Wednesday, March 28, 2012



For beginners -- Congratulations to Rick Santorum for winning the Louisiana Republican Primary!!!! Bravo!!!!



If elected.

Here is more undeniable evidence about Mitt (the Rat) Romney, and its ModoRat kind of infestation of the Republican Party.

This sad story about New Hampshire, tells you how awful and evil a State Republican Party becomes, when it is controlled by the SQLD. In this case, by wheening and gutless Homosexual/Moderates that are head-over-heels queer for the DemoCraps of MassInsanity. Their next door 'Queer Neighbors'.

These, are the bed mates of the Homophilic Rat named Romney. What they do -- It Will Do!!!!

Expect No Humanity -- from a Rat.


There has recently been an attempt, by the Real Humans of the Real New Hampshire, to repeal a Queer Law. A False Law, that pretends to give the hoax of Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred the appearance of legalized behavior, in DemoNewHampshire. The RINO controlled State House there, rejected the measure. For queer reasons, of course. Did they not just vote for Mitt (The Rat) Romney, as their favorite Queer Puppet?

These websites tell the gruesome story.

You can see here, the weakness of Moderation. The New Hampshire Republicans have no concept of what it takes to 'Kick Evil In The Balls!'

The Union Leader is the Human Newspaper of New England. However, they allow the BatShitCrazy Network to make Propaganda Comments to their articles. You will see here, in the comments, the regimented campaign of scare tactics and lies from the Queer Propagandists, disguised as Authoritative Responses.


With such evidence as this, it is so easy to see why Human Writers and Human Leaders are adamantly against any attempt (by any form of Moderate/Homosexual Delirium), to circumvent the progress and security and health of the Human Species. Particularly by placing Homosexual/Moderate clowns, rats and perverts into positions of any authority over the lives and destinies of Real Human Beings.

Human anger at this, is totally justified.

Any unhappiness and animosity, which 'Mitt the Rat' engenders -- due to its betrayal of, and deliberate scheming against, the Human Species (and the results of those heinous actions) -- it will deserve in spades.


And, Again.

And, Again.


[[By the way -- you know those Demented White Females (DWC) that I have been telling you about?

Those things are 'lesbians', too.

What, do you think promoted the Queer Hoax called 'bullying'?

Answer: The DWC. And, never for the benefit of any Human Children. Always, for the benefit of their favorite demented and deviated pervert-apprentices, and elementary faggots. Which they are raising to be monsters.

Bingo! It's all part of the same assault on Humanity. With intent to kill.]]


Believe me! Queer Mitt (the faggot) Romney, and all of the DemoCraps and ModoRats combined, will not kill this Species.

We will prosper in Adversity.

We will not be fooled, and infiltrated, and placated, and replaced.


Speaking of Adversity -- with the Moderates/Homosexuals/Democrats thinking that the next four years are sown up queer (and one or the other SQLD Stooge will be elected as the next Puppet Resident, for their sick-sick-sick agendas) -- our enemies are attacking our Species in as many ways, and with as many twists, as their demented brains can conjure up.

Here is a selection of articles about the most recent attempts against us.

Queer Military of DemoVermont plans week of Hate Rallies against Humanity and Nature. Will Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid attend? Read the pathetic and lame excuses stated in this article, such as -- "just a consequence of changing times".

Translation -- "Our Queer DemoCraps killed off the Original Vermont, and now we want to feed upon the carcass. We deserve to feed upon the carcass!"


In Maryland, the fight against Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred is on a rough course. The DemoCrap Attorney General of Maryland is calling all Human Resistance -- 'Rabid' -- and vows to kill off all attempts to keep Maryland Human.


In MassInsanity -- when the Monkey Judges there ordered the first Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatreds to happen, with the approval of Mitt (the Rat) Romney -- the DemoCrap Attorney General for MassInsanity said exactly the same lies about us.

Queer Propagandists, order attacks against Human Author and Pastor Scott Lively; for trying to help Humans in the fight against the SQLD in Uganda. This is an attempted revenge for Scott Lively's assistance to Uganda's Humans.

This articles explains the background to this attack.

It further claims that as a result (albeit a convoluted one), some members of the so-called LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex) community faced discrimination, and one (SMUG Advocacy Director David Kato) was killed on January 26, 2011,” Liberty Counsel reported. “The suit leaves out the fact that the suspected killer is a male prostitute with which Kato had sex and refused to pay.”

Here, is clearly revealed a typical Queer Propaganda tactic. Namely -- whenever any of the so-called Homosexuals kill each other (a frequent event and soon to come to Military Academies in DemoVermont) -- the negative publicity of such everyday murders has to be diverted away from the Truth about the Mental Disease of 'Homosexuality'. All negative publicity, must be put upon the general enemies of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead.

Even though they had nothing to do with it.

Especially, since they had nothing to do with it.

Therefore, use the deaths and mayhem’s (that are always happening within the mental disease), as propaganda material for smear campaigns against the Humans, and claims of illegal activities by Humans.

Three more articles about Scott Lively, that explain why he is a target of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead.

This article bonds the connection between the Queer Propagandists and the so-called Occupation Forces of the SQLD. They are one and the same.

Queer Hate Attacks against church.

Typical Queer Violence.


North Carolina Bishops fight back against HObama the Super Queer.


Canadians fight attempt by SQLD to force Queerness upon all students.


Doofus Jimmy Carter rewrites The Bible.
Gets free ticket to Hell.


'Them And Fairies' (of DemoVermont) makes Queer Ice Cream flavor.

Sick-sick-sick to your tummy.


These are all that I have time for right now.

For more about the World War, check out the Lifesite News site.


We are fighting a hoard of enemies that are absolutely clueless about us (the Humans). They know nothing more about us, than a Wingnut knows about Scriptures. They can only imagine (with their filthy minds) what we might do in any situation. Their only reason for wanting to know to begin with, is to be able to program us better to their Queer Propaganda.

So, they really don't care at all who or what we are, to begin with. They could not care less how we think, feel or react. Just as long as whatever we are and whatever we do -- it can be queered to their own Homosexual Agenda.


Why do you think all of these attacks against us are happening now?

Answer: To the 'Queers', it looks like there will be a 'Gay Puppet' in the White House for another four years -- either HObama the Super Queer, or Mitt (the Rat) Romney. That, is how those things think -- don't think.

They see the possibility of a 'Queer Choice' (without a Human Candidate), as an approval of their mental disease; and an allowance for them to do whatever they want against Humans, for another four years!


It's like fighting flies. Flies don't think.

Can you imagine, what would happen if flies controlled an FM station?

It would have to be better than what the Filthy Monkeys are doing.

Nothing, could be worse than that anyway.


As should be expected, the DemoCraps of DemoIowa are very unhappy that I have revealed 'the Rat' as one of their playthings.

Those things are actually deranged enough to complain that -- "No one (the Rat) is good enough for him"! and -- "He doesn't like anyone!"

Swear to God! They are saying that!

Can you believe it?

Those programmed imbeciles, actually can only think within the confines of DemoCrapia!!!!

God damn! That is Living-Death! Not Life!

For those of you who are the most dense -- what do I mean?

Answer: Creatures that have been murdered inside, by the mental diseases and mind fornications of the Homosexual Agenda (and the DemoCrap Manifestos), can no longer carry out normal or balanced or natural and healthy brain functions, like the Humans can. Their 'brain world' is dimmed and stunted and warped and weird, and highly regimented to the limitations which the SQLD Masters have assigned to them.

They are biological automatons, kept alive to serve the Masters as worker drones for the mechanisms of Planet Sinister; as conduits for money exchanges, and to follow semi-annual voting commands. Nothing more. Even their offspring are doomed to such misery; as it would be, except part of the brain-dulling process is to desensitize them to all of their own feelings, of hopeless daily agony.

Thus, they can only imagine that there are Humans on this planet that will accept -- ONLY HUMANS!!!!


Don't worry about them.

They didn't get it.

They can't get it.


An Ice Age could run over their toes, and they wouldn't know it.

Until it's time to vote again, and they can't move.


Yes. You got it.

That, is what absentee ballots are for!


As absolutely 'hare-brained' as it may sound ...

I know, there are some hare-brains out there (not quite TV Blinded enough yet), and still capable of some thinking, very poor thinking; that are wondering why the Humans (labeled as Conservatives) do not -- 'Embrace and Fondle the Popular Rat'?

Answer: There isn't a Rubber Suit good enough.

As I said before. The last time that the choice was between Crap and Crap -- I did not vote in the 'President Choice' box.

I am very Happy and Proud of that!

But, to answer the question generally ...

We are Humans. Not synthetic replacements. We are ALL HUMAN. As in 100% Genuine. We know what it takes to be Human, and to stay Human. We respect that. We respect other Humans. We also know that there are many 'Manufactured Substitutes and Pretenders'; that have been queered out of their Human Childhood, and turned into anti-Human Monstrosities. All of which, have been directed against us.

These are hugely documented facts.

We accept no substitutes. We are 100% Genuine. We demand a President of the United States, who is also a '100% Genuine Human Being'.

Rick Santorum is that -- '100% Genuine Human Being'.


Humans will get nothing from the Rat.

The Rat Romney, only cares about its own psychopathic visions of glory. The glory of being a Queer Puppet for the Satanic and Queer Lying-dead -- that it has sanctioned, approved and signed-off on -- all of its rancid existence.

The Rat Romney, is the twisted product of a twisted Planet Sinister.

It will only give 'lip-service' [[YUCK!]] to the requests of Humans, to get them to support it.

And then, after it becomes 'Queer Puppet', it will throw those requests into the round file next to its desk.

Only demands from Humans, that will be punished by the destruction of its Sewer World of cowardice and smiling lies (if the Rat betrays its word to us), will have any effect upon it at all!!!!!!!!!!

Nothing less will even be noticed, or remembered.


Moderates, as typified by Mitt (the Rat) Romney, are political punks that accept all orders from all Evils, and accept nothing from Humans -- for fear that the Evils might get angry with them.

They have no Life or Philosophy, other than being non-Human and non-courageous (deliberately); and accepting all past crimes and phony rules as established practices and established laws. That keeps them out of conflicts, with the Evils that they are too afraid of to fight; while it puts off the Humans, who want them to help in the fight.

This policy allows them to exist in a Netherworld of Nothingness, which makes them the idea stooges and retards for SQLD purposes. Being stooges for Evil Masters, and providing a buffer between the SQLD and Human Retribution, is an ideal job for the 'Moderates'.

Because, all they have to do -- is to do nothing -- for the Humans. For which, they are paid very well by the so-called Homosexuals, and the DemoCraps.

Thus, they can thrive and prosper as 'Do-Nothing-Idiots' in a pretend middle-ground; that is actually way over in the Left Lunacy and Left Wickedness of the SQLD. They are so stupid, that they believe if both the 'Queers' and themselves say that they are the Voices-of-the-Middle, then everyone else will believe them.


After all, Moderate Piss running down a Moderate's Leg is not cowardly piss -- is it?

Not according to the DemoCraps!

They like that piss!


But, the 'Moderates' have a flaw.

They are Egomaniacs.

They exist in a fabricated and make-believe world, where they are always right; so to themselves they are not 'Cowards'. However, the Humans are just 'Bullies', and the 'Queers' are just misunderstood.

In Moderation -- of course.

In that pretend world of theirs, 'Moderates' are mini-versions of the Queer Masters of the SQLD. They crave adoration and acceptance and approval.

Egomaniacs are Egomaniacs, regardless of the sickness.

Being rejected as the worthless trash that they are, really makes them mad. Furious even. They split and shout and scream and freak out with temper tantrums.

This is easy to understand by us Humans, because we know that 'Moderates' are unstable cowards, and mental deviants, to begin with.

'Moderates', however, try to hide their angers by joining the 'Queers' and the DemoCraps when they stage displays of venomous hatred against Humans; such as their Hate Rallies thinly disguised as parades. This allows the 'Moderates' to scream and piss and threaten and defecate in the streets all they want to -- and everyone else will just think that they are 'Queers' too!

This is one reason why the 'Moderates' are queer for the DemoCraps.

They need the DemoCraps, and the 'Queers'.

And, of course, when they go out to play and scream with the 'Queers' and the DemoCraps -- they carry the diseases back home with them later.


Forget not, that there is another connection between the 'Moderates' and the Democrat/Homosexuals -- Prestige.

'Moderates' are suckers for perceived glory, especially if it is properly gift wrapped and set in the contexts of their own stilted and warped perceptions -- mangled and distorted by cowardice.

Anything or anyone, who can deliver to them any measure of that Plasticine Prestige becomes an ally of theirs, and 'accepted' by them.

Which is why they oppose us Humans, because we don't give a damn what ModoRats want!


AND, they also have another weakness ...

which I call 'Cheeseburger Comforts.' If they cannot have both, they get very upset and their game falls off.


Ultimately -- there is nothing that you can do that is better than NOT VOTING FOR Mitt (the Rat) Romney!!!!!!!!!!

Win the lottery? -- And, do what? Buy off the SQLD? The 14 Trillion Dollar Warchest SQLD?

Brought back from Death? -- To what? Planet Sinister?

Return of Jesus Christ? -- If you vote for the Rat Romney, you do not deserve to be saved by Jesus anyway. There IS a limit on how evil you can be, and still be redeemed. The Rat knows that. The Rat would die a horrible death if the Rapture happened.


Mitt (the Rat) Romney is a trap, a 'Queer Trap, to keep everyone confined to and imprisoned within the queer boundaries of DemoTopia -- by giving us only queer choices and queer futures.


Markel Peters

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Nothing could provide more binding evidence that the Moderate/Homosexuals are the playthings and minions of the Satanic forces of the SQLD; than the bought-and-paid-for 'win' of the Illinois Republican Primary; by a rat-faced liar from the bowels of the 'Hell-Zone' itself.

Namely, Mitt (the Rat) Romney, from the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone.

The Illinois Republican Primary was won by money, which paid the medias, who convinced the Homosexual/Moderates (that are addicted to those medias) to vote for their latest 'GayBoy'.

That money, did not necessarily come from Non-DemoCraps.

Nowhere, in that fetid political wasteland, was there any Humanity or Goodness at work. It was an act of total Evil. As Evil as the two-faced Rat that claimed the 'win'.

You can not get more proof, even if you have to; that Moderates are queer for the DemoCraps.

HObama tells them to vote Moderate, and choose Mitt (the Rat) Romney; and that is exactly what they do.

Wonder why?


Well, it also proves something else. Whenever you look at the face of a 'Moderate', you are actually looking at the Asshole of a DemoCrap.

This, is now proven permanently.


Yes, I know.

But, it is all 'media'. The Rat is actually uglier than the Super Queer.

And, the Super Queer is as ugly as a meth-injected Tarantula on steroids.

As far as the Rat is concerned, I wouldn't wish that face as the ass of a diarrheic Baboon. It would be an insult to the Baboon.

Talk about jive-ass speeches! The Rat reeks of Rat Superiority over mice everywhere. Which is to be expected, of course. 430,535 mice just voted for their favorite Rat, in Illinois.

But, this is just for Humans to know and realize, of course.

No mouse of the Satan Tube could ever understand such Truths as these, despite how simple and obvious they are.

However, the Truth of how it works must be obvious to all Intelligent Life Forms on the Planet Earth, by now.

The Homosexual/Moderates (aside from their queerness for the DemoCraps) are also addicts of the Satanic Medias that they were raised on -- raped by -- as children. That Satan Tube Addiction, and the 'Tiny-Brained Dementia' that it causes, makes their brains tiny and obedient and programmable. THAT means, that anyone or anything that pays the Queer Medias enough money -- will get to control all of the addicts of those Queer Medias.

Does any thinking person see any vestige or trace of 'Democracy' in that transparent Reality?


Speaking for myself -- apart from the accurate descriptions which I share about the Rat -- to me, the thing looks like a creation from a Factory of the Damned. A 'Ratzilla'!

All it needs, are the tail and the fangs.

God Damn, is that thing -- 'In-Your-Face-Dictatorship-For-Hire'!!!!

But, who is funding it?

Who is hiring it?


I'm serious folks -- if you cannot see the huge Bumper Sticker Reality of that Rat's two-faced existence (written across its face) -- then you must watch the Satan Tube! Only the Dulling Death Trance, that all Satan Tubers suffer from, could make anyone blind to the glaringly obvious plasticity of that Rat's appearance. It is the kind of appearance that can only be gotten by decades of flip-flopping, lying, conniving, smiling at victims, and seeing its victims and loser-minions suffer.

Mitt (the Rat) Romney is a monster in Humanoid flesh.

It is also a Blindness Indicator.

If you can look at it, and not see what I mean, you must have the TV Blindness. A blindness that comes from watching the Queer Medias, that strip you of your Common Sense, your Humanity, and your Life's Essence. I say the latter, because anyone with any Natural Instincts left intact, will see immediately that they are looking at a Rat Aberration, and not a Real Human -- when they look at Mitt (the Rat) Romney.

[[I am not saying this for my benefit. I do not have any problems with Perceptions and Perspicacity and Reality.]]

It is always the TV Blinded fools, that have to spend three years suffering from such wrong choices, before they slowly and stupidly start to realize that all they have done is to trade one egomaniac Queer Puppet for another egomaniac Queer Puppet.

It is -- 'Spit-Pathetic'!

The most horrible part about it is, that many innocent children and brainwashed people will die from the Queer's Disease, while the next Queer Puppet prances around 'Wash This Death City', pretending to be a president.


On Planet Sinister -- if it is not Human, it is 'Queer' ...

however ...

the way the Masters look at it is -- if it is not 'Queer Yummy', it is Human ...

and therefore illegal, unacceptable, un-indoctrinated, un-neutered, and dangerous!

The Masters only want 'Residents' in the White House that will guarantee them an endless supply of 'Queer Yummies'.

That used to be your children.

Too bad.

Too bad, you insisted on voting, in the 'President' choice.


Learn To 'Vote Around'!

The same kind of unthinking stupidity, that makes people drive too fast to work in the morning; is what makes fools vote for convenient and quickest solutions to misunderstood problems -- quick and false answers for the wrong questions.

Dumb and uninformed obedience to the propaganda of the Queer Medias, coupled with a false acceleration that omits any consideration of future consequences; is what makes people (who should know better) to vote for Queer Choices. When the sensible response is to 'Vote Around The Cancer'. To 'Vote Around' the choices forces upon us by our Queer Enemies.


Oh, and stop worrying about those threats against me by the HBHZ turds, and the DemoCraps (et all) -- the Truth only hurts the Jackals that tried to hurt the Truth -- and so they deserve everything that the Truth gives them.


Here, is an excerpt from a recent article in Newsmax about the dilemma that is facing the Real Humans.

Despite conservatives’ continued reluctance to embrace GOP front-runner Mitt Romney, key segments of that bloc are more likely to flock to the former Massachusetts governor than allow President Barack Obama to win a second term, political strategist Bradley Blakeman tells Newsmax.

“The fact is that Romney is going to get those voters. They have no place to go once he’s selected,” Blakeman insisted during an exclusive interview following the Illinois primary on Tuesday. “They’re not going to sit on their hands. They dislike Obama a heck of a lot more than they dislike Romney.”

Although Romney won the day in the Land of Lincoln, he failed to win the evangelical vote, tea party voters, and people earning less than $100,000 a year.


Speaking on Fox’s “Hannity” program on Tuesday, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, however, insisted that Romney still can be denied the 1,144 delegates needed to secure his victory.

“Phase 1 has to be stopping Romney because the fact is, if he gets 1,144 votes, he’s the nominee, fair and square, it’s over,” Gingrich acknowledged. “On the other hand, if, as voters look at this — as happened last week for example in Mississippi and in Alabama — as happened the previous week in Kansas — if people say ‘no,’ they don’t want Romney, then I think you get to a situation after June 26 where there’s a 60-day conversation.”

If such a scenario unfolds, Gingrich added that no candidate will emerge as a clear winner of this tempestuous and vitriolic nomination battle.

“Santorum won’t have a majority. I won’t have a majority. Romney won’t. Ron Paul won’t,” he explained. “If that’s what happens, then we’ll have a real conversation.”

Quote from Bradley Blakeman.

[[That 'real conversation' is THE ONLY WAY to assure that the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead do not install another Abomination into the White House. The last thing that we need are back-to-back Puppets from our worst enemies.


DemoCraps or ModoRats, if it shares the same twisted panties -- it is the same twisted enemy.

And yes, I have no difficulty at all seeing Mitt (the Rat) Romney in twisted panties, at a Queer Rally in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone. If you have difficulty seeing that, then you have the TV Blindness.

Recall, if you can, that such monsters as Mitt (the Rat) Romney deliberately operate outside of your Comfort Zone of Awareness and Reality. A Comfort Zone that is constantly stifled and compacted and resized and minimized by the Queer Medias; until it only includes what they tell you it includes. That, allows them to commit all sorts of heinous and horrible acts, deeds, crimes and murders against you and your own kind; without any reprisals from you. Ignorant You. Comfortable You.

Inside your comfort zones, all you see is what the Queer Medias want you to see.

Outside your comfort zones, such hideous gargoyles as Mitt (the Rat) Romney are ghastly ugliness, in the disobedience of God and Nature and Decency. Murderers and Fiends.

Elect that turd, and you will find that out the hard way.


New interesting information:

It is amazing, that I can be completely ignored and unseen sometimes.

Today, in Eau Claire Wisconsin (at a roadside store of course) I heard three DemoCraps talking about how Romney was their 'boy', and how Rick Santorum did not have a chance. They mentioned how Romney had been recruited and 'suited' for this, more than a year and a half ago.

They were all grinning and smiling and laughing. I would describe them, but they do not deserve to be described.

[[Today, all of the worst DemoCrap newsrags in Wisconsin are applauding the Illinois Primary 'win' by the Rat.]]

They said (as they gleefully talked out loud with 'Gay Abandon'), that their actions to get "Romney elected" as the RINO against them, began more than a year and a half ago. That it takes that long to get the money together. They chuckled about their foresight and cleverness.

Which, of course, must include orders to the DemoCrap minions for mass infiltrations into the Republican ranks; by 'Queers' and DemoCraps trained for this -- and the application of terror tactics against all Real Humans who might vote against the Rat.

Bang! There goes any flimsy appearance of a Real Victory by the Rat -- anywhere -- at any time! I believe the proper term for Romney is 'bought dog'. But, I prefer 'Wrapped Rat'.

I am not surprised, of course, to hear them admit that they own Mitt (the Rat) Romney. But, the open audacity of their arrogance is nonetheless ugly and venomous. Those things are the True Enemies of God, and all Humans.

They are also the swine that are trying to recall as many Republicans as they can in Wisconsin, to keep Madison in a position of Prominent Brokerage for SQLD death and diseases.


Markel Peters

Saturday, March 17, 2012


HObama, is NOT the enemy right now.

Stop talking about HObama!

Do not allow the Queer Medias to warp and confuse your thinking, by trying to make HObama the topic of the day.

HObama is for later.

LATER, we will get rid of HObama!!!!

NOW, we are fighting the Homosexual/Moderates!!!!

NOW, we are fighting Mitt (the Rat) Romney and all of the ModoRats that infest the Republican Party!!!!

THAT -- IS THE FIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!


Forget about HObama the Super Queer, for now.

Concentrate and focus upon defeating the OTHER QUEER PUPPET -- Mitt (the Rat) Romney!!!!!!!!!!

Why do you think that Rat is pouring so much money into the ModoRat Campaigns in Illinois? They all know that Illinois can make or break this latest plot by the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead, to maintain control over the nation -- despite an ever-increasing Resistance by the Human Species.


Congratulations go out to Rick Santorum again -- for his primary wins in Alabama and Mississippi.


I was talking to a Human Friend a couple of days ago, and he mentioned how happy he was that Rick Santorum was winning. He said that he was starting to feel really good about this election (the first time for quite a while); and he talked about how he hoped that Rick Santorum would be the Republican Candidate for President this year.

I agreed with him. It is a wonderful feeling of Hope that Rick Santorum brings to the Humans of this World.

Let me point out a couple of things about this, however:

1. Rick Santorum is just a part of the Greater Rise of the Human Species, against Genocide by Replacement. It is the overall ascendency of the entire Species that Rick Santorum represents. Whether he becomes the Presidential Candidate this time, or not, does not deter or reduce the increasing health and vitality and sanity of the Human Species. We are not going to take Genocide lying down like beaten dogs, with brains filled with anti-human Propaganda, from the Queer Propagandists!!!!!!!!!!

The World is NOT New Jersey!!!!!!!!!!

2. Rick Santorum is now a Permanent Leader of the Human Species. I will be writing about him, and his goodness, for a long time into the future. If he does not become the Presidential Candidate this time, we will all have to suffer under SQLD Domination for another four years -- either under the Traitor Rat, or the Super Queer. That will not stop us in any way.

Our enemies think it will give them time to disembowel the Species with more Moderate/Homosexuals and Monkey Judges and Traitors; but it will not do anything of the kind. Like I have said, so many times before, the blinders are off now. The Satan Tube is nothing more than the 'Satan Tube'. The Filthy Monkey Band is just Propaganda Noise. The queer newsrags are just oversized toilet paper. And, the Middle-Managers-For-Hire are just Scroungers and Thieves and Pickpockets and Scabs again.

3. Now, the Species is seeing what kind of combination of Leadership is required to put down the DemoCrap Dogs, and their Flea Circus of Perverts. The Human Leadership ranges all the way from such outstanding and clean-cut Leaders as Rick Santorum, to sincere and devoted Christian Leaders such as Bob Vander Platts, to piratical and persistent Writers such as myself.

WE -- are just one combination. There are many more possible combinations. It is the Range and the Depth and the Scope and the Devotion that matters, not necessarily the faces or the colors or the mannerisms or the characters. Though all such things are very necessary, there is no set pattern or die cast form.

After all, I really could be a Twelve Foot Alligator.

Just as long, as I am a True Human at heart.


By Queer Propaganda, I mean all of the attempts made against us by the so-called Homosexuals that own and operate and scheme inside the various media outlets of the Homosexual Agenda; and its intended Genocide against the Human Species.

For instance:

The ABC scum are trying really hard to side-track everyone's attention away from the Real Fight in 2012 -- which is between the Humans (labeled Conservatives) on one side, and the ModoRats of the SQLD on the other side (labeled Moderates). The Real Fight is for the resurrection of the Republican Party as a Human Institution of Guidance and Leadership.

To derail that effort, and to divert attention away from the enormous importance of it, the Queer Medias are trying to spotlight a non-existent conflict which has not even happened yet -- and to put that phony conflict in the guise of being between their Puppets -- and only between Their Puppets. Namely, Mitt (the Rat) Romney and the Super Queen of the Dead Ball -- HObama.

This report tells about the ABC attempt to Reverse The Reality of what is happening at this very moment, and to get every idiot out there to think that what will happen in the Future -- is what They Want to happen in the Future. That being, a mock battle for Resident of the White House between two SQLD scum that can only be 'Residents', and never 'Presidents'.

As the year goes on, you will see huge amounts of such intentional falsehoods, and the deliberate misdirecting of everyone's thinking away from the Real Fight in 2012. This is just one example.


Hah! Here is an article that says Mitt (the Rat) Romney has to capture the approval of the ModoRats, or it will lose the Republican Primaries. Boy, is someone confused out there.
Mitt (the Rat) Romney IS the 'ModoRat's Choice' for Queer Puppet in 2012!!!!


Meanwhile, back at the microphone -- Rush Limbaugh is under attack again by the crazed and fanatical Demented White Females (DWC) ...



That really despise the Truth.


This is an article from Barbara Simpson about the latest attack against Rush Limbaugh, by the Anti-Feminine Feminist/Socialists.


More on Rick Santorum:

This is a quote from the following article about Rick Santorum.

I’m backing Santorum because over recent months, he’s proven a real willingness to forsake the kind of big government outlook which still characterizes most Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill,” said Baer, who today is an investor involved in film, humanitarian and philanthropic projects.

He blows away Romney and Newt Gingrich as a conservative. Those two have favored CO2 regulation, forced insurance purchasing and TARP bailouts. Romney signed ‘Gay Youth Pride Day’ proclamations and supports the so-called ENDA law, making it illegal to fire a man who wears a dress and lipstick to work, even if he’s your kids’ kindergarten teacher.”

Baer said, “The biggest change we’ve seen is Rick now showing the brass to go for about $1 trillion in cuts against our debt-inflating federal budget – Ron Paul-scale downsizing. We’ve obtained private scoring of Rick’s economic plan by a former top government economist, and it shows federal spending as a percentage of GDP dropping below 15 percent from the current 25 percent.”

The quote is from Steve Baer, a former candidate for governor in Illinois, and the chief of the United Republican Fund of Illinois.

The article is from the World Net Daily --



If you wish to contribute to Rick Santorum, to help him become a Human President for our Human Country, this is the website for that.


If you have to think about HObama and the DemoCraps, think about what matters now. Such as, the new tremendous debt which they are putting on all of us Humans; as they see the possibility that the SQLD will switch Puppets in 2012. This could be their last chance to boost their wallets, and accounts, and Warchests before they are degraded to lapdogs for the ModoRats.

This, is the real perspective upon the events of today.

Not some imaginary playtime event of -- 'Puppet! Puppet! Which Puppet Do We Want For 2012?'


While all of this confusion and puppetry continues, Real Humans are still be persecuted and defamed and lied about by the Queer Medias, and the Monkey Judges, and the Politically Correct vermin of the Democrat/Homosexuals.

Read this article, and you will see what I mean. The LA Times is just one of the thousands of DemoTopia toilet outlets, that promotes any and all Hoaxes and Queer Propaganda against any and all Humans -- anywhere -- everywhere. This time the Rancid Hoax of 'Hate Crimes' is being used, to make all Humans appear to be malicious murders. This fakery, at the cost of a Human's Life, is happening in New Jersey.

Humm -- 'Malicious Murders'.

THAT, is the description of queer newsrag editors!!!!

I wonder how a Human got tagged with a Queer Family Name?

Do you know how?


What else is happening in New jersey?

Well! How about that! All of those Lying Anuses in New Jersey, are running out of toilet paper!


Can you believe it?

I am describing the Real Fight, which is between the Real Humans of the Republican Party, and the ModoRats that infest that party. I am describing how the SQLD intentions are to create a completely false Presidential Election in 2012, between two of their own Puppets. I am describing how the SQLD want the choice in 2012 to be between their own Queer Extremist (HObama), and their own Moderate Extremist (Romney) ...

and then...

the SQLD Masters order the HObama puppet to tell the Republican Voters of Illinois to -- GO MODERATE!!!!

The first part of this article says ...

Tweaking Republicans four days before the Illinois primary, President Barack Obama said Friday that the hopefuls [[Republican Candidates]] campaigning to take his job would do well to channel the moderation and inclusiveness of the Land of Lincoln.

[[ Did you read that? It said -- "channel the moderation"]]

"I'm thinking maybe some Lincoln will rub off on them while they're here," Obama told a lunchtime fundraiser in Chicago.
The nation's first Republican president is an oft-mentioned Obama role model, and he began a day of fund raising in Illinois and Georgia by holding Lincoln up as an example to today's conservative GOP field.
"We've got some guests in Illinois this week," [[Republican Candidates]] Obama noted at a donor event organized by Democratic lawyers. "Apparently they have not wrapped up on the other side." [[Meaning the Republicans do not follow "Master's Orders", and fail to appreciate the idea of DemoTopia.]]

This is entitled -- 'Obama chides GOP ahead of Ill. primary.'

Talk about 'letting the cat out of the bag'! This tells all.

This is like fishing for Gold Fish, in your own bathtub.


Well now. Let's see. Let's see, what else I can find around the Internet that is revealing and enlightening for all of us Humans?

Can you see my tail wagging?

I'm a Happy Alligator right now.

I don't expect much though. I seldom look at secular news sources, because they are so warped and twisted out of Reality. But, we might find something. If not, we will check out the Human news sites.


Here is Rick Santorum again, telling it like it is about the Illinois Primary.


Over at CBN, they are channeling on the rising gas prices. They do not mention the DemoCrap connections to the Oil Cartels however.


Over at Stuart-Hobson Middle School, in 'Wash This Death City', the lying DemoCraps are indoctrinating children to believe in DemoCrap Hoaxes. This time, it is the 'Human Self-Defense is Bullying' Hoax. In the process, some DemoCrap Bitch named Sebelius tells the kids at that school to call each other 'Jerks'; if they do not believe in Hoaxes, and obey the DemoCrap Rules.

My question is -- How did a DemoCrap Bitch get into a school full of children in the first place?

Answer: It's 'Wash This Death City'.


Maryland is under intensive attack by the so-called Homosexuals. These attacks include the attempted infiltration of any and all Human Institutions, with the purpose of causing damage and destruction from within.

This is not really news. It is the same old tactic of infestation that was used to kill the TV medias, the FM culture, and the newspaper establishments. Now, they are trying to kill off the Catholic Church itself.


If you think that the DemoCrap threat to the Freedom of the Internet is over, because SOPA and PIPA were just defeated by us -- guess again. The DemoCraps, that call themselves the 'US Government', are at it again!

This kind of 'backdoor' assassination attempt, against our freedoms, has to be crushed once and for all!


If you think I am joking, just look at what the NSA (under DemoCrap control) is doing now; to destroy your freedoms to communicate with each other in privacy.

Only a sickness such as the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead would attempt to do such awfulness as this. Hitler and Goebbels could only dream of doing this to the German People, in the 1930's and 1940's.

Here is an excerpt from this article.

Under construction by contractors with top-secret clearances, the blandly named Utah Data Center is being built for the National Security Agency. A project of immense secrecy, it is the final piece in a complex puzzle assembled over the past decade. Its purpose: to intercept, decipher, analyze, and store vast swaths of the world’s communications as they zap down from satellites and zip through the underground and undersea cables of international, foreign, and domestic networks. The heavily fortified $2 billion center should be up and running in September 2013. Flowing through its servers and routers and stored in near-bottomless databases will be all forms of communication, including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Google searches, as well as all sorts of personal data trails—parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other digital “pocket litter.”


More about New Jersey:
HomeQueer Security, of DemoTopia, now lists Yawners and Goose Bumps as Terrorists.

No kidding. This is real. In New Jersey, of course.
Hey, why not?
If they can jail Humans for disobeying their Hoaxes, and not meeting their 'Hoax-Standards of Political Correctness'; then they certainly can declare that ANY BEHAVIOR is dangerous, and is a threat to Their Society. To trash such as DemoNewJersey, that is.


Fire Fox 11 is here.


There will be snow showers in Angmagssalik, Greenland today.

One forecast that is likely to happen.


One year later in Japan: This is an article about life in Japan, one year after the nuclear catastrophe that occurred at Fukushima, due to an unexpected Tsunami.


There is discontent, in the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid! The 'Queers' are sending back to Afghanistan anyone who can fight -- so they themselves won't get shot. And, of course, the more Humans they can kill over THERE -- the less Humans will be over HERE -- that might shoot them HERE.

As the Demented Toad of DemoVermont screams--"Get Used To It!"


This is to be expected. When it comes to bed partners in crime, the 'Kiss-Ass' method works well between the Oil Cartels and the SQLD. The Demos/Homos/Modos sent HObama the Black Puppet over to Saudi Arabia years ago, to 'Kiss Some Royal Oil Butt' -- in anticipation of surging oil prices in 2012. Now, the 'Ass-Kissing' is paying off.

As rehearsed, the Saudis are now increasing shipments to DemoTopia, in an effort to keep the Modos/Sodos/Demos in power for another four years.


As you can tell, there isn't much in the way of Real News out there today. I did come across this little bit of Finger-lickin-chicken news.

This could be helpful, for beginning chicken enthusiasts.
I wonder, if this is how the Moderates do their chicken-pickin?

Candidate Chickens -- that is.


And last, but not least -- the 'always irreverent' Freaking News has for us ...

'Freaking News', is a PhotoShop Weirdness and Really Strange Pictures contest website. Nothing is sacred there. Nothing is sane there. Nothing is safe there.


Let us pray. Let us pray, Oh Lord! That we do not all end up, as Freaking News!



Markel Peters