Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Finest Riding Mower In Stupid Land:

Time to put the lights out on more Idiocy.


Announcing! My new and Mighty Riding Mower!

Hah! I've been wanting one of these for twelve years; ever since the day I bought the House That Justice Wrought, here in the Stoopid Neighborhood of Eagle Grove, Iowa. You know where that is, of course. It is where all of the Illegal Stoopid People from Texas and Mexico come to be Stoopid out on the front porch, where it is not so hot in the summertime as it is in Stoopidville where they came from.

Yes, I have scrimped and saved my green stamps for years to get this mighty riding mower -- and -- the deluxe bagger and a trailer too! Now I can blaze along the highways and the byways of the Greater Eagle Grove Metropolitan Area with style, at a blistering 5.5 miles per hour. What a sight I will make, zooming along with my 679cc V-Twin and my Electronic Fuel Injection and my 46 inch deck and my 300 pound load capacity. The envy of all who see me -- in my magnificence of course!

And such a fine machine it is!
To see it, is to drool.
To see it, is to regret.
To see it, is to anguish with jealousy!

It's grand. It is wonderful. It is enough to take my mind off of any lunatic under-aged dipshit teeny-boobers (and associated old fat bitches with stupid mouths and even more Stoopid brains) that want to get their naked asses kicked over the Moon for interfering with my Life.

YES! It is wonderful for the entire neighborhood!

Plus! Don't forget the attachments! This baby can also be used as a Snow Tractor with either a bulldozer blade or a snow blower front end. With a fully enclosed operator compartment.
Naturally, I can go shopping with it. I have already ordered the convenient back cargo deck.

All in all, it will make for a fine 'run-about-town' conveyance in a small town full of vacationing Stoopid old fat bitches with Idioot brains. That lie and scheme all day long. For nothing.

[[now you see what happens to any brain that has the human truth -- and -- queer propaganda between the same ears
and dont forget the herds of little lights out faggots that are an added bonus laugh]]


blackmail bait anybody?
do you smell monkey poo?
more information upon request


and yes old fat idiot -- i'll be where i want to be when i'm there and not a minute before
meanwhile, i suggest you open your shithead eyes and read the signs
and if you dont like this -- you can kiss my cub cadet with my ass on it


[[now we can all go down to the faggot bitch mcdonalds at webster city and order lights out cheeseburgers -- the favorite delicacy of modorats]]

By the way -- whose front left leg of a Chihuahua is this?


Thank You,

Markel Peters



I was looking at some BUWI vermin from Texas1984 today, in Iowa. The kind of things that transport the pieces of death that the BUWIs turn into ButtUgly Windmills. They were bringing death to Iowa from the Queer Railroad depot at Carlisle; sent to Iowa as death and for death and to kill Iowa with by the Billionaire Faggot at Omaha; and I realized something.

Before I say what it is, I must warn you that this is NOT from my imagination. Instead, it is a Realization and an accurate one; which I never realized in this way before.

It has to do with toolboxes and medicine bags. The BUWI vermin that transport and build ButtUgly Windmills are some of the most awful and greedy and full-of-shit-up-to-their-eyeballs freak cases that should NOT be allowed to be loose on the Earth, that you ever saw. Absolute maniacs. Some of the most greedy, selfish, grubby, egotistical, shit-talking, mindless-of-what-they-are-killing, bastards and bitches that have ever existed. So demented and so inhuman -- that they can only have brains that fit into toolboxes. Therefore, they must carry their tiny brains in tiny toolboxes.

That, explains everything. Tiny brains made to fit into tiny toolboxes, that can only contain a few megabytes of programming at a time. Very limited synthetic brains. The replacement brains that were given to them when their real brains were killed in the terrible public/political schools.

I was looking at some of those freaks today and I was looking at their toolboxes -- and I thought of the medicine bags of the Abortionists.

Immediately it became clear to me.

The BUWIs -- are Abortionists!!!! Both carry their addled brains in containers. Their containers are part of their trademarks, toolboxes and medicine bags; both filled with the tools of death.

The sickness of the Abortionists is the killing of innocent babies. The sickness of the BUWIs is the killing of the Innocent Earth. Both killings are happening for money, and for power and status inside of the hideous Society of Liars that is contained within the Queer Coalition Bladders.

A rush of correct and widespan correlations flooded through my brain. Many similarities between the baby-killing Abortionists and the Planet-killing BUWI scum became very clear to me. In fact, there are so many identical correlations between them that the only explanation can be that they are the same murderous phenomenon -- aimed at different innocent targets.

The BUWIs are Abortionists on a larger scale. The cynicism is identical. The greed is identical. The methods are identical. The excuses are identical. The tactics of evasion of guilt are identical. The murders are done in identical ways. The stupidity of the killers is identical. The usage of Political Pigs as shields is identical. The involvement of the Deviates is identical. The low-life belly-crawling things that do the killing are identical. The twisted laughter and celebrating that the killers engage in after every murder is identical.

The things are from the same corner of Hell. They just kill different things.

BUWIs -- are Abortionists.

This fact was a bit of a surprise to me. I have been looking at it all from different points and angles -- and from them the view is equally horrid -- but the realization that BUWIs are Abortionists (in different clothing), and using different killing tools, is a completeness that brings all of their filth into a better focus and makes the existence of the things more understandable.

Not that the things are any better or more acceptable because of this. In fact, their repugnance just increases. Also, the exact description of their heinous horror is now more obvious, now that I realize that they come from the same corner of Hell as the Abortionists.

This fact, paves the way for my inclusion of the topic of Abortion in my messages. Before this, I kept the topic of Abortion out of what I was doing. Well -- that can no longer remain as it was. The BUWI complicity with all forms of Evil, and their very obvious intensity of ugliness and complete uncaring or guilt about the murders that they commit, makes them prime examples of the Abortion Mania running rampant and unchecked.

I guess I was looking at it from purely natural points of view and I did not see the Human Connection and similarities. BUWI Horror is the same thing as Abortion Horror. The guilty parties are identical. The murderers are identical underneath their different appearances. You could take any Abortionist and put it in the clothes of a BUWI termite and there would be no noticeable difference.

What is more, the BUWIs are committing a Double Abortion. The things not only kill the Planet, they also destroy the intentions and designs and sculptures and landscapes and connections with the Earth that all previous generations of inhabitants in this land strove for centuries to achieve and to build and to create in harmony with the Planet. All of that is deliberately shat upon and mangled and buried and ruined by the Syphilitic ButtUgly Windmills of the BUWIs. The scourge of ButtUgly Windmills is like a mechanical plague consuming the beauty and serenity and natural spirit of our continent. Deliberately awful. Carelessly Evil. Sure that it is dominant because the appropriate Politicians have been sodomized and paid off.

That tears it for me. I am going to include the fight against all forms of Abortion in my messages from now on.

Thank You Again