Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020-12-31--Influenza Prevention:

150 characters is totally insufficient to provide a search description with.


This message is basically three audio files with accompanying notations.

Women versus the Teddie Piggies

Food Ideal for You

Smarten Up!

With the Deviate Bug causing all sorts of problems around the world, the annual onset of Influenza becomes ever more dangerous to everyone who was not in on the planning of the Deviate Bug; and possibly to those things as well.

My intention with these podcasts is to turn everyone's attention to their own physiological abilities to ward off and keep Influenza out of their lives, or at least from having negative effects upon their lives.

This can be achieved. When you realize that viruses need special environments in which to thrive and multiply, then you realize that they are vulnerable to changes in those environments. Those environments are your bodies, therefore anything which you do to change your body into a fortress against viruses will be successful.

What hinders all of our efforts is the pre-existing schmeer of blood-sucking industries that prey upon us medically and require our continued pain and agony and ignorance for their own financial success. Their society is geared towards the premature obsolescence of People.

Predatory commercial propaganda needs to replace the People that it ruined during the last decade, with new replacement things that can be molded and pressure formed into the zombies that the commercial industries need for the next decade. Old zombies stumbling around in society in the form of consumer idiots from two decades ago are a nuisance to the commercial needs of the commercial killers that already have new designs planned for the consumer idiots of the next decade.

Fast food companies that produce junk foods for profits -- which have worthless contents with no nutrition -- need to remold the thinking of the so-called public whenever they find a cheaper way to stuff the faces of the masses with junk. Without a word about the natural and nutritional defense abilities of the Human Body.

Therefore, the consumer herds must not be aware of such topics of vital concern such as health and nutrition and their Human organic processes and their requirements; which are the building blocks of your personal fortress against viruses.

Health insurance companies that never promote natural healing or health foods are always in league with the pharmaceutical companies. The pharmaceutical companies are in business to keep masses of temporary zombies activated with drugs, instead of activating and protecting themselves with health and nutrition.

Insurance medicine frauds and quacks (West Des Aliens) prey upon the People using the twisted commercial systems of false medicine. Their fraudulent financial arrangements rely upon a steady supply of millions of trained idiots. Their function is to launder monies from the insurance sector of this triangle of death to the medical sector of the same death. The medical sector then orders their victims to buy and take drugs and vaccines which transfers further monies to the pharmaceutical sector; thus feeding the entire triangle of death out of the pockets of their victims.

And, the entire process is forced upon the hapless people by laws from the unauthorized queer governments that demand that the People pay huge amounts of monies monthly to the insurance medicine companies.

Do not forget that heavy social brainwashing is involved. The hapless people have been programmed to eat pills and suck vaccines whenever they think they have a medical problem, or whenever they have been told by quacks that they have a medical problem. This generates more revenues for the triangle of death. Pharmaceutical Companies -- Insurance Medicine Quacks -- Insurance Companies.

One of the most horrible aspects of this, is that many millions of People have such depleted nutritional levels and such ruined immune systems (due to the Hellish Triangle of the insurance and medicine and pharmaceutical frauds) that their bodies are currently unable to fight off any viral or bacterial disease without the horrible vaccines and pills that the Hellish Triangle sells.

That can and must be changed!!!!

Self-Medicine and Self-Healing and Self-Nutrition and Self-Exercise are the cures.

Women versus the Teddie Piggies

Food Ideal for You

Smarten Up!



It is my inestimable pleasure to re-introduce the Human Species to a music group of Humans who have been standard fare for Real Environmentalists for decades-- 'Deep Forest'. Their song 'Endangered Species' is included in my third podcast as a sample of their own incredible achievements and as an example of what we all need for Human Music in these trying times.

The music of Deep Forest was one of my favorite entertainments which sustained me while I was studying for my degree in Environmental Sciences at the University in Upper State New York. I can honestly say that I have never heard a work of Deep Forest which I do not like. Their music is basically timeless and eternal, not just of their own period and genre.

Thank You Deep Forest!



Markel Peters

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Where The Rubber Rattlesnake Meets The Road Of Truth -- 11/26/2020:

Add 18,334,624.


Expand your thinking. Expand your seeing. See the bigger Truths.


Warning: Appropriate language is used here instead of scalpels and brain surgery. There are not enough scalpels in the world to perform the necessary brain surgeries.

Queerapsy is as bad as gangrene. If you do not remove gangrene from your body it will consume it, rot it, destroy your body, kill you.

Technically, in an attempt to stop the brain rot of Queerapsy (caused by exposure to the Queer Medias) it may be possible to isolate Queeraptic parts of the brain for removal. It would not be a damaging operation because Queerapsy attacks the centers of Identity and the Self-consciousness first, like the Queer Medias do. Once they are dead, there is no one left to hurt.

So why perform the operation anyway? Just let such things (as you are about to see) die in delirium.


That would be convenient, and comfortable, except for one point. The things are dangerous. As the recent 'election' has shown, the things are literally insane mobs of brain-rotted freaks.


Grab your guns Ladies and Gentlemen! According to the Queer Medias, their favorite upchuck won the barf bag!

I've seen better looking prickly pear cactus.


Warning: What you are about to see are some of the most vile and insane pictures ever taken since the Dawn of Time.


I am putting these pictures out as a matter of historical record. This is being done so that future Humans can see some images of the horrors and dementias that existed in these times. Have you heard of the 'Fahrenheit 451 Syndrome' of media-enforced hatred?

These pictures show prearranged Queer Propaganda for voting itself, not just for one Politics Nest over the other. They are pictures of the deranged, the demented, the deviated, the destructive, the dunzels and dipshits of the hideous voting that the Politics Game requires. Every thing that you see in these pictures is an addict, a staged addict; a hopeless and brain-damaged addict (a Queeraptic) of the Politics Game. Their insanity shows clearly in these photographs, so I will accept no accusations from future generations that I was an extremist or a liar. The evidence is right here that I have been writing the Truth all of this time; from day one of this website.


All of these pictures are 'staged'. Not one of them is spontaneous. Therefore, what you see is what you are intended to see -- by them. Them, being the Queer Media photographers that are in on the plan to herd millions of Idiots into hating one person; and then photographing the programmed jubilation when the prescribed goal of their hate tactics is reached.

You can clearly see in these photos where the monies stolen (by the Democraps) from the Social Security Administration went to.

You can also see what I mean about any thing that wants anything to do with the so-called government buildings. All of the things in these pictures think that all government buildings are now for them. Not one of them is free. Not one of them would know Freedom from a Tyrannosaurus Rex. How could any thing that wants anything to do with government have freedom or know anything about freedom????

[[I remind you of the 'Cuckoo for Coco Puffs' syndrome of the White Niggers ... they are obsessed with the heaping of stones and rocks together into lumps or humps, or heaps for creeps, and then living and working in them. They revere buildings! To them, buildings have a semi-deity status.]]

I will repeat that, because it is so vital that you realize what is implied in this question. How could any thing that wants anything to do with government have freedom or know anything about freedom????

Buildings and governments are easy to tear down, and easy to replace with something else. The proof is right before your eyes. Look at all of the road construction that is happening these days. Large sections of Interstates are being torn down and removed everywhere. Powerful machines are being used to literally rip interstate highways out of the ground and crush the pieces into fine stones and cement. Equally powerful machines can reduce buildings to sand and grit, after they have been demolished with explosives. Common buildings are being torn down across the board every day to make room for new projects.

No, none of the things in these pictures (that want anything to do with government buildings) are sane. So, none of them know what are the real deciding factors about their lives.

None of the things in these pictures are free -- or ever will be free. It has been proven undeniably that freedom cannot exist where government exists. And, all of that election Queershit is about preserving government. These are pictures of extremely bad persons doing extremely bad criminal deeds.

To you and themselves.

Here in Iowa, however, there is almost no sign that anything has gone wrong; except for that cough sucker at the Kwik Star in Fort Drudge that I mentioned earlier. The despicable Forrids are still acting like the Grand Anuses of the Roads, butt they always have been that sick anyway.

I just drove through the 'Madison Asshole' of Wisconsin on a Sunday morning, and even though I drove slowly there were no candy/pansy faggots hanging their naked asses over the rails of the overpasses; to entice the motorists below to vote for the next perverted agenda. I believe they call it 'soliciting votes'.


Naturally, I never watch, or listen to, or read the Queer Medias -- therefore I am never exposed to the filth of what the Twisted Species looks like -- and you can always tell such a creature on sight anyway. So, now that I am investigating what the Rattlesnake has become in the last four years I can do so with complete objectivity -- which always says that any thing that is a Democrap is dung. (U.C.)


About the 'Election':

The following section was inspired by the sight of a brain-dead clerk at a eastern Nebraska truckstop that was watching a twisted old lesie-hag on TV making slimy jokes about (Trump) on a deviate game show -- 11-09-2020.


200,000 voter frauds (Texas-style) in Pennsylvania?! 200,000 mystery ballots with only three words on them -- 'Rattlesnakes Wear Lipstick'! If that is true, it is enough to cancel the entire election right now!!!!!!!!!!


*'Biden' is synonymous with Queerism and that is a Universal Constant.

*Queer Medias amplify the importance of the Democraps -- that is a Universal Constant.

*The Rattlesnake's 'Circus of Dung Samples' are all anti-revolutionaries--that is a Universal Constant.

*All Deviates want a dead America--that is a Universal Constant. Until they think they own it.

*The Scuzz Bucket (aka Hobama's Cunt) wants the 'Death-by-Windmills-of-America. That is a Universal Constant at all times.


Why does Queer Propaganda call the Rattlesnake Ho the 'Great Unifier'?

Answer: In the medias and in the public, you can expect the Demoturds to be nicer this term, because their new fearless leader looks like a Piece Of Shit. Whereas, they previously thought Hobama was handsome and therefore they could treat all Non-Democraps like we are shit.

I know that sounds stupid.

It is stupid.

It is propaganda.


One of the most unexpected results of this 'election' absurdity -- and a good result -- is that the word 'Trump' has become DemoCrap Repellent.

TV strength.

Clean your brain with one dump!

More intense than industrial strength.

For those tough jobs after TV brainwashing and sickening laugh machines.

Eliminates even the ugliest harpies!


About Facebook:

Do you still want to have something to do with Facebook? The things in those pictures are all on Facebook. They are Coastal Zombies on marijuana and booze. East and West coast sewer scabs.

And! I only showed the pictures that are rated 'G' for general audiences. There are pictures on the Internet about that Rattlesnake from Hell that show entire cities of the damned dying from Queerapsy in the streets. Remember, 'Queerapsy' is the rot of the brain caused by endless lies from the Queer Medias. All of the things in those pictures suffer from the terrible effects of the Queer Medias, without exception. Not one of them has not been media brainwashed. Not one. Nada.

They literally constitute a world gone mad. Sane people look at their existence in disbelief. What can explain such psychosis? How can so many be so dead, and still jerk and twist and lurch about as though still alive?

Answer: All of them are dying of Queer Media exposure. Not one of them has its own identity any longer. None of those wretches would know an identity from a live hand grenade.

And, those things are what the BUWIs want to rape our counties for, with ButtUgly Windmills; to sell blood electricity to such monsters as them.


There is an identical similarity between the crimes of the ButtUgly Windmill Imperials (BUWIs) today and the slaughter of the great buffalo herds of the West during the Nineteenth Century. The buffalo herds were slaughtered for their hides, not their meat. The slaughters were perpetuated by a terrible insanity in the Eastern Cities for coats made of buffalo hides. A fad. A fashion and nothing more.

Today, the BUWIs are slaughtering entire counties of the Midwest for blood electricity to sell to the same eastern sewers! You can see what exists in those eastern sewers in the pictures above. Are those eastern sewers also destroyed by tens of thousands of ButtUgly Windmills? Thereby creating their own electricity?

Answer: No. Not at all. Those lands (which are already destroyed by the White Niggers) are considered to be sacred dead lands. They are only to be destroyed by White Nigger buildings that please White Niggers.


Here Is More Proof Positive That The BUWIs Are DemoCraps ...

Without waiting for a change in Residents at the White Outhouse, the Democrap Earth Rapists at BUWI headquarters have ordered a double and triple increase in killer windmills to rape American counties with. Before the election, the transportation of BUWI machines had tapered down to just a few on Interstate 80. Now, I80 is full of the pieces of death from the BUWIs. They are moving as many pieces of windmill death as they can, especially in rain storms when they think they cannot be photographed.

This is more absolute and undeniable proof that the BUWI vermin are Democraps!!!!

The Guilt of this is on their Texas1984 heads, because it is in their queer heads. The awful death of Democrapia is spreading over our nation again.

Those death machines are going to Nebraska. I do not have to ask to know why. The Deviates and Queer Medias control the pustules in the government buildings in Lincoln, Nebraska! The Filthy Monkey stations there are saturated with lying Lesie-turds and demented twats, making it very unsafe to stand under a ceiling speaker in Lincoln. In such a place, only vermin and pustules would be inside government buildings.


Do you say the BUWIs (etc) do not know that the guilt of this is on their heads?

Really? Then why do they transport as many pieces of death as they can in heavy rainstorms (very dangerous conditions) just to escape being photographed by us?

The guilt is all there, inside their heads.

And, we still take the pictures.

In my travels since the chickenshit election of 2020, I have seen no signs of election reactions or disorder except as mentioned, and in Depuke where many BUWI Faggots in Baboon-Red Forrid Abominations are squirming as fast as they can along the roads to attend meetings against the People of SW Wisconsin -- and for circle jerks at the same time of course. The center of BUWI poison in that area is Depuke.

Of course the things know how awful they are!


About the Forrid/FM agitation:

A 'Truth' that is involved here is ...

The superiority of a Corporate Image over the Identity of the Individual is always necessary for evil corporations that sell trash products like the Forrid Abominations of Domination. The suspension of the Individual Identity is always necessary to fool the individual into believing that he or she needs the evil product, and is therefore not complete without the evil product.

This is yet another reason why the Universal Constant about the fact that only mindless dolts and perverts own or drive Forrid Abominations is soooo true!!!!

Of course, adjoined to such a Universal Constant (about corporate greed and world domination) is the Universal Constant that says if you shop at a store where the owners or managers do not care about their customers, twisted and forever lying Lesie Harpies will urinate on your heads from the ceiling speakers. To the Filthy Monkeys, that is their sign of domination over the crowds. It is also supposed to be addictive to the masses, especially to Voter Idiots and retards that drive Forrid Abominations; who are malevolent addicts anyway.

This connection between the Filthy Monkeys and Killer Queers is very much typified by the gang of Killer Queer terrorists and thugs that operate in the Lincoln, Nebraska area; and in every town within a thirty mile (Unionized) radius.

In the Lincoln, Nebraska vicinity, a gang of Forrid Abomination terrorist drivers operates. It is a vile and psychotic pack of Forrid Faggots that drive to terrorize anyone on the roads in and around Lincoln, Nebraska; specifically anyone who does not either drive Forrids or does not cower in fear of the supposed superiority of the vile Forrid brand name. It is the typical Divide-and-Conquer tactic of the DemoCraps and Deviates, that are claiming (on the useless medias) that their favorite Rubber Rattlesnake is the 'Great Unifier'. Does something smell in here to you?

That gang of road perverts is sponsored and supported by the worst and most hideous collection of Lesie-turds to befoul Filthy Monkey stations between Fort Drudge and Deviler. The Forrid Things and the gross-tesque Lesie Monkeys operate together in an attempt to dominate Lincoln, Nebraska. By physically terrorizing anyone who they identify as being in 'Human Resistance' or simply do not live in fear of their gang of perverts.

The things are a classic example of Democraps-For-World-Domination, snake style. And, you can bet they are in league with the monsters of Texas1984 and the 'IT Creature' of Wash This Death City. The whole schmeer of low-life vermin that infest Lincoln are like a Warner Buggers low-budget horror movie from HollyQueer.

And -- as was the case at Evansville -- the regular People there do not deserve to be treated in such an awful (Unionized) manner. The Forrid/FM terrorist organization at Lincoln is counter to (and opposed to) everything that is decent about Lincoln, Nebraska. They are nothing more than worms in the wood works for Democrapia.

Whenever I have to pass through Lincoln I always sing ...

“Hold your asses you tiny faggots!

Squirm your Forrids down the Hiiighwaaay!

Grab your butts you tiny faggots!

Squirm your asses down the Hiiighwaaay!

We hold our noses you tiny faggots!

While your asses explode down the Hiiighwaaays!

Blow us a kiss you Tiny Faggots!

As you fart down the Hiiighwaaays!

Blow us a fart you Tiny Faggots!

As you Forrid down the Hiiighwaaays!”

smelltone would be proud of me

This is made all the more humorous by the absurd fact that the 'Tiny Forrids Gang' at Lincoln tries to intimidate the innocent People of Lincoln by menacing them with enlarged and engorged and inflamed buttocks, that look like Forrid Abominations of monster proportions.

large and loud forrid farts out of tune


The Evil and Few always want domination over the Good and Many. For that purpose, all original medias were warped and perverted to the task of world domination by the highest bidders.

This is also why the Deviates always try to take control over very large corporations, that can change their sales tactics to 'volume sales' when the Humans reject their deviate-controlled products. Smaller companies cannot do so and are ruined by Human rejection.

The Deviates are Wise Weasels.

The same Deviates control all Public/Political schools and all teachers unions.


About Autonomy:

It's all part of the dictatorship of lies that demands obedience from all sane and natural Human Beings; to their deviated sickness and perversions. This 'Election' was neither mounted by Humans, nor allowed by Humans, nor matters to Humans; except as another criminal puppet show of freaks and the Twisted Species.

Are we forgetting the Queer Tribunals in Canada that punish Humans for opposing the Deviates and their Circus of Dung Samples?


Here at last -- you see exactly what we Humans need autonomy from! We must demand as much separation from vile scum such as those as we can possibly manage! One nation with trash like them in it cannot remain united!

It is not united now.

It must not remain united for the sake of everyone who is still sane and not destroyed by the Deviate and Politics Games.

Autonomy is separation. Autonomy is protection. Autonomy is identity. Autonomy is freedom. Autonomy is life.

Look at those pictures again, if your stomach can take it. Those slaves and zombies and wretched automatons are what you will become -- if -- you do not separate yourself as a form of self-protection from such things.

I lived in one of those sewer cities for thirteen years -- the worst of them all -- the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone -- and I know what I am talking about.

Rattlesnake Biden is a turd -- animated. A gutter snipe.

And, that's 'just okay' with all of the other turds. Isn't everything fecal fiscal matter now anyway?

because of them


Why would a Human President leave Human lands?


Why would a Human President leave Human lands and go to a pest hole in the Queer East, and sit there and pretend to represent the Human Species -- hundreds of miles away from Human lands?

Why would we elect anyone to be a Human President so it could go to a dung heap in the Queer East and be raped and ruined by Deviates of a dozen different kinds called the 'Democraps'. Sick monstrosities that change artificial genders so often they exchange them in the streets like packs of cigarettes.

Why would we not want our Human President to stay here in Human lands and represent and protect the Human Species?

Why would any Human go to Wash This Death City without one hundred armored divisions? (4,000,000 men and tanks)


Get a start on Autonomy by realizing that most of the precepts about 'Civilization' that you were taught have already died. 'Cities' are not things to be appreciated, nor revered, nor admired, nor respected. They haven't been respectable for generations. Why do you think I had to correctly rename New York as 'Nude Yack'? The Queer Medias show pictures of Democraps celebrating their favorite rattlesnake turd in the streets of Nude Yack as though something momentous has happened. At the very same time, millions of Nude Yack cockroaches are celebrating the free meals that they are getting because all of those psychopaths are out in the streets and no longer in the kitchens. Cockroaches and Rats out number Democraps in Nude Yack, and are much more sane.

[[You may already know that I have sworn to never set foot into Nude Yack, for any reason in the Universe. That is a Universal Constant.]]


What happens to Universal Constants?

Queer Corner at Des Aliens is a typical example of a Universal Constant about perverts. As long as there is a 'Barf-It' box and a 'Homo-Queerpoo' orgy pit at that location, along the northwest corner of I80, it will be the 'Queer Corner' of Des Aliens; a Democrapia sewer for the breeding of deadly viruses and Queer Propaganda.

If, however, both of those boxes of insects are cleaned out and leveled (destroyed utterly) the Universal Constant about the 'Queer Corner' will cease to exist as well. Its memory will become a bad side note in History, but the Universal Constant itself will cease to exist. That Universal Constant also says it is a crime before God to set foot into a Barf-It or a Homo-Queerpoo box of dung samples.


More About The Atrocities:

Look daddy. It's the 'Insidious (Bleep!)head'. Wasn't it a Rattlesnake last year?

Answer: No son. Today, its the Great White Accumulator!


Some of the worst news is that there is a Queer Agenda in the works by former 'Liberals', that wants to kill Home Schooling! Genderless Inversity Freaks and worms from the Woodworks Unions want to close down all competition to their School Factories! How many children do they have stashed in their closets? Alive or dead!

I Repeat something that I have divulged to you often before -- there are definite Lesie-turd plans to pervert all Human children by the time they are eighth graders -- by keeping the two sexes apart and ignorant of each other -- while bombarding the children with Queer Propaganda and the witchy lies of the Demented White Females and the scum of the APA/NEA/ACLU!!!!

Here are some web links to sites that discuss Homeschooling ...

In defense of Homeschooling.

In attack of Homeschooling. A diatribe from another scuzz bag flunky of the SQLD.

This one explains what is happening now.




I hope none of them ask for my acceptance. I can't help them with all of their Democrap needs. I don't speak Hiss.


I'll bet anything that Dump (Trump) is now wishing that he had not saved their lives. Let this be a lesson to anyone who tries to save the existence of the Democrap mindless hoards. Save yourselves instead. Only an idiot would want to save such brainless and brainwashed freaks and clowns and jokers and hounds.

Due to this phony election -- there has not been seen such a Mass Insanity on this planet since the Nazi Nuremberg rallies of World War II on September 5-12, 1938.


I have been there. I have walked every square yard of the Zeppelinfeld (Zeppelin Field) in which those rallies were held. When I was there it was just emptiness, an empty place. There was no sign that the Nazis had ever existed there. In fact, it was quite serene. Peaceful. But people still avoided the place.

Rallies like that are where such demented terms as 'Liberals' and 'Conservatives' were created.



I Forgive:

which is like eating nails

[[What I am about to say is unprecedented. I stress that this does not include the Repucraps themselves or anything horrid such as the Forrid Abomination drivers.]]

My heart goes out to the genuine (Trump) supporters. Some of them really thought the voting would be fair and honest. Somehow, they really thought the Queerism Disease was just in my imagination. They really thought voting was still for Human Beings. Before the latest so-called 'election', they could not accept that Human Autonomy is mandatory, because Politics is only for Deviates.

I forgive them their mistakes. I forgive them for every bad thing that they used to think about me. I repeat, they are 20-100 times better than the SQLD (Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead).

The Humans of 'Never Vote' must be particularly sympathetic with those genuine (Trump) supporters in these terrible times of Perversion gone rampant, and possible rule by Snakes!!!!!!!!!!

At the same time everyone must be on the watch to prevent Repucrap Opportunists from trying to gain some advantage from this. That would totally poison the soup and perpetuate the Politics Game.

Start to think of including the persons who voted for (Trump) in 2020 -- but not the Repucraps themselves! And, certainly NOT for any thing that is just a mindless Idiot Voter.

According to the internet sources the total number of Idiot Voters this time was ‭152,401,768‬ as of 11-17-2020. The DemoCraps were allotted 79,063,270 Idiots, and the Repucraps are allowed 73,338,498 Idiots.

What I Am Saying Here Is Hugely Important!!!!

73,338,498 is the alleged number of all persons who voted for (Trump) in 2020.

Take 20% off that number to eliminate the Repucraps themselves and their cronies and perverts from what I am about to do. That leaves 80% of 73,338,498 and that number is either brain dead voters or persons who were seriously misled into voting. Of them, how many do you think can actually think?

Of the overall total, how many of them are NOT mindless Idiot Voters? Ten percent of the total? Let us be generous and say Fifteen Percent, even though that means this fifteen percent are otherwise seriously malfunctioning, or suffered from temporary insanity -- or else they would not have voted. Fifteen Percent equals ‭11,000,774.

I am adding that ‭11,000,774 to my readership as new members who will be included in all of my considerations. They must be freed from the twisted mass mentality that the Politicians have drilled into them.

I am hoping, but not demanding, that my fellow Humans will accept them into the Species as well.

a lot of them want this


The freaks that have been brainwashed to vote for the Democraps have been programmed to share a Mass Insanity against one hate object-- in this case it is Chicken Dump (Trump) who would not be in this situation if it were not a chicken. The politics vermin take advantage of mass brainwashing and pretend that (in their case) it is just a normal desire to put down an opponent. Instead, it is drilled Mass Insanity against one designated target of Mass Hate.

It is an old Marxist technique of focused hatred. Look at the looney tune faces of the programmed haters in those pictures -- they are undoubtedly fornicated mentally.

(Trump) was just the target of the political goals of the Democraps, and therefore had to be hated in mass quantities. Meanwhile, many of the shitheads that are in those pictures are still alive only because of (Trump's) handling of the Deviate Bug epidemic.

Programmed and pre-planned hatred in the tiny brains of hypnotized blockheads is the weapon that was used by the Democraps against (Trump).


The Worst Of It Is The Enormous Damage That Has Been Done To So Many Persons By The Queer Medias And The Hideous Plans Of The Democraps; In Order To Rule A Continent Of Total Insanity And Devil Worship.

As Of Today, And According To The Lies Of The Queer Medias -- 79,063,270 Of Those Things Voted For The Democraps In This Berserk And Fraudulent Election. That Is 79,063,270 Persons That Have Been Reduced To Such A Low State Of Dementia And Hate That They Now Exist In Ignorance And Stupidity The Like Of Which Has Not Been Known Since Before The Printing Of The Gutenberg Bible By Johannes Gutenberg At Mainz In Germany In The Year 1455 AD.

That Was 565 Years Ago.

Literally, If This Continues, The Coastal Hoards Will Be Reduced To The Level Of Apes And Cattle -- And All Will Be Crazy.

Such Is The Loathsome And Vile Effect Of Queer Medias Upon Their Victims.

There Is A Book About This. There Is A Book Which Depicts The Duncery And Despicable Conditions Of Hoards Of Political Slaves Prior To The Invention Of The Gutenberg Press. It Is Called 'The Hunchback Of Notre Dame', Or 'Notre-Dame de Paris' By Victor Hugo.

Please Read This As Soon As Possible, Before The Deviates Of Unification And Happiness Remove It.

This Book Explains The Mass Insanity Of Programmed And Brainwashed Mobs, The Kind That Existed In Those Days And Also Exist In These Days -- Wherever The Blue Scourge Of Democrapia Smothers The Land With Its Foul Stench Of Rampant Lunacies And Lying Bastards And Bitches -- On Self-Appointed Thrones Of Evil


Victor Hugo wrote this book. He also wrote 'Les Miserables' which I have already told you about.



I usually write many notations about a message before I draft it. It is very much like making a salad out of many ingredients. What happens to me is over-notage. I chop up too many ingredients for just one message. Then, when I draft the message I take what I need from what is available, and I create a flow pattern from them. There is always something left over on the chopping block that was not used.

They become the 'Notes'.


I will continue to write the Truth wherever I see it. That is what I do. I will NEVER stop doing so.


Like Evansville, if the Queer Unions and the DemoCraps were removed from Lincoln the place would instantly be Human again. It would be an open wound, of course; but that would heal. What the Deviates and the DemoCraps do to any place that they infest, is to sorely wound the People there until they are constantly bleeding from the lies and Queershit. Then, they keep pricking at the wounds to keep the People bleeding. The bleeding is what weakens the People and makes them vulnerable to what is otherwise totally insane and just demented Queer Propaganda. Without the Deviate Vultures and DemoCrap Parasites, Lincoln would start to heal again -- and become Human again -- and would no longer be of any use to the filthy vermin that populate the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead (SQLD). This is true for many many places that have been attacked and mutilated by the SQLD.


Know where the Universal Constants are. Know the scope and range of each Universal Constant. For example, about the Forrid Abomination U.C. ...

*An American Hispanic Man in Nebraska owns and operates a small construction company in Omaha that employs twenty Hispanic workers.

*He needs a large capacity pickup truck that can haul a heavy trailer. Unfortunately, in his area there are no such pickup trucks for sale -- or -- the pickup trucks that are available cost too much for him. All that he can find (and afford) is an imitation of a real pickup truck. A thing from Forrid.

*He realizes that it is a sin before God to own such an evil machine, so he pries the ugly Forrid symbols off from the thing with a large screwdriver; as many People are doing these days.

*Is he to be included in the Universal Constant about the awful Forrid Abominations?

Answer: NO! He did NOT deliberately go to a Forrid Sewership, and listen to lying (Bleep!)suckers tell him that to own and drive a Forrid Abomination is to drive on the Road to Heaven. He just bought a used pickup imitation because he could not afford a real one -- and -- he immediately removed the terrible Forrid symbols from it. He is innocent.

This is further emphasized when ...

*He is involved in an accident caused by a White Nigger (for the Big Business White Assholes) that is driving a Forrid Abomination too fast, as always. In this event the Universal Constant (blame and reality) is upon the White Nigger, because what causes the Universal Constant is in the tiny head of the White Nigger.


*At the very same moment, at the very same intersection, another Hispanic Male is driving a new Baboon-Red Forrid Abomination (over-chromed of course). It just paid the family fortune for the thing. It is feigning superiority over all other drivers, as those Forrid things always do. Does the U.C. about Forrid Abominations apply to it?

Answer: Most emphatically! It is nothing more than a punk hole hispanic bitch for the Big Business White Assholes. It will carry that guilt to Hell with it.

There is something strange about it though. According to the Queer Propaganda, the Forrids are not perverts. Butt, the punk hole did not buy the Baboon-Red Forrid Abomination until the Rattlesnake won the Rigged Election. Could that mean there is a connection between the Democraps and the would-be Forrid Reich?

Duuuuuh ...


A lot of the Universal Constants about the SQLD work in sequences of sameness or equally awful insanity; using very simple basics ...

1. 'A' is a terrible (Bleep!).

2. 'B' is as terrible as 'A'.

3. 'C' comes from 'B' and is therefore as horrible as 'A'.

4. 'D' is the Living-Dead of 'A'.

Which is the worst?

Answer: Any Universal Constant about any of them immediately becomes the Universal Constant for all of them -- hence they are bombarded with Universal Constants about their individual evils and also their collective evils. This explains the tiny and deranged brains inside the tiny skulls of the grinning DemoCraps that drive Forrids. They are the Living-Dead, lost in Living Death.

driving in death


How to identify and deal with Snakes:

Rattlesnake--Explore The Western Diamondback Rattlesnake! Real Wild - YouTube.

Rattlesnake--How to catch a snake at DuckDuckGo.

Rattlesnake--Rattlesnake at DuckDuckGo.

Rattlesnakes of Arizona - 9 species of venomous pit vipers.

Rattlesnake--Snake bite at DuckDuckGo.

Rattlesnakes--Science in Action Rattlesnakes.


Statements of Fact:

Fake Revolutionaries voted for the Rattlesnake. Not Revolutionaries.

'Rattlesbutt' wants to exist inside the Queer Government buildings that must be destroyed in order to stop the Politics Game. None of the things can realize that it must all die. None of the things want to know.

These things are the new demons of social domination.

Existing Government buildings means existing Politics Game -- nothing else.

These are the bullies that demand that idiots vote.

These are the berserkers and enforcement agents of the Politics Game.

As of June 26th 2013 there is no authorized Federal Government -- Universal Constant.

There can never be a President again -- just a low crawling Resident.

'Rattlesbutt' will be the Ghastly One Ounce Brain Of Perversion from Outer Lunacy.

The part about the buildings being unnecessary and unwanted is a very important point and true.

The insanity about White House glory and exaltation and worship must come to an end.

Those things are the deluded losers of our times -- lost to the bladders and the medias. They must not be allowed to ruin us too.

The word 'Trump' is now Queer Repellent.

The word 'Biden' already means Insanity and Death.

Are we ready for the new marching song of the Politics Game?

'Heil Gay -- Stomp! Stomp!'

'Heil Gay -- Stomp! Stomp!'

'Heil Gay -- Stomp! Stomp!'

'Heil Gay -- Stomp! Stomp!'

'Heil Gay -- Stomp! Stomp!'

'Heil Gay -- Stomp! Stomp!'

'Heil Gay -- Stomp! Stomp!'

I told everybody government is completely disgusting fecal fiscal matter. I meant it. It has to be if the Democraps and Deviates have anything to do with it.

This 'election' proves it is all an evil evil evil game--the worst anywhere.

The most horrible Forrids and worst military killers will be ecstatic if the Democraps rule again.


Hunt for and find their slimy weasels in the grass!!!! Dig deep!!!! Carry heavy firepower!!!!

I am offended by such low life perverts and sucking vermin as them existing in my life in any way!

I want to be their grave digger, if its the last thing they ever see!

I'm not queer-socially acceptable -- there must be something wrong with me!

Yet, beware Killer Democraps; the people love me and I love them. No amount of lies will kill our love.

Your fakeries do not amount to a mass fart in the wind to us.

Hide in your game you wretched wraiths!


Would you allow a rattlesnake to live in your basement? Outside a glass jar?


The following topic deserves its own section.

Biodiversity. The only real diversity.

Do you remember the Queer Propaganda about perverts and sex-change freaks and portable genders being the 'diversity'?

That was sales tactics. From Lunatics-For-Hire.


The only real diversity is 'Biodiversity'.

Biodiversity Ecosystems And Ecological Networks.

Two things to note about this film ...

A. Any system that only has two options to it, such as the DemoCraps and the Repucraps, is (and always will result in) a very limited ecosystem; in which the two options will pretend to represent all possible diversities, but instead will only offer psychotic and insane behaviors pretending to be diversity.

B. Having huge hubs on the Internet like Badoogle, which is now an Abortion Engine controlled by the Deviates and their Sexless Internet Censors (SIC), makes the entire Internet vulnerable to perverted attacks, censorship, thuggery, and malfunctions which can be deliberate.


There are quite a number of these links from the same Archive source. Most of them are for viewing only, but fortunately for us the ones I am linking you to can be downloaded and they mention some very interesting dynamics about biodiversity which relate directly to our situation of trying to get rid of government.

I am including this link because I want to bring your attention to the plight of the planet's Oceans. It also helps young people to learn about the interactivity and inter-dependencies of all of the animals in any ecosystem; or any system for that matter.


I included this one because it says so much about the horrible and unwanted invasion of the Deviates and the Politics Game into our lives. In this film, whenever you hear the words 'Invasive Species' just think of Perverts and Politicians.

In the social environment of this country, whenever you hear the word 'Invasive' the direct and immediate translation is 'Perverts' and 'Politicians'.


I have included this one, even though it is short, because it says exactly why I am writing this website. Listen to what he says about Ignorance and Doom.


Human activities that threaten biodiversity.

This one mentions 'Land Use Changes' which was my specialty at the University. As I have mentioned before, I could easily carry out a 'Land Use Change Survey' of Iowa and surrounding states -- however I will not do so because there is no one to give such reports to. All supporters of the Politics Game are Dung Beetles with brains of perverted feces -- NOT Humans. They are doomed to roll the Dung Ball of Politics forever downwards into Hell.

where it came from

Dung Beetles and Voting Habits--Dung beetle at DuckDuckGo.

Dung Beetles demonstrate Voting--Dung beetles at DuckDuckGo

Dung Beetles Vote--Pushing the Dung


Conservation and the race to save biodiversity.

This series was put out in 2014, before the Science Priests (that pollute all Science) invented the Queer Propaganda regime called STEM -- Sickness-Terrorism-Elections-Maggots.

The 'maggots' are the Science Priests, of course. The STEM Queershit is just another attempt to brainwash as many children as possible in Public/Political schools, and then to harvest the most insane victims as new Science Priests.


Download And Save As Many Of These Videos As You Can, Before The Sexless Internet Censors (SIC) Take The Money From The Big Business White Assholes (That Want Dead Planets Of White Niggerism) And Erase These Videos!!!!

Remember -- the APA/NEA/ACLU have outlawed Home Schools and any Human Learning.

Education happens at Home.

Perversion happens at School.


Question: Do we want to destroy government?

Answer: Wanting has nothing to do with it. We must get rid of the unauthorized government in any way possible. Take the so-called FBI for example. Was the FBI ever a decent and trustworthy establishment? If you know anything about the history of the FBI you will know about J. Edgar Hoover, the first director of the FBI. Hoover is notorious for his criminal acts against the country. Instead of building a Federal Bureau of real police Authorities and decent Americans, Hoover used the FBI as a gang of thieves and thugs; to get as much smut and dirt and blackmail material as he could on everyone in Wash This Death City; so he could control the entire government from his office at the FBI.

That horrible practice has never stopped. The enormous potential for a great Federal Bureau of great Americans defending our country from within, died in the laughing teeth of J. Edgar Hoover. Today, the so-called FBI is despicable. A trash collector. A vomit bag. A vacuum cleaner that sucks up every bit of dirt that it can get on anyone everywhere. And, there is a huge amount of dirt and trash to be sucked up in Wash This Death City.

As an American I want a real Federal Bureau of 'Good Guys' to defend our country. Instead, we have a pack of organized blackmailers and political cronies and opportunists and low-life con artists -- and -- God knows how many murders they have secretly committed against Americans.

The situation is so bad, that at no time does any American ever hear the letters “F.B.I.” and think anything positive or American or pleasant about them. Because, there is nothing positive or American or pleasant about them.

Check out these web links to the recent FBI shutdown of an Internet news website called the 'American Herald Tribune'.

The Grayzone

Silver Doctors

The Peoples Voice

!!This One Is Especially Informative!!

The Rebuttal from AHT.

Crackheads and Nasty Neuters attacked AHT.

One of the worst aspects of all of this is the simple fact that it has nothing to do with 'National Security'. This is all about protecting Queer Propaganda and the Deviates and their sewer -- Wash This Death City. This is very obviously about preserving a Politics Game.

What must be understood, is that Revolutions are carried out by Real Humans who would otherwise much rather be doing something else, like living free lives and being happy. Revolutionaries are without malicious intentions. They are very disappointed People who want to be Happy! Not buried alive in Queershit and vile Politics!

IF -- sinister motives and evil schemes come into play, the revolution ceases to exist and Agendas take over. This most recent 'election' is nothing more than an evil agenda in action against the People.

Look at me! I do not want to be elected by anyone for anything for any reason. I have no agenda. I just want a Free and Happy Human Species! Which does NOT require elections.

The sites that I have just shown you, all revile the FBI, and no one can doubt their words. As an American, I want to believe that the so-called 'American Herald Tribune' was the 'Bad Guys' -- and -- our 'Good Guys' (the FBI) were great and courageous and All-American in their deeds against the 'American Herald Tribune' Baddies.



GOOD GUYS??????????

NO F*CK*NG WAY!!!!!!!!!!

And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is exactly why the Politics Game must die. You see, we are sane. The things of government and politics are NOT sane. Those imbeciles want to believe the Queershit Rule that every time there is a change of so-called 'administrations' at Wash This Death City, there occurs a miraculous renewal and revitalization of the Politics Game. And, through some Pansy Magic all of the terrible things that have been done by governments in the past are erased and forgotten.

NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!





june 26 2013

the validity is forever gone

worst always gets worse

unacceptable is truly unforgivable

Wouldn't it be nice for Politics if all Idiot Voters died at age 40? The memories of the Accumulation would die with them.






and thanks for the eleven million new humans


And, what about the Repucraps?

Well, you just saw on those websites some examples of Repucrap malfeasance and corruption. However, any animal of the Politics Game (Demo or Repu) would do the same.

Years ago, when Bob Vander Plaats should have been made the Real Governor of the State of Iowa, I said so and wrote so, often in my messages. To that, the reply from the Repucraps was -- 'A writer is not going to tell us what to do!'

Now, the Repucraps are shutting down as many writers as they can, using every false accusation in the books -- and the bank accounts of those Repucraps are so huge and swollen that only their anuses are more red and bloated -- and they do not have to care in any way what happens to any of you. They can afford to destroy the Truth and lose elections. They were gluttons when the glutting was good.

its just a dirty game


By the way, do not believe anything that comes from the Queer Medias. The refusal of (Trump) to accept the 'fraud election' is driving the Black Homo Fascists crazy. They are livid! They are screaming and freaking! I am talking about the ones that planned the fakery and the scams and the frauds. They are gibbering and jabbering like rabid hounds, out of control. I HAVE SEEN AND HEARD THIS MYSELF IN ILLINOIS!!!!!!!!!!

its just a dirty game


I was going to end this message without this. I put together some impressionist drawings on my computer recently. I was in the mood to do some more visualizations about Human Resistance.

I will include them here for you, but I am thinking of using a new format, so these might be the last of this kind of impressionist expressions.

I am dedicating these to all of the Democrap Hate Mongers of Eastern Nebraska. Those things know which ones they are. Those things know what they have done.


I was almost finished with this message, and then ...


Addendum: Make That Twenty-Five Percent. I Just Found Some Laughing Hyena Democrap/Faggot Appendage-Suckers In Kenosha, On 80th Street. The Things Are Laughing Hysterically About Nothing. They Are Definitely Queeraptic, And They Are So Demented That You Could Cut Off An Arm From Each One Of Them And They Would Not Feel The Pain. They Are Abysmally Delirious About Killing America. They Have Been Completely Brainwashed To Expect The Death Of America Within The Next Four Years.

That Is Worth Another Ten Percent.

This Raises The Total Number Of Persons Who Voted Recently Due To Temporary Insanity (And Are Now Accepted Into My Readership) To 18,334,624.

I Am Very Serious About This Next Paragraph. This Is NOT My Imagination >>>>

As Of Today, This Brings The Grand Total Of Humans In This Country ((Who Read, Or Will Read, Or Have My Writings Read To Them, Or Will Have My Writings Read To Them, Or Currently/Directly Benefit From My Writings Knowingly, Or Currently/Indirectly Benefit From My Writings Unknowingly, Or Will Directly Benefit From My Writings Knowingly, Or Will Indirectly Benefit From My Writings Unknowingly)) To ...

330,635,061 Minus ((152,401,768 minus 18,334,624)).

Which is ... 330,635,061 - ((152,401,768 - 18,334,624)).

Which Equals == 330,635,061 Minus 134,067,144.

Which Equals == 196,567,917.

That Is As Of Today ... 11/25/2020. Of Course, That Number Will Increase When The Overall Population Increases. And, There Is Always The '10-80-10' Rule To Consider, Which Puts My Numbers Over 200,000,000.

they have very smart faggots in kenosha

please keep them laughing


“WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?” Someone Exclaimed ...

My Answer Is -- It Is A Very Well Known Queer Propaganda Tactic To Fool Or Trick An Innocent Person Into Doing Something Like ...

1. Hating A Human.

2. Committing An Act Of Insanity To Themselves.

3. Committing An Insane Action Against A Human Being.

4. Making False Or Misleading Statements About The Truth.

[[In Other Words, Fooled Into Doing Something Stupid Or Malicious Against Themselves Or Against The Humans.]]

Whereupon, It Can Be Advertised As An Endorsement Of Deviations, Or As An Act Of Deviations. Which Then Becomes Another Lie To Be Used Against The Truth.

Thereafter, The 'Fooled Person' Is Imprisoned Into A Terrible Life Of Queer Slavery. A Horrible Fate, For Having Been Fooled Into Doing Something Idiotic Once. Even Though That Person Now Bitterly Regrets Having Been Tricked By The Queers.

I Have Seen This Happen Millions Of Times.


Markel Peters