Monday, August 30, 2010


It has been EIGHTY-THREE DAYS, since ‘Il Duce Branstad’ was put up by the SQLD -- to stop Human Marriage -- and make sure Q&P MH dominates Demo-Iowa!



Queer&Phony Marriage-Hatred -- of all things Human!

Does anyone else see the ‘Queer’ Timing?

A 'undercover faggot' Judge in California is ordered by the SQLD to queer all Human Marriage there, by giving out an Opinion Fart that the votes of Human Voters are worthless and have no meaning ...

so the issue has to go to the ‘Wash This Death City’ Stooge Court ...

where Anti-Human Pervert Kagan has just been put on the Stooge Court ...

with orders to queer all of America and turn it into a DemoCrap Concentration Camp for Humans ...

by getting the (less supreme than anyone else) Stooges there to 'legalize' Queer&Phony Marriage-Hatred ...

by giving out Opinion Farts that Q&P MH is legal in California.


To the twisted planners of the Satanic and 'Queer' Lying-Dead, all of that is just a simple exercise of their control over their Voter/Followers, and over their Judicial Prostitutes Network -- complete with sumptuous rewards to be sure.


Where is the Human Media?

Where is the Human Awareness?

Not under the protection of the 'Il Duce Branstad' Republican Prostitutes of Iowa (formerly Establishment), that is for sure. Thank God.

If that was the case, we might as well all commit suicide right now!


You will notice that the SQLD medias have put a block on virtually all news of the Human reactions, to this Monkey Judge Poo-Poo on the Human Species.

They all had their support propagandas for the Homosexual Anti-Human Agenda prepared ahead of time.
Of Course!

They Knew, That Monkey Judge Is ‘Queer‘!


Now the Vaughn Walker Concentration Camp is being prepared. Soon, the SQLD intend to fill it with the Q&P MH Plague. Deliberately! With the help of jive-ass trash and opportunists like Schwartzen-Anus.
A black-anused Slaver, if there ever was one!


Anything the Homosexual/Democrats, Moderate/Homosexuals and Republican Piggies of Iowa do is motivated by pure hatred, greed, and corruption. It is all fodder for the SQLD.

The putrid pretend marriages, that the SQLD are trying to get everyone to suffer from, is an act of hatred. Hatred marriages; intended to kill Humanity and make us the living-dead -- wracked by suffering and fear of ‘Queers’ until we die!

However -- they forgot something. Acceptance. We have to accept their perversions and queer phony marriages -- before we can suffer from them!!!!!!!!!!

If we do not accept their vile habits and pissant fakeries as marriage -- we do not suffer from the sickness!

That is why the queer medias are always telling us that we do accept their crap as part of our lives! When we do not!

Otherwise, we do not suffer as planned!

We do not die as planned!

There is not one diseased pervert on this planet that does not totally hate all Humans. Anything they say to the contrary, is just a diversion. You will find out what they really want, when they have full control!!!!

The alien and anti-life mental disease called ‘Homosexual’, demands complete hatred and aggression against all Humans.

Being the original, and natural, and intended inhabitants of this planet as we are, we must be eradicated by the Democrat/Homosexuals. Anything that is diseased, and unnatural, and devoid of worth, such as the Homosexual Psychosis is; must do everything it can to eliminate the true life forms of any planet that it intends to dominate, and turn into a hideous killing ground.

But, without our own cowardly cooperation (moderation and compromise) -- that is impossible.


Comparison of Q&P MH to Real Human Marriage:

'Fisting' is the Ritual of Queer and Phony Marriage Hatred. It is therefore now appropriate, that Fisting is the symbol of Judges Non-Gratis. Fist and forearm up to the elbow, in a lunatics anus -- the Trademark and Logo of any Judge Non-gratis (Monkey Judge).

You imagine it! If I draw it and post it here, every Queer Judge will print out hundreds of copies of it, and wallpaper their Pleasure Chambers with it!


In Real Marriage there is love and affection, and Real Human Love Making, which is a gesture and expression of the great mutual attraction of the Natural forces, between Male and Female.

In Q&P MH, since all of it is designed as acts of Hatred against Nature and Humanity (from the very beginning of the Q&P MH Campaign) ....

[[and we are not fooled for a second by the 'Poster Queers' that their medias show all of the time]] ...

only acts of hatred and death such as 'Fisting' are performed.

Are we supposed to be thankful, that the Q&P MH acts of horror are not being done to us? And, are only being committed by perverts to each other????



So, where are the hideous Masters of the SQLD going to get more and more and more perverts, to commit ritual acts of Phony Marriage Hatred against The Human Species?


Children Turned Queer in Democrap Public Schools! Turned Queer By The Satan Tube! Turned Queer By Brainwashed Parents/Cowards!

And that, Ladies and Gentlemen -- is Just Cause for Civil War!!!!


Have you read the first page of the Phony Court Case????

It Shows A Bunch Of Perverts Suing -- Human Resisters For Being Human! Six Perverts, led by SchwartzenAnus and the 'Little Brown Fag', are attacking Humanity using a Lie and an Automatic Agreement from a ‘Pervert Judge’!


It Is A Bunch Of Perverts Playing 'Court Games', And Led By A Pervert Judge.

And, In Public The Perverts Actually Petitioned The Judge Pervert To Rule In Favor Of The Killer-Perverts!!!!

In any Human Society, this kind of claptrap stupidity and fakery would be cause for committing the perpetrators to an Insane Asylum.




Something has come to my attention. I thought everyone knew this already. Apparently not, or it is being deliberately forgotten.

This Judge Genocide and the Q&P MH is a struggle for dominance, within the Homosexual/Democrats (et al).

Who said the so-called Homosexuals just want 'equality'? The word 'equality' is nothing more than a weapon to be used against IMBECILES, as far as the Democrap/Homosexuals (et al) are concerned.

Inside the ranks of the Homosexual/Moderates (et al), those scum are fighting a Inside War to determine which faction will dominate them all!!!!

I said -- 'DOMINATE'.

You think 'DOMINATION' is not what they want, World-Wide?

Wow! Are you deluded!

Most of the Republican Piggies-in-Pantyhose (et al), never thought this Q&P MH garbage was worth trying to pursue to begin with.

After all, it can only have an effect upon the IMBECILES!!!!

But, there is a faction of the Democrat/Homosexuals (et al) which said that if they can get enough IMBECILES to play along with their 'marriage equality' deception -- they can later get the same amount of IMBECILES PLUS THEIR CHILDREN to accept phony and queer 'power equality' and 'authority equality'.

And, once they have enough IMBECILES PLUS CHILDREN thinking that the Moderate/Homosexuals (et al) are equal to them in 'power and authority' ...


The next 'baby step' is -- SURPRISE!!!!




The other reason for this Q&P MH, is to make all of the pre-existing programming that resides in the minds of all of their victims, become activated. This will overwhelm the Humanity in those victims, a kind of 'forced death‘, forcing them into becoming 'Queer'; and into 'coming out Queer' and mouthing queer lies like -- "I was born this sick! I mean Queer!"

In each case, Murder Is Involved. The Humanity has been Murdered!

What is left, is the afterbirth of Queer Programming.

But, in the Concentration Camps of the SQLD --


Or, at least pretend.


Here is a prime example of such long-term murder.

This is textbook death, just as demanded and instructed by the Homosexual Agenda, and the ACLU Manual for Human Genocide.

This idiot sap is now as dead as dead can be -- until Final Death. It’s brain is completely eroded and corroded by the SQLD propaganda, and the totally worthless connivings of the APA; who pretend that they have an answer to this disease -- by saying that it is not a disease.

This person has been murdered. It was also in the Republican Establishment -- which gives us a clear view of how rotten and corroded the Republican Piggies are.

I would not be surprised if 50% or more of the Republican Piggies of Iowa are as queer as Barney Fwank!

Do you see now? This is why that website The Iowa Prostitution (formerly Republican), is nothing more than a verbal brothel for perverts; where they can pretend they are an Establishment?

Read the textbook propaganda description of this death, from the AnusPress. It is classic obituary lies, by the SQLD.

Here is a neutral account of it.

Notice the difference in the accounts?

In the first, the lies from the corpse are put up front. In the neutral account, the lies are left for last.


If You Realized All Of This -- Would You Still Be Afraid?

Or, Just More Outraged!

Did it ever occur to you, that to the Homosexual/Democrats (et al), the fun part of all of this is a deliberate 'HEAD GAME', to mess with your minds?

Humans have to expect the SQLD to order their Voter/Followers to make a big show and display of victory and domination, about their successful tricks and illegalities against us. Otherwise, The Propaganda Values Of Those Games And Lies Are Lost!

The Propaganda Values Are What This Is All About!


One of our problems, is that we do not COUNTER-DEMONSTRATE, to show our own children that we are serious about protecting them from the scum that want their bodies and their minds -- without souls of course!!!!

To Hell With The Medias!

The SQLD Medias Will Never Show Our Counter-Demonstrations!

Our Protests And Demonstrations In This Regard Are For Our Own Children Anyway!!!! They Are The Audience -- And For That, We Do Not Need Any SQLD Lying Medias!!!!


This Is An Eternal Conflict Between Liars With Lies -- And Humans With Truth.

Quit Thinking That Their Phony Victories Count Against You!

Listen To Me: Since the beginning of the Q&P MH Campaign, the only two reasons for it to exist at all have been --

1. Hurt And Kill All Humans Possible, By Making Everything Human Seem To Be Worthless And Temporary And Meaningless!!!!

2. Make All 'Queers' Obey One Group Of Masters. Turn Their Hideous Rabble Of Sickos And Lunatics Into An Obedient Killing Force, Under One Set Of Queer Rulers!!!!


The perverts that want to be those 'Queer Rulers', have to pretend that they have Killed Human Marriage -- to keep all Queers in line, and under their domination!!!!

It Is As Much A Power Play Amongst The Dead, As It Is An Intended Death Blow Against The Living!!!!
It Is, Queer Internal Politics.

So don't be dummies and let it -- Use You, Abuse You, Destroy You, and Throw You Away!!!!


What Are Judges Anyway?


The SQLD equate Nice People, as Gutless Cowards -- to be Fornicated, Dipped, Twisted and Dried! SQLD Style!

Now there is an SQLD Monkey Judge and a twisted ex-muscle freak (turned pasty-brained political phony), trying to create a Concentration Camp for Humans where California once existed.

The Vaughn Walker/SchwartzenNoNuts Concentration Camp for Humans.

And, it’s all because the SQLD have created a social disease of Judge/Whores.


The Judge Whores remind me of a true story. I was trucking through Illinois one day, and I stopped at a secondary truckstop (not one of the huge ones). The secondaries are usually privately owned, and are much nicer to be at. The huge ones, are like driving into a truck-driver processing factory, complete with stupid rules, HUGE RIP-OFF PRICES, and robotic clerks.

As I walked into this privately-owned truckstop, to get a soda, the man behind the counter was laughing with some customers about a recent con-artist that had been there.

After they left, and I was paying the man, I asked about the con-artist.

He said, there was an organized group of Interstate con-artists operating across the country. One of their favorite scams, was to bring some items to the counter and pay with a $100 dollar bill. However, before the clerk could give them their change, they changed their mind and took away some items, and added other items. This continued until the clerk was so confused that the con-artists literally walked out of the store with the items they wanted, AND their original $100 dollar bill!!!!

I immediately thought of the Seven Monkey Judges of Demo-Iowa, in their Cathouse across the street from the Statehouse.

What those Opinion Farting scum have done to the People of Iowa and the Will Of The People, is identical to what the con-artists of the Interstates do to innocent truckstops.

Confuse You -- Take From You -- Screw You -- Violate You -- Disable You -- Take Their Power Back!!!!

Take Your Power Away From You -- For Themselves! Add The Power Of Your Confusion And Disability To Their Own Power And Dominance!!!!


It was not always this way. There was a time when we had Human Judges.

Preceding the current Genocide Against Humanity, that we are fighting today, there was a precursor. It was a necessary and secret operation carried out by the SQLD -- to soften the path to victory over the Human Species. Secret, because the medias deliberately suppressed any news of it, and it’s true intentions.


Systematically, the Human Judges were replaced or intimidated and scared into early retirements, by the Democrat/Homosexuals (et al). And then, immediately replaced by any means possible (legal or illegal), with Monkey Judges.

A Pre-Genocide -- Genocide of Human Judges.

Then, they were quietly ignored, until they were needed.


The Satan Tube/Monkey Judge Connection:

Remember the queer motto -- "If it's not on TV, it's not Real!

Guess what.

That is the brainwashing that is supposed to set you up to accept all of the rest of their Satan Tube programming.


By making you accept phoniness.

Such as -- "Resistance Is Futile!"

How obvious can you get?

How stupid to watch 'TV'?!

The Satan Tube has phony Judges on it!!!!

Why? For entertainment?


Get A Brain!

There are Monkey Judges on 'TV', to get all of you programmed to -- ACCEPT PHONY JUDGMENTS!!!!


Once you accept any phoniness -- You Are Expected To Accept ALL Phoniness!

Such as The Iowa Republican Establishment!!!!

If you need to hear from someone else, about the Democrap control of the Republican Establishment in Iowa -- and how putrid the Republican Establishment here really is -- listen to the Podcast on the Steve Deace website, when he discusses these issues with Kim Pearson. She has directly encountered the astigmatism of Democrap control over the Republican Establishment of Iowa.

The RepubliCrat Establi-Sewer:
August 17, 2010:

For more on this subject -- and a good Reality Check -- listen to the Bill Salier segment on the same day.

In fact, that entire day's podcasts are essential teachings about this problem!

The conversation with Dr. Edwin Viera is especially rich in Humanity and Information! "Flap-Doodle Judges!" I Love It!


Now that Judge Genocide has been largely completed, with just a few exceptions due to timing, what is the weapon being used to kill Humans and make Queers?

[[Remember, new supplies of perverts are Mandatory to SQLD Success!!!!]]

Answer: SQLD Judges.

The SQLD are at an extremely Vital and Pivotal Point in their Genocide Against Humanity!!!!

This is a ‘Make or Break Time’ for their evil plans!!!!


Answer: If Humans Stop The Monkey Judges -- Humans Stop The Entire Genocide!!!!


Why is this Genocide so bad in Iowa? So bad, that there is now a 'Demo-Iowa' and a 'Real Iowa'?

Answer: There have been TWO IOWAS for quite some time now. I officially proclaimed the division, in the name of the Species, as soon as the Seven Monkey Holes Farted. The intention was, and is, to save the minds and brains of all Humans in Iowa.

But, the division was there long before I came to Iowa.

It is a division of wealth, status, identity, and Domination VS Subservience.

In fact, three things surprised me about the population of Iowa when I got here:

1. Thieves. The place had, and still has, a lot of theft. Thankfully, the rampant Meth problem is being brought under control.

2. Fear. Many citizens were living in fear. This was particularly true of any Humans in Iowa. At that time, the hideous and smothering media campaigns of (to paraphrase) -- Humans Are Shit!!!! Queers Are Magnificent!!!! -- was going very strong. It was being led by the monsters in the newsrags, such as the Des Moines RearSniffers.

3. Status Freaks. The same boot-licking scum that squirmed for and took orders from the SQLD, and were being promised wealth and power beyond their dreams if they Queered Iowa -- were all driving expensive SUVs. White SUVs. They exuded a false status expectancy. They expected to be respected and obeyed and followed, in part because they all had shiny white SUVs. With SQLD money, of course.

Where do think all of that money from Tim Gill went to?


The division I refer to, still exists.

This website explains it. Iowa is the state where the most elitist and piggish politicians in the country exist!
We have Jan Mickelson to thank, for bringing this to our attention.


All of that explains what the Monkey Judges ARE.

It does not explain what Human Judges WERE -- before the Judges Genocide.



To illustrate what Human Judges were -- and can be again -- I will use my poetic license again. Back back back we go ...

A year has passed since we last saw Gronk. It is now 29,999 B.C. He is close to where we left him, sporting a new suit freshly chewed and sewed together by Great Wanda, his wife.

Gronk is feeling better these days. And, smarter.

Gronk loves his forest. The forest is good to Gronk. Gronk loves his swamp. But, swamp is not always good to Gronk. Gronk is not too fond of the quicksand. But, Gronk has idea. Gronk think.

Gronk stands on the edge of the stream that flows through his small forest, just south of the future site of Clermont-Ferrand, France. He says to himself "Water here. Water there!" He points to the nearby swamp in which the treacherous quicksand thrives, with one bad ass snake in it.

Gronk lifts up his left foot and shakes his wooden toe-substitute at the bog, "Me fix! You."

Gronk has idea. Gronk begins to search the stream for outlets on the side nearest the swamp. Sure enough, he finds two. One is at the southern end of the forest, and the other at the northern end. Both feed sideways, westerly, into the swamp.

Gronk decides to follow them. One at a time, he steps into the small sidewards flow of water and literally walks along it, noticing that it angles inwards towards the center of the large swamp; that is surrounded by his forest. In each case, the further he walks the further he sinks into the ooze; until at the edge of the quicksand he is almost up to his knees in the bog. At that point he decides to retreat.

Gronk walks back to the center edge of the stream, and jumps in. The water is about five feet deep, so Gronk is up to his hair follicles in cold running water, which he happily splashes about in; getting the swamp ooze off of himself.

Refreshed and enlightened, he crawls back out of the stream and lies down next to it. It is a warm day, bright star light beaming down upon the forest, and all within. Not too hot, but enough to dry off Gronk, who obliges the Star by turning over every fifteen minutes. Gronk has no idea that he is getting a ‘sun tan’ this way, and would not appreciate it anyway.

Gronk lies on his belly, nose to the dirt, and thinks. His arms are spread out and away from him, to better dry out his bearskin suit.

Gronk think, while Gronk dry.

Suddenly Gronk turns over quickly, sits up, snaps his fingers, and invents “Earth-moving equipment!”

Two days later, Gronk is standing before the Tribal Chief. The Chief is sitting on his customary granite stone block, which is slightly elevated so he can look out over the tribe. He is fully attired in Chief‘s regalia, and appropriate Elk-Antlered Headdress. He has just asked Gronk to explain the reason for requesting this hearing.

The Chief sees the four thousand and four black-and-white French badgers; sitting patiently outside the cave, watching, waiting. But, he is a cool Chief, so he ignores them.

Gronk speaks. "Chief."

The Chief speaks. "Gronk."

Gronk speaks. "Swamp no good for Man."

The Chief speaks. "What mean?"

Gronk speaks. "Man fall into muck, drown, die."

The Chief speaks. "Natural Selection."

Gronk speaks. "Make tribe small. We not grow."

The Chief speaks. "Hummmm."

Gronk speaks. "Me have idea."

The Chief speaks. "That Bad News!"

Gronk speaks. "Me take water out of swamp."

The Chief speaks. "Bullshit!"

Gronk speaks. "Me have plan. Me find reason."

The Chief speaks. "Swamp have reason?"

Gronk speaks. "Water go sideways. Water lose way."

The Chief speaks. "You change that?"

Gronk turns, gestures to his 4004 French badgers, and speaks. "We change that!"

The Chief speaks. "Swamp be safe?"

Gronk speaks. "Swamp go away. Water go away. We throw dirt on swamp. Swamp go away."

The Chief speaks. "Swamp no good. Many bugs. Cause sickness. Make tribe sick and unhappy."

Gronk speaks. "Bugs bad. Good for antelope."

The Chief speaks. "You hunt other places. Food live everywhere.” he makes a sweeping gesture with his Tribal Staff.

Gronk speaks. “This work.”

The Chief speaks. “Me want see plan."

Gronk leans forward, and points at his forehead.

Fifteen weeks later, to modern people, Gronk and his trained army of badgers have completed a new stream bed, that runs along the eastern edge of the forest; and ties into the original stream above and below the forest.

With the help of some beaver friends, and some furious mud chucking, the original course of the stream has been blocked off by two dams made of trees and mud plaster. The water flow has now been totally diverted out of the forest itself. The dirt that was excavated has been used to fill the original stream bed, with some extra left over to chuck into the quicksand.

Give it ten years -- no more swamp.

After a general wash-up in the new stream, Gronk has a farewell ceremony for the badgers, who have worked ceaselessly in this effort. They all gather in the fields east of the forest and have a traditional badger hoe-down, complete with smorgasbord and tribal tattoo shop.

Badgers will do anything for dried frogs and honey combs, a small fact that we modern people never learned because we never listened. Gronk happens to hold the local franchise on the amphibian food market, and the honey bees supply for all Auvergne. Which he really imports from Spain, and then re-labels as ‘Made In Forest‘. Though they are not called Spain and Auvergne, yet.

Well, actually there is smuggling involved -- but that is another story.

After the ceremonies, the badger army noisily marches eastwards into the hills and bluffs of Auvergne; followed by twenty Wooly Mammoths carrying a years supply of dried frogs. A massive swarm of honey bees follows them slowly, into the distant heights.

Gronk is after all, a very clever nine-toed caveman.

Gronk is now happy. With the approval of the Tribal Chief, he has turned the stream onto a new course which skirts around the forest. The central area, which was swamp land, will soon be a meadow. A place for good hunting, when the tribal children are not playing in it.

And, what makes it even better -- it was all ‘Chief Approved’. You just can’t get better than that.


31,691 years later (1691 A.D.), the many times great descendent of Gronk, named Elmer Gronykus --- is fighting the bubonic plague. For all of his life, Elmer has lived with the constant threat of a plague outbreak happening in the Clermont-Ferrand region. Recently in England, in 1666, the bubonic plague devastated the city of London, killing twenty percent of its population (100,000), and forcing the Royal Family to vacate to the countryside. Due to transchannel shipping, and no customs checks for vermin, that plague hit his native France too. After a year of killing, it died away.

Also recently, in 1679, the city of Vienna, Austria was devastated by the same plague, killing 76,000 people. Conditions in that city were so unsanitary, and literally filthy, it is a surprise that half of the city was not lost to the disease.

If you look at a map of Europe, you will see that the overland routes from Genoa, Marseille and Montpellier to London all go through the French city of Lyon -- on their way to Paris and the northern ports of La Havre-de-Grace and Calais. Seaports mean shipping and commerce. And, with both comes the transfer of goods. Imports and exports carrying unwanted stowaways -- rats!

The rats themselves, as we know today, were not the cause of the disease. It was the fleas!

The fleas riding the rats, brought the bubonic plague with them wherever they went, or could stowaway and be transported to.

Not at all unlike today’s ugly situation, with perverts and politicians.

Lyon is close to Clermont-Ferrand, so much so that what plagues Lyon, plagues Clermont-Ferrand.

If one stowaway rat, carrying bubonic fleas, were to make its way from Genoa to Lyon; soon many native rats of Lyon would be carrying bubonic fleas.

Not at all unlike one nest of perverts making its way from Boston to Des Moines, and causing a pervert's plague there.

As the flea population grew and spread beyond the bodies of their carriers, into schools for instance; the disease that they carried would be transferred to Human Children. And from the children, to the parents!

And then, you have plague.

Or, it could happen at townhall meetings; where professional rats gather to infest unwitting and stupid Voter/Followers.


In response to this danger, Elmer (who loves cats anyway), is lobbying for a feline promotion program in Clermont-Ferrand, to reduce the rat population and therefore reduce the flea population and thus prevent the bubonic plague.

This is an ambitious effort of course, and will need the approval of the Department (provincial) authorities. The department for Clermont-Ferrand is Puy-de-Dôme, which is part of the current area of Auvergne. Puy-de-Dôme is surrounded by the departments of Loire, Haute-Loire, Correze, Allier, Cantal and Creuse. The main avenue of danger, however, comes from the department of Rhone to the east, where the city of Lyon is the provincial capital.

Elmer has heard, from reliable sources, that the English have decided it was the rats that caused the plague there. At the time, London was swarming with rats and their fleas, which carried the plague.

Cats, especially French country cats, hate rats!

Rat catching, torture and slow death is a renown feline bloodsport -- to French country cats! English, or Italian, or Austrian rats are no exception. “The bigger they are, the better they taste!” is a famous aphorism of French country cats.

Elmer, being prescient (occasionally) where felines are concerned, was sitting in the rose garden of the hospital in Clermont-Ferrand, wooing a pretty maiden who is his seamstress and special sock maker -- and was generally minding his own business -- when his companion Sylvester sauntered into the courtyard, with all the feline coolness possessed by French country cats.

Ignoring the Human Female, as he is a tomcat and ’male chauvinist kitty’, he sat down right in front of them, looked Elmer in the eye and thought “There’s going to be a plague, dummy!”

That was months ago, and today the two are approaching the Department Chateau (headquarters) of Puy-de-Dôme, with Elmer’s grand plan rolled up into a tube and tucked under one arm. In the other arm he carries Sylvester, who is gleefully whipping his tail and purring like a rat-blender. Sylvester loves to travel, and loves new buildings. Where new vermin might be hiding.

They enter the front foyer, and Sylvester leaps after the first mouse he sees. Undaunted, Elmer approaches the main chambers of the department officials.

Seven Magistrates, in their customary ‘official robes’, sit patiently in their resplendent Chamber of Justice; waiting for Elmer to finish his introductions, and pardons, and graces and flourishes. Finally, one says "Monsieur Gronykus, please be about your explanation!"

Elmer, who is bowing at the time, straightens up and holds his map over his head saying "Cats for Rats, your Honors!"

They all sit back, and watch.

"A Cat Gathering -- or Gathering of Cats, if you will!"

The Chief Magistrate leans forwards and says -- "You mean, you want to collect cats? Where will you put them? How many cats?"

Elmer unrolls his map and holds it up before them, with the printed side on their side, and speaks -- "This, your Honors, is a map of our Department. I have just spent several months making a Cat Survey. It is my estimation that we -- that is Puy-de-Dôme -- have at least 15 Cats per square kilometer. At over 7000 square kilometers, that comes to at least 105,000 Cats!”

The Seven Magistrates look at the map, with the two legs sticking down from below it. Elmer is nowhere in sight, but they can hear his voice.

A skeptical magistrate asks -- "Yes, Monsieur Gronykus. And, you propose to change that with more cats?"

The map speaks -- "No your Honors. I propose to surround the Department with the citizens. I propose to have all citizens walk inwards (at this, an arm appears and a hand points to the center of the map) until they have all met at Clermont-Ferrand. I propose that all citizens drive all cats to the center of Clermont-Ferrand. Here."

The Chief Magistrate asks -- "What of the other animals of the countryside? The deer? The horses? The dogs?"

"We let them go. We release them. The people allow them to escape. But, not the cats!"

The map lowers to reveal Elmer again. "Of course, with so many cats, we do not have to involve the entire Department. The central region will do fine, for our purpose. We will concentrate all the kitties of central Puy-de-Dôme into one place, here in Clermont-Ferrand! Naturally, we will have to feed them, of course!"

The magistrates sit, and watch.

"I say, some of the cats will leave, pardon their natural ways. However, we will have increased the feline population of Clermont-Ferrand ten-fold!" he raises a finger to the air with a splash of posh and daring.

"We will have made our city impossible to plague, by rats!"

Another magistrate asks -- "Will this not cause us a burden of supplies? Having to feed so many more cats? And, where will they live? Will they not get underfoot and into all manners of mischief?"

"Ah, no your Honors" Elmer replies, as he starts to roll up his map again. "We will only feed them enough to survive, but not to prosper. They will be forced to hunt for food. Here, and in the surrounding country-side. They will naturally hunt mice, squirrels and RATS!" he raises his voice.

"We will lose some cats, by natural dispersion. But, the majority will stay where they can get any free food. That will be Clermont-Ferrand."

A magistrate asks -- “This will create an unnecessary burden upon the citizens! It will be an unprecedented waste of valuable time and effort!”

“Ah, no your Honor!” Elmer stands resolute. “The choice is health or death!”

The skeptical magistrate speaks again -- “And how will you explain and justify this to all of our citizens? How do you expect us to order such a task? How could we have so many tasks and daily works of our Department stopped for such an event as this?”

“Yes. Well. I propose ...” Elmer steps halfway forwards, as though about to hurtle a discus through the painted window behind the Magistrates -- “That we announce a Department Celebration and Vacation!”

“With games, tournaments, and festivities. To conclude with, a Great Cat Chase!”

Fifteen weeks later, with the harvest completed just in time, the Great Cat Chase has come to a crunching ending. And, just in time. No sooner did the driven tidal wave of cats impact upon Clermont-Ferrand, than hundreds of cats converged upon an old wooden warehouse, on the eastern side of the city.

For hours and hours there was a terrible and violent battle between the French country cats, and hundreds of rats. The longer the battle continued, the more rats appeared from underground tunnels in the area and buildings around the warehouse; and the more French country cats fell in, with a lust for battle.

The citizens, mostly aghast and shocked, abandoned that sector of the city as streams of cats ran through the streets towards the battle.

Chief amongst the French felines, was one black-and-white kitty of loud voice and guiding paws, who stood on top of wooden crates, and yeowed orders to the fighting legions below him. Sylvester, of course.

From tunnels and hiding places all over the eastern edge of the city, more and more rats appeared. Violent and disease-carrying rats. The end had come for them, and they fought with awful intensity, throwing themselves upon their enemies. By now, thousands of combatants were closely locked in a helter-skelter bloodbath of no quarter asked, and none given. The fighting was so close, and often in such dark places, that only smell could guide a bite. The smell of cat, or rat.

All through the night the citizens maintained a cordon of guards, armed with pitchforks and carrying torches, to keep the battle from spreading into the rest of Clermont-Ferrand.

During the next day, the battle had focused and centered upon the old warehouse itself; festooned with underground tunnels, and the French country cats had broken into the sanctuaries of the rats, driving them down into certain death. All exits being blocked.

It was the warehouse where all goods from Lyon were dropped for dispersal throughout Puy-de-Dôme. Otherwise unused, it was a holding place for all merchandise coming from Lyon. A convenient place for receiving shipments that came in from the east road. There were other warehouses in that district, but all Lyon goods went to that one.

By late afternoon, the French country cats began to file out of the aging wooden building. As soon as the citizens determined that there were no more cats, they set the structure on fire. It burned for hours, like a bonfire in the sunset.

Elmer Gronykus, having carried a torch and pitchfork all night and through the next day, stood in the winds of smoke and flaming ashes that fell from the burning warehouse, and looked for Sylvester to appear.

To no avail.

Many a French country cat had met his furious end in this battle. A battle for Humans.


223 - years later (1914 A.D.) Maurice Gronkfeau is flying over the Clermont-Ferrand region, in a new and red biplane. He is flying dangerously low, which is nothing new to Maurice. However, what is new is his attire. Today he is sensibly dressed in a simple set of white colored overalls, with red and blue patches to give himself a patriotic look; with goggles, brown leather flying cap, and no scarf!

His one gesture of style is the red leather gloves he is wearing, and his spit-shined black leather boots.

Maurice is causing considerable concern at the ground level, with his wife dashing about on the roads in her horse and carriage trying to keep him in sight, and the local farming communities wondering where he is going to crash this time, and is their house safe?

Maurice, as always, is oblivious to this ruckus, and would only consider it to be applause and fanfare from an adoring audience anyway.

Maurice is on a mission. He is flying over the Clermont-Ferrand region memorizing and mapping the irrigation and sewage systems.

Of course, he is Maurice. And, it’s early afternoon. And, the skies are bright with a variety of white fluffy clouds scattered across the horizons. And, the fair farm maidens always come out at this time of day, to hang their wash on the lines, and go flittering about in the pastures playing with the farm animals.

So, Maurice cannot resist flying really low and waving at every pretty young farm woman he sees, as he passes by. Strange though, they all look so astonished. Every one, gives out a gasp and runs for cover.

Oh well! Women are so fragile anyway. Maurice flies on, or rather, over and over the territory until he starts to run out of gas for his aeroplane. When that happens he returns to his self-made landing field south of Clermont-Ferrand; next to that forest down there, where he crashed into the meadow once.

This time, upon coming to a bouncing halt on the ground he finds the Chief Judge Magistrate of Clermont-Ferrand waiting for him. Complete with city carriage, and team of four horses. Maurice thinks quickly, “Was that robust and sumptuous young lady in the red underwear and no shoes, sunning herself on top of a hay stack, just west of the city? Was that the daughter of the Chief Magistrate? His house is in that area.”

Maurice puts on a brave French face and leaps to the ground with a dash of bravado. “Ah, Yes! What brings his Majesty to my humble onion patch today?”

His visitor is dressed like a rich pumpkin, and looks for all the world like one. Were there not a talking head at the top of it all, Maurice would send it to the chefs. However, this portly Chief Judge Magistrate is draped with the finest golden and white cloths, trying to be clothing -- and carries both authority and a cane, which he is now whipping about in the air over his head.

“War is coming you fool! You are better attired in French Army clothing, instead of this ridiculous patchwork! I can only assume that you are frightening the French countryside for a purpose?!”

“Pardon. I never frighten anyone! I may excite. Or, even stimulate and thrill! However, aeronautics is a serious profession, Monsieur. I will have you know my seriousness.”

“Good time of day for it, no Gronkfeau?”

“I do not know you meaning, Monsieur.”

“My wife has a habit of sunning herself out in the fields at this time of day.”

“Sacrebleu, Monsieur!”

“Quite. You would not know of that, of course.”

“Mon Dieu, No!”

“No. And, you are on what sort of self-proclaimed assignment today?”

“Well, I have the idea that our cleanliness, by that I mean our hygiene or sanitation, can be improved. As an area. To avoid what is happening to Eastern Europe. At this very moment I might add.”

“I see. What does that have to do with this?” he raps his cane onto the wing of Maurice’s aeroplane.

“Merely, that I am trying to understand our present situation.”

“Present ... situation?”

“Oui. Our sewage Monsieur. Our irrigation, if you will. They seem to not know the difference!”

Two disgusting days later, of walking about in all sorts of muck and drainage up to their knees, Maurice has finally convinced His Excellency the Chief Magistrate that -- 1. Maurice is not going to give up on this project. 2. With improper or non-existent sanitation comes the breeding grounds and foundations for Cholera and Typhoid. Both feed off of unclean drinking water conditions, and the current state of water affairs in the Department is not yet adequate to secure them from the Sixth Cholera Pandemic, which is ravaging Eastern Europe.

Through efforts by citizens such as Gronkfeau, the conditions for Cholera can be avoided. However, Gronkfeau needs the approval of the ‘Chief Judge Magistrate’ in Clermont-Ferrand to build a new sewage system.

The Human Judge has questions, and wants to see plans. Maurice jokingly points to his brain and says -- “In the lighted streets and bright pathways, Monsieur!”

“Out with them, Gronkfeau! Now. I haven’t all week for this you realize!” The Judge is standing in the old Magistrates Chamber, where such matters used to be decided by Seven Honoraries -- but now it serves as his drawing room and place for interrogations. Or, convincings.

Maurice, having dragged a large valise into the chamber with him, now spreads a variety of charts and drawings and blueprints out upon the very large walnut table, which takes up a goodly portion of the room.

For another day, the two French Patriots (both honorable and deserving of the title) discuss and argue and haggle over the many particulars and nuances of the project. Until at last, on top of a mound of proposals from Maurice and counter-demands from the Judge -- there is placed one final document. The plan.

It is four o’clock in the morning. The morning birds outside are starting to herald the new dawn. And, Maurice and the Judge toast each other’s health with glasses of wine -- an early Brandewijn vintage of the Muscadet region, from the Loire Valley, laced with brandy of course.

Fifteen weeks later, Maurice is walking along the raised eastern bank of an irrigation canal, that borders a small forest south of Clermont-Ferrand. That canal has memories for him, as he almost drowned in it once. The last few days have been very rainy, and the working was made more difficult. And yet, all over the Puy-de-Dôme countryside the citizens are just finishing an intensive earthworks project; which has re-channeled and redefined the state of all water-related transportation in the Department.

No longer will bad water mix with good. No longer will slippage and sloppage contaminate the Department’s drinking supplies. Wastage will be quarantined, and processed separately. Safely.

Cleanliness for all matters in the Department has been dramatically improved, for the simple reason that the fresh water supply is now truly safe and free of contagions.

It has been hard going for sure. With Maurice calling the legions of citizen workers “My brave badgers!”

Not one to just stand and shout commands, Maurice has spent many days amongst the excavations and constructions; working and explaining to the citizens. The harvest has suffered, of course. And, citizens from neighboring prefectures had to be paid to work these fields, as well as their own. Which also gave Maurice the opportunity to show off and lecture about the project, to the surrounding communities.

And now, as it all comes to an end, he stands there on top of the green bank, and looks out over the Department, and the hills to the east. The canal behind him is almost overflowing with water, and the entire Department is covered with small standing pools of rainwater. Rainwater to become drinking water, and no longer allowed to flood and cause chaotic pollution of fresh supplies, with waste contaminants.

Maurice takes off his flying cap and wipes the sweat off his forehead with a sleeve. He thinks to himself -- “Yes, this has been magnificent. True, not by a spectacular measure. This has made everyone much safer. No Vienna or Moscow plagues for us now.” He looks, and listens to the sounds of people working, horses pulling, waters flowing, and the wind in the trees.

A sound catches his attention, and he turns to the canal. The sound comes from the other side, but its source cannot be seen. Then, slowly a small black-and-white cat appears (a kitten really), climbing up to the top of the other bank, wet and bedraggled. It is shaking from cold and starvation. The bright warmth of the autumn day helps, but the cat is in need of some serious attention.

Weakly, it tries to sit down, but slumps down instead. It raises its head to Gronkfeau, puts out a tiny paw, and in felinese says -- “Elmer?”



What Gronk, and Gronykus and Gronkfeau have enjoyed throughout all of this effort, is not merely the success of better living conditions -- but also (and very importantly) the reassurance of Life itself. Reassurance by a Chief, Magistrates, and a Judge. All of whom were Human and willing to be Human, instead of being aberrant freaks and programmed phonies, for hire.

In the awful situation of today, with Monkey Judges crawling all over our society, spewing out their rancid Opinion Farts on everyone, and demanding that their excrement be considered as Law and ‘Settled Law’; the pleasures of Human Reinforcement and Human Affirmation (which the Human Chief, Magistrates and Judge of the ‘Human Times’ gladly gave to the Citizens), can never be realized or received, and appreciated.

The ‘Judicial System’ of this country is now owned and operated by the most vicious Anti-Human Rats that have ever lied in your faces, or on their websites!!!!


In the Vaughn Walker/SchwartzenButt Concentration Camp (formerly California), a perverted Monkey Judge (with the ass-licking approval of a Puppet Governor); has promoted a horrible mental disease upon all inhabitants. They are grotesque lunatics, spreading grotesque lunacies. Next, is mandatory lunacies in all schools, being performed on all children!

Quite so. And, I do mean all children. In this case, what legally diseases California, is intended to disease the entire nation!!!!


For emphasis -- All Humans Need To Turn The Mental Tables On The SQLD. Instead Of Allowing This Latest Attack And Fakery To Succeed Against Us.

It Can Only Succeed, If Their Programming Is Still In Our Brains! We Must Consider This To Be The End Of ‘Judicial Supremacy’, As It Has Been Known Before. Today, It Is Just A Festering In Our Wounds. We Must Cut Out This Infestation And Sickness.


Look at this from a higher perspective. Not only is this an internal fight within the Moderate/Homosexuals (et al) to see which faction will rule -- it is also a two pronged attack against Humanity. The Institution of Marriage is being attacked with a circus show of pukebags saying they are 'equal' -- and the Institution of Human Judgment is being declared DEAD AND TOTALLY REPLACED !!!!


Then -- Reality Arrives.

In Reality -- neither is damaged.

Only Human Judges are capable of deciding anything for Humans. That has not changed one bit.

Only Human Males, and Human Females can be Married. That has not changed one bit.

What is happening, is that your minds are being F**ked Over Because You Do Not Realize These Two Facts!

You Allowed Yourselves To Be Separated From Reality!

Just As Surely As You Allowed Two Iowas To Exist.


Now, You Have Allowed Yourselves To Be Dragged Into Their Circus Tent Of Horrors! Horrors That Say Everyone Is Now Ruled By The One Queer Iowa, Of The Republican Piggies (et al).





Why Did You Watch The Satan Tube?

Why Did You Not Realize -- It Is The Satan Tube?

[[Have you heard? How incredibly stupid it is to watch that Satan Tube crap?]]

Why Did You Listen To The Filthy Monkeys, And Read Queer Newsrags?

Why Do Some Of You Still Do So?

[[Yes, I Know. The Newsrags Are Trying To Keep Idiots, By Putting Innocuous And Pretend-Human Stories On Their Front Pages. Big Whoopee!]]

Just How Dead Do You Want To Be?


The next act in their Circus of Liars, is to kill the next Human Generation.

Do you see that in the ‘TV Guide’?

Are you going to blindly accept that as another death forced upon you? Are you going to accept that Children can no longer be Human as it was before, because the Circus of Judge Whores says otherwise?

When will it end with all of you?

At Genocide By Replacement?

Get a Life!

That means -- G e t a L i f e !

Before the SQLD toads take it all away from you, by making you think you have lost it all!

When In Reality You Have Lost Nothing!!!!

To put it simply, for any cowardly brains that might read this by accident -- the more you believe in what the SQLD want you to believe in -- the more you will lose sight of Reality. That is all that is happening in the Q&P MH situation.

Reality says marriage is between one Woman and one Man -- Period.

Reality says only Human Judges can determine anything for the Human Species. Even then, they can easily be overruled by the Species -- Period.

Reality says the enemies of our Species are just toads under our shoes, demanding that they are seen as, and respected as, Supreme and Dominant and our Rulers -- Period.

The SQLD are just a pack of diseased Liars -- Period.


It’s So Simple.

This Is A War That Cannot Be Lost -- But They Want You To Think You Can Lose -- Period.

The Real Target Is The Brains Of Your Children -- Period.

If The Children Are Programmed To Believe The SQLD Instead Of Humanity -- They Will Exist Only In The Circus Of The SQLD -- Not In Reality -- Period.

Reality Will Not Change -- But Your Children Will Not Have Access To Reality, Because Their Brains Will Not Be Allowed That Access -- Period.

Reality Will Not Change -- But The Human Species Will Be Replaced With Circus Freaks, Pretending To Be Human -- Period.

That Is, What This Is!

You Can Change It All. Just Stop Thinking Of Judges As Anything Good and Human.

These Are The Post ‘Judge-Genocide’ Days!

Vote Out The SQLD Monkey Judges!!!!

Or Die.

Vote Them Out -- Or Die Because Of Them.



If you can only exist as the SQLD demand, you are dead.

You Are Only Alive In Reality!

Remember that SQLD saying -- ‘It Isn’t Real, If It’s Not On TV!’ or “It Is Only Real, If It Is On TV!” ?

Think of why that lie was created.

Lies are always created to hide a Truth.

In this case, that Truth is -- ‘You Are Only Alive In Reality!’

There Is No Life In The Circus Of The Dead.

S a t a n i c and Q u e e r L y i n g - D e a d.

The problem cowards have, is having to accept Reality. The SQLD propaganda and punks (such as the Iowa Liberal Fakery), try to make Death sound logical and appealing and inevitable.

Final Death is inevitable -- yes!

Living-Death is NOT inevitable -- not by any stretch of the demented imagination.


Cowards Like Comforts.

It is not comfortable to know and live by Reality.

That means, that for Cowards -- Life is not comfortable.

Cowards chose Death, every time.

However, at times such as these, the Humanity that is imprisoned inside of Cowards starts to rebel and display outrage! Cowards have problem with internal rage.

Cowards Want Comforts.

Queer lies are comfortable.

Cowards like ‘Queers‘.

Cowards lose Life, easily. Life is not Comfortable.

Cowards like Death.

The Human Species suffers, because of that,

The ‘Queers’ are happy!

The Children of Cowards, die early and horribly!

The Cowards do not want to hear the screams of Death.

Cowards Want Comforts.

They believe in what makes them feel Comfortable.

They ignore the Deaths of their Children.

Their Children become Dead, like the Parents.

The Cowards are Happy. The Cowards are Comfortable.

The ‘Queers’ are Happy!

They have the Children.


In that unknown Universe of Reality, for all Cowards, You cannot defeat a Human. You can only cease to be one!

Because -- NO ONE IS BORN QUEER!!!!


These latest atrocities from the Monkey Judges must herald the end of 'Judge Supremacy’ -- NOT the end of Marriage!!!!

If you apply Intelligence and Courage to this situation -- the only thing that can be murdered by those Queer Judges is the programming in your heads, that says “Judges rule our lives and the Human Species“.

That 'Judge Supremacy' pabulum is the same propaganda filth as 'The Satan Tube Supremacy', which says the Satan Tube rules our lives and the Human Species.

For Christ's Sake people! Even the Satan Tube has those phony Judge Rulers and would-be Dictators on it!

You aren't imbeciles, are you? You don't watch Fake Judges on TV -- do you? If you do -- it's no wonder the Judge Prostitutes can crap in your brains!

Supremacy Judges are a Circus Event!

A Total Sham!

What is destroyed here is your Stupidity!

Your Idiocy About Being Judged!

This Is The End Of ’Judge Supremacy’!

Every Judge out there can stay exactly where it is, and not be replaced -- and still -- their presumed 'Supremacy' is gone forever. They are now revealed, forever, as merely power-hungry whores and liars and perverts!

Monkey Judges do not just throw Poo-Poo at Humans. They are Poo-Poo to Humans!

Anyone who still 'Believes in Judicial Authority' is either a Pervert using the Judges, or an Idiot!

The SQLD do not believe in ‘Judicial Authority’.

They Own ‘Judicial Authority’.

Those are the lessons here.

You have just recently learned, that there are no HumanChannels of Communications on the Satan Tube. That took you years to learn, because you were programmed.

How long will it take for you to learn that these ‘Judges’ are pissant prostitutes, con artists and criminals? The Human Judges have been eliminated.

Why do you have to suffer because their brainwashings in your heads, actually do brainwash you and kill your lives? But, only if you let it happen.

Answer: Because, you believe the brainwashings!

You were raised -- brainwashed!

When the Judges Genocide occurred, you were too programmed to realize that the Death Replacements of the Human Judges would try to kill your Human Values and Human Virtues; with their phony claims of Supremacy and their dirty back-stabbing judicial tricks.

Marriage has not suffered at all from this latest attempt!

What has suffered is your laziness!

Your sloth and cowardice are no longer comfortable!

There are scum sitting on false benches, telling you that Marriage is for the Dead too!

You are caught in a dilemma.

Do you accept the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead, as your Rulers?

Or, actually do something for once -- and get rid of the ‘Queers’ pretending to be Judges?


It is easy to figure out how the Human Judges were replaced. Corruption amongst the Human Judges was already rife. Which is to say, the Humanity was leaving already.

In all of my life -- I have never considered any Judge to be more than a political punk for hire!

Most of the ‘Judges’ I have ever seen, were nothing more than 'Turds in Pantyhose!

Or, as Napoleon used to say -- "Shit in Silk Stockings".

Napoleon was an Opponent of Establishments. He truly believed he could stop all of the vagaries and corruptions and injustices caused by Corrupt Political Establishments (aka Royalties).

His mistake was to make himself an Establishment, in order to fight Royalties. He made himself an Emperor, in order to fight the injustices of Kings. That was the idea in those times. They thought they could only fight Power Structures, by being a Power Structure.


He also had an egotism problem. Though at the time, egotism problems were fashionable.

Not like today, when they are clearly ugly, like Nazi-Pelosi. Or, ‘Il Duce Branstad’.


It will soon reach the point in this country where the irreversible truth of 'Judge's Death' is considered ‘Normalcy’.

Every time anyone hears a Human Child being raped and sodomized into a ‘Queer’ ....

There will be heard the hideous cackling of a 'Judge' saying -- "IT'S LEGAL!!!! I LIKE IT!!!! I LIKE IT!!!!"

That child will have been given the ‘Judge’s Death’!



I know for a fact that the goal of the so-called Homosexual Agenda is not what is apparent, inside the activities of the Republican Piggies (et al), so far. Few Voter/Followers have been told what the real goal is yet.

That goal is World Domination.

The complete Rule Over All Life, by the Dead.

By the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead.

Given the stupefied ‘General Public’, which watches the Satan Tube, listens to the Filthy Monkey Band, and reads the kindergarten drool in the 'newsrags' ...

there is already an adequate supply of dupes, stooges and zombies to be molded and forged into killers and murderers of everything that they themselves are supposed to be ...

instead of what they are.


The Seven Monkey Judges of DemoIowa, trading their Opinion Farts for favors and riches in their Whorehouse across the street from the Iowa Statehouse ...

are counting on the stupidity and malaise of the 'General Public'. They depend upon Appearances to survive the attempts of Humans to get rid of them in the next voting cycle.

The Appearance of Authority, and the Appearance of Supremacy, that the 'General Public' is still mesmerized with. Even though there has been no Authority nor Supremacy in that sewer of theirs for many years!

And, will they win?

Will they scare the people again?

Will the SQLD medias paint them in false colors again, and squeak them through another voting cycle?

Will the constant lies and twisted propagandas of such vile 'newsrags' as the Des Moines RearSniffers and the Iowa Liberal Fakery (formerly Independent) keep the 'General Public' subdued, and chewing their cud with glazed eyes and drooling speech -- as usual?

They are the Seven Perpetrators, of the Homosexual Coup d’etat against the People of Iowa.

Coup d’etat means -- seizure of political power: the sudden and deceptive overthrow of a government and seizure of political power, especially by the judiciary.

Does anyone, who is not part of the duped 'General Public', not understand that those Seven Monkeys Have Deliberately Betrayed Every Human Trust That Was Placed Upon Them? That Is What They Were Put There To Do!

For Emphasis -- While They Were Supposed To Be Serving As ‘Judges’ Over The People Of Iowa, And Enjoyed The Trust And Good Intentions Of Those Same People -- Those Seven Whores Did Deliberately, And With Malice Of Forethought, Commit Horrendous Acts Of Traitorism Against All Human Values And All Human Decencies And The Entire Human Future!!!!

They are simply -- the dung under our shoes from now on.

And yet -- they fully expect all of us -- to be the dung under their shoes from now on!!!!


You Humans, need to prepare yourselves for a Separation of Powers.

‘Their Power‘ -- and ‘Our Power’!

A Separation of Judgments -- their ‘Queer Judges’ and ‘Your Human Judgments‘!

Make your Human Judgments eliminate their Queer Judges!

And, Quarantine the effects of the Queer Judges!

Quarantine The Effects -- Quarantine The Judges!

For all of the remainder of History -- those 'Judges' will stand in Infamy, Shame, Greed, Perversions, and Genocide!


I know, there are some of you who wish you could be Comfortable again.

You wish you could be Gronk, and live in Gronk’s World.

Well. That would not work in this World of Hellish Judges.

You cannot go back. You must stay here. And, here our enemies hate Gronk. Gronk can think. Gronk does think.

In 29,999 B.C. Gronk thinks.

32,009 years later -- ‘THINKING’ IS FORBIDDEN!!!!

Thinking leads to Realizing.

The Democrat/Homosexuals (et al) cannot have that happening.



Every Judge Whore needs a Whorehouse, and is part of a network of swine politicians that it prostitutes for. Without such a system it would have no one to support it's bogus and phony decisions with propaganda. It would also have no business to sell, and remain poor (by queer standards); because it would have no one to do vile tricks for; getting richly rewarded (under the robes).

In the former times of Real Human Judges, this was not so. But, today -- it is everything about the Monkey Judges.

Each Monkey is part of a network of punks, thieves, perverts, and elitists -- all of which hate the mere mention of, or memory of, Human Judges.

This provides for us two ways to get rid of those horrid enemies. Directly through voting them out, and directly through voting out the network of Bastards and Bitches that got it elected, or put it in office to begin with.

There is a BIG PROVISO to all of this.

The practice of making any person a Judge for Life, must be rescinded and cancelled forever.

That means -- we make Term Limitations on Judges THE policy -- For The Life Of The Species.

Without the lure of, the promise of, and the demonstrated success of Wealth and Power For Lies (Dressed as Opinions) ...

and without those Opinions being demanded as Laws ...

and without the possible Success of that Game of Deceptions and Propaganda Demands ...

no bottom-feeding ass-licking Jackal is going to try to be a Monkey Judge!!!! There is no profit to it, and no false egotism.

Without a successful scheme in place, there are no profits! No rewards! No power! No pretense of Supremacy!

Take away the JUDGE GAME, and the gamesters will disappear!

But, how does the 'average citizen' who is afraid of the Monkey Judges -- get rid of those things?

Well, to begin with -- there is nothing to be afraid of!

Those Monkeys are your enemies!

You should expect them to hurt you, fool you, cheat you, lie to you, imprison you, and detain you in the Concentration Camps of their Masters -- to begin with!







AWARENESS is the first weapon against the Monkeys.

Awareness, that all of the respects and honors (which Monkeys love), and Human Validity which existed within Human Judges -- does not apply to and does not exist within the rancid brains of Monkey Judges.

This awareness immediately awakens in every Human the corresponding awareness, that this is a bad situation and must be remedied.

As I said, there are three remedies. Vote out the Monkey. Vote out its Support Network of Sewer Rats. Remove forever any rule, regulation, legislation, law, or presumption that Judges hold offices for Life!

It is the Life of our Species that counts. Not the wretched lives of Monkey Judges, and their Opinion Sniffers.

By doing these three actions, we can and will severely cripple our Genocidal Enemies -- which have now revealed the Monkeys as their Secret Weapons. Weapons of Last Resort, prior to committing a military coup; using Queered Armed Forces, and Foreign Armies. At the same time, this reveals more of their venomous and sinister hatred of all things Natural and Human.

The Monkeys are using excuses to kill us off; such as we have allowed perverts to adopt and queer Children, so why would we not allow them to pretend to be married in an attempt to kill the Human Institution of Marriage?

Q&P MH -- Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred.

The answer to that is obvious. Humans did not allow perverts to adopt and queer Children!

The support network of Bastards and Bitches, that committed the Genocide of the Human Judges, made those false legislations. This was all done, so later they could order their Monkey Judges to use those legislations as the reasons for allowing Q&P MH !


TRUSTING is your second weapon against the Monkeys.

Trust the Humans who are trying to save you. If charlatans and opportunists try to present themselves as Human Resisters, they are easily discerned and spurned! Commercial Protestors always reveal their fakery.

The Real Human Resisters will never deceive you, or sell you out. Trust them.

Most 'average citizens' (of which, I wish I was one -- in a Human World), cannot get around enough and get involved enough to be on top of these matters themselves. They have to trust Human Leaders to tell them what to do.


Now -- here we have to stop for a minute, and think about something. I am talking about Actions -- not Principles. Human Leaders can tell us what Actions we need to take. Human Leaders can only explain what Principles are involved. I am not sure the word ‘Principles’, is the right word here. It is deeper than ‘Principles’. Principles are realizations and reactions to something greater -- which is Truth -- which is an accurate perception of Reality.

Reality and its Truth, is not dependent upon Human Leaders.


If ‘average citizens’ have Trustworthy Human Leaders, and what must be done is explained well enough to them, then they will act. And, when the Voting Populace acts to correct a wrong, (or a Wrong Regime), the effects are dramatic.

In a single day, an entire Dogcrap Empire of Lying Bastards and Bitches can be eliminated from power. From power over the People.

Especially Bastards and Bitches that refuse to allow the People to have and exercise their God-given Rights of the Will Of The People.

I refer to the Republican Prostitutes of Iowa (formerly Establishment), who can never pass up the chance for a 'Good Buck' and a 'Pat On The Ass'. And, of course, their nasty buddies the Homosexual/Democrats!

Iowa Republican Prostitutes are made to Spit On -- that is what they are there for! They are the Lying Spittoons of Politics! What other reason can the things have for existing?


DETERMINATION is your third weapon.

Steadfast, not confused, not undermined, and not selfish. Determination to right the wrongs and see a new time of Human Decency and Human Prosperity. This is key to the success and very survival of our Species.

To twist and pervert and castrate Determination, is what the medias of the SQLD are for. Combined with the Propagandists prowling amongst us, the Bastards and Bitches in our midst are lying to and deceiving everyone constantly. Hence, our Determination is disabled. To the SQLD, our Determination to Act and Repair Society must be disabled!

The Repairs would eliminate THEM!

To prevent such repairs, is why websites like the Iowa Liberal Fakery (formerly Independent), and the Iowa Prostitution (formerly Republican) exist.

The message from both sewersites is the same. Humans must lose -- paying Clientele must win -- no matter how hideous, psychopathic and genocidal the reason!!!! At the same time, the weasels at both sites watch Human websites closely and then mimic our Truths, trying to make themselves look like Humans.

Determination -- By the People, For the People, and Of the People is the very last thing that the Republican Piggies of Iowa, and their under-the-robes masturbation buddies (the Democrat/Homosexuals), want to happen!

Determination will do wonderful things, like voting out the three Monkey Judges that are up for retention, here in Iowa. Instead of Cowardice, which is lying down to be pissed on and crapped on and stepped on -- for Eternity.

Once the SQLD get you down, they never want you up again. To those monsters, you are just a ‘controlled statistic’ from then on.


Your DISSENT, expressed as Votes and Civil Disobedience is your fourth weapon.

Dissent comes in many forms. One of the strongest forms of Dissent is also one of the easiest to perform.


There are other very easy forms of dissent.


NEVER BUY AN SQLD NEWSRAG! Such as the Des Moines RearSniffers.

The next level of dissent is more difficult, because it requires two things ...

1. Knowing Who You Really Are.

2. Speaking Out Against Liars!

Whenever a Bastard or Bitch of the Propagandizing SQLD opens its lying mouth and the worms come out -- TELL IT TO SHUT UP!!!! DENOUNCE ITS LIES!!!! IN ITS FACE!!!! PUT IT IN ITS PLACE!!!! Which is where the Liars go to Die.

Do that for once, twice and thrice -- instead of being treated like a trashcan, for them to throw their verbal trash into. Spit their Lies back at them!

Show them what it is like to be -- Known As The Lying Scum That They Are!

And, use your Determination. Do not relent. Do not let Punks and Moderates chide you, and deride you, and punish you. Do not let them accuse you of Non-existent Crimes such as ‘Intolerance‘; for standing up for Your Right To Not Be Propagandized, And Treated Like A Dummy.

Insist Upon -- Not Being Lied To, And Not Being Led To The Slaughterhouse!

They invented that Make-Believe Crime of ‘Intolerance’ to -- SHUT YOU UP! To Keep You From Dissenting, While They Kill Your Children and Your Future!!!!

Bastards and Bitches of the SQLD -- Think and Act Like Sharks.


REMOVING the SQLD from your lives, and your Human Societies, is your fifth weapon.

It is called ‘Quarantine’.

Force the SQLD to be with other SQLD. Not With You!

Quickly, you will see that they are nothing more than a squirming heap of vicious maggots!

Vicious for power and wealth and status.

And yet -- it still has to be (to this day) power and wealth and status -- Over You!

Without YOU -- they are only a twisting mass of lying maggots. They will quickly tire of each others vile company. Because, each one will be trying to dominate and lie to the others. They will only cooperate -- if they are told that YOU can be dominated. IF they all agree to bite Humans, and not each other.

For now, the Prostitutes, the Monkeys, the Perverts and the Opportunists still need to be associated with, and dominant over -- Human Societies.

If they are excluded from Human contact and cannot brainwash Humans, how much more difficult becomes their plans for One World Socialist Perversions?

They know this, which is why they are trying to Substitute Judicial Tyranny For Human Acceptance Of Their Genocides Against Us.

Let me repeat that again, because it is very important.

Substitute Judicial Tyranny -- For Human Acceptance.

Substitute Judicial Tyranny -- For Human Acceptance.

It is so vile, they actually want to Destroy The Human Minds Of Your Children And Throw Them Back At You (BrainDead), and Shout “Live With It!” And Then, Punish You If You Refuse.

AND, Punish You If You Refuse To Let Your Children Be Brain-Slaughtered To Begin With!!!!

Bastards and Bitches of the SQLD -- Think and Act Like Sharks.


EDUCATION of all Humans to the Facts of Life Against Genocide, now and throughout the Future, is your sixth weapon.

As tough as it may be, reading the messages I have put onto this website about this War Against Genocide -- is one of the Advanced Forms of Education which all Humans need. When these messages are read ‘As It Happens’ they have a freshness and relevancy that allows they to be tough and ‘to-the-point’. They are however, the Written History of this War. Which is why I always try to tone down the more descriptive words which I use, whenever I write about our enemies.

Future generations will know quite well how awful the SQLD were. The Bastards and Bitches of the Republican Establishment of Iowa, and their nasty buddies the Homosexual/Moderates, will be the Infamous Monstrosities of the Past.

I do not need to call those scum all of the gutter names they deserve. That will not add to their Guaranteed Damnation.

I hasten to add however, that I consider the entire work of Written Explanations and Written Dissent -- that is embodied by all of the Human Websites of Human Communications -- as the ‘Body Of History’ about this War.

I emphasize this, and I urge all Humans to get on their computers and explore (constantly) for Human Websites that tell the Truth.

Create your own Lists of Human Websites. Show them to your Children. Or, have your Children show them to you!

Learn. Read. Understand.

We Are A Species At War.

The Human Websites, are the Frontline Reports from the War Correspondents of this fight.

You will NEVER get the Truth from the Satan Tube, or the Filthy Monkeys, or the Newsrags, or the SQLD websites such as the Iowa Prostitution (formerly Republican), and the Iowa Liberal Fakery (formerly Independent)! It will never happen. For them to admit a Truth, is a mandatory step towards telling a LIE!


Having said that, as obvious as it is, I cannot stress enough how immensely important ‘Home Schooling’ is to our Species.

I think, as I write this, about the public schools I went through. They ranged from neutral to Absolute Hell.

I would not wish those conditions on any Human child. And yet, part of my brain wonders if our Children (who are raised in Home Schools) will miss the tough lessons that occur in a public school; and not get the messages such tortures bring with them.

The answer is clear. As bad as they were, the lessons I learned in public school were all about Humans. The lowest levels of Humanity, yes. Humans, none-the-less.

In the Moderate/Homosexual public schools of the (NEA), which is where the term ‘Bastards and Bitches’ originally came from -- Humanity itself is forbidden. It is not even allowed to be spoken or referred to in the public schools, unless the SQLD teachers are using the word falsely to describe their Genocidal Teachings Against Humanity. Which is literally claiming to be Humans, while exterminating Humanity and all Humans!

Therefore, ‘public education is not only unnecessary -- it is literally poison to the Human Minds of our Children!

To send your child to a Republican/Democrat public school is a Death Sentence for their Human Minds!!!!


Your seventh weapon against the Opinion Farters is FAITH.

Not just Faith in God, but also Faith in Humanity, and what we really are (without the Satan Tube). Faith in how good and decent we really can be, if we can have our own World to live in.

I know World Wars are bad. However, they are manifestations of our Determination to be a Good Species, regardless of how wrong some of us may be; or rather how misled some of us may have been.

If we were not a Good Species, we would all be speaking Hitlerian Deutsch or Showan Nipponese right now.

Instead, today the SQLD all want us to be talking Braindead DemoSpeak. Which, according to the inestimable Opinion Farts of the Monkey Judges, would be best for all of us! Not to mention, making their whoring so much easier.

Faith is more than mere believing. In this War, Faith is something that needs to be built. It is a key component of other weapons, such as Determination and Education.

Faith is not just something you accept. Faith needs to be built. Resisting our enemies and seeing how cowardly and lying and deceiving and currish they really are, builds Faith in our Species.

Combat builds Faith.

The Fight gives you Faith.

Seeing the Truth, and not being blinded by the Satan Tube, brings with it not only startling realizations, but also Faith. Faith in the Power of Humanity.

A Human Species Under God Is Never Going To Die.

When the pressure is on, and the Bastards and Bitches are in your face with their lies and demands for obedience -- it is Faith that gives power to Courage, which gives force to Determination, which allows a Human to Resist.

A Reservoir of Faith is priceless. I know, the more any Human learns about his or her Species, and how good we really are; the more they will realize that this Earth is for us and never the SQLD. Never for the Democrats/Femi-Nazis/Liberals/Moderates/Homosexuals/Black Racists/TransHumans/Piggies etc. All of that is a stewpot of mental diseases and avarices and greeds and twisted hatreds.

We have already fought World Wars against evil dominations.

Will we not be willing to fight another World War, against even worse insanities and genocidal dominations?

Of course.

And, that is why our enemies do not want us to have Weapons!

Without Weapons, we cannot fight for what is good and right.


Seven Weapons For Seven Monkey Judges.

Use the Weapons.

Be Free Of The Monkeys.


I have heard, directly, a few confidential discussions between DemoDopes -- spilling the beans to each other, when they were sure they were not being overheard. I was just listening and memorizing their faces. But, the Crackheads and Nasty Neuters say I do not exist. So, it’s all right.

They said the (less-supreme-than-anyone-else) Monkey Judges are complaining to Madame Gronstal that they would not have voted for the Q&P MH, and certainly never in unison, if they had not been lied to by Madame Gronstal. The Pantyhose Queen of the Statehouse apparently told the Seven Stooges in the Cathouse across the street, that if they Farted to the Left -- Markel Peters would leave Iowa! The Human Resisters would leave too!

Iowa would be -- All Theirs For The Perverting!!!!

As you may have guessed, that is not what happened. Now, the Opinion Farters in the Cathouse of the Seven Monkeys are very afraid!

Somehow they have gotten the word.

This is going to follow them to their GRAVES!!!!

The Real Iowa is now the center of Human Resistance!

No matter what atrocities, crimes, and murders they commit and sanction!


There are some really scared monkeys in Des Moines these days.

Is it not a shame? Such demented creatures as those Monkeys, existing where Human Judges should be?! Afraid that their schemes for power and control and Supremacy over the ‘People Cattle’ will fail!


The Weapons & The Weakness:

The Monkey Judges, are the weapons and the weakness of the entire elite sewer of Moderates and Homosexuals that want to control and rule over all of us, until we can be replaced.

If you defeat their Judge Whores, you defeat the entire SQLD Apparatus. The perverts have made this gamble, hoping their propagandas and lies will carry them through.


In all events, Human Resistance and the Will Of The People are all that prevents the Homosexual/Democrats (et al) from turning Iowa into the Second Boston Horrid Zone.

Otherwise, they would turn this state into ‘Queer Dogmeat’, like the Pantyhose Madams and their Seven Monkey Judges across the street.

Never has the saying -- “Give Them An Inch And They Will Take A Mile!” been more appropriate.

In the case of ‘Judge Retention’ -- “Deny Them An Inch And They Lose A Mile!”


Ordinarily, if I was subjective about this, I would say to the SQLD -- take the Children of the Iowa Republican Prostitutes (formerly Establishment), and leave our Children alone!!!!

[[People, read the comments of the Iowa Liberal Fakery (formerly Independent) and then read the comments of the Iowa Prostitution (formerly Republican). They are the same comments from the same perverts!]]

Subjectively, I would say to the SQLD -- take the Children of the Republican Prostitutes (formerly Establishment) and leave our Children alone!!!!

Which is what the Republican Prostitutes intend to avoid! Those scum want the 'SERFS' and the 'PEE-ONS' to lose THEIR Children to the ‘Queers‘. That will give the Elite Ruling Class more superiority and more rights to dominate!

But, I have a better idea.

There is an Eighth Weapon to use against the SQLD.

Their Children.

Instead of merely protecting our own Children from the diseases that are the Clientele of the Moderate/Homosexuals (and their nasty bedfellows the Democrat/Homosexuals) -- why not save the Children of the Homosexual/Moderates and Homosexual/Democrats too????

Why allow any Human Children to be Queered????



So, why are we not Counter-attacking?

Why not Counter-attack the SQLD, and save their Children before they can be Queered?

Why let any Human Children die? Just because their parents lick queer asses for money?


This is an ‘Indicator Issue’ of Great Importance, that shows us how fooled and complacent the ‘GVP’ really is (General Voting Public). Every vote of ‘NO’ on Judge Retention is an indication of a Human Voter that is FREE! Free of the SQLD!


Remember what I said about Faith from fighting?

You all need to keep one eyeball locked onto what is happening in MassInsanity! You need to see what perseverance can achieve in this fight!

MassResistance Is Beneficial:

If Humans can win victories in MassInsanity, why cannot Humans win victories here in Iowa?


Also-More about the Phony Perverted Ruling in California:
Our Own Defenses Are Letting Us Down.
Our Defense Teams Are Not Cooperating In California!
Has The ADF Been Paid To Lose?
Is The Republican Establishment Telling Them To Lose?
Or, Are They Just Stupid And Alienated From The Species?

Liberty Counsel -- what happened:

ADF -- Dodges The Blame For Being Lame:

CS Monitor Says Republican Piggies Only Care About Elections:

The urgency about the California situation, is that the Monkey Judges have to demand that their phony rulings be respected and made law ASAP -- before the Humans can practice such remedies as the seven I have just explained -- and wipe the Monkeys and their support network of maggots out of our lives! And, put them back into the gutters where they came from!

The Monkey Judges and the Satan Tube scum, and all of the SQLD, will throw their crap in all of your faces, demand that Q&P MH is legal, call their Opinion Farts ‘Law’ and threaten you with all forms of penalties and imprisonment -- if you do not kneel before their Bullshit Thrones and agree. Agree to destroying the Future of the Human Species as you say -- “Yes, Maastahs. Yes, Maastahs!”

And with those words you sell our species into slavery and then Genocide by Replacement.


Also, here is the list of the phony Republicans that voted for the Kagan SQLD stooge:

A handful of mostly moderate Republicans broke with their party to back her: Maine Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, South Carolina's Sen. Lindsey Graham, retiring Sen. Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, and Indiana Sen. Richard Lugar.




Ann Coulter is just a Commercial Femi-Nazi, pretending to be a Real Human Woman!!!!

Commercial protestors have their own greedy reasons for wanting Human Resistance to die, and be replaced by their magic tricks and commercial playtimes!

Now -- are all women who look remotely like that commercial dummy ‘Coulter’ -- supposed to think it is alright to collaborate with our worst enemies???? This time the ones pretending that 'Conservatives' can be 'Queer' too????

It is getting paid to do just that!!!!

What this is, besides commercial prostitution, is Homosexual/Moderation by a 'Commercial Protestor For Hire', that was never truly a part of the Human Resistance to begin with! It was just making a profit by pretending to be. Now, it sees more profits elsewhere!

Well, it just lost the Human Market!

No one in Human Resistance would attend any party or celebration of the Death of our Species -- unless he or she was the Main Course! The slaughtered lamb.

Way to go bitch!!!!

If you had a dick, you would have stepped on it a hundred times by now!!!!


In Kentucky, not overtly known for Democrat Trash, come some more typical and revealing comments -- from DemoDopes of course.

I just recently spent a weekend in Kentucky, at a large truckstop -- where as usual I was minding my own business. Minding my own business and hearing what the enemy is saying, is not a problem for me. As usual, I am always surrounded by some forms of SQLD vermin, and I have ears that resemble radar dishes in abilities, and I am always instantly reactive to Evil. Especially, when I look like I’m sleep walking. Which I imitate, just to throw the dopes off guard.

There they were. Two DemoDopes. One was thin and medium built, dressed in faded blue jeans and last year’s dirty shirt, topped by scruffy blond hair. The other was bigger, taller, more stocky, wearing dark clothes and a beat up ‘cowboy’ hat. Both were ‘Caucasians’. Though I could never figure what the Caucus Mountains has to do with this.

Both looked not so confident. That look when someone is clinging to the rails of a lifeboat that has many leaks, and is doomed to sink. These two were unsettled, and knew they were on the outside of the lifeboat, where the Sharks are.

They were jabbering about their evils and dementias, and how they “goin ta kill off da bad ‘umans’ some day” -- blah blah blah. Then the one with scruffy hair, and the face only an undertaker could love, sees me. I freeze, and pretend to be a rack of candy bars.

He hits the other one and says “That’s the ‘Problem‘, right over there! He was close to stoppin us this time!”

It’s so nice to be recognized and appreciated.

Of course, that sounds a lot like the standard queer saying -- “He was closed to begin with!” or “He was closed anyway!” -- as in anus.

Everything is about anuses with faggots. All words lead to Anuses, in their Post-Humanity.

The bigger one, looks at me out of its right eye, so as I cannot see it. So, I guess I didn’t see it. Does not move, as it is waiting in line for the checkout counter, but grumbles “He was! He would not play with our Punks though.”

They both turned away then, while keeping their places in line. I was on ‘Laundry Detail’, and I had heard enough anyway; so I proceeded to proceed to the Laundry Room.

I can only presume (with 100% accuracy) that by ‘Punks’ those idiots mean the Republican Establishment of Iowa -- the most famous Punks in Iowa History!

Being a ruminator, digester, and spitter-outer of conclusions -- I deduced -- whilst watching the washing machines fill up with hot water -- how this reveals that DemoDopes only ‘think’ in terms of Establishments, and ‘What does favors for them’.

In their miserable existence -- that which does not do favors for them, does not exist. No favors -- no recognition! If you do not deal with and play with ‘what favors them’, you cannot win.

Even if you do! Even if you do win. Winning over them is ignored by them, because they only see and think in terms of ‘what favors them’. All else is unwanted existence, just there, and only worthwhile if it somehow ‘favors them’.

In their greedy brains only they win, everyone else loses!

The only way to defeat such Democraps is to Reduce Their Winnings To Nothing!!!!

When they win nothing, and nothing ‘favors them’; they will do something that we demand; such as an end to Genocide by Replacement!


Same place, same day.

A Black Radical Female also recognizes me, and gets on its cell phone to report. (typical)

I give it time to report, and then to start jabbering on the cell phone. It complains about the ‘Folks’ is nervous, and it’s (his) fault. Then comes the kicker -- “He’s stupid! Always goin to be slavery!”

Then it starts to talk about relatives and digresses into that half-speech ‘shortspeak’ that jive radicals use. If you have never heard it -- it ceases to be pronounced speech, but becomes a series of rising and falling wails and moans and chattering (literally) -- which I have always likened to what crucified slaves say to each other just before the end. Feeble whining, and utter anguish, trying to say goodbye -- cross to cross.

So ... “He’s stupid! Always goin to be slavery!”

So ... I should not care. What use is it?

Some Human just died of slavery.

Another Human just died of slavery.

Another Human just entered slavery.

If I do not separate the Real California from the SchwartzenToad /Vaughn Walker Concentration Camp of Demo-California; more than seven million Humans will enter slavery!!!!!!!!!!

Bitch says -- I am stupid. I should not care.

Okay -- I’m stupid.

Back to Reality!


I am already hearing song intimidations on the Filthy Monkey Band in Wisconsin -- singing messages that teenagers should drop being straight and 'change their lifestyles'. The sick songs I heard did not go as far as saying 'become queer like us'. They did however say that teenagers should drop being straight and 'change their lifestyles'!

I was at a shopping center/mall off I94 in southern Wisconsin. I heard a series of pretend song with the lyrics having been commissioned by the SQLD and the Filthy Monkeys.

All you need, to make that filth exactly like the Brainwashings of the Communist Chinese (of the Mao Zedong era) is to use loudspeakers on all comers and in the bathrooms, and make the tone of the voices demanding and falsely-triumphant!

The lyrics (message) are identical! They do not have to change the words and false implications. They just have to step up the volume, attitude and put out more speakers -- and WISCONSIN IS A CONCENTRATION CAMP!!!!



The Great Plague:
The Great Plague (1665-1666) was a massive outbreak of disease in the Kingdom of England that killed an estimated 100,000 people, 20% of London’s population. The disease is identified as bubonic plague, an infection by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, transmitted through a flea vector.
This outbreak spread to France for a year.

The Great Plague of Vienna occurred in 1679 in Vienna, Austria, the imperial residence of the Austrian Habsburg rulers. From contemporary descriptions, the disease is believed to have been bubonic plague, which is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, carried by fleas associated with the black rat and other rodents. The city was crippled by the epidemic, which recurred fitfully into the early 1680s, losing an estimated 76,000 residents.

You will notice in the article the reference what was called the ‘Viennese Death‘. Today, in Demo-California, there is the ‘Vaughn Walker/Schwartzen-Been-With-The-Perverts-Too-Long Death‘!


Sixth cholera pandemic-Wiki:

Waterborne diseases-Wiki:
There should be one on television borne diseases, and perversion borne diseases.

In the 19th century, tuberculosis killed an estimated one-quarter of the adult population of Europe; and by 1918 one in six deaths in France were still caused by TB.


Markel Peters