Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Brain Too Short?

Appropriate explicit language should be involved in this message.


It saddens me to see some of our finest Human Minds continuing to waste their neurons and their lives on such a povertous and disgusting focus as politics. I mean that without scorn or pity, for I know that they are lost in the maelstroms and worthless games of politics. They are like fat fish caught on DemoCrap hooks. They cannot think of anything other than their own sorrow and the greed that got them caught. In short, they are not responsible for their own actions anymore.

In many of their overclocked brains, they try to think that by now I should be retired from writing the Truth. Instead, I should be trying my hand at opening a chain of lemonade stands out in the corn fields -- for exasperated and disappointed raccoons, woodchucks, muskrats, hummingbirds, redhawks, deer, tornadoes and so forth. In other words, to the circus world of politics, someone such as myself is only tolerable for a brief period as an oddity, as an aberration or a rare fluke of truth. Surely, that transient engagement schedule is over by now, and they can all go back to fornicating each others brains like they were doing before. Ruining the world for the rest of us at the same time. Which, in their circus world, is what is supposed to be.

Believe me, they are trying really hard to pretend that I do not exist. After all, how can such a boorish oaf with no expensive car and no suited appearance and no cowardice before snake-haired over-preening Polk County Lawyer Bitches -- still exist at their displeasure? Certainly, we must all know that (because of the last election results) Human Resistance is dead and defunct. Human Resistance, is now only fit to be a waste basket for the dental tampons of skinny, insect-brained (and really twisted) Lawyer Bitches! Which, incidentally, are still lying and saying that they are somehow indispensable to the People. Can you believe that?

What is wrong here? Can the Real World still exist? At their displeasure?

Well ... why should I stop writing the Truth when the people who should also be shunning politics and writing as I do, are still entertaining the same old worthless pastime?


I wish the following lesson only applied to those people who have been brain-shortened by video games and ridiculous 'kung-fu' movies and TV commercials -- however, it obviously applies to a much wider circus of people including my own peers (or should be peers).


I have been out of work due to an injury for some weeks now, and just as I was getting repaired, I got the flu. I ended up spending 10 weeks apart from the fevered pace of society. This gave me time to work on my next two projects, buy some movies that I deemed to be for entertainment only, and to get a first-hand look at the grim and inhuman existence of the so-called 'specialized medicine profession' down in West Des Moines ...

which is shockingly like being sent to a Siberian Prison Hospital to be treated like a numbered sack of potatoes ...
inspected for a few seconds (literally) ...
told that your pain is not real ...
your body is not really injured ...
you should go back to work again to be injured again ...
but only in your own imagination ...
because none of this is real anyway ...
or, you would not be in their 'specialist death trap' to begin with.

And, that is before the trainwreck called HObama Care.


About the movies -- most of them were modern HollyQueer or Hong Kong action flicks that exhibited a ridiculous level of mindless activity. The only 'kung-fu' movies that I have seen in the past few years, that were not crazed with ludicrous physical violence and a plot that could not be written on a role of toilet paper -- are 'Shaolin', 'The Lost Bladesman', and the 'Battle of Warriors'. At the same time, both Russian films about Genghis Khan -- 'Mongol' and 'The Spirit of Genghis Khan' are excellent and I consider them to be a matched set -- just like I consider 'Tombstone' and 'Wyatt Earp' and 'Hour of the Gun' to be a matched set.

'Live Free or Die Hard' was an honest effort to be a movie with a real plot -- but as usual it was Too Short and Too Hectic and Too Exaggerated to be a real film. Helicopters and Jet Fighters and Semi-trucks do not guarantee quality. Plot and exposition, and excellent acting, and Enough Time, and high production values are what insure quality. Here, the acting was of a high quality, but always Too Brief and thus incomplete.

Watching the other movies, which I shredded due to low acceptance levels, was a sickening experience and I was already working up to a good case of the flu to begin with. The problem behind such movies is both horrendous and dangerous; that being a terrible shortness of brainpower in evidence. The plots are almost non-existent and/or infantile in their lack of depth and genuine interest. Everything about them is a bean-brained display of fabricated and propped up idiocies, sprayed upon the audience as their daily ration of sense-dulling nonsense. To which, the producers expect the audience to be addicted -- after a long and demeaning and reduced life of video bombardment by such fodder. It is short-brained misery for the shortened brains of enculturated masochists, that cannot think to any depths whatsoever.

The entire situation is so pervasive and so grim and so deliberate on the part of the SQLD, and such an obvious preparation for (and requirement for) existence as a drone for Planet Sinister; that it brings to mind the question -- 'Can the slave viewers of such visual and audible trash have the capacity to think in the most elementary Human Ways'?

How can you know the answer?

More importantly, how can any slave of HollyQueer movies and video games know if it is a short-brained slave, per NEA requirements, or not?

I thought about it for a day, while I was sneezing, and I came up with a simple test. Well, that is to say -- simple for any Real Human. However, it will be freaking impossible and insanely torturous to any slave of HollyQueer, TV, FM, video games, AM radio advertisements etc.

Why should you take this test? Good question, no one is forcing you to. At the same time, you are being forced every day (by the SQLD) to kill your own brain, until it no longer can think as it was designed to do so.

Take your pick. No think, or think. Would you rather spend your life complaining about how screwed up it is, because the Queers fornicated your brain over; or do something about it, and learn how to think?

Who else is going to teach you how to think? Did the NEA teach you how to think?

Answer: Hell No! Those things only teach what they want you to suck and accept!

Now that I think about it, I do not know of any place that teaches people how to think. I can think of places that claim to teach you how to get rich, or how to repair machines; but they only teach 'hows' in relationship to the 'whats' that they want you to think. That, is very different and limited compared to what I am attempting here.

Speaking of which, this may seem to be egotistical of me; however my readers know by now that I do not care if (or when) I seem to be pretentious -- there simply is not enough time to care about such things these days. It brings up a point in my favor -- as hectic and scrambled as everything is these days, deeper thinking will get us through and to places of advancement that no Science Priest would ever want the Human Species to reach.


The test requires 100 minutes of your time -- completely alone and separated from any and all electronic devices and medias. There must be absolutely no outside distractions or interference during those 100 minutes. The test is taken by you alone, without any aids or advice of any description -- not even a cell phone, watch, ipod, or dictionary. If you have to do this in your bathroom sitting on the toilet (seat cover down) -- do it.

The ultimate result of the test is you -- your present condition revealed.

The danger level is high in this test. The potential for shock and disappointment is high, especially for self-presuming egos. Subsequently, the tendency to ignore or damn the results is correspondingly high. However, initial failure is to be expected; and is nothing to get depressed about!

This is not the 'Kobayashi Maru' test from Star Trek, where there is no way to win to begin with. This is a working test, to be repeated and worked at often -- until it is no longer needed. Truly, by the time you reach such a level of repair that you no longer need this test, you will have devised more advanced tests of your own.

And yet, it is elegantly simple; the test will seem to be too simple for some people. Not so, for APA-injured brains and media addicts and video gamers.

All dopers and marijuana addicts of all descriptions cannot perform this test to completion. The completion of the test occurs when you no longer need it. To achieve completion, all dopers and marijuana junkies would have to abandon their addictions. No longer need them, no longer need this test.

If I wanted you to be a stupid junkie of any kind, would I help you learn how to think? When did you ever hear a RepuCrap teach you how to think? Never. Those scum accept the same extremely limited thought control that is placed upon all of you -- because, it benefits their efforts to manipulate you and fool you and to cheat you. RepuCraps only tell you what to think, inside the confines of the very restricted set of dumbed-down things that you are allowed to think by the Deviates. If you were to think for yourself -- all of them would have a conniption fit. Worse -- they would threaten you for thinking hate crimes and showing unacceptable social behavior.


The test is performed in ten 10 minute sections to the accompaniment of a clock. The most basic version requires yourself, a notebook, and a writing instrument like a pen or pencil -- no electronic writing devices are allowed.

Keep in mind, if you have one, that the object of the test is to develop your ability to think; and to think more deeply than the bare superficial ways that are expected by no-mind-required TV Turds, Filthy Monkeys, politicians, Queer Propagandists, Monkey Lawyers and Monkey Judges, psych-creatures of the APA etc.

There are no tricks to this test, and there are no cheat codes; it is not a game.

In its most elementary form all there is -- is you, a room (or a bathroom), a paper notebook, a writing instrument, a table and chair (or just a chair), a clock, and lighting. The notebook is for writing on, naturally. The writing is in response to a question, always a very basic question that is universal in its application, such as ...

'What do you think about automobile tires?'
'Where is the Gobi Desert?'
'Why do you own as many shoes as you currently do?'
'Why do some people not like Vladimir Putin?'
'What was the role of the early Spanish Missionaries when Spain ruled Southern California?'
'Why was fire the object of the film named Quest For Fire?'
'Why do we have Standards of Measurement such as the foot, the kilometer, the pound, the lux, the light-year, and the centigrade degree?'.

In other words, any simple question that anyone without NEA and APA brainwashing would know about.

[[On the horrid TV, there are many mind-numbing and falsely-accelerated game shows that involve questions and rules. They exist as whips, to flog the dulled brains of viewers into a frenzy about the extremely limited pap and drivel that constitutes what the TV Turds allow their slaves to think about. By making a big show about the nothingness that they want to fill the brains of their viewers with, they fool anyone (who is unfortunate enough to watch that crap) into thinking that the nothingness on TV is 'everything'. Thus, only what is allowed to be seen by the Masters of TV is real.]]

This test teaches real thinking -- in depth.

For the first minute of the first 10 minute period, you may write one sentence in the notebook, to answer the question of the test. Thereafter, in the numbered minute of the same numbered block you may write another sentence -- such as the second minute of the second block and the third minute of the third block and the fourth minute of the fourth block -- until at the end of 100 minutes you have written ten sentences, each being written for one minute in each 10 minute block. The other nine minutes of each 10 minute period is for thinking about the question, and what you want to write next. No writing is allowed except during the allotted writing minute of each period.

The overall expectation is to have written the best possible paragraph of ten sentences, at the end of 100 minutes, that you possibly could have.

Who is to decide if what you have written is the best that you could have? Initially -- you. However, if this is done in concert by a lot of people that you know, and you are all writing at the same time about the same question -- then you can compare your best efforts.

The problem does not come from what you have written, but rather from being able to write it to begin with, following the rules. For each 10 minute period, you are to do nothing for 9 minutes except sit and look at what you have already written, and to think of what you will write next. No games. No toys. No music. No TV. No food. No sleep. No crying. No bad habits. No shouting and pounding on the table. Just sit, and look at what you have already written. No physical or mental distractions are allowed. Ninety minutes of each 100 minutes is to be spent thinking.

I will give you a diagram to help you ...


Block 1:

Minute 1 -- Write

Block 2:
Minute 2 -- Write

Block 3:
Minute 3 -- Write

Block 4:
Minute 4 -- Write

Block 5:
Minute 5 -- Write

Block 6:
Minute 6 -- Write

Block 7:
Minute 7 -- Write

Block 8:
Minute 8 -- Write

Block 9:
Minute 9 -- Write

Block 10:
Minute 10 -- Write

Spend your inactive minutes looking at the question and what you have written already. Imagine what more you can write that will make the entire work sound sensible, intelligent, descriptive and complete.

Do not fidget, only little children fidget. Concentrate on what the test is all about. Remember, this is not a test from your enemies. This is YOUR test, for you. The idea is to pace yourself, and to deny all of the falsely accelerated impulses that have been pounded and injected into your brain by the Queer Medias. You must get used to long-term thoughts that can take hours to formulate and explore and test and finish.

You know, sitting and thinking used to be quite enjoyable to a lot of Human Beings. Of course, Humans are now forbidden to exist by the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead -- so of course Human Thinking is doubly forbidden. Thinking itself is now regarded by the Queer Masters and all politicians as a control mechanism for the assurance of proper population order and voter obedience.

That is not acceptable to us and never will be. The SQLD are using the boiling frog routine to try to make the masses as stupid as is possible -- which must include the banishment of thinking and its replacement by stupidity and dumb subservience to the demands of the highest paying customers of the Monkey Judges and the Deviate Politicians.

[[The boiling frog routine, is where a frog is placed in a pot of cold water and then the pot is placed on a stove and the water is heated until the frog is boiled to death. The thing about it is, if you heat the water to boiling without the frog in the pot, and then you drop the frog into the pot -- it will jump back out of the pot and survive. However, if you put the unsuspecting child in the Queer Coalition while it is cold, and then heat it up to boiling -- the child will boil to death in the Queer Propaganda.]]


There are a few variations to this test, keeping in mind that the objective of it all is to expose the test taker to the unheard of situation of thinking for periods greater than 15 seconds at a time.

Creation, is crucial to the success of the test. It can be the creation of a paragraph of ten sentences, or it can be the creation of a clay sculpture of ten movements, or it can be the creation of a drawing or a painting of ten minutes of brush strokes. What matters is that the entire process is carried out alone, without aids or distractions, ninety minutes of thinking in applied to the effort, and the finished item makes a statement -- is conclusive. It could even be done with 100 minutes and a wood lathe, as long as it is completed according to the terms of the test. One hundred minutes alone in a canoe, in the middle of a lake? No, I doubt if that would work. You see, you have to have something to show for your work at the end of the test. You could try it with your back yard and a lawn mower, but I am dubious of the results. On the other hand, an old unpainted car and a selection of spray paint cans might work out well. Then again, there is always the naked ass of your mother-in-law, and a tattoo gun.


Sure enough! No sooner do I write this truth about the so-called Homosexuals, and their Thought-Police Tactics, then the things provide me with a splendid example of the kind of inhuman and mandatory thought control that I am writing about ...


Please read these websites before continuing.

Did you read the Queershit from CBC (the most perverted pack of tyrant pigs in all of Canadian Media) about the Queer Propagandists and the Queer Population Handlers in Newfoundland pretending to be shocked by the printing of some Truth (any Truth) in their control area?

Queer Phony Shock (QPS) is like a circle of jerkoffs in a public ghetto toilet, jacking each other off and stopping once an hour to pretend to be shocked and disgusted that the rest of the world is not also masturbating -- and squealing the same lies at the same time.

By the way -- the one 'identifiable group' in Canada that matters, and overrides all others, is the forbidden 'People of Canada'! As for the Pervert Infestors -- the act of denying any Truth that is said or written or shown about them, and the act of attacking any such Truth (and the Humans who are the source of that Truth), is a Hate Crime and a Crime of Genocide against the health and welfare and prosperity and longevity and continuation of the Human People of Canada -- the only identifiable group that matters.

How do such asswipes think they can complain about the Truth being said about themselves? Simple -- the so-called Human Rights Tribunals in Canada are totally corrupt!!!!!!!!!!

No thing, would participate in such Queer Coalition fakery as that, unless it was a total beast of the Deviates. Indeed, the entire Canadian Government is nothing more than the afterbirth of a demented bitch, kept on a leash in a politician's brothel in the red light district of Ottawa.

Once again, the boiling frog technique has been used there. No Human Government, such as Canada once possessed, would knowingly allow itself to die and to be replaced by animated POS; like the things that crawl about inside the government buildings of Ottawa today.

It was all killed by mirrors, and slow boiling, and campaigns of lies, and mountains of money put on the heads of the worst c**ksuckers that wanted to be politicians. I even know that the money came from the HBHZ, and I know how it got into Canada illegally.

THAT, is what I was talking about in some of my past messages; when I wrote that one of the most horrible failures of democracy is that it is far from democratic. Any election can be bought. Any election is swayed and determined by which side has the most money, and has tickled the most ganglia of the Queer Medias.

Do you remember me writing that?

After a few election cycles of such demonic disruption and disintegration, performed against the previous Human Government of Canada -- all that you have left is the blown out bowels of a shit-fitting junkyard dog -- dragging from its ass.

The so-called Human Tribunals of that puke government in Canada are the epitome of the Lie Enough Rule in action. Tell the People of Canada a horrid lie often enough, and they dumbly begin to believe it. Especially, if the liars are fondling their asses and giving them worthless gifts and perks (all received as important and the gifts of a lifetime), while they shout and threaten them with lies at the same time.

Canada is no democracy. Canada is a political sewer. Canada is a backwards and tyrannical third-world country. Ottawa is nothing more than a contender with Wash This Death City, Amsterdam, Brussels, London, HBHZ, and Madrid for the 'Shithole of the Universe' title.


Watch how the APA and the horrid NEA try to emulate this test and its results, to try to deepen the brainwashing they use to torture the Humanity out of every child that they can get their dirty rotten minds onto.


Some sample questions:

What does a 'megaton' mean, and when is it usually used?

What is 'Dublin'?

Why is a Bluejay blue?

What was the Nautilus submarine?

Who was Shaka Zulu -- aka Shaka?

What does a carburetor on a car engine do?

What is your favorite Interstate Highway, and why?

What is an Eskimo?

Why is Titanium used in Steel making -- Ferrotitanium?

What is a Moose?

What is an Atomic Clock?

Why are road signs painted with bright colors?

What is a lightning storm?

What is a Sea Turtle?

What are the uses of Ink?

Who shot John F. Kennedy?

Who owns the Continent of Antarctica?

Who was Ethel Merman?

What is Spectral Color?

What are the Great Lakes of North America?

What is supposed to be in a Capital Building?

What is not supposed to be in a Capital Building?

What is an Air Pressure Gage?

What is Saturn?

Where and what is the city of Timbuktu?

What is a Political Conspiracy?

What are your toes?

How big is the Planet Earth?

Do you like or dislike roadside billboards, and why?

What is Indian Sitar Music?

What would a Martian Colony look like?

Why is the NSA the enemy of the People of the United States of America?

Who invented Peanut Butter?

Who was Louis Pasteur?

Are there Extraterrestrial Aliens at Area 51?

What does a Bumblebee do all day?

How are you supposed to use Dental Floss?

What is a JPG image?

Would you buy a Mercedes Benz automobile if you could?

Why do women like jewelry?



One of the groups of people who most certainly need this message, are the ones that read this website for the laughs. Those people, read this website because the Truth that is said here is a 'novelty' inside of their confinement and slavery. They have no inkling that any escape and freedom can really be achieved; and often they are too bereft of senses to know of their own imprisonment. However, they got the word somehow that strange and unusual things are written in these messages; and it is a cult happening to read them and laugh about what they say.

Such people as that, are mostly too corroded (mentally) to ever be helped, and yet I invite them to try to do something (anything) to discover, using thinking, what their real situation and life is.

Lastly, for those of you who distrust me -- turn your suspicion away from me. I am doing this for your benefit, and for our Human Children -- both of which are marked for an unthinking extinction.


Markel Peters