Sunday, May 31, 2020

Virus Times--Part III--Thuggees and the Mug -- and -- Health and Self Defense:

This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is much more to be said and shown about these topics. Contrary to the psychotic dreams of our enemies, the Truth is getting stronger all of the time.

I am giving you two podcasts here -- the first is about the modern day Thuggees -- the second is about how to think about survival in these Virus Times.

I have deliberately recorded these podcasts with an amount of enthusiasm which these times require. Any criticism of these podcasts or of my enthusiasm is meaningless to me. Repeated listening to these podcasts will be self-explanatory. The more you hear them, the more sense they will make as the Queershit slushes down the drainpipes.

The topic of the first podcast is the ever-present dunces that kill the Earth for money. It was made to document and describe such swine for the People of the Future.

The topic of the second podcast is just the beginning of a long conversation about Personal Health and Personal Self Defense -- (BIOLOGICAL).

Naturally, in both podcasts I mention matters that are interrelated to the main subject.


Out here, the national situation is becoming more confused and impatient. Impatience on the part of greedy bastards and bitches can (and will) fool and bribe dipshit politicians into relaxing preventative measures against the Deviate Bug before it is safe to do so. But, that is the topic for another podcast, or two.

My Podcasts --

Thuggees and the Mug--Final

Enthusiasm For Health--The Right To Self Defense--Final


Markel Peters