Friday, November 8, 2019

More Videos For Understanding--11-08-2019:

I think these videos touch on important topics that we have to understand, because the perpetrators of the causes of these problems are just as vile today as they were at the turn of the century and before.

As of this writing both videos are still being processed. In a couple of days they will be available for viewing. Right now they can be downloaded directly.

Queerapsy Video One
This video was intended for the Archives, however I like the way I explain certain things here; so I have released it. The more that you know about this problem and this gruesome fate for so many addicts, the better your life will be.

What To Do With TVs
I continue to pound the subject of living without the Queer Medias, and for very good reasons. Here I explain something which I have not mentioned before. This is also an important video. I clown around a bit here and there, however the subject matter is dire straights for fools.


Markel Peters