointed mercantile establishment. A true delight.

The rest of the day was no so much fun and happiness.


I noticed all day long an absence of the horrid Forrid Abominations which I expected to be defiling and perverting the streets and avenues of Waterloo and Cedar Falls, and thereby turning them into sewer pipes. Then, I remembered the 'Fagsny'. That ugly and atrocious Queer Propaganda rolling stench and used dildo exchange, that deliberately disgraces and suppresses all forms of real life in Iowa once a year, just about this time. A vomitous abortion on two wheels, spawned by the anal pornographers at the worst queer newsrag in the Midwest -- the Des Aliens Rear Stretchers -- in Des Aliens. Obviously, all of the Forrid Abominations had left for the orgies and sodomy contests at the Fagsny; that atrocity being committed against Iowa on the western side of the state, at that time.

Thus, we have another permanent and universal proof of the constant that all owners and operators of Forrid Abominations are Perverts!


So ... There I was, happy and enthusiastic that the rest of my day would be as splendid as my visit to the natural foods store; but alas ...

I moseyed on east again, until I reached the road block at Ansborough at which time I surmised that a southerly direction would take me down to the very big malls along 'Big 20', in which Barnes & Noble has a store; which sells all kinds of music CDs. For miles and miles I followed Ansborough avenue through many different kinds of scenarios and neighborhoods until at last it crossed 'San Marnan'; onto which I took an easterly course again, passing many stores among which was a 'Popeyes' the like of which I thought had ceased to exist.

Then! Glory of glories!

I saw it -- a 'Chick-Fil-A'!

Now, any Human establishment such as Chick-Fil-A is supposed to be dead and gone by this year; suppressed and vilified by the Perverts of the Queer Medias according to the edicts and tyranny of the Shit Agenda. However, this Chick-Fil-A was thriving and swamped by customers, to such an extent as I have never seen before. To order, you were met by attendants in the drive up lanes who carried portable menus and mobile credit machines. You ordered your food through them, they processed your card, and then you were met by more workers (further down the lane) giving you your order -- and you were gone in record time. The traffic of customers was so great that it gave me the impression that no one in Waterloo wants to be a slave of the TV Turd Terrorists, nor the Filthy Monkey Horrors.

I got a peach flavored thingy that was scrumptious and took half an hour to finish. Pure joy.

I ate that in the parking lot of the Barnes & Noble store; then I went inside to get some classic music CDs.

What classic music CDs?

Not only was there not a single classic music CD in the place ...

A. The entire music section in the back of the store was gone.

B. Replaced by obscene and Satanic Science Religion Idols of worship and worse -- terrible Science Religion toys from 'Nastyall Queeragraphics'. Known in ancient times as national geographic.

C. The area where so many music CDs have been displayed in past years was now gutted and infested with items of Science Worship and CDs and toys for the 'STEM' Science Religion; which we all know is the product of Satanism and Atheism.

D. There was one rack of generic music CDs off to a side which was of no use whatsoever. Obviously, that retail chain has been De-Humanized.

E. I bought some DVDs and left, knowing I would never be back.


After getting the DVDs, I was really eager to get on home and unveil the natural goodies which I had bought at the nature store; but I lingered for an hour driving back to 'University' and then westerly into the sunset. All the way I drove at the speed limit and I was continually passed by reckless drivers with their brains in synthetic worlds oblivious to the real world. Pathetic to see.

And dangerous. Those are the blind aliens that are programmed to want more and more blood electricity for more and more alien toys that keep them in a state of unnatural stress and anxiety and false priorities, and controlled by the phony agendas of the Politics Game.

The BUWIs have raised them to be the excuse for the 'Rape of Iowa' with countless numbers of ButtUgly Windmills. Which brings us to the topic of 'No Wind Farms' at Parkersburg -- and -- the current re-rape of Pocahontas County by the alien BUWIs.


And -- I did not see neither a Demented White Female (DWC) nor one of their short-haired Faggots all day long. Quite Out-Of-Depravity for that place.


Cats On A Hot Tin Roof--07-31-2021--Final

The Meanwhile Report:

The Creation Force be with you in all of your Human endeavors.


It is on their heads -- because it is in their heads -- to rape and kill anywhere except their own properties. Now, the terrible BUWIs are re-killing Pocahontas County. Do you know what is happening at Pocahontas County?

What is it?

New windmills for dead ones?

Additions or just replacements?

What monsters would want more death?

It is Mid American!

the damned things only last twelve years anyway

The BUWIs have already raped and ruined Ida, Franklin, Adair, Cerro Gordo, Kossuth, and Webster counties -- and Pocahontas -- and parts of Sac and Hamilton and Wright counties; to name a few. The awful combination of greedy County Coyotes and horrific hatred of the Earth by the BUWIs is now happening again in Pocahontas County, and is threatening the Parkersburg area. But, there is Human Resistance at the Parkersburg area!!!! Just look at the many 'No Wind Farm' signs at each house in the countryside there.

Here are some pictures of the re-rape of Pocahontas County; along with pictures of something else I found in that immediate area. Surrounded by the ugliness of so many anal monuments to the greed and horror of Billionaire Faggots, I found an historical landmark from the real history of Iowa. It is an original farmstead from the history of Pocahontas County; and as the pictures of the church show it is considered to be worthless and non-profitable by the County Coyotes there. Petty gangsters are glad to take big bribes for big crimes against counties, but will not spend a dollar to preserve the history of those counties. And why would they? They cannot get rich off the past.


I am still seeing as lot of convoys of Killer Queers wherever the Perverts and the BBWA and the BUWIs are killing some Human County -- always led by a flaming faggot in a Forrid SUV followed by Punks and Perverts in more Forrids and Kias -- more and more with Ohio plates. The SQLD must think they can hide their Forrid anuses amongst Kias. Those scum used to infest the 'Subaru' brand, now they want to disease Kia. Next, it will be three-humped camels with two assholes each.

If you see these convoys, know that they are driving between nests of Perverts and innocent counties targeted to die.


At the intersection of Rts 44 and 71 in Iowa (Hamlin). Northeast of there is a new and large BUWI cemetery, still being built. This is Audubon County.

Is this Mid American doing this to Audubon County?

This is horrific anti-nature in a county named after Audubon, one of the great American Naturalists!

This makes the dangers to the Parkersburg area even more immediate and possible.


This points at a Queer Coalition of County Coyotes state wide; with obvious connections to Billionaire Faggots, The Cult Of The Asshole at the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone, all Killer BUWIs, and the Worms in the Golden Pimple on the butt of Des Aliens.

Speaking of Big Business White Assholes ... how much of Iowa is actually owned by the Iowans????

Check out the property maps and you will find that most lands have been bought up by the BBWAs.

Do this for your county.

Investigate the Foreign (Dutch and French) and Florida911 and Texas1984 connections to the Coalition of County Coyotes. This awfulness is forever on their heads because it is in their heads -- they are the Hucksters -- I would not be surprised if this is year 21 of a 100 year plan of systematic death with Coyote approval. In such a plan, all shrinking counties will be layered with re-rape zones of more and more ButtUgly Windmills.

I have seen them, many of them. These killers are the short-haired bladder faggots that were trained to rule the world with blue and yellow hair starting on June 26th 2013!

Of course, the media excuse is they are just perverts being perverts! So cute.

For this -- defund the DNR.

Defund the Golden Pimple.

Outlaw their swimming pools and watch them freak out!!!!!!!!!!

Des Aliens is definitely one of the worst capitals of corruption that has ever existed!!!!!!!!!!


Speaking of which ...

Many sightings prove that the Florida911 Queers are instigating troubles and fomenting Perverts at exactly the places in the Midwest that have the worst and biggest Deviate populations. It is an exact correlation. Wherever there are large numbers of Sick-Sick-Sick Queers (formerly Liberals) and Deviates and Media Scum (is there a difference?) the Perverts of the Florida911 are there!!!!

The Florida911 BUWIs are trying to destroy all Human 'Will-of-the People' in the states that have been targeted for this re-rape of the Midwest. This has been proven beyond any doubt whatsoever.


Sansho the Baliff:

As I said in the podcast, here are some links to this film from the Criterion Collection, most of which you never see or hear of in American Stores.

Sansho the Bailiff - The Current - The Criterion Collection

Sansho the Bailiff (1954) - The Criterion Collection

Review - Sansho the Bailiff- Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) - Blu-ray Authority Sansho the Bailiff (The Criterion Collection)- Kinuyo Tanaka, YoshiakI Hanayagi, Kyôko Kagawa, Eitarô Shindô, Aki

Criterion Collection- Sansho the Bailiff - Blu-ray review -

Criterion Collection--Sansho the Baliff at DuckDuckGo

This film is so quintessential because of its spot-on depiction of a central and evil character that typifies all corrupt and petty dictators at local political levels.

Cats On A Hot Tin Roof--07-31-2021--Final



Remington, Indiana on I65 has always been one of the worst truckstops in the country -- now it is a center of activity for the rape of Indiana by the BUWIs. It is swarming with the lethal combination of Forrid Abominations, Florida911 snake mobiles, Texas1984 Forrids, and Preverts from Ohio. The wind farm there is already twelve miles along I65 and four miles wide. Awful to see. Much worse for the planet. Now, at Remington the pieces for many more windmills have been delivered, enough to double the size of the BUWI cemetery there.

This is more proof that all claims by all energy companies that they only want enough ButtUgly Windmills for their own self sufficiency -- is Total ...


Plus -- being Perverts themselves -- all energy companies use Queer advertising methods of lying to the People. Exactly identical techniques of lies and false promises as used by all Southern-Poverty queer agencies!

BUWI Propaganda and Queer Propaganda are exactly identical.



Amongst all of this clutter of deliberate Insanities, we are seeing ludicrous and preposterous attempts to pretend that Forrid drivers are the diversity of all societies. Instead, they are nothing more than gutter riff-raff, skunks, psychotic out-patients, hopeless in-patients (released for Forrid advertisements) and assholes of many descriptions. Those morons are not diversity, by any means. The things are the Dungversity that the Democraps put up as the diversity of normal society. The Democraps wouldn't know a normal society if it dropped a bomb load on them.


The Sexless Twisted Species will try to kill the World if we do not vote to perpetuate their Politics Game.

So destroy them by Never Voting.

Do not believe their lie that by Voting you control them. The only thing they fear is No Politics Game.


White Niggers like the BUWIs make the World un-livable. White Niggers make the World a living Hell. White Niggers built Planet Sinister.

Can they be White Niggers and 'Oh Ickers' afraid of the HBHZ at the same time?

Do they alternate days?

Do they all have artificial gender sockets between their legs?

Are they all approved?

Do they wear brands of approval?


The White Nigger Rodentia Game is literally killing West Omaha, which is currently crawling with White Niggers; turning the west side of the Omaha Metro into a Hellish White Nigger depository. Killer Faggots swarm there like maggots.

It is the terrible bleeding wound of Nebraska!

Filthy Monkey Horrors and TV Turd Terrorists are seen licking the outer walls and fondling the new fire hydrants. Are these ugly rodent monstrosities really necessary for White Nigger Billionaires to hold sodomy demonstrations in? The bigger the audiences the better?

Maggots -- Faggots -- Billionaires ...

Which are which? What is what? Who does what to who?

And it is all premeditated murder. The deliberate spread of Perversion and death wherever possible.

It is all on their heads because it is in their tiny heads. They are the Hucksters! If you want to stop the killing -- you will have to stop their tiny heads!

Question: Do their little cigarette heads have to have such big floppy ears?

Answer: Oh! I'm sorry! That is their toilet bowl plungers!!!!

Oh -- my bad.

wait a minute


Universal Constants do not change.

Butt, illiterate greedy assholes do.

You earn it! You live with it!


All connections between the Universal Circle Jerk of Forrids -- Democraps -- BUWIs -- Deviates -- Queer Medias -- BBWA -- Monkey Judges -- Satanists -- Public/Political Schools -- HollyQueer -- the Politics Game -- any hardware store full of Demented White Females that caters to the aforementioned vermin, whether Green, Orange, shiny Baboon Red, Pimp's Faggot White, or whatever -- HAVE BEEN PROVEN BEYOND ANY DOUBT.

Henceforth -- it is now a Universal Constant!

Which no amount of lies can cure.

Thank You.

Two shows on Fridays!!


Markel Peters

Who is very happy to see so many Happy Humans.