Sunday, January 20, 2013

I JUST DONATED $200 TO 'MINNESOTA FOR MARRIAGE': Please read important details -- please do not ignore this!

To stop the current attack against all Humanity in Minnesota, by the Satanic and Queer Lying Dead, I just sent $200 to 'Minnesota for Marriage'.

Please remember -- Minnesota is the Northern Warfront for this country.

The awful Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred is on the rise again in Minnesota, in another attempt to kill another Human State; and to divide it into a Queer Minnesota, and a Human Minnesota.

This fight in Minnesota is hard and vicious, and the Humans in Minnesota need all of the support that we can give to them.

Here are some very important websites about this Battle for our Human Survival in Minnesota ...
Minnesota for Marriage--Home
Minnesota for Marriage--The Queer Threat
Minnesota for Marriage--The Queer LIES
Minnesota for Marriage--Contribute to Minnesota Humans
Minnesota for Marriage--The Latest News
Minnesota for Marriage--Download Important Cards and Letters


Here, are some background stories to this situation. You will see that it focuses on the backstabbing Republican Establishment; as an indicator that the Human Species is losing this War. Nothing could be further from the Truth. We Humans, gladly look forwards to the destruction of the Republican Establishment; that the Democrat/Homosexuals have been using to blind us with, and to use as shields against our wrath.
Minnesota GOP Faces Rocky Path

After big losses, Minnesota GOP faces tough 2 years

Minnesota GOP reassessing after slap-down at polls.
This article uses the Republican Establishment Cowardice Excuse, that the attempts by Humans to defend themselves against the 'Queers' and their awful Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred (Q&PMH) was responsible for the decline of -- who else? -- the Republican Establishment -- which refused to represent the Human Species to begin with -- and only cares about themselves -- and always care about themselves, only.

But! What is this below? What really happened?

Minnesota Republican Party gets eviction notice.
The Minnesota Republican Establishment is paying the price for not representing the Human Species. Now, their Minnesota Headquarters is being closed down due to nonpayment of rent.
The Republican Establishment -- which only cares about itself and getting elected -- has bankrupted itself in Minnesota -- for only caring about itself. And now, you guessed it, they will turn their backs to the Human Species and try to go 'Queer', in order to become 'Popular' again with the 'Masses' -- and by doing so, to hopefully get enough money to pay the rent.

Minnesota GOP Facing Eviction From Headquarters

Does anything about this, strike you as 'Odd'?

This article is from April of 2012 -- before the 2012 Elections. The Republican Establishment in Minnesota, went into the 2012 election with an eviction notice on their state headquarters! However -- they are still blaming the Human Defense Instinct for their loses!!!!

The Republican Establishment Cowards have always said that they are Fiscally Responsible, and that Fiscal Responsibility is the only thing that matters. Our Human needs, to defend ourselves against such atrocities as the Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred, are only delusions and ridiculous fears -- according to the Cowards of the Republican Establishment.

As of last April, they have not paid the rent on their Minnesota State Headquarters for eight months.

Sewage Pathetic! If you or I did that -- we would be out in the street gutter, in the cold right now.

Will the Republican Establishment get this message?

Will they get their heads out of their asses?

Don't hold your breath waiting for that.


Thank God I sent some money to Michelle Bachmann for the 2012 election!!!!

Likewise -- Thank God I sent some money to 'Minnesota for Marriage' yesterday!!!!

Only we Humans can save Minnesota from the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead.

The Republican Establishment is self-destructing, as it deserves to do so -- for refusing to help our Human Species in this War.


To quote from the Brainerd Dispatch ...

The 2012 election was a stinging loss for the GOP in Minnesota, from the top of the ticket to the bottom. President Barack Obama claimed the state's 10 electoral votes on his way to a reelection victory. Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar won a lopsided reelection victory over Republican Kurt Bills. Republican Rep. Chip Cravaack was ousted in northern Minnesota, while Rep. Michele Bachmann narrowly won in her strongly Republican district.
Republicans also lost control of both chambers of the state Legislature, and voters rejected constitutional amendments to ban gay marriage and require a photo ID for voting that had been signal accomplishments of the vanquished Republican majorities.
For Democrats, the victory was sweeping and carries major policy ramifications.
With Mark Dayton in the governor's office, Minnesota's Capitol will be under total Democratic control for the first time in more than two decades.


I gladly donated $200 to the Great Human Cause of protecting the sanctity of Human Marriage from the horrendous mockeries and fakeries and hatreds of the Queer Substitute -- Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred.



As you can surmise from the above articles -- it is imperative for all Humans to choose their donations wisely. And, whenever you can, use Action and Rallies and Marches and Civil Disobedience, and the words "NO!" and "NEVER!" against the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead (SQLD).

*****The very obvious strategy on the part of the Democrat/Homosexuals is -- to Drain Our Money Reserves, while they get Billions of dollars from the national debt money to use against us.*****

It is not only Psychological Warfare -- it is also Economic Warfare!!!!

And, Of Course -- you can always save money by TURNING OFF THE QUEER MEDIAS!!!!

Buy a 'queer newsrag' -- (like the homicidal and queer Des Moines Rearsniffers) -- and you rob yourself, and feed your own death at their queer hands.

Minnesota for Marriage--Contribute to Minnesota Humans

Once more -- I ask all Humans who can, to send whatever they can spare, to Minnesota for Marriage.

There is something classic about their fight in Minnesota. Read their websites, and you will see that they are representing not only all Humans everywhere, but they are also representing the Truth itself in all of these matters. They are very open about revealing the LIES of the so-called Homosexuals. In these cowardly times, that is an increasing rarity. Especially, wherever the ModoRats and the Republican Establishment have stifled and muzzled the People.

While, they descend into the 'poor house' themselves.

How much longer are we going to be silenced by such lying imbeciles and losers as the Republican Establishment????


Thank You for reading this message.

I would suggest some prayers for the Humans in Minnesota are in order.


Markel Peters

Thursday, January 10, 2013


The Beast -- Cuomo

Quote -- "Waahh! No one needs 10 bullets to kill a deer. End the madness now.”

Response -- Oh, how pathetic a delusion. Now you think you are a deer. Your madness needs to be ended.

You rancid Killer Queer!






Not only is this entire sham nothing more than another attempt by the Queer Masters to disarm the Human Species that they intend to replace -- without Resistance ...

now the White Rattlesnake is hissing that 'the National Anus will act!' (not my nation) ...

and us Humans had better give up, and get used to a miserable fate of unarmed slavery and NO HUMAN DEFENSES (in their nation)!

Well actually -- that Anus was put there to act -- to begin with.

And, I am not impressed with your acting either.

I am going to buy an 'assault rifle' -- ASAP!

Call it -- Assault Insurance.

Your assaults (invasions of my nation) -- my national insurance.


Humans -- you take care of this one. I am going to get that rifle, but I have better things to do, as you will find out.

If you cannot stop a stupid and laughing White Rattlesnake and a talking Black Anus from taking your guns away from you -- then you are not Human enough to deserve them to begin with.

Especially, since the mental diseases that those turds cause to the populace are responsible for the mass murders that they are blaming you for!

This is nothing more than another opportunistic attack against our Human species, by the worst of alien enemies.

Be a Species! Stop those Genociders!


By the way, why are the medias not showing all kinds of defaming cartoons and caricatures of this Cuomo Beast -- like they did when they tried to defame Michelle Bachmann? (a non-beast)


Markel Peters