Monday, November 21, 2011

An Impressive Meeting:

That was an impressive meeting. It was held at a huge church in Des Moines last Saturday.

I was quite impressed by the sight of three thousand Christian Conservatives in one place; listening to the Conservative Candidates for the 2012 Presidential Elections answer questions about their views and ideas. With the exception of Ron Paul and Rick Perry of course, who were clearly the non-conservative Moderate Bimbos there; pretending to be what Modos stupidly think is a 'Conservative'. Which is still better than being a direct and obvious enemy within our camp, such as Mitt (the Rat) Romney; but is nonetheless a pathetic attempt at deception.

I came in late, after the beginning prayer, and caught the parts that I wanted to see; namely the Candidate Interviews. Apparently, 'Il Duce Branstad -- The Neuter Maker' (ain't no noodle maker) was somewhere in the front rows; but the thing must have been heavily fumigated before entering the church, as there was no stench of rotten cheeseburgers in the air, nor the sickening sounds of a cackling calculator addict during the questioning.

It was probably doped up on the nectar of distilled bribe monies, from the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead, and was too comatose to either stink, fart, giggle or throw up cheeseburger excesses. It's Gross-tesque presence was therefore utterly ignored.

Remember that. Modo Rats can be dressed up and taken out -- if the proper Socialist Drugs are administered first.


The Modo Rats aside, the atmosphere there was one of togetherness and united goodness; and was in great contrast to the vulgar and vile Occupation Forces that HObama The Magnificent Pervert needs so very much. I refer to, the rancid Occupation Trash that are vandalizing cities all over the country in a vain attempt to take the spotlight off the Black Puppet and its horrible puppet show. A puppet show which has cost this nation Ten Trillion Dollars -- for the War Chest and Private Coffers of the SQLD -- who in turn are financing those masturbating trash of the Democrat/Homosexuals that have tried to Occupy the streets, only to trash them.

There were a number of questions asked of the Candidates, and I will discuss some of them herein; but first I would like to report that nowhere at that wonderful meeting of Christian Conservatives was there any sign (whatsoever) of anyone in the audience being afraid or nervous about the Queer Navy of Nevada, or the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid. Ron Paul, Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich were obviously afraid that the so-called Homosexuals were a 'hot potato' issue; and thought that speaking out against them would not be liked by queer voters. Which is just the kind of cowardice and self-interest that will get us all killed in this War.

It was also quite obvious -- that no one in there could have cared less about the threats of the Occupy Dregs and the Occupy Scum of the SQLD.

I soaked up the questions and atmosphere for a while, and then I boogied back to The Cashmere and drove over to the BIG Gunshop, on the West Side of town. If you live anywhere near Des Moines, you will know where I mean.

The place was mobbed. At least a thousand Humans were in the BIG Gunshop, and the Handgun and Ammo sections were doing a brisk business. I was there to research a few calibers and to check out the overall atmosphere and doings there.

Well, what a surprise! No one (and I mean NO ONE) could have cared less about the threats and the vile deeds of the Occupation Faggots of the Homosexual/Democrats.

They were too busy buying weapons.

I wonder what for.

There was a gleeful appearance and healthiness to the Humans in the BIG Gunshop, as they shopped for Christmas Items and Weapons. Heavy caliber weapons, as I noticed.

There was an obvious and healthy anticipation on the part of all Humans there.

For War.


About those questions. The first seven General Questions that were asked were:

1. What does 'So help me God' mean to you.

2. What accounts for the hostility that some people will feel about this (questions and answers about God) who tune into this for the first time -- they will not understand it and it will even frighten them -- why is there this difference between these three thousand people and those on stage; and what I see coming from other places, because what I see as a focus group moderator, I hear it all the time ...

3. Can Hollywood be changed?

4. [[ Explanation is made that people who attend church weekly and pray to God are much healthier and have better families than those people who never attend church and never pray to God, so consequently they are angry and unhappy.]]

And yet, you (the good people) are always under attack. Why?

5. Should Pastors in the pulpits preach about Values and Politics?

6. What is your 'World View' in terms of Freedom, Responsibility and Morality.

7. Do Governors, on the issue of Morality, have the right to tell 'Washington' -- "No."?

After that the questions were about abortion, and the Hoax called Queer and Phony Marriage Hatred; and everybody knows the answers about those evils.

I would like to give you my responses to the first seven questions.

This is easy for you to understand. Just imagine that I am also sitting at that Table of the Candidates; half naked, dressed in bear skins, with a Viking Helmet on my head. Punctuating my message points with a short sword in the air.


1. What does 'So help me God' mean to you?

Answer: All of the Candidates tried to please the crowds by speaking of fundamentals, and of how our Government is supposed to be based upon the Foundations of God. But, in the light of their feeble or non-existent answers to the later questions about how to fight the Q&P MH of the Homosexual Agenda; the answers from Paul, Perry and Gingrich fall hollow and lifeless to the floor.
No one seemed to realize that those four words mean exactly what they say -- "So, help me God!"

2. What accounts for the hostility that some people will feel about this (questions and answers about God) who tune into this for the first time -- they will not understand it and it will even frighten them -- why is there this difference between these three thousand people and those on stage; and what I see coming from other places, because what I see as a focus group moderator, I hear it all the time ...

Answer: There is a lot of talk about our being in a cultural war. I have commented about that myself in the past.

It is not really appropriate to call the Modos/Masturbators/Homos/Serial Killers/Mind Fornicators/Demos/BatShitCrazies/Black Radical Females/Sheep Fanciers (et all) a culture. They are nothing more than different results of parallel mental diseases, and mutual greeds.

For instance, the Democrat/Zombies that vote for and follow the orders of the Democrat/Homosexuals are not a culture. They are the queered and fooled and dehumanized results of Queer Propaganda. They are also starting to realize what has been done to them, and are now in an organized denial of what they are. They want to ignore what they were, and be something else in a Future that is not allowed for scum that were what they were. This is causing them as much grief today as the 'wake up process' caused previously. They have awoken to no Future at all, because they cannot escape what they have done. They have attempted the Genocide of the Human Species; and as long as we remained easy prey to their lies and assaults and propaganda’s they were all too happy to keep on killing us. Now, we are fighting back and the pain is causing them to rethink the idea of following any Homosexual/Democrat orders. Now, many of them want out of the Homosexual Agenda that they were the killers for.

But, there is no way out. They keep trying to ignore the number one rule of Queer Mordor (formerly montana) which says -- "Once A Queer, Always A Queer."

3. Can Hollywood be changed?

Answer: Yes. With about one thousand bulldozers.

4. [[ Explanation is made that people who attend church weekly and pray to God are much healthier and have better families than those people who never attend church and never pray to God, so consequently they are angry and unhappy.]]

And yet, you (the good people) are always under attack. Why?

Answer: Gingrich got the title right. Because, they are Angry and Unhappy. But, no one there (during the entire interview) got into the details of how the Democrat/Homosexual infrastructure is based upon the worship of the Homosexual Agenda; and utilizes Queer Propagandists, Middle-Managers-For-Hire, throngs of die-hard Voter/Followers and every backstabbing technique ever known to politics. If they had, they would have mentioned that the daily slanders and attacks that are spit upon us by the minions and berserkers of the Queer Medias (and by the same scum pretending to Occupy Phone Booths, Sewers and Bus Stop Shelters in the streets), are just a small part of the overall diminishing attacks which the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead Masters have ordered.

The Good People are always under attack in an effort to turn them into the Defeated People -- whereupon the Crap People who defiled them and defamed them into thinking that they are nothing more than the Defeated People -- will instantly proclaim themselves to be the Good People. And thus, all Truth will be reversed and turned upside-down.

5. Should Pastors in the pulpits preach about Values and Politics?

Answer: Ron Paul is the negative barometer about this. He says that Government should not be used to control culture, so Religion should stay out of Politics. That means, do the exact opposite and you WILL win.

Get Religion into Politics as much as you possibly can, because the Queered Religions that have fallen to the Queer Propagandists are ALREADY involved in Politics, up to the ratty hair on top of their rodent skulls.

6. What is your 'World View' in terms of Freedom, Responsibility and Morality.

Answer: Lots of deer meat, good fighting, and ample breasts in my face -- are Heaven On Earth.

7. Do Governors, on the issue of Morality, have the right to tell 'Washington' -- "No."?

Answer: To begin with, the Federal Government is supposed to have Human Leaders (and a President which we do not currently have) -- so this question should be a little one, instead of a really big one.
The answer is, wherever Good Prevails (and let's have none of the crap about who decides what is Good), that should take the highest priority. When the Federal Government is on the Good and Higher Ground it should prevail. If the Federal Government is made into a sham and anti-Human mockery (the actual headquarters for Genocide), then the States that have the Good and Higher Ground should prevail.


[[ Mind you, we do not really know any of these Candidates personally. This meeting just took off the outer layers of their presentations. Which is something that no DemoCraps would ever do, and all Modos should avoid. ]]


Ron Paul is nothing more than a wind-up talking doll for the Political Establishments. His vision is too focused on the Bullshit Mechanics of Establishment Politics, that have been developed over the recent decades, to deliberately take the 'Will Of The People' away from the People Of The United States. He is a mechanic, with a mechanic's mentality.


Perry is non-existent, and doesn't want anyone to remember that Texas is queer up to its eyeballs. That idiot would have to be told the answers to the terrible situation of the so-called Homosexuals and Abortion, two seconds before he repeated it. He just has no Humanity to speak with, so giving him brains would be to no avail. He should not even be in such meetings, but there is always a Village Idiot.

Perry is actually one of those imbeciles that depends upon the lies of Political Warfare; lies which say that any trick and deceit that is successful will be counted as a Political Victory. Because of that, he says that the People of New York have decided in favor of Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred; when the Truth is that such a lie is predicated upon Political Misdeeds and Political Crimes that were perpetrated by the Homosexual/Democrats in the New York State Government.

But, such tricks and crimes count as acceptable Political Foils to the likes of Perry; so the bozo says that the People of New York have decided the issue -- which is exactly what the Criminal Democrats in New York say. Thus, the Political Games Players accept each other's false statements and pretenses as legitimate moves on the Political Chessboard. And, that is all that life is to such political swine anyway -- a Political Chessboard.


I like how Cain explains himself, and how he seems to work. I like his down-to-earth mannerisms and descriptions. He is capable of competing with the 'schtick' of Gingrich, but realizes that Gingrich is another name for 'False Wind'.


Gingrich is knowledgeable and has good talking points, with good deliveries, but he is an Establishment Games Player. He plays to the crowds and mass emotions, but avoids the hot-button issues that might not get him the applause levels that he wants. He is a Roper-Doper. He strikes when things look favorable to him, and ducks and weaves and plays the ropes when the issue might be unpopular with large numbers of our enemies. If anyone fears the Occupation Fairies of the Homosexual Agenda, it is Gingrich. Even though he bellows loudly against them, he would crumble before their intimidation if he were President.

His performance at this meeting also shows that he was totally uninformed about the audience. That audience wanted to hear large and loud protests against the so-called Homosexuals. If he had gone in there with the right 'intelligence', he would have made quite a different act of it. All of which just means, if you need someone outside your tent barking promotions for your side show, call for Gingrich. But, make sure he is well fed, and the message is simple, and he is guaranteed laughs.


It is apparent that the Presidential Ticket in 2012 should be some combination of Bachmann and Santorum -- the next president and vice-president of the United States of America. Cain would make an excellent Secretary of State, or White House Chief of Staff. Together, the three of them could (and literally would) save the United States of America from certain 'Death By DemoTopia'.

The reason is, Santorum and Bachmann and Cain are already there. They are not aspiring to be great. They already are great, and very capable of saving the Real United States of America from the SQLD. This fact is broadcast with every word and answer that they give. They are not trying to appear to be the right persons. They ARE the right persons.


I have included the website for the video of the entire meeting here. This shows these Candidates as who and what they actually are. You will NEVER see Real People shown on the Satanic Channels like this. The proof positive of that is how the scum at the Des Moines Rearsniffers (queer newsrag) panned this event, and tried to belittle the true emotions of Humanity that four of these Candidates displayed.

Not to include 'Push-Button Paul', who blindly parrots the SQLD line that Real Marriage can only be protected by the states; states which are already heavily infested with Homosexual/Moderates and Democrat/Homosexuals. And, not to include Perry who needs to be told which bus stop this is, and what he is supposed to say to win. With Paul and Perry it is all about -- 'What To Say To Win'.


To put it in terms of a Saloon in the Old West. I would play cards with Gingrich at the big table in the back of the saloon, under the swinging lamps. But, I would have a Colt 45 on the table before me and play my cards over it.

Michelle would own the Saloon and play the cards, and keep a derringer in her garter belt for peaceful purposes. Santorum would be a welcome player, with good wit and leading witticisms; but he would need to watch every sneeze and move that Gingrich makes. Cain would be the player with the banjo; and his major problem would be how to keep up the congenial jokes and his Mississippi River-Boat-Gambler Appeal; while hiding the fact that he is winning. He and Santorum would sing songs of the Mighty Mississippi, while Michelle would dance on the table and mesmerize Gingrich; and then all three of them would take Gingrich for everything that he has. Because, he is just too worried and super-conscious about being popular and educated.

Paul and Perry can stay outside at the water trough, and hold the horses.

I would be the dealer, and the referee. I would also be a disgruntled Cherokee Indian. My role would be to deal the cards, win for the house, and make rude remarks about those dumb foreigners.


Overall, the questions were good and Cain voiced objections to the Political Correctness Police -- but the entire affair stank of Political Correctness.

It reeked of that over-weening beaten-dog acceptance that Reality can never be discussed in Polite Company. Even though the lack of such discussion will get the entire Polite Company as dead as a can of corned beef!!!!

To illustrate this, I will say that there was one question that was not asked by the moderator -- which I would have asked as the 'Viking-At-The-Table'.

"What is your favorite caliber?"

I would have asked the entire assemblage that question.

"What is your favorite caliber?"


How do you think those people would have reacted to that question?

With complete unknowing?

With fear of Political Incorrectness?

With confusion that Reality is present?

With objection to uncomfortable subject matter?

With fear of the enemies, that calibers are all about?

With outrage that a non-moderate and non-comfy idea had been introduced?

With remembrance, that the Future is just outside the door; and to our enemies our Future is Death?

With Mass Hysteria?


How would you react to that question?


HINT: If you haven't got a 'Favorite Caliber' already -- GET ONE!!!!


Or, kiss your Future goodbye.


With the National Guards obeying the Queer Orders of such vermin as Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid; the State Police Forces of every state can be slaughtered overnight, at the orders of the Homosexual/Democrats. That will leave no organized defense force left for the protection of the Human Populations of this continent.


Have a nice day.


Markel Peters