Friday, November 30, 2018

The Grove Men And Women -- Part 1:

In polite response to the loony-toonie liars of the doomed Politics Game, and their latest lies for imbeciles as stated on billboards demanding obedience to the Assumptions of Voting Necessity ... I would like to simply state ...

Whatever Vermin Win Chickenshit Elections Is Of No Consequence To Humans!!!!!!!!!!

All Such Scum Are Our Worst Enemies Anyway!!!!!!!!!!

Why Would We Care About Their Pissant Play Times?

The Swine Will Always Do Their Worst And Lie The Most.

What We Need Is An Ocean Of 'Goo-Be-Gone', To Wipe Them Out With.

which brings me to our next topic ...


Whether you own a grove or not, a field or not, a stream or not, a forest or not -- this matters to you. If you have to, read this slowly and think about what it all means. This is another slice of the Real Pie. Another piece of Reality.


When I write 'Grove Men' or Grove Women' I am talking about Real Private Citizens that own and care for stands or groves or forests of trees and/or fields with trees and/or streams and ponds and lakes with trees.

Because of the slaughter that has already been wrought upon this continent by the Greedy White Man, the landscape is now strewn with the remnants of once great forests and grasslands and prairies and marshlands; the like of which will never be seen again until the Rapist White Man is dead and gone for millenniums.

What remains, are small and usually isolated patches and pieces of flora and fauna -- the result of the Lunatic White Man's absurd egotism. An egomania so virulent and all-poisoning in its insistence that Nature can be replaced forever, that only a few parcels of original landscape have escaped being decimated.

Once achieved, the Bug-eyed White Man (drooling in his applesauce while counting his money) decided that he might have been a bit excessive with his slaughter of the planet, and began to lament the loss of such a huge amount of Nature. Thus was born the so-called 'Conservation' societies; all of whom proved to be nothing more than Government-Sucking Wieners.

Meanwhile, the Raving White Man renewed its attacks against Nature and began to slaughter the landscape again with ButtUgly Windmills and unnecessary factories of Plastic Agriculture such as the huge Agri-chemical Facilities that are being built out in the open countrysides, where they can stand as ugly monuments to the Ugly White Man.

Against this demented onslaught of greed and rape stand the few remaining Groves of trees and fields and streams and ponds that somehow have not been paved over with parking lots -- yet.

The owners of such surviving lands are the People whom I identify as 'The Grove Men and Women'. If you look for them in the countryside areas, you will find the Groves that I am talking about. Last isolated islands of Nature and its wildlife. Groves that face enormous pressure from the Big Business White Assholes and the Terror Camps of Business Education (formerly Business Schools). The hellish spawn of such Terrorist Camps are blind to all forms of Nature. The things are only capable of seeing blueprints and plot maps and survey charts and floor plans and construction costs -- and of course -- expected profits and larger swimming pools in their back yards with no turds in them. Which means, they can never swim in their own swimming pools.

If the Groves and the fields and the streams and the ponds that still remain are to survive in the face of such Business Terrorism and Queer Government carelessness, a very strong Private Defense must be established that has one objective above all others -- the destruction of the Politics Game. From the destruction of the Politics Game (and only from its destruction) can come the salvation of the remaining Nature on this continent. Without the Politics Game as a sham and a blind and an excuse and a decoy for the blame of what is happening, the Business Terrorists are exposed as the horrific murderers that they really are. With the protection of the Politics Game removed from their Holocaust Against Nature, the Business Terrorists are naked in the sunlight. Their oozing evilness and spurting anal blood becomes obvious. Their chiseled teeth are exposed. Their insect eyes are visible. Then, Grove Men and Grove Women (who are the Private Protectors of what remains of Nature) can actively defend themselves against the killer armies of those Business Terrorists -- without -- the shield of false propaganda disguising the Business Armies as righteous officials of the government.

No Government Means No Government Lies.

Remove Government Paychecks and Killer Squadrons of Death Machines no longer fly in the skies.

In that event, the Business Terrorists (without the Politics Game as a cover up) would have to create their own Government; their Business Government. Through which they will authorize any and all of their plans to utterly annihilate the remaining vestiges of Nature on the Planet Earth.

If you were able to cut those governments in half, the Queer Government and the Business Government, and look at their cross-section compositions -- you would see a much higher percentage of Business Terrorists in the Business Government and a much higher percentage of Deviates and Perverts in the Queer Government.
The jargons and the claims and the propagandas of the two governments would sound differently and look differently and smell equally awful.
The effects against Nature, would not decrease.
Why is that?
Answer: Replacing Queer Government with Business Government is nothing more than replacing a Whore House with its Customers-In-Their-Own-House. In fact, there would be more damage done to the planet by the Business Government because less money would have to be spent on Politician Whores and the Politics Game.
The Business Terrorists call themselves 'The Engines of Progress'.
I call them 'The Worms of Death'. Whatever they touch becomes rot and decay and waste and sewage only fit for their own rotten brains.
Worms are blind.

Occasionally, you will find a so-called 'Conservation Area' that has been donated to a county or a state by the previous Private Owners. The parcel of land will bear their names in its title -- such as 'Mr. and Mrs. Kindheart Conservation Area'. These are examples of the Groves and fields and streams and ponds that I am talking about. Only, these have been institutionalized into the Government Schmeer; in the false belief that they will be safe from persecution while under the protection of the Government Deviates. Calling upon any government for the protection of their Groves will just doom those Groves to government destruction later -- and all Grove Men and Grove Women should know that. As soon as the current generations of Private Protectors are dead and gone, few of the next generations will have a care for the Groves of their Fathers and their Mothers. That is what the scum of the governments are counting on. When the living Private Protectors are all dead, the Worms of Business will pay the Vermins of Government to seize those lands for Eminent Domain reasons (the universal government excuse to justify rape) and those Groves will be obliterated; paved over, dug up, trashed and removed so acres of steel rodent holes (called storage facilities) can take their places -- and -- pay taxes for bigger government paychecks.

Only eternal security pacts in the form of Cooperatives of Grove Owners can fight such evilness and greed and insane violence, and win. AND! THEY MUST BEAR ARMS! THEY MUST ESTABLISH THEIR RIGHT TO PROTECT THEIR LANDS WITH FORCE AGAINST EMINENT DOMAIN!

Would you ask a hoard of unauthorized Government Assholes for the right to shoot their asses off if they attack your lands in any way? Government scum who claim to be authorized because their own Politics Game says so?

Or just do it?


What exactly is a Grove?

Well, these days any remnant of a previous forest of any description (even Joshua Trees) is a 'Grove'. Ironically, the Greed of Man in the 1920's and 1930's brought about the planting of many Groves here in the Midwest -- in the form of wind breaks to prevent soil erosion from wind. Which brings up the point that a Grove of trees does not have to be a number of trees bunched together into a clump or square. A Grove of trees can be a mile long and only one tree wide, as is sometimes the case.

Surviving the Surviving of the Surviving1

Surviving the Surviving of the Surviving2

For more information about what Groves are and why they are so important, please listen to these audio files. Download at will.


Meanwhile -- Back At The Stench:

It is easy to write and to say, but because of all of the deliberate deceptions which the Queer Propaganda Machine creates on a daily and deranged basis, these things take time to delineate and discern amongst the chaff and clutter of Mass Propaganda ...

Fact: Everyday Politics scum are Queers. While you are Humans those vermin are Queers. No Monkey Judge has the right to judge any Human Being. That is why the Monkey Judges sponsor and finance queer groups that call themselves 'humans' and associate with the Monkeys. In that way the Monkeys can try to claim that they too are Humans and their Queers are humans and therefore they can judge all Humans.

Translation -- "We believe we have enough fake humans to fool everybody into believing that we can be the judges of Humans"

This means they can presume to be the judges of who is and who is not Human. They can presume to be the judges of what is and what is not decent Human behavior. And, what is and what is not lawful Human behavior; giving them total and false control over all Human populations.
Meanwhile, that young white male at the truck stop is still sick of their hatred against everyone who is not in the Queer Coalition Bladders. I saw him recently, and he was complaining to a female companion that he was sick of all of the hate that the Deviates and the Politics Gamers generate against anyone who knows that they must cease to exist before we will be free. The Politics Gamers and the Deviates really overdid their latest hate campaign against us. Now, young white males that are exposed to the Queer Coalition Bladders are voicing the fact that they are sick of the Lesie-turd noises and fakeries that drip out of the ceiling speakers onto their heads. Part of which says that because the 'number' of messages which I am putting out has decreased I must be "Through Wit Tryin To Saves Dem". Translation -- "We are shitheads. We know nothing of 'Quality'. We just suck propaganda. The Masters say this is that, so we suck it up."
That young white man is learning how to despise hatred and all of its con games by con artists who pretend that everyone else hates them and therefore they are not guilty of all of the hatred that they manufacture and crap out upon a dumb world.
This prompts me to say to all young white males ... Get their real names and addresses and take their pictures and get them on videos; the swine that try to keep you out of the Real Human Species and drowning in their Coalitions of Hate Bladders.
Get their faces, ignore their feces.
Get their real names, ignore their blames.
Get their license plate numbers, do not be one of their numbers.
Video those rats, that video you constantly.
Remember the POS that tried to deprive you of your own Species. Whenever they try to lie to you again, just watch the videos of their past lies.
Any time that a POS from the Queer Coalition Bladders tries to lie to you and make you think that all Real Humans are filled with hate, record their hate and lies. Then watch it later without their evil around.


It is in the schools of planet-raping death where the worst damage is done to the Earth. In those schools of horror, all that is taught is the hows and whats of killing a living planet. The why of it all is always assumed to be -- "We are 'Politically Correct'!"

Translation -- "We leave such decisions to the Politician Whores that we buy and tell what to do."

In that way the schools of planet-raping terror are a politically-sanctioned racket of death, that teach only killing. They never teach saving anything.


When cleaning and maintaining your lands, take special measures to make it impossible for Politician Faggots to molest throw-away little boys wearing the stained uniforms of the Boy Sex Toys of America (formerly the Political Fodder Scouts of America) -- on your lands!!!!

Force the faggots of the Politics Game (anything male) to confine their rape sessions with throw-away little boys to the putrid offices of any and all Queer Government buildings, paid for by Shithead Voters and Uncaring Political Parents.


NO! Selling tickets for rental spaces is NOT acceptable.

Be very very alert for sneaky Unmarked Government Buses!!!!

Yes! The Killer Vermin at Fort McCoy will seize your lands for Rape Orgies by any and all Politics Males with throw-away little boys! IF! YOU DO NOT SHOOT BACK!!!!!!!!!!


Of course, if you defy the Queer Government they will send armies of demented killers from nearby Homo QueerPoo stores (orange boxes of rot) to assault and subdue you -- and then -- to join in the Rape Orgies themselves.

Use highest possible caliber weapons for your defense. Stock a lot of ammunition. Establish mutual defense pacts with all neighbors that have any private lands. You never know which private lands the local Politicians will choose to rape throw-away little boys on, week-by-week.

IDEALLY! Since such Queerism by the swine of the Politics Game is perpetuated by Shithead Voters -- do whatever you can to force the Deviates to confine all Rape Sessions of throw-away little boys to the offices of the 51 Golden Pimples of the Queer Coalition Bladders.


I am seeing and hearing disgruntled Middle-Managers-For-Hire complaining about low returns for their efforts at lying and herding the populations of Voter Cattle for the Deviates. Now, the things are starting to reject the demands from the Deviates that all Idiot Voters must be prepared for a War Against The Humans.

That is a very significant piece of Real News. The M-M-F-H are starting to reject orders from the Deviates to pimp and pump their herds of Voter Cattle into a war frenzy against the Humans; for purely selfish reasons, of course. They all try to avoid the fact that their herds of Voter Cattle are diminishing.

The Genocide part of the Shit Agenda is falling apart. This will not stop the Fascist Killers of the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid from being fanatical murderers of any and all Humans. Nor will it eliminate the Berserker Army at Fort McCoy. The Politics Gamers must have their Enforcement Armies. What would a video society be without armies to control them?

Heck! Just the threat of taking away their video games will control the Voter Cattle!


Part 2 of The Grove Men and Women coming next month.


Markel Peters

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

If You Know Some Thing That Voted -- You Know An Idiot Criminal. Or Is That Criminal Idiot?

Do you let it into the house? Or, do you keep it on the front porch as a pet?


Do you really know such a thing? Or, do you just think you know such a thing?

Do you know how evil and sick and stupid is the cesspool between its ears? Do you know what it would do to you if it was ordered to eliminate you, by the killers of the Politics Game? Do you know how many hundreds of times Politics is more important to it than you are? Do you know what depravities and horrors it will commit against you and your family if it receives orders from the Politics Game against you? Can you see the insects behind its Idiot Eyes?

that comes from reading lies in queer newrags

Does it say that you are a loser for not perpetuating the Politics Game? Does it tell you that nothing can be achieved without the Politics Game? Does it tell you there have to be so-called 'Elected Officials'? If so -- it is an Idiot -- and it wants to make an Idiot out of you!

Did it mention that no matter what thing you vote for, they are all perverted? Did it mention that you can never get the Truth from Liars that promote scams like the 'Sexual Orientation' lie?

Did it say that not voting is against 'Military Policy'? Did it confess that 'Military Policy' is For-Queers-Only, in a corrupted and corroded force that is For-Queers-Only?!

Read my lips! Queer And Armed Fart-Forces Of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid. The so-called United States Armed Forces was killed long ago, by the Politics Game!!!!

I advise staying twenty feet away from such Lunatics and Mindless Robots. That especially goes for any thing that tried to get you to ruin your life by voting.


Did the TeleTwirps of the Politics Game try to call your cell phone all day Tuesday, to try to Queershit you into voting? Did those twits try to soft soap you into being an Idiot Voter? They tried all day to Queershit me -- and -- EVERY OTHER DAY OF THE YEAR ME AND MY CELL PHONE NUMBER ARE JUST STATISTICS TO THEM!!!!

Did you have to see the Worst Search Page In History on Shitgoogle? Those deviated trash put an order on their search page (on chickenshit day) for all techno imbeciles and prisoners to 'Go Vote'. Which is tantamount to a death sentence for anyone stupid enough to follow any order from some slime balls at a search engine site. Why would a bunch of perverts at a search engine site want anyone to vote?

Answer: They own a piece of the Politics Game. It is one of their businesses. Not voting reduces their profits and reduces the numbers of the Idiots that they can rely upon as return customers.

Shitgoogle is part of the Dictatorship of Anti-Life that seeks to destroy all Natural Life in the Universe. To be replaced by their own creature inventions that give them direct profits. To turn the entire Universe into a Demented Cash Cow for their endless profits.

Shitgoogle has made itself the enemy of all Life.

I am a White Male and I am one of their targets. Are you a White Male? Did a spider-brained White Bitch that obeys Shitgoogle try to fool you into voting? If so -- kick that googeloid out of your life forever! Their smiles are plastic. Their love is synthetic. Their goals are domination. The insides of their brains are so awful, they will do anything to try to prevent a World where such thoughts would be detected for what they really are.

Can you see the Obvious? All varieties of sinister persons that try to prevent the revolution are actually from the same greedy and selfish mold mentally; and they are mortally afraid of a new world where their evil lies and habits will get them killed.

Evil White Bitches of the Shitgoogle brand are horribly Satanic and Evil -- from Toes to Teeth. A White Male can be too close to an Evil White Bitch to see the evil brainwashing between its ears. That applies to all Real Men that are exposed to Evil Bitches pretending to be Real Women. Eliminating Real Women. Replacing Real Women.

Do you know how evil such bitches (and anything else that is part of the SQLD) really are? One of the Real Reasons why the things want to kill the Earth, other than their own unnatural and nasty habits, is because -- The Planet Does Not Want To Die.

Because the Planet Does Not Want To Die -- the SQLD want to kill it.


That is the intensity of the Horrid Evils that are perpetuated by voting.

If the Bitch goes out, the Evil will leave with it; and the Freedom will come in for all Real Men and Real Women.

Just like turning off the Filthy Monkey Radio.

Just like never using Shitgoogle again.


And Dogshit Lyrics And Dogshit Lyrics ...

And Another One Bites The Butt!

And Dogshit Lyrics And Dogshit Lyrics ...

And Another One Bites The Butt!

More Dogshit Lyrics More Dogshit Lyrics ...

And Another One Bites The Butt!

More Dogshit Lyrics More Dogshit Lyrics ...

And Another One Bites The Butt!

Monkey Butt, That Is. With A Golden Pimple On It.


If an Idiot Voter gets near you -- ask it how much the Queer Bananas cost. The Queer Bananas that all Monkey Politicians and Monkey Judges eat are the Most Expensive Bananas In The Universe. The Deviates did not tell the Politicians that those Queer Bananas are the most expensive in the Universe. Every thing that eats the Queer Bananas must pay for them forever. For all time. It is the Wages of Sin that never stop. Ask any thing that voted if it knows how expensive the Queer Bananas really are? Judge accordingly.

By the way, what happened to 'Il Duce' Branstad the six-time incest pest? What happened to that Piece Of Shit? I heard a few months ago that the so-called Governor of Des Aliens was in my county to pretend something, and it was a Real Bitch instead of 'Il Duce the Artificial Vagina'. So, what happened to that Monkey-Judge-Sucking 'Il Duce'? Is it dead? Or, did it go to Wash This Death City where all Queer Politicians go to die?

Oh please! Oh please tell me it was run over by a snow plow!


Who would be ridiculous enough to care what or which Politics Piggies are in what or which Political Office Stalls on what or which days? There is no difference in any of the swine, except the paint jobs.

This is the reason why the definition of the word 'Vote' in all languages translates as 'Turd'. For example -- 'Vote Stupid Liar' translates as 'Turd Stupid Liar' -- or -- 'Vote RepuCrap' translates as 'Turd RepuCrap' -- or -- 'Vote School Board' translates as 'Turd School Board'. I do not have to continue with this, since this is very obvious to everybody. Especially about 'Turd Utility Board'.


I must say, I have not heard or seen any person of any description talking about the horrid act of voting (or doing anything whatsoever related to the horrid act of voting) since November of 2016. I was in Wisconsin on the Day Of Dementia 2018, and in Iowa and Nebraska the day before, and I neither saw or heard anything related to the Quugly Election Show. Even today, the Day After Dementia, I can neither see or hear anything about the putrid event!

Of course, I never look at the toilet papers. I look at the People, not the Propaganda. I can find nothing in support of the Politics Game happening in the Real World. Nothing. Nada. I was at several places in Chicago today (7th). Nothing. Nada. In the Real World, that con game never happened. This is Good News for us. Real News.


The anal pornographers at all of the queer newsrags are lying their keyboards off trying to convince any Idiot that is stupid enough to look at such toilet paper that all Minions of Deviation voted in big numbers.

Queershit! Despicable Queershit Lies! The numbers that will be announced were decided upon (district by district) months ago -- when they decided what were the limits of the numbers they could lie about in each locality. The numbers they will claim now were determined back in June and July.

Think 'Casino'.
Think 'Cheating'.
Think 'Programming'.
Think 'Too Stupid To Question Liars'.
Think 'Rigged Elections'.
Think 'Survival of Game of Liars'.
Think 'Brainwashed Masses'.
Think 'Too Stupid To Refuse'.
Think 'Too Stupid To Remember Millions Of Broken Promises'.
Think 'Prison Populations Have To Follow Orders'.

Then, you can realize how easily the Politics Gamers can lie about the numbers (any numbers) to their slaves and dummies and prisoners.

Do NOT be one of their prisoners.

lies are a prison       many lies are a prison with many walls


Meanwhile -- the Real Universe goes on, and we have many things to discuss. With this gluttonous and grotesque self-indulgence on the part of the Deviates over with, we Humans can get back to the business of defending ourselves against whatever Perverted Puppets now occupy the infamous 'Elected Offices' of the enemy.

Their Quugliness and Evil continues without us, and that is the way it shall always be. We, on the other hand, have our own matters to attend to; while keeping the stench of their smiling faces and rotten lies at the ends of our dung forks.

The putrid Politicians and the entire Politics Game will be FAKING IT for several weeks, pretending that the scourge of Politics and its many diseases cannot be cured and cannot be erased; and therefore all of their former slaves are still their slaves. Certainly, all of the Government Sucks are going to continue to suck, until the entire Politics Game is dead and they tire of sucking on dead titties.
They are the 'Vile' sucking on the 'Horrible' until Final Death.
However! While All Of That Quugly Sickness And Smiling Liars Is Happening -- We Have Real Lives To Live!!!!
Sooo ... let us continue our lives (without Politics Shit) and why not have better lives without Politics Shit?
I mean it when I say that we are not morally bound to, or obliged to, or in debt to the Awful Politics Game in any way. Quite the opposite!
We Humans are the intended victims of all Deviate Stooges such as the Politicians.
We Owe Them Nothing!!!!
Hence, we are free of their phony acts and pretenses and demands.
To Hell with all lowest crawling Deviate Cronies!
Live your Human Lives for yourselves and other Humans; and live Better Lives Without Politics; and keep your dung forks handy.
For a few weeks the crawling insects of the Deviates will try to get you to join the Politics Game; mouthing all sorts of twisted excuses and false assumptions and demands. They always want more victims and their money.
That will subside after enough dung forks hit them in the teeth.
Besides, the Politics Game is so intensely blinded by its own greed and tiny-brained world of false priorities, that it will soon forget you -- until July of 2020 when another chickenshit election is pending.
Now! Is The Time For You To Get More Active And Excited About Your Life Without Politics! Be Inventive! Create Originality! Be Artistic! Create Real Life!
With your dung fork within easy reach at all times.

use their smiling lying teeth for targets


Incidentally, and certainly consequently, in the future -- any work of literature that I produce is NOT to be read or known about by Idiot Voters. Idiot Voters are the enemies of the Human Species. Think of what an Idiot Voter is. Why would I want Idiot Voters to read Human Writing?

Answer: Never. If you can, keep those Idiot Voter losers far away from my works of literature. Just tell the things that they should be eating Politics Shit instead of reading my writings. That will make them happy and they will go away -- with knives, forks and spoons in their grubby little hands.

Why should I not banish Idiot Voters? It is all the same thing. Deviates and Idiot Voters are the SameShit. Idiot Voters make Deviates happy, by voting. Every thing to vote for, is a Queer -- and has to be queer to get onto a ballot. Whether it is the Utility Termites, or the Perverts, or the Politics Piggies, or the Deviates, or AMA Quacks at West Des Moines, or Anal Pornographers at queer newsrags, or Faggot Generals in the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces, or Filthy Monkey Horrors pissing on the People from ceiling speakers, or Belief Merchants with Babbles and Beads, or TV Turd Terrorists -- IT IS ALL THE SAMESHIT OF THE SQLD.


Thank You.


To get back to the topic of Never Voting.

Voting (and the instant stupidity and automatic slavery that it puts upon all Idiots That Vote) is a macabre circus of dancing deaths the like of which can only be found in the Politics Game or the worst nightmares of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid. Such mass agonies and widespread slaughters provide a joyous feast for Media Maggots like the anal pornographers at the Des Aliens Rearsniffers. Millions of personalities butchered and raped of their futures and possibilities as Free People because they voted, causes rapturous jubilation in the ranks of the Media Maggots sent from Hell to bring living-death to the Real World.

Consequently, voting creates Hell On Earth.


The overall reality of the filthy elections of the Politics Game is that they are a Population Control Technique that is identical to June 26th 2015 -- when five demented Monkey Judges in a cage in Wash This Death City took a shit together in their cage, and expected the Human Species to eat their shit. Where after, the entire Human Species would have been their mindless slaves and sex toys.

It was an attempt to 'officially' reduce an entire population into servitude and debauched immorality -- in one stroke. With one criminal event. Each chickenshit election is the same type of criminal attempt against the People, and as feeble as a House Made Of Chicken Manure.

When those things demand that we vote to perpetuate their schemes and lies and crimes, they are doing the exact same twisted crime that they committed on June 26, 2015. They are approving of their own lies and evil crimes and promoting themselves at the cost of everyone's expense and freedom! It is about fooling everyone else into thinking that we all accept their horrid ways; when the entire show is nothing more than a con game by con artists. A Flim Flam. A Hoax!


Do you really know a thing that votes? Or, do you just think you know such a thing?

I must say that I am so pleased to see 'All The Usual Cockroaches' squirming as fast and as hard as they can in an attempt to save their Politics Game.
Those orders and demands for everyone to vote by the Media Maggots and the assholes at Badgoogle and all of the Government Sucks (etc) are Fantastically Good News For Our Species!!!!!!!!!!
It indicates without any doubt that the Politics Game is the soft underbelly of the Deviate Monstrosity. Their greed and evil stupidity has given them away. This time, they have given away the entire enchilada. It is now revealed that Politics is their 'species'. The things are so dosed and poisoned with technology and brainwashing and programming that they have lost their Organic Roots, and now they only exist as Pre-Robots. It is no wonder the things never did what they had to do, in order to remain as Real Lifeforms; instead of existing as dipshit and denatured and septic Aliens. Games are the psychotic world they must exist in. Without the Politics Game, they cannot exist.
This reveals the Weak Link in the Deviate's Cycle of Death and Replacement -- the Politics Game.
The entire Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead sewer can be defeated.
Broken Down.

We Are Exactly On Target. Every Time We Counterattack Against The Politics Game We Are Hitting The Satanic And Queer Lying-Dead Where It Hurts!


If Badoogle (formerly google) is your Internet Home Page or Search Page ...


I know it is difficult to fight an enemy that defeats itself at every turn. But, it's good for laughs.

I am laughing downwards.


Have you ever seen a dog kick dirt backwards onto a pile of crap when it is done with it? That is what I am doing with the Politics Game.


Listen to me. That Alien Species of Politics Freaks wants to break down the Human Species with their dipshit displays of False Importance and Self-Approval.

Ignore the shitheads.

I Love You ...

Markel Peters