Sunday, February 18, 2018

Notes for -- 'What is an Environmentalist?' -- with Audio Podcast and a new Diagram:

This is the link to the latest audio podcast -- What is an Environmentalist?

I am including here, for your benefit, some written notes about this audio broadcast. I hope this clarifies things for you. The more clarity you have in this insane Planet Sinister, the better off you are.



Obviously, anything or anyone who is real in Planet Sinister is in grave danger of extermination and/or Genocide by Replacement. Which also endangers all of our possibilities to perceive the Real Universe as it actually exists. The mere existence of a Society of Liars (with such demented imbeciles in it as the Incrazies) jeopardizes all of our abilities to know and understand what is actually going on in the Real World. Such jeopardy is the deliberate intention of all Queer Propaganda in the first place -- of course!

No Pervert cares about anything other than being a Pervert.


Definition of 'Exclusivity': The doctrine or regulation that only one system out of many is acceptable, or that a system is preferable to any non-systematic existence that does not satisfy the needs and greeds of the Exclusive Beholder.


You can prove to yourself that Planet Earth is still quite attractive anywhere in the Real World, wherever there are no ButtUgly Windmills within ten miles of you -- AND -- there are no houses of the BUWIs or hovels of BUWI Death Drivers or doghouses of BUWI Pilot Car Drivers or Roach Motels of the Termites of the Secret Electricity Brotherhood -- within ten miles of you.

Sooner or later, the more you question the lies from the enemies of All Life, the more you are going to become uncomfortable with any association of those enemies. If anything is inevitable in this world, the certain downfall of a Society of Liars is bound to happen. I say to you, cut your losses and just say “Fuck Evil!” and leave it. Take the first Giant Step towards the Real Universe by shutting out all Queer Propaganda from your life and going out into Real Nature. Any Real Nature.

Speaking of Nature >>>>

[[ALERT! Snakes from the State Rapists based in Florida are here again! Their snake vehicles have been sighted in Dumpster County and Pocahontas and Calhoun Counties. Expect more intimidations and briberies of the most mindless and greedy farmers by those alien snakes, as they steal lands to put their ButtUgly Windmills on!!!!

It is literally Vermin Infestation from Florida.]]


IF -- there are any designated 'Nature Areas' near where you live, that are preservations of what the Earth has already grown successfully in your area -- there you will find examples of the types and species of plants that grow in your environment. If you follow my advice, and set aside parts of your property in which to grow what the Earth itself would naturally grow there -- based upon what grows in those 'Nature Areas', you will have an obvious selection to choose from.


Incrazies are what happens to the victims of Public/Political Schools, that are fooled into enrolling in the Queer Propaganda courses of Hate Speech and Attack Tactics. And then, are warmed up again in microwave ovens and unleashed like MAD DOGS on the real people of the Real World. Hypnotic brainwashing is always used to make the things believe that they are alive again. The overall desired Queer Effect is to create battalions of the Death Rampant; the kind of deranged and mindless attack drones that only Queer Propagandists and Filthy Monkey Horrors can appreciate.

Incrazies, are the realization of the Deviate's attempt to create zombies from Real Life. Of course, they are just the beginning and will become the victims of their own far worse replacements; which is always the Queer Way.

You can always tell what thing is an Incrazy. They all shit the same lies and stupid lunacies from their mouths, while they try to enlist Idiots to join their attacks against Humans -- for being sane, of course. To warmed-up death like the Incrazies, sanity is a terrible crime against all perversions. Which, is exactly what they were told to think (dimly) at the Hate Speech and Attack Tactics classes of the Deviates.

[[Which of your local community colleges gives classes in Hate Speech and Attacks Tactics?]]

And YES! All Incrazies do have an Anal Infatuation with the mouths of all Filthy Monkey Horrors. Which explains why all Filthy Monkey Horrors have two sets of buttocks -- upper and lower.

you cant always eat the shit you waaant
you cant always eat the shit you waaant
butt if you try real hard
donkey shit is always freeeee

What each town and city in this country needs now are Incrazy Control Officers. Mad Incrazy Removal Personnel, that are identical to Animal Control Officers. There really is a huge public health issue about allowing Incrazies to be loose and biting the real people of the Real World.

You can do something about that problem:

1. Cease to listen to any and all Filthy Monkey Horrors on the FM.
2. Cease all viewing of TV Turds.
3. Cease buying any and all queer newsrags.
4. Cease buying any and all queer magrags.

All of the above, actively fund and depend upon the grotesque schools of Hate Speech and Attack Tactics of the Deviates.

Really. Only the 'Brainwashed' and the 'Scared Shitless' would watch TV or listen to Filthy Monkey Horrors or read queered trash. That is a fact!

Incrazies, are the queer poster brats of the Deviate's planned Identity Crisis and Reversal Campaign; which they fully intend to smother all of Reality with. Inside the Queer Coalition Bladders, of course. National Geographic was killed that way. It's replacement, the 'NastyAllQueragraphix' monstrosity, is a typical example of identity death and reversal.

You may ask -- “Why are the Incrazies not put into lunatic asylums?”

Answer: How? The Incrazies are the devil's spawn of the APA. The APA is the part of the Deviate's Game that operates the lunatic asylums. Do you think the APA scum are going to admit to their crimes against humanity, and put their own Incrazies into their own lunatic asylums -- which -- they too must be locked up in????

Oh! And don't forget that a lot of money is being spent by the APA and ACLU and NEA (etc) at the treacherous local college in your area; as part of the ongoing campaign of endless lies and liars that are duped and dedicated to turning the world into their own private shit hole of Satanism. Such false colleges have entire courses in applied Satanism to offer to the local Incrazy talents that have been chosen as aspiring assholes. Soon to be 'Certified Assholes', after completing such anti-divine courses as:

*Applied Police Mind Fucking 101 and 202.
*How To Queer Your Neighbors As Bad As You Are Queered 101 and 202.
*How To Please Shit-Eating Monkey Judges Three Times A Day 101 and 202.

[[All of which explains why I would never (not ever) go to bed with any female that has been educated to the feminism scourge. Any thing infested with Feminism would try to cut my cock off while I sleep.]]


This brings us to the ageless and important question of -- “What is a classic shit eating Deviate?”

Answer: One that is somehow no longer able to crap new lies out of its putrid face -- AND -- cannot hide from the Truth at the same time. Thus, it is forced to eat all of the Queer Propaganda that it has repeated for its Masters in the past.


Fakery And Fake Fakery--05--Enhanced

About the diagram: It is quite self-explanatory to anyone who has not suffered mental tortures in DemoCrap Public/Political Schools. Tortures, that were intended to kill within their brains any and all abilities to deduce and realize that Truths can be self-evident.

Of the three hexagons, which one would you rather be in? The choices are: Fakery for its own sake, Fakery to call others fake, and Truth accused of fakery. The answer depends upon the degree of comforts programming that you have suffered as a victim of Queer Propaganda.

Everyone is a victim of Queer Propaganda.

In which of the Blue Evil Hexagons do you think the Voters are cowering and cringing and following orders to watch the TV Turds?

Why do TV Turds always 'dunce down' anyone stupid enough to watch them? How does that benefit the TV Turds?

What can you add to this diagram? Copy the entire diagram and paste it into a much larger 'Paint' field of white, so that this diagram is surrounded by larger areas of white background. First, create a white field in 'Paint' that is 3000 wide by 2000 high, then paste this diagram into the middle of that white field. Using [A]lphabetics, add your own text to the overall diagram, and/or add your own drawings.


If you lock out a lock out that has locked out your lock out of its lock out which you have already locked out -- who or what is locked out?


Here are a few examples of the types of video cameras that I am recommending to you:

Canon XC15 at Canon. Can be found for $2200.

JVC GY-HM170UA at JVC. Can be found for $1300.

JVC GY-HM200 at JVC. Can be found for $1600.

Panasonic AG-UX90 at Panasonic. Can be found for $2100.

Panasonic AG-UX180 at Panasonic. Can be found for $3500.

Sony HXR-NX100 at Sony. Can be found for $1700.

Sony PXW-X70 at Sony. Can be found for $1800.

You will notice that they all have the top mounted microphone assemblies. That is mandatory. Two other considerations are mandatory. All of the above shoot in 1920 x 1080 by 60 Progressive frames a second (60P). You must have at least that much. Plus -- the megapixel rating of the sensor must be at least 8 megapixels. All of the above models have that.

Prices have come down considerably since I bought my Sony Jungle Cam. Here are some add-on microphones that are worth considering:

JVC QAN0067-003 Microphone at JVC. Can be found for $90.

Marantz Professional Audio Scope SG-9P microphone at Marantz. Can be found for $130.

MXL FR-330M Shotgun Microphone at MXL. Can be found for $160.

Sony ECMMS2 Stereo Microphone at Sony. Can be found for $375.

Marantz offers some really nice digital recorders. Too good for me, but you should get them if you can >>>>

Marantz PMD561 at Marantz. $400

Marantz PMD661MKII at Marantz. $580

Marantz PMD-706 at Marantz. $300


I will briefly explain all that you really need to know about 1920 x 1080 60P:

There are five screen resolutions that you need to know about.

1280 x 720 30P
1366 x 768 no P
1920 x 1080 60P

1280 x 720 30P is the resolution that I often use to post videos on the Internet. It uses much less data than 1920 x 1080 60P, but it looks decent enough when all you are watching is me. For videos of Nature, it is not detailed enough.

1366 x 768 no P is the best screen resolution of most laptop computers. Do NOT shoot in this mode, even if it is possible with the video camera you are using. It is nothing more than the screen resolution of your laptop computer, NOT good for taking videos.

1920 x 1080 60P is the current standard for common video cameras. Even now, most video cameras offer this resolution as their top quality. This is what I always shoot videos in. If there is more than just myself in a video, I should put them on the Internet in 1080 60P. If there is only a closeup of myself, I convert them down to 720 30P in a video editor; since I am the only thing in the video anyway. Expect more 720 30P from me than 1080 60P. 30P is technically called 29P or 29.9P

2K is a slightly larger screen size than 1080 60P. For normal purposes, you do not need to care about 2K.

4K is not necessary for home videos. It is larger and more detailed than 1080 60P -- however -- how important is that to home video making, when 1080 60P is quite adequate? You will hear sales creeps give you all kinds of excuses for buying a 4K video camera, but it is far from required and often a case of overkill.

Some of the cameras that I am linking you to are 4K models. I am NOT recommending them for that. They all do 1080 60P very well, which is why they are being recommended. Compare the data size of a one hour video of 4K to an hour of 1080 60P and an hour of 720 30P -- then consider that you have to pay for every megabyte of data which you upload to the Internet -- and then you will see why the Frugal Choices are 1080 60P and 720 30P.

HINT: It is easy to put a 1080 60P file into a video editor and convert it down to 720 30P, and adjust its settings at the same time.

YOU CANNOT up convert from 720 30P to 1080 60P and keep the same quality.

Therefore, shoot in 1080 60P. Then down convert to 720 30P for uploading to the Internet.



Forced Insanity:

I am seeing evidence that the queer media scum are still trying to confuse everyone's Identities and Thoughts. Those things are still injecting Queershit into anyone's brain who they can still mess with.

Their technique is both insidious and unworthy of being on this planet. Unworthy of existing anywhere outside of Hell itself.

By, controlling all media discussions, and causing all discussions to use only queer media accepted terms and assumptions -- those brainwashing Spawn of Hell claim that the mind fucked results (their victims) have experienced a 'Change in Attitudes'!

A 'Change of Attitudes' on the part of the VICTIMS that were just subjected to such Mind Slavery and Abuse.

They calmly claim that it just happened that way when the queer media scum asked them questions; because everyone now agrees with the Queer Propaganda demands for their lies to be truth.

The Queershit Terminology used in such techniques is -- 'Change of Attitudes'.

Translation: Complete and painful evacuation of the brain by vacuum torturing -- and refilling it with Queer Propaganda and dumb obedience. Plus, fear of being shouted at by Incrazy Intimidators. Such successful Intimidation and Speech Control is lauded by the Queer Medias as a 'Change of Attitudes'.


Markel Peters