Sunday, February 14, 2010

Oh By The Way --

You SQLD Propagandists have yourselves a Happy --




Markel Peters


Before I put out The Awesome - The Awful - And The Atrocious III, I want to have a little chat with all of the Lying Jackals. And, I do not want it to interfere with any other works.



















Markel Peters

Sunday, February 7, 2010

One More For Love!

One more for the Real Women -- before I bring out ‘The Awesome, The Awful, and The Atrocious III‘.


I have been trying to figure out just exactly what the insult “Sexist Misogynist Pig” means.

So far, all I can figure out is:

Sexist -- doing Real Male things in a Real Male way -- and not in a Feminist Pseudo-Manner -- and therefore not being a Feminist Neuter. Therefore, being deemed unfit by the Feminists to appear on CNN (Crackheads and Nasty Neuters) as one of their -- “Look! We cut this one, and it obeys!” dummies.

Misogynist -- Having ‘Steel Testicles’.

Pig -- Not willing to make love to horribly contorted and ‘foaming-at-the-mouth’ Feminists, that are the Universal Anti-Matter to Real Femininity.

Oh My God -- I Must Be -- A Sexist Misogynist Pig!


And what is worse, to the Feminists --



Something nice for the Females -- who really are Females:

You know, I am really glad that you exist.
I mean that.
You are all so pretty, and soft and delicate and nice to be with.
I say that about the Real You -- without the makeup and the fancy clothes.
I am really appreciative of your very feminine minds, and love. They do our species proud!
I am really very happy that our species has two sexes, and you are the opposite sex.
I actually adore a lot of you, but I never say so.
I do not want to shock you, or make you think I am crude like other males.
I am far tougher than most other males, and the things I write can be construed as crude -- but when it comes to you females, I am really quite reserved in person.
But, that does not mean that I do not like you.
In fact, I think that you are really neat, and that you are very good to have in this species.
I am really, and totally, happy to be in the same species with you females.
You really are the flowers of our species.
Indeed, I am so keenly aware of Femininity, and its many wonderful physical and spiritual expressions, that many of you often take my breath away, and shock me with your beauty.
Without you, a great source of beauty and love would cease to exist in this Universe.

Which is what our enemies want.


Let me take this opportunity -- before I return to really grotesque matters -- to say that I am really proud of all Real Women so far.

This is one of those very trying times when readjustments of thinking and realizing of lies has to take place. It is akin to realizing that Awful Traitorous Acts have been committed against you -- and the perpetrators have no intention of stopping their acts against you.

I can guarantee you two things about all of this --

First, I Love You - even as I avoid any ‘Relationship’ --

Secondly, the more you break away from the SQLD and their medias and propagandas - the better you will feel! And, the more you will ‘Feel Like Yourself’ again!

The SQLD can assassinate me tomorrow -- and neither my Love For You, nor Your Freedom Away From The SQLD, will be stopped or prevented!


The term ‘Real Women’ certainly includes Black Real Women. Black Real Women are not some unknown and nebulous grouping of females. They are very Real, quite numerous, and of course ALL BEAUTIFUL!

Don’t get me started about how I see beauty in all Real Women.

This part is for Real Black Women:

I call the Black Human Males -- the Second Ducks in the ‘Femi-Nazi/Demented White Female/Lesbian’ Shooting Gallery. For good reasons.

I, myself, am a First Duck. And, in this instance First is Worst.


Some Second Ducks do not get the message!

Some Second Ducks still believe --

The Demented White Females (Between - Castration Ceremonies)/

The Black Radical Females (Between - 'Ain’t Black Guys Stupid?' Comedy Routines/

The Homosexual/Democrats (Between - Sodomy Festivals in the 'White House')/

The Chicken-Blood-Soaked Satan Worshippers (Between - Rituals)/

Any Media Propagandist (Between - 'Isn't We Magnificent' Circle-Masturbations)/

The Liberal Hoaxers (Between - 'What New Stupid Crap Can We Hoax Those Gorillas With Now?' Strategy Sessions)

and on ...
and on ...
and, I am being mild about it.

Some Second Ducks are so blind and unaware -- they actually want to get to the head of the Shooting Gallery!


Impossible Expectations.

I have seen such Impossible Expectations like this before -- but not from any Human.

None the less -- the level of Impossible Expectations is the same. Impossible Expectation is Impossible Expectation, wherever it occurs.

I had a Siberian Husky once, who had an Impossible Expectation. His name was 'He Who Talks Aplenty' or simply 'Talker'. All of my Siberians were beautiful and he was no exception. He was mostly black, but the tips of his fur were silver/grey, and he had great white flashes on his face, front chest, and tail. He also had white paws. And, very blue eyes.

He was the twin brother of 'He Who Dreams Aplenty', and brother to 'Roho De Rio Nadador' (who was Red from nose to tail).

Both were murdered by the Democrat/Homosexuals, in that little town of death I call 'Dog killers', in Northern New York. Where anyone who didn't like anyone else, killed each others dogs, because they were too gutless to kill each other -- whom they were addicted to anyway. Kind of a mutual, “Go buy a new dog, so I can kill it when it grows up!” society.

‘He Who Talks Aplenty’ did not share their fate however.

Since he was a small puppy he used to sit in the passenger seat of my pickup truck, and intensely watch me drive the truck. He was fascinated by all of the lights and controls and the steering wheel, and gear shifter and radio and so forth. Unlike any other canine I have every owned, this one was keenly focused on what Human Machines were, and did.

It became apparent, as he grew up, that he fully expected me to teach him how to drive the truck.

Serious. He wanted to learn how to drive the truck, and expected me to, somehow, show him how to drive.

While every other Canine was in the back of the truck, barking at deers and cows and other dogs as we passed by -- Talker would be up front with me, watching the dashboard and observing how the truck changed when I changed gears. He could equate speed with the gears I was using.

The time came when he was big enough to sit next to me, and put his paws on the steering wheel and look right into my eyes and growl real low -- which meant “I want to drive!”

I tried to explain that he could not drive. He always refused to believe that. I would throw him through the connecting window into the enclosed truck bed in back, and say “You’re a dog dummy!”

Being a Canine, he finally accepted that. Canines do not argue overly much about things with Humans. If they cannot win an argument with a Human, they just roll with the decision and do something else. There is no ‘ego’ to bruise.

In our parallel however, his wanting to drive the truck would be like wanting to drive the truck on its last trip -- into the side of a Texaco Tanker and the ensuing Inferno!


I can hear it now. Freaks like ‘Jibba Jabba’ shouting that I am equating Black Folks with Canines. Blah-blah-blah!

What I am detailing is, Likewise Examples of Impossible Expectations -- that are impossible because if you only knew the Truth -- you would never have those expectations to begin with!


‘He Who Talks Aplenty’ then decided -- “I must be one of these guys” -- the other seven Siberians -- and snapped right into being a Canine. In fact he loved it, and began to show signs of becoming a ‘Lead Dog‘.

In this parallel, all of the Second Ducks should be flapping their wings as hard as they can, and backpedaling to become Third and Fourth Ducks!


One day after I had buried Roho -- (I never found Dreamer, just his blood splattered all over his sister ‘SilverShy’, who he had been running with and the tracks where he had staggered, wounded, into the Saranac River and disappeared) -- I was stopped at a coffee shop in Saranac Lake.

I had four Siberians in the back of the truck, at the time. The tailgate was up, but the door to the cap was open. While I was inside, I looked out the window at the truck and I saw ‘He Who Talks Aplenty’ running at full speed after something, and then he disappeared around the corner of a building, heading south along the road. I never saw what he was chasing. And, I never saw him again.

I drove all day around town looking for him, but to no avail. Usually, when a Husky would run off, the Human network would find him, and call the dogcatcher, or call me and demand a ransom. But, this time no one saw him again.

He too wanted to get to the front of the line. Found it was better not too. And, took a far different road in life.

I buried Roho on the banks of the Saranac River, near where his brother had disappeared into those cold blue rushing waters.

Soon enough, all six of the males were either murdered or had run away into the Wilderness. I learned the hard way that you cannot keep a male Siberian Husky in captivity, unless you treat them like prisoners. They will take any chance to run free, and disappear forever.

The females are the exact opposite -- and will not leave home for Love nor Money (in this case Milkbones).


Getting back to our current situation of Impossible (“Can’t Touch That“) Expectations ...

Now some of the Second Ducks, in this Shooting Gallery, want to run up to the front, and find out what’s going on up there!

I’ll tell you what is going on up here.

Every God Damned SQLD Sack Of Crap On Two Legs is trying to shoot dead any and every Real Man that lives on this planet!

That is what is going on up here!

Trying to get to the front of this line, is like trying to be the first one into the furnaces, at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp!

Not a wise move.

You Real Black Women need to emphasize this to them.

You do not want that ‘Equality’ stuff here!

Love your Real Black Men. Convince them!

Anything they do to help the ‘Feminists’ will turn against them, when it is their turn to be the ‘Men‘.


So far, I am hearing complaints from Black Men about my saying that they are all part of My Species, and therefore they are My Black Humans.

How can that be? Will Jibba Jabba not shout and flail and gyrate that I am equating Black Folks with Canines????


Forget such freaks.

Back to the lesson.

With their mental walls of color separation, Black Men will always be angered by such words as “They are my Black Humans.”
Until they get the message. My words always jump the walls in their minds.

They are missing the ‘Flip-Side’ of what I am saying.
So I will have to explain it.
Humans are for Humans.
Humans belong to Humans.
Humans want to be Humans.
Humans want to be with Humans.
Humans need to be with Humans.

If there is ANY Human on this planet who does not need other Humans -- HE IS ME!!!!

Incidentally, do you see me far away in Nature right now? Where I know so many places to be completely alone and without Humans?

No! I am here writing this for you.
If anyone can exist and survive without the rest of Humanity -- it is me.

But, I am here writing this for you.

Real Black Men are My Real Black Men.
That is Automatic.
What is also Automatic -- is that I and all other Human Beings are theirs! Not to abuse or take advantage of. However, we all belong to each other.
There is still plenty of room for Individuality -- and that is good because I have heaps and loads and mounds of Individuality.
And yet -- we all belong to each other.
I am a Real White Man who belongs to all Real Black Men. And Vice Versa.
And, I belong to all Real Humans Everywhere!

What those Real Black Men are complaining about, is the ‘Belonging’ part.

They probably equate it with slavery, usury or oppression.

I am ignoring that deliberately, and insisting that we all belong to each other.


I am saying, for the thick of mind, that -- I BELONG TO A SPECIES (emphasis) -- THE SPECIES BELONGS TO ME (emphasis) -- I DO NOT MIND BELONGING TO SIX BILLION HUMANS (emphasis) -- SIX BILLION HUMANS SHOULD NOT MIND BELONGING TO ME (emphasis).

That Automatically means that each of you Humans -- belong to each other -- all six billion.

By the way, Six Billion - Six Billion Ways, equals Thirty-Six Quintillion Ways we belong to each other.

You will realize that, when you look the First Intelligent Alien Species in the face.


Jibba Jabba and Company will screech things like -- “A corse -- yous dont mind -- yous da (high mucky muck) of da SpeeCheese”!

Being ‘Da (high mucky muck)’ has nothing to do with it.

Being the heart -- is everything.


Meanwhile -- ‘Meanwhile’ is happening.

AND -- something is being revealed!


The Homosexual/Democrats are plodding on with the same old lies on all fronts.

If I was any kind of Democrat/Homosexual I would feel like an old and bored-to-death Jackass -- having to haul the same old loads of the same old lies to the front again. On a cart with no wheels, no less.

And then, I would have to listen to my Masters, bitch and complain that the same old crap did not work again. And then, I would have to haul it all back to the dung heap, where they keep it between attacks.


I am still hearing some of the Voter/Followers of the Homosexual/Democrats repeating the ‘Queer Line’ that is intended to keep them in check, and to prevent them from abandoning the Democrat/Homosexuals in droves.

It usually goes "Well, he (me) was a “Queer” himself once! Why should I listen to him, or read what he writes about us? (Homosexual/Democrats)

It is always from the young, impressionable (lie-to-able) teenagers and young adults, who were tortured and violated by the lies of the Democrat/Homosexuals, while they were children. Recruits for the SQLD. Really nasty parallels to ‘Hitler Youths’.

Remember -- the Horrids of the Boston Horrid Zone decided long ago that the best ages to 'Queer and Control' young Humans, is during the Elementary School Ages!

These teenagers and young adults with Homosexual/Democrat propaganda for thoughts -- and only that -- are the awful result of those attacks on Human Children.


Technically, this is called 'Lie Reaping', wherein their lies of the past are used by Liars (Propagandists) as ‘Assumed Background Knowledge’ and ‘Given Reasons’ for their lies of the present.

As Real Women and Real Men now realize everywhere -- I (me) have never been any kind of Queer -- by any means.

What spawned the original lies about (me) was the tremendous fear and guilt of the Queer Orcs of Mordor -- that I was going to expose their hideous world of state-approved perverts, violent murderers and slavering Would-Be-Masters-Of-The-World -- to the Human Populations outside the imaginary Wall of Mordor.

What really had them infuriated, was the fact that I was going to expose their filth, before they were organized enough and ready to strike. Taking advantage of the collapse of America, which they expected and helped bring about.

The reason the lies about me took off like wild fire was because of --

1. The pre-existing SQLD network in 'Misbegotten' (Capital of Mordor), especially at the Inversity there --

2. The tremendous fear of exposure that the Horrids there felt, and their even stronger fear of reprisals from the rest of the country and ---

3. They were stupid enough to think that by burying me under a dung heap of lies they could project for themselves a national image of Holy and Great People -- worthy of being followed and to be proclaimed as “Our Saviors and Our Leaders” when they broke out of Mordor. Demanding that the continent was decadent, collapsed and perverted, and needing their Leadership.

There was never any mention of their gene pool of twisted and demented homicidal maniacs, and the connection to the planned Enforcement Clone Armies of Amorgida (A Morgue Ideal), of which the Boston Horrid Zone is the Mecca. Cloning was a big idea to the SQLD in those days.

All of which was certainly left out of any lies about me, and the ensuing discussions.

Talk about 'filthy buggers' -- they were and are.


((I first applied the term ‘Mordor’ where it belongs. ‘Amorgida’ was thought up by the Horrids, of the Horrid Zone.
I created the term ‘Demotopia’ for obvious reasons.
Demotopia is the playground of the Democrats, who think they will eventually bring such pits of perversion as Mordor and Amorgida under the heel of their ‘Wise Rule‘.
'Planet Sinister' is my term for their entire Social Infrastructure, of avaricious and 'agreeing-for-the-moment' Conspiracies. I also extend the meaning to include their various 'Dominated Worlds', depending upon which
‘Dominator' you are discussing at the moment.))


This latest 'Lie Retaining Lie', that I was one of them to begin with, is nothing more than 'Business As Usual' -- or 'Propaganda-As-Usual'.

You could call it -- Propagandizing the Truth about former Propagandizing.

It is to be expected as long as the SQLD still exist, and brainwash and dominate anyone!

There is no such thing as an Ideal War -- wherein the Liars stop lying!

They will lie about me, to their dying breath.

And surprisingly, I expect them to.

You see, they expect Great Efforts to be spent on crushing their lies -- thus wasting and diverting our resources.

Which will not happen.

So, when you hear such lies -- just look at the Liar and know -- the SQLD do not want that person to read the Truth about them!

Knowing this, you can actually 'backtrack' to find out what perverts told that person not to listen to the Truth, and not to read the Truth. When you find that out -- you have found the -- SQLD RATS IN YOUR KITCHEN!

As for those who are lied to and repeat the lies -- you deal with them. I have no time for them. They have already been told not to ever listen to the lying Democrat/Homosexuals!


Only the 'Lied-About' can release the Liar.

You want me to have mercy on Lie-Repeaters?

Do you know how much that would be appreciated?

ZIP!!!! NADA!!!! NICHTS!!!! NO WAY!!!!


I know it hurts Real Women to hear the same old lies about me repeated. However, learn something from it.

1. How can you hear the same SQLD Propaganda, if you are not a Slave/Viewer of their medias? Or, in some kind of foul contact with someone who is?

2. You know they are Liars anyway, and will never say the Truth!

3. Your allowance of them in any way, is your own worst enemy!

4. That is what the lessons are all about!

Do you remember what I said a few months ago? About the Homosexual/Democrats trying to figure out what
“Game we are going to play about him this time.”?

Well, now you know!

Do you find a lesson in that?


And NO! I will never be on the Satan Tube! I will never use the Satan Tube to ‘Show’ that I am Human.

Those Masters of the Satan Tube Channels just want my attention - like the spoiled Little Charlie Dictators that they are!


Something else occurs to me about this latest Lie Game from the Democrat/Homosexuals.

It is part of a three part Attack, and Confession, from the Homosexual/Democrats.

Part One -- attack Peters and try to reap the lies we said about him before - pretending they are historical fact.

Part Two -- attack all Human Resisters by insinuating that they have all been Democrat/Homosexuals themselves at one time or another.

Part Three -- attack all ‘Former Homosexuals’ as being worthless to anyone. Emphasize that anything that the ‘Former Homosexuals’ write about us (Homosexual/Democrats) is only depraved ravings, and not worth reading anyway, because they are traitors.

THIS could mean, that they literally fear the Truths about them being told by ‘Former Homosexuals’, more than any other accounts of the Truth from Human Resisters!!!!


Meanwhile -- wrapped up in the same Enchilada -- is the obvious technique of “Yes We Are That -- But So Is
Everyone Else!”. Which is an old thread-worn tactic of the most extreme perverts, to admit that they are sick and diseased, while accusing everyone else of the same thing.

It is one of their methods of trying to take the punishment out of their crimes against the Human Species -- while admitting that they are committing crimes against the Human Species -- and will openly continue to commit crimes against the Human Species.


As for the poor dopes that are being duped by the latest Lie Game from the Democrat/Homosexuals ...

This is History I am writing here. This will not be buried or ignored. Sooner or later, they will all have to face this History -- and as the ‘Mad Toad Between Two Ears’ shouts -- “Get Used To It!”


Historically: The SQLD exist because of 'Lie Reaping' and a constant methodology of 'Lie Retaining Lies'. Anyone who does not realize that is either a dummy Voter/Follower, or has not been alive long enough, or is literally not capable of making such decisions -- in which case, they should not be allowed to Vote (thus eliminating them as Voter Targets of the Homosexual/Democrats).

That's a good thing!


We are coming up to Election 2010, and then 2012.

Have you ever caught a thief in the act of robbing you, and instead of admitting its attempt, it lies and stupidly denies its guilt.

You are about to see that from the Democrat/Homosexuals, both this year, and in 2012.

What must be realized here is that the Homosexual/Democrats have already planned out the lies they are going to say for the various possible contingencies they might face -- including the one that is actually happening -- “Everybody knows we are Lying Traitors!”

Are you Real Women going to listen to their lies?

Are you Real Women going to vote for them?

For any reason?

Voting for a Democrat/Homosexual is suicide to any Human.

Every time any Non-SQLD person votes for a Homosexual/Democrat they always regret it, miserably!

Do you want to condemn me, to watching you treat yourselves like Raving Lunatic Masochists?


If you vote for those scum, you will not stop me and my defense of the Human Species.

But, you will stop your own participation in the Human Species.


I have read the preliminary reports on the latest SQLD attempt to defame me, and pretend that I can no longer be a Human Resister -- blah-blah-blah. And frankly, I cannot believe such absolute stupidity can occur on this planet. Not even from the imbecile thieves (dirty tricks monkeys) of the SQLD. We even know what vehicles they drive.

At first I thought I was reading the screenplay for a abysmally demented satanic ritual, to be performed before an audience of crazed zombies, risen from the Death of watching the Satan Tube.

But, all reports say this was actually intended to be serious.
In the Real World, as we Humans call it.

Some Human Resisters are laughing about it, but I think it is too twisted and ridiculous to be lightly discarded.

It is as though the SQLD are trying to "Stupid Us To Death"!

It is worse than depraved make-believe. It is so insane, I am starting to doubt if Insane Asylums are capable of containing and healing such loonies.

I am actually seeing evidence before me of what I would call 'Mandated Concentration Camp Reversal'.

Creatures that are this unbelievably insane cannot be cured by any means known today. They will have to be contained and rendered harmless, to themselves and others. Effectively, ending up in the same concentration camps that they intended to put all of us Humans in.

Planet Sinister should be called the Planet of the Tiny-Brained Dip****s.

When you realize those Democrat/Homosexuals are the 'Party In Power', at Wash This Death City and in Demo-Iowa, their level of absurdity is really serious. It is psycho enough to even alarm their brain-dead Voter/Followers!


We have never been in this position before, except perhaps during the very last days of the Third Reich. But, we are now seeing the kind of really wild craziness that occurs when a mental disease realizes that the host species it intended to kill slowly, feeding off its pain and misery as long as possible, will not allow such a thing to happen -- AND the disease itself has to cease to exist!

I was actually working on a Healing Plan, which I called "Refurbishment and Relocation of Statehouse Madams, and Other Farting Political Objects."

Forget it now.

No decent place would have them.


Markel Peters