Sunday, January 24, 2021

Warning to 2020 Voter Losers--01-24-2021--Redux

First Podcast -- Warning to 2020 Voter Losers:


Main points of podcast:

The perverted campaign to get everyone to vote was part of the rigged election -- the intention was to hurt as many non-perverts as possible -- since the outcome was already paid for.

Perverted Forrid Abomination drivers from Broadhead to Janesville are laughing about what they are going to do to the nation once their snake is in the White Outhouse.

Perverted atrocities against the nation will be launched rapidly once the snake pit is open for business in Wash This Death City.

The Repucraps are all perverted and the entire politics charade is populated by the Twisted Species of Politics -- so there will be no one inside the Queer Coalition Bladders to oppose any Queer Laws and Queer Regulations from inside the bladders.

What must be done is to confine those Queer Laws and Queer Regulations to only the bladders -- which is wherever the Blue Scourge is on the big map -- and do not allow such acts of death and fakery to affect the Real America -- which is wherever the Real Red of Humanity is. Which is the only value that the map has anyway -- however the map is very valuable for that.

What has the Deviates worried is the huge redness of the real country -- compare the big map of the 2008 election to the 2020 big map. In Iowa for instance, in 2008 many counties were infested by the Blue Scourge. In 2020, only counties with mass insanity populations are blue -- every other county is red!!!!

Election 2008 Map

Election 2020 Map--01

Election 2020 Map--02

The medias do not want to release these maps, so they are hard to find on the Internet. These are the 2020 result maps that most closely resemble each other.


Election 2008 Iowa Map.


Election 2020 Iowa Map.


What has happened immediately because of the Grand Theft Election of 2020 is the accurate mapping of where the Blue Scourge and its filth such as perverts and forrids scum and corrupt officials and queer media controllers (such as Facebook and Twitter) are NOT!!!! NOT!!!!

In the 'NOT' places the Real America can still exist or they would be Blue Scourge places instead.



I will gladly take 18,000,000 people out of the Repucrap side of the Twisted Politics Game and teach them all about Humanity -- but I have to point out again how awful the vermin of the politics game are. The voting campaign of the 2020 Grand Theft Election was a deliberate attempt to cause as much mental damage to anyone who did not vote for their administration of serpents as was possible -- the more the better! Their hope was to mentally injure and disable and make mindless as many idiot voters as was possible, so there could be no objections to the queer atrocities that they intend to attack America with, once the snake pit is open for business in WTDC.

Are you starting to understand why I call that shit hole -- Wash This Death City?


What you must get into your brains are the following Universal Facts ...

1. The Deviates and the Democraps are so awful and evil and slimy and Gross-tesque that most of you cannot imagine how terrible they really are.

2. They want it that way so you are blind to their real identities and their real intentions.

3. All commercial medias are queer medias -- and as such they are worthless to the Human Species. During the 2020 election theft, the phony conservative fox news revealed its real queer identities and went completely blue -- and insane at the same time. I now call it the 'POX BLUES' nest of media vermin.

4. Both the deviate game and the politics game use mass medias and mass insanity as weapons -- and all of that must be confined to the Queer Coalition Bladders. These crimes and horrors are truly on their heads because the evil and insanity is in their heads.

5. Mass insanity voting will continue to be an effective tool of all future Grand Theft Elections.

6. Voting outside of mass centers of mass insanity will be absolutely useless and colossally absurd -- unless the mass centers of mass insanity can be deactivated.

7. Even if that is somehow achieved, all that is being accomplished is the horrible perpetuation of the Horrible Politics Game of the Terrible Deviates Game.

8. So why vote at all? Any vote only continues the ongoing politics crime!

9. The country's borders and living spaces have been reduced and in some cases isolated from each other by the Blue Scourge. Where you see red counties on the big map, there are the places where the Real America can still exist -- and thrive if the people there realize what has happened and keep out the Blue Scourge.


Finally -- dumb blindness is a real problem on this continent. The Anti-Human Public/Political schools are totally controlled and operated by perverts of many awful identities that exist for only one purpose -- the Denature and Queer all Human Children that are sent to them by brainwashed parents who don't give a damn about their own offspring.

Through all of this, a Universal Constant becomes very apparent -- and -- you have now witnessed the undeniable proof of its existence ...

Universal Constant: The Social Controls Of Politics Have Been Bought And Paid For By The Deviates, Such That All Voting Now Works For (and Supports) The Shit Agenda Of The Deviates.

Add that to the Universal Constant about the Perverts that drive Forrid Abomination machines and your collection of Universal Constants is begun.


You have to start to think of 'Autonomy' for real because your Real Autonomy is why the Deviates and Democraps want your brain dead. And, your children dead. Did You Think It Would Be Wonderful Being The Right Beings For The Right Planet? Read About The Life And Times Of Moses To Know Otherwise.


The song included here is from one of my favorite films, which is hated by all Big Business White Assholes and BUWIs and Utility Termites and Construction Weevils and Developer Rodents everywhere. It is 'Medicine Man' starring Sean Connery and Lorraine Brocca.

As I searched the Internet for links to material about 'Medicine Man' I found that the sites that relate to this movie either want to sell it, or condemn it, or vaguely support it. My above statement was born out as it became obvious that every dipshit techno-psycho spiritless money-grubbing BBWA-kissing POS out there hates this movie. Because, it threatens their practice of planet-rape and ecological-murder.




Second Podcast -- The Good The Bad And The Why:


I found enough time to continue my audio presentations with an explanation of the background to all of this muck and mayhem and cesspool of Blue Evil.

The music in this podcast is from the 'William Tell Overture' and is much more familiar as the theme song of the 'Lone Ranger' series on TV, many decades ago when TV was Human. Of course, young people these days have not heard of either one, so this will be quite new to them -- and probably strange because Human music from the Golden Years was seldom self-serving like the noises of today are. The music from the Humans was in service of something else (a story or a film or an opera) which also had to be known and taken into account for the full experience and meaning.



There Is Strength Where There Is Truth.

Markel Peters