Friday, January 5, 2018

An Audio for Hurt Humans -- 2018-01-05:

This Audio File is for healing purposes. As we all know, the Human Species is under constant attack from the stinking emanations and the gargoyles and the freaks that either escape the Queer Coalition Bladders, or are sent out on missions to intimidate and destroy all Natural Enemies -- which happens to include all of Nature.

In this audio file I address some of those hurts and pains and issues that are caused by such attacks.


By the way, those intimidation tactics that Humans are attacked with when they are fired by the Deviates -- and -- those twisted Queershit Seances that the Dykes try to use to infest the thinking of any sleeping and defenseless Human Being with -- that they can get close enough to ...

are all practiced and/or performed with the worst Dyke (the 'Intimidator' or the 'Transmitter') with its face stuck up the asshole of the worst Faggot available. That, is why their lies are so vile and atrocious when they fire a Human Being from a Queer-infested work site. It is also why Humans see terrible visions of anus-faced Filthy Monkey Horrors in their nightmares. Which is not far from the Truth about what Filthy Monkey Horrors actually look like.

Except for one thing. All Filthy Monkey Horrors have four foot long plastic dicks attached to their noses. Bolted to their noses. The procedure is called 'The Bolt' within Queer Circles.

You have to be within that circle to think you can appreciate such ornamentation. That bent circle is sort of like a Grotesque Halloween Show 24/7. Which also explains why those nightmares (caused by the Transmitter Dykes) are so hideous.

Now -- you know what killed the brains of your Local Police Force.


Markel Peters