Thursday, April 29, 2010


The Former Satan Tube Addicts Are Going Insane:

I am seeing this in many places -- and always where Satan Tube Addiction used to be the heaviest. In some cases, they are actually staggering around and bumping into things -- with dead and frightened eyes.

The next stage -- is drooling and the shakes.

Deep inside everyone, who is still more Human than Satanic and ‘Queer’ Lying-Dead, there burns a desire to be Good, and to be Decent, and to be a Real Human.

Hence, many former slaves of the SQLD are escaping from the lies and brainwashings of the Satanic Medias.

Some slaves however, are just not strong enough, or smart enough, or supported enough (by Relatives and Friends) to escape entirely.

Still partially addicted to the lying puke of the Satan Tube Satanists, those former Satan Tubers are trying to watch the lies of the Satan Tube (AND) read the Truth from the Human Resistance, at the same time.

It is killing their brains. What is left, that is.

The lies of the Satan Tube Deviates are so horrible, and the Truth from the Human Resisters is so Horrible, (because the Truth about the Liars of the Satan Tube is so Horrible) -- that the former Satan Tubers who are trying to watch TV (AND) learn the Truth at the same time, are getting a double dose of Horrible!

It is killing their brains, from the inside out.


The SQLD are not going to stop being the Anti-Human vermin that they are. If they do, they will end up in the Insane Asylums of the APA.

Talk about ‘Irony’.

The Human Resistance is not going to stop. This is a War Against Genocide!

So ... ‘Double-Dipping Dopes’ are going completely insane.


Let me explain it in terms of those Looney Tunes.

They had better get the message fast, while they still can.

They do not watch the Satan Tube, if they want to be Free and Sane!!!!



The future of the Human Species is far too important to jeopardize it for a bunch of 'Half-Ass' idiots, that think they can watch the lies of the Satan Tube (AND) know the Truth at the same time. Such fools are dangerously near being brain-dead to begin with, having been Satan Tubers already!

Their addiction will not be supported by the Future of the Human Species!!!!


To the rest of you, I say ...

I am going to write off those 'Half-Asses'!

I will not allow a camp of raving lunatics like them to deter or threaten the Human Future for everyone!!!!

Just because they cannot get their TV Heads, out of their TV Asses!!!!


There will not be any more attention given to such losers, by me. When I see such 'Insane', I will either ignore them or deplore them.

My suggestion to the rest of you. Take them, and sit them down in a comfy corner, with a bathtub full of applesauce to slurp (or otherwise play with). I don't want to hear about those Looney Tunes again.

If you really want to be nice to them -- drop ‘PSYCH-creatures’ into their bathtubs of applesauce -- for them to play with. You know what I mean ... those parasitic, blood-sucking, mind-f**cking bastards and bitches, with the letters PSYCH on the front of their ‘titles’!

That will make -- EVERYONE HAPPY!!!!

Almost as good as the All-Time Number One Favorite -- Applesauce and Trial Lawyers!!!!


That is what I would do.

I would give the PSYCH-creatures to their victims.

And You?!

You will give the victims to the PSYCH-creatures!!!!


Oh -- it really pays to watch the Satan Tube -- doesn’t it?

Are you still letting your Relatives and Friends watch TV, listen to Filthy Monkeys, or read kindergarten-grade newsrags?

When I see the words 'Relatives' and 'Friends', I also see the word 'Love'.

Apparently, you do not.


It is just like all of YOU, to keep your busy 'all-important' schedules and personal priorities going at a falsely-accelerated speed -- while your Relatives and Friends go insane, and die at YOUR FEET!!!!

It is just like YOU, to withhold YOUR HEALING LOVE from them -- instead of healing them at HOME -- ‘Where The Human Love Is’! IF, the TV is shut off!!!!

YOU will ship them off to PsychoWards -- where the PSYCH-creatures can get their vicious minds and claws into them.

Just as long as YOUR 'all-important' crap is not bothered, or slowed down!

YOU must enjoy Rivers Of Blood! Relative and Friendly Blood!


Donations to the American Psychiatric Association anyone?

If not money -- how about 'Relatives and Friends -- for Cash'!


If you were sane -- you would be at their doors with Pitchforks and Torches!!!!

Unhappy Victims, and Relative Donors. Unhappy Guinea Pigs, and Friend Donors!


Just WHO do you think taught the SQLD, how to make Satan Tubers out of YOUR 'Relatives and Friends'?

And, you.


The APA ‘Queer Positions‘: Watch lying propaganda at its worst. Search -- Homo


Happy to be on the APA’s ‘Unresponsive to Shock, Drugs, and Intimidation’ list.

Markel Peters

Wednesday, April 21, 2010




I Seldom Defend My Writings. Especially, when the proof of what I am saying is so abundant and readily available everywhere.

But, this time I will explain.

Just explain.


How can you Insult -- an Insult?

Especially lying insults to all of our Intelligences?

An 'Insult' is a rhetorical device or technique of prevention or repudiation.

It is meant to stop, halt, or deter a person, group of persons or event of persons.

At the same time it is a refusal of a thought, group of thoughts or an event of thoughts -- such as the Demotopia Mindset.

Often an Insult is used as a shorthand method of preventing or stopping a wrong doing, or evil pretense, or deliberate wickedness.

I know this, and I consider insults to be a waste of time. I DO use a lot of APPROPRIATE DESCRIPTIONS, but they only serve to embellish and accentuate what is really going on.

The Truth!


In my case I am being accused of ‘Insulting’. The accusation is, of course, a conjuring by devious propagandists -- who by all means do not want their Voter/Followers to realize that I am saying the Truth.

That I am using the Truth against them.

They want their minions to believe it is all nothing more than insults!

Concealed beneath claims of 'Insults', the Truth can be negated, shuffled aside and forgotten.


It uses the 'Three Minute Rule' of the Little Charlie Dictators in their Little Charlie TV Stations. Which says -- "No viewer can remember anything for more than three minutes."

So hide the Truth quick -- and feed them lies --- every three minutes. Either as advertising, comments, or program content.

This is crucial to know, because those scum bags that say I am insulting them -- rely upon such Rules -- like the 'Three Minute Rule', and the 'Lie Enough Rule'.

Furthermore, because of their 'Games Mentality' they think they can cloak and hide their real evil -- behind the safety and sanctity of pre-existing conditions -- such as the days when our `Human' Country had ‘Human’ Presidents! Presidents worthy of respect.

They think this is a Game of 'Punks Of The Hill'. If they are on top of the Hill, they -- MUST BE REVERED, AND PRAISED, AND WORSHIPPED!!!!

But, what if it is a Hill Of Dung? To begin with! Debased, butchered and perverted from its True and Original Intentions!

Just like what they want to do, to the Constitution of the United States of America!

What then? Give them respect?


Respect for anyone else would sour in their lying mouths -- and curdle in their Evil Hearts!

Respect from us would only serve to inflate their horrible egos, and make them sure of their Mastery and Dominance!

They are a pack of swine, playing at being a Oligarchy of Tyranny!

Expecting to be Honored and Adored.



You know, we haven't seen this level of debauchery and Master-Slave relationships and EXPECTATIONS, since the days of the Roman Empire.

Even the German National-Socialists did not expect such worship and deification as do these Homosexual/Democrat National-Socialists!

Of course then, the Original Nazis took Germany by pretense, backed up with force.

The Puke-Bag Nazis we are fighting, are still in the pretend stage of things -- thinking they can get enough 'Queer Governors' together to hit us with a Blitzkrieg of Emergency Forces ("to stabilize the country") if we revolt -- or when they think they can gain an easy victory. Whichever comes first.

And believe me -- if they do not get what they want -- they will snap into ultra-violence and terrorism against us -- just like the Foreign Enemies that they represent! Just like the Fanatic Socialists they are!


A lot of this complaining from the SQLD is the hatred that liars and propagandists have, when they must submit to the Truth.

They are not in that business.

For them, there is no profit in Truth.


Look at a Whiner and Complainer that says "He disrespects ... blah, blah, and blah ...", and you are looking at a Failed LIAR!

That still wants to RULE -- YOU!


Can it be?

Are these pathetic complaints from the same creatures that have insulted and defamed ALL HUMANITY, and especially Human Resisters? Since their rancid kind first infested this Planet? With each and every insult intended to kill!?


Can this be? From the same backstabbing Democrat/Homosexuals that have been trying to starve me to death for decades? By doing everything they can to defame me, steal from me, frame me for their crimes, and get me fired from every job I have ever had during this War?

Don't tell me it's those Bastards and Bitches!




Insults huh?

The Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead want to talk about insults?

Let me give you an example of insults.

Months ago, in January, I was at a truckstop in Davenport, Iowa (known as a hotbed of left-wing radicals).

Being somewhat identifiable, because I walk erect and straight instead of slouched and stooped, as all White Men are supposed to; I often garner comments and insults from the twisted and foul Voter/Followers, of the Regime that owns the Black Puppet and the Circus of Socialists.

This time I was walking past a Demented White Female (DWC) and a Black Radical Female.

“Yeah - He’s White!” says the Black Radical Female.

In response the Demented White Female (DWC) says -- “He’s definitely for them pricks!”

They returned to discussing ideas for intimidating me.

Their disappointment was touching. Disappointed appetites for -- me? No. Disappointed appetites for the weapon against Humanity, that they thought I could become. Yes. Under their control!


This kind of defamation has a history, which I will explain.
First of all, each and every time a wicked scheme of the DWC fails -- and their Human Targets escape alive -- the DWC bitches scream (and I quote from much experience)

“You Prick!”
or -- “ You Miserable Prick!”
or -- “ You Lousy Prick!”
or -- “You Straight Prick!”

Those exclamations and insults come from rabid brains that want death -- Human Death. They thirst for and crave Human Death. And, when it is denied -- that is what they shout.


Failed Hate.

Why Hate?

At this point who knows, and who could care?

Actually, it is still very simple.


Constant and Vicious Evil.


Does the word “Decades” mean anything to you?

For decades the Demented White Females (DWC) have been yelling those words at me. And, always when they finally realize that the latest Homicidal Attack against me has failed!

I have been called every insult their horrid brains can imagine.

Never do I hear regrets or remorse from them, about being as horrible as they are. They are not allowed to know that ALL OF THEIR TROUBLES come from the PERVERSIONS they were killed with!

Never do I hear them say, they will change for the better, and escape their perverted Masters. It is not allowed.

And now, when I say that THEIR HORRID GOD is nothing more than a pathetic Puppet for the SQLD, which is obviously being foisted upon all of the world as ‘HObama the Magnificent Pervert’ (for hire) -- the same scum that want to insult the Human Species to death, complain about my ‘insults‘.

Don't make me laugh.


I wonder.

Do the SQLD Remember?

When I was lying there on that bed in the first aid room, deep inside the Grotesque Malfunctioning Freakhouse (GMF) of the Boston Horrid Zone?

In a convulsive reaction to the drugs that their HMO Quack had given me?

If I was not given the Antidote within thirty minutes, I would become 'Brain Dead'!

The Postal Doctor on Duty called the Postal Monster on the top floor, that ruled the Grotesque Malfunctioning Freakhouse (GMF), and asked for orders.

The order from the Master, was to keep me there and let me die.

The Doctor refused, because he was afraid the Queen would go to the ‘Feds‘, and there would be an investigation. I was shaking and convulsing, but I held my breath and listened to them argue.

So it called for an Ambulance, instead of allowing all of the Killer Lesbians and DWC that worked there, to come over and watch me die. While they laughed, and threw cups of urine at me.

From a distance. Still afraid I might defend myself.

Do the SQLD remember?

I do.

I remember, when I see the Lesbian Advertisements on the 'Iowa Liberal Fakery' website. ((formerly known as the 'Iowa Independent'))


I also remember who saved me.

Four massive Black Men, in khaki and gold Ambulance Corps uniforms. Each of those guys could have been a lineman for the Green Bay Packers!


Still, I would have gone into a 'Coma of No Return', if they had not slammed that Ambulance through all of the Inner City traffic. Then, three of them carried me into the Hospital, past the waiting room full of wheelchair cases, past the Emergency Check-in, straight to an Emergency Bed -- while the fourth one found the Emergency Doctor and brought her over to where I was convulsing.

Do the SQLD remember?

I do.


The SQLD ‘Innocence And Sincerity’ Was So Touching On That Day.

Their insulting attempt to kill me was so worthy of my praise and appreciation!

Just one of the many insulting homicidal attempts of course.

All of which, a miserable miscreant such as myself failed to worship and adore them for.

How dare I?


Now, when I say the Truth about them -- they tell their Voter/Followers that I am insulting them.

And 'People' should not like me!

After all -- I am supposed to be dead!

How many times??


And, what about their own descriptions about me?

A year ago the Lying Lesbians were telling everyone that I am a ‘faggot’! That I should be under their control.

All the while, calling me a ‘prick’ when no one else was listening, except me.

Now I am being called a “FU**ER”, openly by the Revealed Lesbians! As they insult me for telling the Truth.

And, people vote for Democrat/Homosexuals??


Can you believe it?

I have been insulted so many times by the Homosexual/Democrats -- with no success of course -- the swine are actually mad at me for not telling them that their insults do not work!!!!

They actually complain at me for not telling them!!!!

For wasting their time!!!!


Of course, ‘Officially’ I do not exist anyway!

Well, aren't the Crackheads and Nasty Neuters (CNN) -- officials??


Excuse me folks, but Life Marches On.

Any idiot that is stupid enough to listen to any Democrat/Homosexual, can continue to suffer from those Homosexual/Democrats.

I will return to my 'Insulting Ways'!

I Hope They Enjoy The 'Insults'.


I leave you this time, with my final words on this topic.

They can Kiss My Ass!!!!


This time however, I will tell them.

We are way beyond Kisses, in this War.


Markel Peters


P.S. By the way.

If any of you are basing your future plans on whether the Conservatives will win this time, or not -- do not.

We are not going to ‘lose‘.

We know who we are now.

Running in elections, is just exercise.

For better times to come.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


What Is Political Moderation -- 101--02, AND a preview of THE ATROCIOUS III:


Folks, listen to me. There are no 'Moderates'. There is just the SQLD and the Human Species -- with nothing except mush in-between!

You have heard the term, 'Swampland in Arizona.'? That is called an 'OxyMoron'. An ‘OxyMoron‘ is any term with contradictions inside of it.

The usage of contradictory terms is a favorite pastime of the SQLD. It is like a second language to them. They love to screw up their own brains, and everyone else's brains with OxyMorons -- like Masochists love straight razors.

I will give you some examples of the OxyMorons that exist between the Human Species, and the ‘Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead‘:

Courageous Moderate
Wise Coward
Astute Satan-Tuber
Generous Miser
Lucid Ostrich
Eloquent Mute
Knowing Dupe
Altruistic Liar
Monotheistic Atheist
Intelligent Blasphemer
Stalwart Whore
Determined Fool
Angry Voter/Follower
Productive Day-Dreamer
Truthful Politician
Sharing Egomaniac
Philanthropic Scam-Artist

Just to name a few.


These days, in the boiling caldron of Iowa Politics -- the so-called 'Political Analysts' are saying that within the Republican Party of Iowa ...

The 'Republican Party of Iowa'?


Anyway, the Anal-Cysts say ... inside the Republican Party of Iowa the primary election boils down to a fight between 'Main Street Republicans', and 'Church Street Republicans'.

Now, right off I have to protest!

If there was such a thing as a 'Church Street' in Iowa, it would be such a Hellish Battleground you would need the help of Divine Intervention, just to cross that street at High Noon.

Each Church would be equipped with Catapults, Rocket Launcher Pods, Quad 50 caliber Machine Guns, Mortars, Cannons, (and Canons), Underground Bunkers, Heli-ports for their Attack Helicopters ... and assorted sundry goodies.

This is BUSINESS, son!

By now, the 'Church Street' would be blasted down to the bedrock, by the countless firefights, bonsai charges, and artillery bombardments between competing Church Businesses.


The Anal-ysts lie.

In Reality, it is the Democrat/Homosexual/Moderate/Socialists VS the Conservatives.

This high degree of fakery comes from the lying lips of the Moderates, and is truly GROSS-TESQUE!

Myself, knowing what I know, I am far from being fooled by anything GROSS.

I will never vote for a Homosexual/Democrat Stooge, that has already been ordered to scuttle the Marriage Amendment!

The 'Republican Party of Iowa' is already so vaporous and needing of Real Human Leadership, that it is easily scuttled by a Democrat/Homosexual attack using 'Moderate Weapons of Mass Destruction'!

If the Democrat/Moderate wins the Republican Primary -- not only will it be a GROSS-INJUSTICE -- at that precise second the 'Republican Party of Iowa' will cease to exist as a Human Political organization.

It will become the Proverbial (and smelly) Dead Herring!


At that time, I will declare the 2010 Gubernatorial Race for the Homosexual/Democrat National-Socialists!!!!


At last, the time will have arrived for the FIRST HUMAN CONSERVATIVE PARTY to become a Reality.


I Kid You Not.
I Swear To Almighty God.
The Following Is True!

The Democrat/Homosexual Middle-Masters in other states, such as Illinois and Indiana, are already telling their Voter/Followers that they will win Iowa.
And, from their own mouths comes -- "Because there will only be Democrats to vote for -- so their ‘Queers‘ will be in control.”

[[Interesting, that even they are calling the perverts “Queers” now.]]

Then they made the -- "He's French Fries!" remark again.


At first this did not make sense, because everyone knows the Moderates are actually Homosexual/Democrats. But, as I heard more and more of it -- it now makes sense in their twisted and sick ways.

They know that they have a Democrat/Homosexual running as a Republican Candidate, against Bob Vander Platts. They expect to manipulate the Primaries so their Homosexual/Democrat becomes the 'Republican Candidate'.

However, they (as usual) expect that this will kill the Human Species!

Only true Narcissistic Maniacs can conjure up such ideas, but there it is.

With Total SQLD control of Political Iowa, they expect to control all Political Elections in America from now on!

Very nice of them, don't you think?

Which of course explains the attacks upon Humans, by the 'Attack Punks', at the Des Moines Truckstops. They think they can get away with any and all attacks, because they have this next election RIGGED!

The perverts are claiming Des Moines as their Demo-Iowa City -- and they are already starting to apply Statehouse-Madame Approved terror tactics -- against any Human that seems capable of resisting.

This 2010 election is so rigged already, that it is not funny. Indeed it is horrible, and an exact copy of the Theft of 2008!


Meanwhile, back at the Pig Ranch -- the Republican Party of Iowa is crippled by a GROSS-TESQUE Pre-Existing Condition!

So, why not let it die under GROSS-TESQUE Miscare?

Not to mention a GROSS-TESQUE Misjustice!


Meanwhile, WE can create a Human Political Party of Conservatives!


Incidentally, that new generation of pervert-embracing losers -- that Cheney and Powell say has now been fornicated successfully (in their brains) ...

they wouldn’t be those 'Attack Punks' at the Des Moines Truckstops would they?
How the GROSS newsrags must love such Political Hacks, spouting doofus lies for profit.

This allows them to print some more GROSS articles, filled with Doomsday Lies about the Doomed Conservatives -- to give the 'Attack Punks' more incentive to harass and defame more Humans! Without fear of reprisals!


Thank God -- I did not think of it!


Oh well, if there is NO Marriage Amendment Alive -- there is NO Republican Party Alive!

If Bob Vander Platts is not the Republican Candidate -- it is all over for the Republicans in this state.


They go the path of the ‘Dodo Gross‘.


If, for some reason, you want to save the Republican party -- stop the GROSS Moderate/Socialists.

If you just want to help Humanity; and the GROSS Socialist/Democrat/Homosexual becomes the 'Republican Candidate' -- turn your back to this election and begin to create a party of Human Conservatives -- and do not vote for any Gubernatorial candidate.

Remember, this Double-Homosexual/Democrat move is also intended to cause as much pain to Real Humans as possible. Because, the SQLD have a new generation of Devil Worshippers to feed. That have been trained to crave Human Pain, and now love the taste of Human Suffering.


They are all ‘sick-sick-sick’, and demented former-liberals and perverts, that have been given the ‘AAHT’ -- Advanced Anti-Human Training.

They are all in their twenties, and extremely vicious and loudmouthed and disruptive and aggressive -- like the 'Attack Punks' at the Des Moines Truckstops.

Hey -- they are!

To say that their brains are wracked by syphilis dementias, combined with the sure knowledge that they are AIDS-carriers and AIDS-killers (every chance they get), is an understatement!

They are the Terror Enforcers of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead that I have told you about -- and they are in Des Moines!


Simultaneously, the Democrat/Homosexual Political Machine is spending a lot of GROSS Dollars to make Human Candidates (like Bob Vander Platts) think they can never win a RIGGED ELECTION.

Which is supposed to put all Humans into despondency and pain.

PAIN to feed the new ranks of 'Terror Punks' -- all in their demented twenties. Just like the ones at the Des Moines Truckstops!

Pain to grease the Moderate Wheels of Betrayal and Slight of Mouth!

We have the words of the Moderates themselves that they have 'created polls' to say that the People of Iowa do not want Conservatives.

To 'create' a poll -- is NOT a poll.

That is a pre-biased questionnaire!

Polls -- are neutral -- unbiased -- unfettered -- and undirected!

Or, they are worthless Propaganda!


I wonder though. Does a Moderate-For-Profit get paid a Moderate Profit? Or, a GROSS Profit??


By the way, did some 'Moderate' lose its Human Validity?

I found some wrapped in a copy of the Des Moines RearSniffers recently. Just sitting there on the floor, bleeding.

I left it on the newsstand in a convenience store in Fort Dodge -- where all copies of the Des Moines RearSniffers should be left -- on the newsstand.






Every Opera, no matter how bad, has to have it posters and promotions. Even, The Opera of Hate.


The worst of Hate Photographs!

Caption: "Pinocchio? What's a Pervert?"


Son -- You Don’t Want That Rattlesnake To Touch You Like That -- You Don’t Know Where Those Hands Have Been!

Here we see the Homosexual/Democrats at the latest 'Blood-letting Ceremonies'!!!!

And Child.


Caption: There. That’s better. How many times can a Puppet sign a Death Warrant?


This is a photograph of such 'Anti-Human Infamy' that I want to be sure it is never forgotten.
To say that it is a 'Hellish Sight' is too weak.

Caption: Wait a minute. First, the Hag was grinning like a Preying Mantis -- then it was not -- now it is again? And, keep the snake off the kid!

What do you think this is?



It is literally ("Really Really!" as the flying donkey would say), a window into "Hell on Planet Sinister".

Look for yourself!

Look at the degree of Fakery, and pre-arranged pretense in that photograph! Why else would the child be there?

There is absolutely no (adult) innocence or goodness there. And, it is ABOUNDINGLY OBVIOUS!

((I was going to use ‘Abundantly’ -- Mrs. Smith, my eighth grade english teacher -- but as I said then, I like MY WORDS))

The Stage Director that arranged this display of 'Jackasses', put the things together into what it thinks is a display of 'TV Happy Creatures'.

Thus, the entire sham is based upon the artificial and synthetic imitations of Humanity, that the Genociders of the Satanic TV Channels use.

This is merely an extension of the Satan Tube. Henceforth, it is strictly a display for the 'Satan Tuber' imbeciles!


It is worse than you think however. If YOU know anyone who even briefly thinks that this photograph is REAL, and that it shows any kind of Real Truth -- do whatever you can to save that person -- as fast as you can!!!!

Take that person to the nearest mental hospital for emergency treatment as soon as you can!!!!

This is just like how you treat a stroke!!!!

The sooner you get that person to some medical aid -- the more will be left of their mind later!!!!


No. It is true. There is not a single cubic inch of room in that photograph for Real Human Happiness!

Only the most stupid perverts and wishful propagandists would think that there is a single Human Being in that photograph! With the possible exception of the child.

That is one child that does NOT want to be Home Schooled -- that's for sure!

But, if they can Queer OUR Children, in THEIR Public Schools --

God-Damned Right They Will!!!!


And, don’t give me any crap about insulting the families of those monsters!!!!

They Kill Human Families -- Remember?

This is a WAR! Remember!

Begun by THEIR Lies, Attacks, Treacheries and Genocide!



Treat with the Death Enemies of the Human Species -- Leave the Human Species -- Forever!!!!


Caption: Okay clown, only sign once!


Meanwhile, the perverts watch such Collections of ‘Talent’, and laugh!

It is Atrocious alright!

Think about it!

Those Bastards and Bitches run OUR Country????








And -- What do we have behind Door Number Two?

In Demo-Iowa:

The Staging and Reversing continues. However, you can tell the newsrags of Demo-Iowa have lost their veneer of innocence, and their disguise of benevolence. Last Saturday, the SQLD staged a Hate Rally in Des Moines to intimidate and silence a church group from Kansas, that opposes that so-called Homosexual stuff.

Only Human Haters attended. Everyone else completely ignored the entire sideshow. A sideshow of an SQLD sideshow called -- "HATE - HATE - EVERYONE ELSE HATES -- BUTT US!!!!"

I mean it. The rest of Iowa could not have cared less. So, when the SQLD newsrags tried to paint the church group as Haters, only Human Haters were there to read that ass-wipe.

Literally, everyone else was outside enjoying a nice sunny day in Iowa! Myself included.

I had a great time last Saturday. I got to travel around North Iowa, get a lot of shopping for necessities done (I squeezed as many dollars as I could, but some still got away), visited friends -- and I even had an Ice Cream Cone (first of the summer).

Down in Des Moines, the Democrat/Homosexuals were staging a Hate Fest -- and only the SQLD medias and the SQLD planners could give a rip.

I hope they wasted a ton of money on that.


Yes, living on the same planet with Satan Tubers is like having a Freak Show next door -- that you never watch and never listen to because -- ONLY FREAKS ATTEND FREAK SHOWS!!!!

Such as -- their many assorted 'Ain’t We Sweet?' shows -- which they always stage against anyone who tries to oppose them publicly. It never works -- but somehow that don’t mean ’Butt-Kiss’ to them!

That is because they know, you have to be 'Queered' to begin with -- by intimidation, rape, incest, sodomy-molestation and so forth -- to be dead enough to pretend it makes sense. So ... the more they do it ... the more they hope it will ‘Queer’ somebody ... anybody!!!!

But, this is the Stage of Projections and Advertising -- not a Theatre of Reality.

And yet -- the freaks have a dementia that you are always watching their show, and that you somehow care deeply about their Maniac Garbage! Which they think is -- Magical Garbage!




Caption: Are you stuck in that position?


Speaking of Fakery and Pretense on a grand scale, do you think that any of those Socialists, who gave that unconstitutional prize to HObama the Magnificent Pervert -- do any of them want to sacrifice their country and their country's freedom and national identity to that socialism tripe?


And yet, as long as it is America that gets the Axe, that's fine by them. But, just touch THEIR countries and watch them scream, and freak and GO TO WAR!!!!


America is the PIG PIE to them!!!!

They all want a piece of it!!!!

Served up by HObama Their Magnificent Pervert!!!!

OH -- I'm Sorry.

Their Award-Winning Magnificent Pervert!!!!

Pie Anyone????


What is Hilarious about this is -- the propaganda 'experts' of the SQLD are complaining that they have never seen so much disrespect for their programming before. They paint it as disrespect for the US Government, assuming that no one is smart enough to know that they are only the Demotopia of the Homosexual/Democrat Oligarchy.

While ignoring the possibility that anyone can be so 'un-programmed' as to see through them!

What they really do not understand is -- this is just the beginning.

They have committed major and horrendous crimes against the United States of America (which they only consider to exist when they are in Political Power), and against the Human Species. They continue to do so, with deliberate malice and genocide. Furthermore, they have an entire agenda of death lined up to attack us with.

Our counterattacks are slowing down, and stopping their agenda.

Those scum don't like that, and complain while trying to maintain their illusions.

But, like I said, this is just the beginning.


Evil gets angry when it cannot kill, and maim and mutilate Goodness!

You want to watch something?

Watch all of the Evil Democrat/Homosexuals as they lose their lies! Watch them freak and shriek!

As their lies and shams and pretenses fail!

As their Queer Masters whip them on to worse and worse debaucheries and thieveries and murders, all to no avail. To no avail, because the Human Species remains alive and free without them, and their oligarchy of dictators and mindless propaganda.

Worst of all to their twisted brains, Human Resistance continues to grow and thrive and say the Truth about them, and their SQLD cesspool of freaks and demi-gods!

That is why the teeth are gnashing and grinding.

And why, the Gossip Corps have orders to say “You shouldn’t like those Human Resisters! They are traitors! They are dangerous!”

Dangerous? Love this! The same Masters that run the Gossip Corps, run the Attack Punks -- and the Assassination Schemes.


False Historical Photographs, like this one, just end up being used by US, to prove our Points.


Time and time again, in an endless display of hatred and anger caused by the fact that their Bubble of Lies is bursting under the weight of the Truth from Human Resisters -- we see Homosexual/Democrats lashing out at everyone around them like Cornered Rats.

Never do we see them giving up!

And yet, giving up is their only true option!

Unconditional Surrender has always been the only terms that will be accepted from Fascist Fanatics, by the Human Species. These Satanic and 'Queer' Lying-Dead Socialist-Fanatics are no exception!


And, wherever they infest Des Moines, Iowa, or anywhere else:

Around and around they go -- forever running in a Circle of Death. At the top of the circle they commit a crime against Humans, or perpetrate a Lie -- then around the circle they go trying to run away from the Truth, as it chases them for lying -- but always they come around and lie or attack again!

This is because there is never enough death for them and the mental disease that drives them. And always they think, dully and stupidly, that maybe one more lie or one more attack will make the Truth go away!

They are creatures Damned, Cursed and Doomed by their own Nasty Habits.

'Misery Loves Company!' -- so they try to get everyone they can into the act.

Not realizing that in doing so they have revealed the only love they know --The Love Of Pain.


Believe Me, you do not have to be a church from out-of-state to be attacked with Hate Perverts by the busloads, from Minneapolis and Chicago, such as we are seeing in Des Moines.

Anyone who protests their filth will be given another grand display of Total Intolerance -- from the Whiners for Tolerance!!!!


I just hope -- they did not demonstrate any new flashlights -- while they were hating us Humans.


Caption: Think about it. You start with -- ‘HO‘.


These latest idiotic attacks have shown that the Democrat/Homosexuals are only capable of gearing their games and lies towards the ‘politically stupid‘. And, all they care about is political domination over as many Idiot Voter/Followers as is possible. Which is surprising, since they ran out of lies decades ago -- with the Fakery Project from Laramie being their last lingering pathetic whine.

I’m starting to think that the SQLD are more stupid than I thought they were. It now seems possible that they are so stupid they actually do not know the Truth about themselves -- and they may actually worship the Satan Tube as their Deity -- their God!

Yee Gads -- Is That Creepy!!!!

I am tempted to re-label those freaks as the SSQLD -- The Stupid Satanic and ‘Queer’ Lying-Dead.


At the same time, have you noticed how the mind fornicating Homosexual/Democrats always plaster the word ‘Equality’ all over any of the sick-sick-sick things that they do? In their newsrags like the 'Iowa Liberal Fakery'.

And Then -- They apply the word ‘ONE’ to themselves!


The total hypocrisy of it, is as obvious as someone puking on your shoes in a crowded elevator!!!!

Going Down ... Down ... down.


As always, while the two and three-faced Democrat/Homosexuals Whine for Tolerance with one face -- attack Humans with Hate with another face -- deny they are anything but innocent little lambs with another face -- they are also attacking anyone who they think is a Human Resister -- with another face of course.

Or, is it all the same face??


So ... as expected ... while the SQLD stage a Hate Rally against Humans in Des Moines ... bleating and gushing complaints about disrespect ... the Homosexual/Democrat Masters have given orders to cause as much fear in any Real Humans of the Real Iowa as they can.

At the Truckstops in Des Moines 'Flaming-Punks' have been given orders to verbally attack and harass any and all Human Truck Drivers that do not immediately submit to their ‘Statehouse Madame Approved’ diseased behavior.

Doubtless a Boston Horrid Zone ‘School of Queer Terror’ (blessed by the Satanic HObama and the twisted hands that move it), has been set up in hideous Demo-Iowa. It exists to teach ordinary perverts how to become 'Attack Punks', against any innocent Humans they can intimidate.

I have seen and heard this myself, in Des Moines. It is already happening.

That means the SQLD are not going to wait for 2014 to start creating a Horrid Zone here.

These are the drones of the 'Homosexual Agenda' that are being trained to disrupt any Human Public Demonstrations -- such as Tea Party Protests.


Humm -- attack the Humans with 'Flaming Punks' -- spitting out venom and insults!!!!

Humm -- attack the Human Truckdrivers at the Truckstops in Des Moines!!!!

Humm -- stage Hate Rallies against Humans in Des Moines, disguised as ‘Whining for Tolerance’ sessions!!!!

Humm -- that provides a distraction while the 'Attack Punks' assault those Human Truck Drivers, and any Human Resisters they can find!!!!

Those 'Truckers' are independent thinkers, and we can't have that!!!!

They tell the Truth!!!!

We can't have that!!!!

Humm -- I'll bet some Stupid-Putz-In-Pantyhose at the Statehouse thought that one up.

Of course, it is a decades-old SQLD Tactic! That should not be tried of Truckdrivers.

My guess is, by the time you read this, a number of ‘Attack Punks’ have had their asses kicked up around their ears.


Just how pathetic are the malicious liars, known as the Democrat/Homosexuals?

The only thing they care about, in all of my writings, is how I report what they are saying, and what their lies are!

Nothing else matters, because they already know how horrible and diseased they are.

THAT means they are still in the stage of trying to get over on everyone, and become Dominant.

They still think somebody, anybody, who is not one of them can still be fooled with their Staged Events.

Therefore, those Staged Events are very important to them -- still.


THAT means the mechanisms for the complete domination (as our MASTERS) are not yet in place.

THAT means the original protections that our Founding Fathers put in place, to save us from such SWINE as the Homosexual/Democrats, ARE STILL IN PLACE!!!!

THAT means, the United States Constitution is still their PRIMARY TARGET!!!!


I was reading recently that the Democrat/Homosexuals are equating their Demo-Death-Care with past legislations that were ‘Unpopular’. Saying that (as before) we will all get used to being a little more oppressed and enslaved by yet another Homosexual/Democrat Power Grab.

What the abysmally stupid imbeciles do not realize is -- there is Mass Human Communications now that does not need (or want) the Democrat/Homosexual TV Channels.

And, every Human now knows, that every Homosexual/Democrat is a lying enemy of the worst possible kind.

Democrat/Homosexual tricks like getting Democrats to run for office in Republican Primaries will not stop us.

No such GROSS Tricks and GROSS Deceptions will dishearten or defeat us -- physically or spiritually.

No matter how many GROSS Moderates they throw at us.


My question however, is ...

Why did they have to bus in so many Homosexual/Democrats?

There are plenty of GROSS Moderates in Des Moines to stage any kind of Hate Rally against Humans.


Pathetic sideshows such as this do serve a good purpose however.

For instance, nevermore can the Democrat/Homosexuals claim that their so-called 'Independent newsrag' -- is Independent.

The 'Iowa Liberal Fakery' is exactly revealed, exposed and neutered -- all in one day.


This, of course, must be an advertisement for our Human Newspaper of the Real Iowa!


There is no Human Newspaper of the Real Iowa!


As a propaganda event for the SQLD the whole thing was a totally ignored flop. Just like that Laramie Hoax, Play and SQLD Meeting that they had in Cedar Rapids, or was it Cedar Falls, or was it in the Cedar River?

Who knows?

Who remembers?

They chartered all of those buses, hired all of the photographers, 'Joy-Whipped' all of their Demo-Iowa newsrags into a Moderate Frenzy -- for nothing.

No one, and I mean NO ONE, knows it even happened.

I do not even hear the Satan Tubers thinking about it -- with their little crystal heads.

This time the SQLD should have unveiled their GROSS Moderates, and had them 'Come Out' as the Homosexual/Democrats that We All Know They Are!!!!

That, at least, would have roused some chuckles, and giggles.

We love it when they try to impress us with their stupidity.

I must admit, I am almost to the point of a few laughs myself -- but given the choice -- I prefer my Ice Cream Cone.


No interruptions please. Man at Work!


Markel Peters

Thursday, April 8, 2010

What Is Political Moderation -- 101 -- 1

What is Political Moderation?



The closest analogy I can think of to ‘Moderation’ is Anthrax. Especially the part about affecting ‘Grazing Animals’ the most. Grazing Animals such as sedentary and stupid couch-potatoes.

Anthrax is used as a BioTerrorism Weapon, by Terrorists and the SQLD, of course.

Moderation is used as a Political Terrorism Weapon.

To be denied and taken away from the Truth, is truly terrible.

What we are seeing here in Iowa, with the attack against Bob Vander Platts, is one of the most blatant examples of Terror-Moderation I have ever seen, anywhere.

This is literally an attempt to kill any and all forms of Humanity -- not just the political goals of one Human.

It is nothing less than that.

It cannot be done for any reason, other than to serve the worst enemies of Humanity.

There does not exist any other reason.


You can tell how evil and deliberate it is by the reports that are supporting it.

Such as this biased Anti-Human report from the 'Iowa Independent Liberal':


Over the next two months, I will address this GROSS and ghastly attack against us.


The Species is reaching a point of such awareness, that my efforts to explain this treachery will probably only help those who are just escaping the lies and deceptions of the SQLD and their propaganda medias.

But, I will spend some time on it, because as you probably know, the intention of this blogsite is to serve as a direction finder/calibrator for our Species.


Markel Peters